7 of 1905 - Ordinance 7 of 1905 – Amending and re-enacting Section 108, re: billboards and sign boards. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance smending and re-enacting Section 108 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SBCTI0N 1. That Section 108 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SBCTION 108. BILL BOARDS AND SIGN BOARDS. It shall be unlawful to erect, construct or maintain within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, any sign board, bill board, roof sign or other structure of the height of eight (8) feet or more, used or intended to be used for advertising purposes without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building In- spector of said City. Bill beards within fifteen (15) feet of any sidewalk or street, and of the height of eight (8) feet shall be set upon and fastened to posts of not less that 4 x 4 inches in dimen- sion, not mere than seven (7) feet apart, and set at least three (3) feet in the ground; and said bill boards or sign boards shall be braced by 2 x 8 inch braces, one brace to each post, said brace to be securely fastened to or above the mid- dle of said posts, the other end securely fastened to a post well anchored in the ground; said braces shall be placed at an angle of not less than forty-five (45) degrees from the hori- sontal. Bill boards or sign boards within fifteen (15) feet of any sidewalk or street,over twelve (12) feet high, and not to exceed twenty (20) feet in height, shall be fastened to and supported by posts not less than 4 x 6 inches in dimension, set at least three (3) feet in the ground, and not further apart than seven (7) feet, and shall be securely braced by timbers not less than 2 x 6 inches in dimension, one brace to each post) inclined at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees to said,po6' ;, -2- and securely fastened to or above the middle of said post, the other end securely fastened. And it shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any such sign board, bill board or other structure herein mentioned, without leaving an open space of not less than two (2) feet, measured from the surface of the ground vertically to the lowest point of said sign board, bill board or other structure. All posts and braces used in the construc- tion of said bill boards or sign boards shall be of sound Oregon fir, or of equally strong and durable material; Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to require a permit for the erection of or advertising on fences, sides of buildings or temporary structures less than eight (8) feet high, used for advertising purposes. Roof signs or boards attached to or placed upon the roofs vytJ.'J of buildings shall be made of iron, attached to wvaden frames, with iron uprights, thoroughly assured to the building by iron or metal anchors, bolts, staple supports, chains, guys or braves. And the footings of the same shall bs angle iron with flanges not less than two (2) inches wide, and there shall be a walk all around said sign or board not less than four (4) feet in the clear, and such walk must be six (6) feet in the clear from roof to under side of such sign or board. Zor issuing permits for the construction of bill boards or sign boards, said Building Inspector shall charge a fee of twenty-five ($0.25) cents for each and every permit so issued. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation to construct or erect any bill board or sign board or other struc- ture used or intended to be used for advertising purposes with- in fifteen (15) feet of any sidewalk, street, alley or way of said City, or to construct or erect any roof sign, unless such person, firm or corporation applying for such permit shall -', -3- first make, execute and deliver to said Salt Lake City a bond in the sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor of said City, conditioned to the effect that said person, firm or corporation shall save the City harmless from any and all damages it may sustain by reason of the existence of or collapse or fall of any bill board or sign board constructed by or owned or controlled by said per- son, firm or corporation, or by reason of the lack of repair of the same; 004140, however, tlat this ordinance shall not be f construed to require a separate bond for each permit; but any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of erecting and maintaining bill boards or sign boards for advertising thereon, shall be required to give only one bond in said sum to , cover all permits. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Passed by the City Connoil of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 20th,-4906, and refer.redAta the Mayor for his aeoraval. City Approved this day of February, 1905. flev !�_ == - tea,- : II 4 Vetoed by the Mayor and again presented to the City Council, amend- ed as recommended by the Mayor, and again passed by the City Council by more than two-thirds majority, March 6th, 1905, and refer to the Mayor for his approval. J Approved this I day of March, 1905. Ci y ecorder. • Mayor. ,-- -„, ' - 1 4= a Eti: -r.,r .- •,, .. 0 ..- . . bnol o xlxr , . l- tistIA.E38 Oi' 19V±re!) 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