7 of 1908 - Ordinance 7 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 178, Second Partial Estimate. A II 019. DIrAlr OE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property witeln the district bounded on the north by t ,e otrih line of Yirst North Street, on the east by the center line of Eset Temple Street. on the south by the south line of South Temple Street, and on the west by t'4 - center lire of Third West Street, in Sewer District 'No. 1, 9or I the construction o sewerb. ev. 1 Be it ci,cdaiv.e6 by the City Council of SIt,tokCity, Utu SECTION 1. ThO,' -the sssessrdwet liet idadn by',-th61- City Troasurer 1 as corrected, approved and completed by the 1;1oord ofd1tUali%atien and! P 7eview, heretofore duly- apOined by the Ci COkInCii!Zor thr:t our- pese, of th 'property an Lots 1, 2, 5 nd fin It 96; in LotS 1 and 2, 731oek 103„snd 1, 2, 5 ited 4, ',lock 164:117 t 'A"; in 1 ; Lots 1 and 2,. 'llock 6, and in Lots 1, 2, 3 end 4, BlocA 11, diet "E", 1 abuttln& on Firet North Street between Center Street and Second West 1 Street, rod on Worth Temple Street between First West end Second West! Streets, in bower Sistrot 11-o. 1, e" City, foe tee plrpose of constructing sewers upon scid portions of said btreets, de hereby 1 luonf1rNed, ed the t2ssessments m,de end returned in sLid compLeted lists are nereby confirmed. 1 SECTICIT 2. This ordinance tddf,11 tet:e effect upon aL;provnl. 1Sewer Extension Fe. 178. Second Psrtii:1 Eetimate. r lased by the City Coenc51 of Selt7e5e City,Utah, ele,ery 27, 1905, referrof, do t-ee -syor dr Lis u !rovul. City 14-corder. 1 . r tells a 0 f' i.nuar.! 1'933. .,„ ---•----- --- - -- _ :- _ ----_ , - 1 . - - - [ , . 4-, L.4 :(4,-. • %,:t, . -?., 1 . -i: t 't., 03 : 5' i..„. - : • ,7i. ,,,,,, ri- ' • ' ''' D3 , 4.-1 8 L/n......,:•. 8 (•,' c?. 0:;, g . - ,,, ,..„ ,,,,..-4- ., : , , .•.,\ ,,,,,,k, , • ....] . , N, , t ' , , , 1 ,• . . i 1 . 1 it I 1