7 of 1914 - Ordinance 7 of 1914 – Amending Section 178, Standard of Weights & Measures. ROLL CALL
VOTING Yes No \ Salt Lake City,Utah, JAN 27' 19.14 191 11
Shearman -
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Wells -
Morris . . ........
An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 178 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, of 1913, relating to the
standard of weights and measures.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 178 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, of 1913, be and the same is hereby amended and
re-enacted so as to read as follows:
Sec. 178. Standard of weights and measures. There is here-
by established within Salt Lake City, a standard.of weights for
the sale of all commodities, and it'shall be unlawful for any
person, firm, association or corporation to sell or of-'er for
sale in this city any commodity which is not in conformity as to
weight with such standard.
When any commodity is purchased or sold by the ton, pound,
half-pound or quarter-pound, each ton, pound, half-pound or
;uarter-pound shall contain respectively the following number of #1
pounds and ounces avoirdupois weight, and grains Troy weight:
A ton shall consist of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois weight; a
pound shall consist of 16 ounces avoirdupois weight, or 7,000
grains Troy weight; a half-pound shall consist of 8 ounces avoir-
dupois wei::ht, or 3,500 grains Troy weight;,and a ._uarter-pound
shall consist of four ounces avoirdupois weight, or 1,750 grains
Troy weight.
When any commodity other than is herein specified is sold
within Salt Lake City, the exact weight of such commodity so pur-
chased or sold, shall be plainly marked on the container of such
commodity or on the bill rendered for the same.
It shall be unlawful for say person, to sell or offer for
sale in this city, fruits or vegetables in bulk or loose packages
otherwise than by weight upon officially tested and approved scales.
Apples may be sold by the box, provided they are tiered and
packed in standard boxes of not less than the following dimensions:
111- inches wide, 11 inches deep, 18 inches long, contninint;
not let`s t':can h340 cubic inches.
dtraw`,orficc shall not he sold in cups havin,e,: c. capacity
of 7.ean than Sorts-one (41) cubic inches a:nd corrtninin less
than fourteen (14) ounces net
'ia^-^berries, ciewberriea, blae>?ber•ries and lop nberries, shall!I
no be :old in cups having; a- oehacity of less than thirty-four
(34) cubic ine!tes and containi-rut then ten (10) ounces net.
Oinn,_,ce, lomon.e, ,^rape fruit and -poaches ;hall be sold by
count. Al peaches nnc'to d in bores for the sear=rot shall have
the total count of t}c: box plainly marl-ed on the outside t -eroof
tr id shf li be of cal tort size throup:.bout.
Concord g"rc-,mes may be sold by the be sk_et, and each b<as::et
-.ri.t1 its contents rnusa i%•h not less than sever, ;.oinds. •
Bunch roods, cic'-, lotto e, carr_;to, beets, radices,
green �ii;ieie , bra„iana.^, etc., snail cold by cournt.
ordinance shall tr>,:e effect ape i its first
Passed by the Board of Co,n:ni.soioners of Salt Lake
Ci.ty, € January 27tk4 1914.
Ctty Recorder Mayor
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J'AN 1914 ,-resent:-.1 to the Board of Commissioners 1
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Presented to the Board of Commissioners
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-3 JAN 221914
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