7 of 1922 - Section 1838, permits to erect poles in streets Salt Lake eity, Utah.
Jaw. 0, 1922.
AN ORDINANCE .M1 T.i.'DING SECTION 1838, Revised Or,dtnanc„es
/•of Salt Lake City, Utah, 920, relating to application for per—
nibs. to erect poles.
Be it ordai_ed4p, ti:e 139;'rd of COne i;:sioncr ?of .Salt
lake City, Utah: hq . i
SECTION I. Tha$ Sec.i io , 18:8, Revised Ord n n es of Salt'
ILcake City, Utah, 1920, r tl-,e to applications for peruits to
,,erect poles, be and the dame is hereby amended to rood as follows:
SEC. 1838. dr.ialCATION$. All applications for per— j
mits to erect poles mast be in writing addressed to the city
engineer, must be signed by the person desiring to erect the
poles therein specified, must state the place or places where
it is desired to erect poles, and mast be accompanied by a fe
of one and 50/100 (01.50) dollars for each pole, permission
to erect which is applied for. Such application must be left
with the city engineer and be filed in his office.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Eoard of Commissioners,.
it is necessary to the pe,e;ce, health nit safety of the inhabitantsi
of ,Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective imisediatelyL
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 10=_= day of January, A.D. 1922.
L a y 0 r.
ity ?recorder.
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VOTING AYE NAY 33 Salt Lake City,Utah,
�IAf� I 922 ,192
I move that the ordinance be passed.
_ I
Green ��� !
Stewart /11r \/
Mr. Chairman i
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. i