7 of 1923 - Setting aside territory between 2nd East and 8th East and 8th South and 13th South ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, a;iar.G.h...a*......_._._.._,192 3..
Barnes _
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Green --�
Mr. Chairman
.1N U":DISd. '83 B; S181J B LBG i iv J u"i!BI BG iiSl :: CE.t' AID
portion of ualt Lake city as a residence district, and preventing
the erection, ccEstruetion, operation or maintenance of certain
businesses therein.
Be it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Galt
Bake City, Utah:
SICTIQB 1. fhat there is hereby designated and set aside
as a residence district, the portion of Balt Lake City contained
and included within the following described boundaries, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 1, Plat A,
Calt Lake City aurvey, grid running thence east along the south
property line of 8th uouth utreet to the northeast corner of
Block 3, Plat B, Balt Lake City Burvey, running thence uouth
along the west property line of 8th East utreet to the e uth-
east corner of Lot 67, Liberty Park Addition, a subdivision of
part of Block 18, 5 ,:ore Plat A, Big 'field .urvey, running
thence west along the north property line of 13th South atreet
to the center line of Block 21, 5 Acre Plat A, Big Field Bur-
vey, running thence north through the center of Block 21, 5
Acre Plat • A, Big Field aurvey, to 9th uouth utreet, running
thence north from 9th oouth .,treet, along the east property
line of and East :,treet to the place of beginning, except the
following described tracts: Commencing at the northwest corner
of Lot 1, Block 6, Plat B, Balt Lake City Survey, running thence
North 82.5 feet, thence Eilgt 50 feet, thence :youth 82.5 feet,
i I
thence East 40 feet, thence Louth 45 feet, thence West 43
feet, thence North 14 feet, thence 'West 47 feet, thence North.
31 feet, to place of beginning, being a part of Lots 1 and
8, Block 6, Plat B, Salt Lake City survey, also commencing
165 feet west of the uoutheast corber of Lot 1, Block 1,
Plat A, Salt Lake Lity .survey, running thence North 82.50
feet, thence Last 55.50 feet, thence bouth 82.50 feet,
thence West 55.5 feet, to place of beginning, also commenc-
ing at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, Block 4, Denver
Place Nub,. of Block 20, 5 Acre Plat A, Big Jield Survey,
running thence. North 237.1 feet, thence East 101 feet, thenc
•North 28.5 feet, thence East 36 feet, thence South 28.5
feet, thence East 44.5 feet, thence South 138.60 feet,
thence Jest 33.0 feet, thence south 98.5 feet, thence lest
148.50 feet to place of beginning.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to erect, operate or maintain within the district
described'in section 1 of this ordinance, any packing house,
tannery, cannery, rendery, hone factory, slaughter house, soap
factory, foundry, livery stable, blacksmith shop, coal yard,
public laundry, undertaking or embalming establishment, stone
crusher, rolling mill, machine shop, carpet, clothes, or dry
cleaning establishment, planing mill, ice factory, lumber yard,
or to erect, operate or maintain any other business, industry
or establishment which may interfere with the safe, healthful or
comfortable use of the property for sidential purposes, which
is included within the district Asaribed in ,Action 1 aforesaid.
SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Building In-
spector to refuse to grant a permit for the erection or construc-
tion of any building to be hereafter erected, or for the remodel-
ing of any building now in existence, which may be designated or
intended to be used for any of the purposes set out in ,section 2
of this ordinance within the residence district described in Sec-
tion 1 of said ordinance.
SECTION 4. ::ny person violating any of the provisions
jjof this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished
by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars (0_00.00),
or by itprisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding
sixty (60) days. The court may, in imposing a fine, enter as
part of the judgment that in default of payment of the fine, the
defendant may be imprisoned in the City Jail for a period not
exczeeiding sixty (GO) days.
each day's operation or maintenance of any of the
plants. or business mentioned in .Jection 2 of this ordinance
shall be construed to be a separate offense.
6r^.CTI0N 5. In the opinion of the -)oard of commission-
ers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in-
habitants of Salt Bake City that this ordinance shall take ef-
' fe.et immediately.
GECTIOP 6. fhis ordinance shall become effective
upon its first publication.
Passed by the
Board .of Commissioners of „alt Lake
City, Utah, this day of Larch, J. 192U.
City Recorder.
Firstt Publication in
....Kc' 4 : A4,
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