7 of 1929 - Amending Section 1975 relating to fire hydrants and public drinking fountains ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, ..•' ''r '- , m 9.
Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman - L AN DINANCE
Result - - - .
.i'N ChbiNaNCI LLCULING SIJCTICII 1275, devised OrOinances
of salt Lake City, Utah, IdnO, relating to fire hydrants and nub-
lie drinking fountains.
-Le it orealJlea by the 70L-',T, of Commissioners of aft Lake
City, Utah:
SToCTION I. That Section 1975, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 19'zo, relating to fire hydrants aria, public drink-
ing fountains, be and the same is hereby amende6 to read as follov,s:
TLINS. All fire hydrants and public drinking fountains shall
be under control of, and shall be 1,,:eixt in repair by the super-
intendent of the water sun ly and water works. The fire de-
partment shall at all times have free access to all fire hy-
drants Water may also be furnishes from the fire hyarants
under the subervision of the superintendent of the cuter sun ply
cot water works to street sorinkling and flushing trucks
operated by Salt Lake City.
Said superintendent of the water supply and water
works may give permission for the use of water from fire hy-
61-ants by contractors of public work, or by public utilities,
who ore engaged in work on public str( ets, for which a permit
fee for such use of :24-01.) shall. be charged. Aoplications for
the use of water from fire hya.Tants by contractors or public
utilities must be made in writing upon blanks furnished by the
department of water sucoly•ane water works, stating the ourpose,
. i
,✓ - - -
for which the water is to be used, approximate length of time!
the applicant desires to usc the water 'end must be sixnee by
the ac;pl.i_ca.nt or his authorized a7ent.
cut-off valve one a./two—inch ninple conp_ection 1
to sidt valve and a hydrant wrench shall be 'furnished' by the I
department of water u ;1.•:r anc. ...-ter works, which said esuip-i
vent must be returnee. to the coif c erartment of t e r eunely I
and utter works as soon as the use of the water from t'de fire!
hydrant is completed. c, sit of •dlo.00 may ha reouirca
from said a.nplicant for the rruere_ntee of the return of said
equipment in good condition.
A charge of ,)1.00 per dam for the use of said cater
• will be made, commencing at the time equipment for w- tar by-
dra.nts is delivered, to the applicant and until said equipment
is ain delivered to the Jer works store house and a receipt
for the same given by the department. A deposit may be re-
quired to ^oua_rentee the payment of any charge mare for the
use of water.
The applicant must close the hydrant and disconnect]
the cut-off valve from the hydrants when not usinc the voter
free and
thereby leaving the hydrants/clear for use by the fire d_e:partl-
meat. any damage to the fire hydrant or equipment of the die-I
r arteient of water su �1: one vroter works while h ping used by 1
the applicant must be said for by said applicant and the. per-
mit of said applicant may be revoked at oxide bx the department
of water sun vly and water works upon the failure the ;dli-
cant to strictly comply with the rulea and rcmul.e.tions of the
e �a_teei:t of -a.ter su :-,ly and water works and the ore: av n e.<.I
of Salt Lake City governing the use of water from fire hydrer4ts.
It shall_ be unlawful for ,.ny person, other than these
c_uly ,uthori_zed, Co open or operate a ilzr fire hydrant or Igo 1
tawyer or inter -are with or atteinrit to draw water thyrcfrbrhj •
f ?
or in any way to obstruct the a,n,�roach thereto.
It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere or
tamper with or to injure, break, damapc, destroy or to hitch
any vehicle or animal to any public drinking fountain.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commission'
ers, it is necessary to the Heats, health and safety of the
inhabitants of belt Lake City that this ordinance shall_ become
of'ective i m ed.istely.
SECTION 3. This ort ina.nce shall dice effect dpon i.ts I
as:;cc ';y the ' o ' Cu. �;.i-ssioners of i'alt Lake
27th "larch (3.2:1 'i
City, Utah, on t'ne ciao of _ s-• 1,. 1
Ci y Recorder.
o r f�
.�kt�T °�'St 'tea 'ii' •43 +7~�-:"-ii i .�s�y4 r^s 4: .1 _,,, ,_
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Tltitth*tdtr6 of ntrrira
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1 dln $.eeElon 1976a
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# V a` aom i „HAi RY.k OLEF ..
o. 1 to ,o1 v i aI
o4.the setae 1n being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
1;k,4,�:ae ens 1 lei+
Hh ih� n't4:: bid s. of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
`i' a f #' 1�6yIi. r k,e hgvq tree. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
e £d 7 water May
a t I. q:ttee hydr 0-
€ •, •-, i 0 tl a sup ter- r�
lend f w tqr-...I ORDINANCE
i $s��°�' d l�g'and flu 1ttg: That the Noticed . /
�,� Lake city
0., o�ip make gleeePellInaie-
of*Ater from tire,hY-_I SALT L _.CITY...C.QRF.QBATI011.
S'T 9r'public work..
4 It
who iro eng�ggad
04;f ••1q tl eete,for wtilah a
f r s Ueh vai go eq.00 shall de OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER.
SY , �8:atloy}e'or the usi dt
;, a ydrtlaee by mr0, 10,
• +: lb f Ya pt tbemadb lu
�� Uld antra llpplyhgd by the
Wateur rspuppqeply W chtete 1
��:1 l' 'WIfs appM lmatel ngthl,
r a the 11 feast desires to use the
• y tad hm be aleded by the eP- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
(1gil.hpt a thorned agent
o dal sn a twodnch nipple
• i 0 paid v ve and a hydrant
e�`b t lallad'by tbo de, paper in its issue dated the 29th
i+ Mt dC Wkter ettdpro and must
v5': whIt tmidhe-edutprher,m et be
c fA'eta
are department of
�" p} acid waterworks a re as.�
tv.,$, 3 p111rater mom'the fire by day of 1v.ar.Ch , 192__g.,
,, ,�d1ig,„ Dieted. p deposit of$1000
&b'i red Yr&m said apPllceat
`'if Wtqe ee hdItZurn or sad I and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
ffi} �p4 finer dayf
I. .t�l 6£ ab per dap to the Ude
au 4 will be Msde,golpmanclag
tlpmpnc for w tar hy- March 28th. for
Ste vegli to.the ars deli and
Tihteht,fe agala deli erect
*WPete thole house e:near':
t it q gamo-V:by the de-'
S 4,..d4pogft q?4y ba renwrga thereafter,the full period of O ie insertion.
tee e Payment.f any charge
i q WTe of wets
' S tweet dote the hydrant
epy the' eut-oft.valve Y om I
z When sot uellig h water. the last publication thereof
k the hgirents tree and I
•• II 40 to i.:toe he thtnbJat or water
•17 v'f n wteat iorl6.while being+used k being in the issue dated the 28th day of
y i oast 4 Sit b erms d for by'
i t .n#t t11e Dtrmlt Of Said I
: tl ,.:raYaked qt Dnce by the
terrupy the epwater- arch A.D 192..9._.
',f ix 1t, mum -the
appllca d -
* I ly th the.ru ea aRa
, 1' t t�b��rle ertihant of wstud the oartdq
tE 1aV" tlriMtgiw yq gr,MrMag tpe
yd j 1'` '01e, IIWFWr�htPtt�Lphpoy Dara 3 i
5'Ir 'F.dy5 WP, h gLeRe4oi
i;. r a a t1• Lof.atemDWho
+�„t` apt" or ui any way and sworn to before me this 28th day of
�gN' y�Derrpan t
1, ilaie drinklpg March ,A.D.192.__9
{v fit -Ws--oPlniot} of the,j
{ ,'riToa)ra it to necessary
gqlhoth •d e sty of the 1
t gilt ..a 0e ctllet int, !/
j ji�¢ a et eotive im
Notary• Public.
a `4'hle 1, nano•za-1 Solar
- X Ai
"3 a�' fi r „9 Tth saw;,
Advertising fee,$
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'O. 0
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