7 of 1931 - Amending Section 3, amending zoning ordinance ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, March 18, 193 1
V' I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lake 3'
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 of an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on Septem-
ber 1, 1927, entitled "an ordinance to regulate and restrict the
location of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulate
and limit the height, number of stories and size of buildings and
other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, size
of yards and open spaces, the location and use of buildings and
structures and land for trade, industries, residences and other
purposes" as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 1st, 1929, December
7 10, 1929, and September 23, 1930.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 3 of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on September 1st, 1927,
describing and defining seven districts by reference to a "Use
District Map" as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 1st, 1929, December
10th, 1929, and September 23, 1930, is hereby amended and changed
by adding in and to said Section 3 the following described tracts
of land to be designated as Residential "A" property:
The South on half of Lot 16, Block 42, 10-Acre Plat "A",
Big Field Survey, known as theMackay Annex.
. !;
—2— 1
Also commencing 125 feet North of the S. W. Corner of Lot
1, Block 8, Five Acre Flat "C", Big Field Survey, running
thence North 467 feet, thence East 766.1 ft. plus or minus to
the West line of 19th East Street, thence south along the wrest
line of 19th East Street, 467 feet, thence West 766.1 ft. plusI
'or minus to the place of beginning, and known as the North 467
feet of Elkins Annex. Also commencing at a point 125 feet 1
North of the S. W. corner of Lot 1, Block 7, 5—tore Plat "C",
Big Field Survey, running thence North 449.2 feet, thence Eastl
594 feet to a point 165 feet west of the west line of 21st Last
Street, thence North 2996.4 feet, thence East 396.0 feet to a
point 165 feet East of the East line of 21st East Street, thence
South 2996.4 feet, thence East 1419.0 feet to the East line of
23rd East Street, thence South 227.0.3 feet, thence East 1000.0
ft., thence North 1091.0 feet, thence East 800.0 feet, thence
South 1185.0 feet, to a point 125.0 feet North of the North
line of 21st South Street, thence West 1866.0 feet; to the
west line of 23rd East Street, thence South 128.17 feet, to a
point 125 feet North of the north line of 21st South Street,
thence Lest 2.543 feet to th4 place of beginning, and known as
all of 21st East Annex and parts of Maxson Annex, Palos Verdes
Annex, and Laurelhurst Annex;
And the following described tracts of land to be desig—
nated as Residential "C" property: 1
Commencing at the S. W. corner of Lot 1, Block 8, Five j
Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey and running thence North 125
feet, thence East 766.1 feet plus or minus to the west line of�
19th East Street, thence South 125 feet, thence West 766.1feet
to the place of beginning and known as the South 125 feet of
Elkins Annex. Also commencing at the S. W. corner of Lot 1, I
Block 7, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey and running
thence North 125.0 feet, thence Bast 2343 feet to the west line
of 23rd East Street, thence North 128.17 feet, thence East
1866.0 feet to the East line of Laurelhurst Annex, thence
South 360 feet, to a point 169.0 feet South of the south line 1
of 21st South Street, thence West 1367.0 feet, thence South
169.88 feet, thence West 495 feet, to the Vilest line of 23rd
East Street, thence North 210.31 feet, thence West 95.56 feet,
thence North 66.0 feet, to the S. E. corner of Block 6, Five
Acre Plat "C", thence West, along the North side of List South]
Street, 2547.0 feet to the place of beginning and known as the
South 125 feet of Maxson Annex and part of Palos Verdes Annex
and Laurelhurst Annex.
And the saia "Use District Map" is hereby amended and
changed to show and iadicate said above described districts as be-
ing added in and to the said "dse District Map" and the above de-
scribed tracts are hereby toned and classified as Residential "A"
and Residential "C" districts, respectively.
SECTION 2. in the op ion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the health", peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. his ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, on the 24th_ day of __ 141rch___,
A. D. 1971.
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City Recorder. :-
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Proof ot Publication
of THE DE,, dake:e.jocseosuitintyd,sionys,.Ih a:he is the principal
County 01 Solt Lake
.. ........ .........
AN opzaworot. ' -
TION 1 of an ordinance passed by the ,
Board of Commissioners of Sall Like
City, titak, on September 1. 1927, en- /17,bliShed in.
titled "an ordinance to regulate and
FRFT NEWS, a newspaper 1
restrict the location of building. de- sworn,
/signed for epecifind Uses, to regulate being first duly
and limit the height,number of stories
end ales of buildinge arid other!Erne-
tures percentage of lot that may bil clerls
occupied,else of yards and open apneas, Salt I.ake City,Salt Lake
the looatIon and use of buildInga and
structures and land for trade. Indue-
tries.residences and other purposes'.
amended by ordin.cee peened by the ./ theState of Utah.
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City. 'Utah, on October ist, 1929. De- r
camber 10, 1929, and September 26.
1930. ,, 7
Th. the notice,.... ..
Be it ordained by the Board•di Cons-
Missionere of Salt Lake Cit.. MO:
SECTION 1.'That Section 8 of an or-
dinance passed by the Board of Com-
miselonere of Salt Lake City on Sen.
tember 1st, 1227. describing and deft.
log seven districts.by referenoe to a
"Use District Map"as amended by or-
dine..paseed by,the Board of Com- _._. .....
,mleelonere of Salt-Lake City. Utah, on
October let,1929. December 10., 1929,
and September 23. 1930, le here. .._____-
amended and ch.ged by adding In .day of
and amid Section 3 tho following de-
loomed Mete of land to be designated 1 i I e .'':----------------------
.Residential "A" property: of which a copy is hereto
The South one-half of Lot 16. Block newspaper, i •
42,10-Acre Plat"A,"Big Field Survey, t t,..............'first publishe.d.in said
A. D. 192
',sows as the Mackay Annex.
Also comMencing 125 fact North ot 'n its issue tattet.,
the S. W. Corner of Lot . Block 11,. ...:77-71""
rim.. thence North 467 feet, thence
East 766.1 ft, plus or minus to the
West line of 19th mst Street. thence
south along the tote lino of 19th East
h iSSUft datedt ,...
Street, 467 feet. thence Went 766.1 ft,
plus or minus to the place of beginning. liii. . t thereof being itt t...e
and was published--------------- -------...............
and known an the North 467 feet of the last ptuateatiot
Elkins Annex. Aleo commencing at a A D.di--
of Lot 1.Block 7,6-Acre Plat"C."Big
Field Survey, .nnIng thence North day of--.......-- - --------
449.3 feet, thence East 634 feet to a
point 166 feet west of the west line of
21st East Street, thence North 2996.6
feet,thence East 396.0 font to a point
166 feet East of the East lino of Mat
Bast Street,-thence South 2996.4 feet.
thence Mast 1419.0 feet to the East lina
of 23rd East Street.thence South 1327.03
feet, thence East 1000.0 ft., thence
North 1061.0 feet,thence East 800.0 feet,
thence South 1186.0 feet.to a point 125.0
feet North of the North line of 21st
South Street,thence West 1866,0 feet,to
the west.Ione of lord Mast Street,thence
South 128.17 feet, to a point 125 feet 3 0 ......._-----...day of
North of the north line of 21st South
,Street, thence West 2343 feet to the his--------------------------------
'place of beginning, and known as all before me t
t Mert East Annex and parts of Masson to
Annez,Palos Verdes Annex.and Laurel-
buret Athe fnnex:
And ollovring described tracts of A D. 1
land to be designated as Residential ---------------- . _
ComMenoing at tho B. 'W. corner of
Lot 1, Block 8. Five Acre Plat "C", --------------- -------------
Big,Pleid..-Sarve9 land ',inning th.n.i ---
-Norihi-126i'f.t, thence East 766.1 feet . -------
Notar c.
plus or minus to the west line of 19th
id "Ose Dletrict Mn" I.
Blot Street, thence South 125 feet, And the e5.- d .,.nged to show
thence West 766,1 feet to the place of ""b' ded "' des .. die-
beginning and known as the South "la tha"te '''d 'b'neend to the enid
126 feet of Elkins Annex. Also corn- tricts ea being ------_ ....
men...at the S.W. corner of Lot 1.
Bieck 7,Five Acre Plat"C",Dig Pinta
survey.and runnins thence North 125,0 A i.1.41,:e417:t r r la,t c:ft s;:asdi?;li:lt tnr.,,ed115,myt.A.1::_xtb:idyv.
feet,thence Vast 2343,feet to the west dential tte" nietric- inios of the
line of 23rd East Street, thence North SECTION._:. Inthe.,OP_ ... ‘,.o.
128.17 feet, thence Emit /666.0 feet to ',:r d P'th'e T.milifirlireace".i;d '''V;
the East line of Laurelhurst Anton.
thence South 360 feet, to a point 169.0 of'Yetitao inhabitants of Saelt.,Tiski,:um.d.
feet South of the south line of 2I0t that thisiordinanoe take If
South Street, thence West 1367.2 feet, .
thence S.. 163.83 feet, thence West
496 feet.to the West line of 23rd East •
Street,then.North 216.31 feet.thence
Went 96.66 feet, thence North 66.0 feet,
to the S. E. oorner of Block 6. Five
Acre the
4.',thence Weet, along the 'fl:Lfttettets:ifF;1154:1:2,8:.jr:firir...:.;o1;i7C.oorltri:;;;;;;-
North side of 21st South Street, 2343.0
feet to the place of beginning and i&TEM MACDosAt..p.
known as the South 126 feet of Masson
Annex end part of Palos Verdes Annex
"ZI‘Tbii.ird.:•=i,....h '
and Laurelhurst Annex.
Proof of Publication