7 of 1932 - Amending Section 1510, relating to Police Department Salaries. RVLL LIrtLL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah Feb. 2., 193 2 Finch I move that the ordinance be passed Key if iZ �'1wl "i�!'`Knighh t 8/ ; Lake ' /j Mr Chairman V AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCP AMENDING SECTION 1510, of the hevised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19r0, as amended by ordinances pas ed by the Hoard of Commissioners on March 7, 1°21, Aug 18, 19r1, Feb 3, 1926, April 27, 1926, July 19, 1926, April 2, 1929, May 2, 1929 and January �8, 19d1, section 151` of the Revise° Ordinances of `'a1t Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amendea by an ordinance cas-ed by the ''oard of Commissioners on °ept 1-, 1021, 'section 1519 of the Revised Ordinances of Balt Lake City, Utah, 194'0, and "ection 1529, of the Revise°. Ordinances of Salt Iake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance massed by the Tloaru of Commis°ioners on Pnril 2, 1929, relating to the police department Be it ordained by the ?oars of Commissioners of Snit Lake City, Utah SECTION I That section 1510 of the Revised Ordinancc- of t `alb Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by ordinances pnsseo by the foare of Commissioners on. Mire h 7, 1921, tug 18, 1921, Feb 3, 19.2,6, 19»6, April 27, 192h, July 19, 19,,,6, ! aril 2, 1c.?9, May , 10,29, and Janusry28, 19-1, relating to the ^olice cepartment, be and the -sme is hereby amended to rear as follows Section 1510 ORGANIZATIONS AND SALPRIFS The police department of ',alt Lake City shall consist of the following of- ficers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the Boaro of Commissioner, within the Units specified Chief of Police, who shall be head of the 'olice department, not to exceed 87,600 00 Insoector not to el.ceed 2,820 00 pour captains, each not to erceed 2,2°0 00 seven Sergeants, each not to exceed 1,980 00 Superintendent of the Identification bureau, not to exceed 2,160 00 Secretary to Chief of Police not to exceed :,040 00 Secretary to detective department, not to exceed 1,860 00 Patrolmen of the first grade, not to exceed 1,860 00 0 7 7 Patrolmen of the second grade, not to exceed 1,740 00 ,, -2- P trolmen of the thicu -rode, not to exceed 1C,ten no Matron . $ 1,020 00 Policewomen of the first grade, not to exceed 1,620 00 Policewomen of the second grade, not to exceed 1,500 00 Policewomen of the third grade, not to exceed 1,'80 00 Jailors, patrol drivers, motorcycle patrolmen, mem- bers of the morals squad, property clerk, detectives and deteci- tive sergeants shall be graced as patrolmen of the first, se- cond and third grade SECTION 2 That Section 151 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on Sent 13, 1921, be anu the same is hereby amended to read as follows SECTION 151' ASSIGNMENTS The Chief of Police may assign any subordinate officer in the department to any duty which in his judgment the good of the servic eYquirt ann may change such assignment from time to time whenever in his judg- ment the good of the service reouires whenever assignments are intendec for a neriou of thirty days or more, the Chief of Police shall report to the Board of Commissioners the names of such patrolmen as are as- • signed by him to the following services, to-wit Detective Sergeants, detectives, morals squad policemen and property clerk Copies of such assignment shall be filed with the City Auditor and becretary of the Civil Service Commission Patrolmen, when acting in the following capacities under assignmentsfor thirty days or more, shall be entitled t compensation ,.n addition to regular compensation as patrolmen, to be fixed by the Board of Commissioners, ano not to exceed the following Detective Sergeants v25 00 per month Detectives 10 00 per month Officer and member of Morals 'auau 5 00 per month Property Clerk 5 00 per month SECTION 3 That Section 1519 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be ann the same is hereby amended td read es follows II II - -3- SECTION 1519 RANSING OwlICEPS Co-snuand shall be enercised by virtue of office and. s.secial a.sgi,gnment of offi- cera elinible by 1 w and ordinance to commana The officers of the department shall rank in the folio,in- orcer 1st - Chief of Police 2nd - Ins)ector 3rd - Captains in seniority 4th - first duty sergeant 5th - Cecond duty se.r,earit 6th - Third dut sergeant 7th - Fourth duty ser-'eant In the absence of the chief of iolice the Performance of his duties shall devolve upon the inspector, and in the case of If II the absence of the inspector through disability or otherwise, P upon the next ranking officer SECTION 4 That b>ect]on 1529, of the Revised Oruin-nces of salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the nodrd of Commissioners on toril 2, 1929, rel-tinl to the lolice department, be and the same is heresy amended to read as follows SECTION 159 The inspector of notice and the can- tains shall, each before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, ta'ce and suoscribe the constitutional oath of office, and execute a bond, payable to the city, in the pennl sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned as Provid- ed by law Said bona to be filed with the city recorder and approved by the board of commissioners SECTION 5 In the opinion of the board of Commiss,.oners, 1t is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhacitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immeuiately 1 SECTION 6 This ordin,nce shall take effect uson its firl Publication _ __ _ .__ _ _4(___ ______ Pas-ed by the Doar0 o ommissioner^ of 'aft Yn're City, Utah, this _ day oi. _ f,, D 195G: (�!� r M yor City Recoruer Cd i F ...- ' ,,, ,,,.. ,,,„, ,,, (,-...., , Er ,,,, r t• *1 ��3s� �' 1��.�r C J d r �� * D- 0 0 Pram lif IJithltrattritt 3initeb *intro of America STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE T.. AN O41)t4ANCL An ordinance amending. Section sy ..of"the Revived Ordinances of ¢lt Lae City,tittp� 1920,as emend- d py ordinances peeved by the Board. 6f.00mmiselonere dn.March 7,1921; 1iArtilY rtCLFF Aug..0 1921;Ireb;.^8 1928;April 27, 1928'da'}i,}y L9A040141I c�?�9�_ W La*City,Utah,1p2 48,0 amended"�'by being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk an Ordinance passed by the Hoard of Qolnmtea�onere on Sept,13,1021;See- , .1819 toff the Revised Ordlnanpea bect!ion 1522,of tthe P,evtstseed o dinances - of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, se Wended by an ordinance peeved by the Board of oommieefoaera on Apr11 2,1929;relating to the police depart-. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. .me:t. �Be It ordainedby the Board ofOom- SECr3`fOie 1,aTnatke 5eotto,U155110:of tire Nevleed Ordibencea of Bait Lake That the Notice..A]J._.GEtI?.I2VAJ:v.C.4. City,thigh,1920,as amended by ordi- -nancee-passed by the Board of Com- inl0,10nearra on March 7,1921;Aug.18: SAL I p I; CITY C CRY CRi T ICI, 192f,;re..3,1928;April 27,1928;duly 10,1026:April 2,109;relating 2,1929,and dalivarY 2ift71931,relating to the police departm eq"Me and the same fe/herebY - InlendAGtdreadaefouowa: CI:FIC:: UT ti,, CITY R.3vCRDER 'IOlO dN 1510. OR�i A N I Z A. ' TIONB ANA SAL S,.The police department Of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers,whose anrwal ealartes shall be as fixed by the Board of Oommleeloners, within the omits epeclfied! Chief of Police,who shall be bead of the police depart. of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- ntegt,not to exceed 'a3,600.00 Inspector,not to exceed 2,820.00 Four Captains,each not to ex- seven Sergeants;each not to 2'20.05 paper in its issue dated the 5th exceed - 1,9e0.00 superintendent of the Iden- tification Bureau, not to. FebruaryIg3 Secretary to Chien or Police,a,teo.ao day of ' -Ileapt e0eoy exceed.... Detective Depart�'2,090.00 meth.not to exceed 1,aeo.00 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Patrolmen of the first grade,- not to exceed 1,960.00 Patrolmen of the --eeeoad February bth. for grade, 0 Patrolmen 6f the third grade,not to'exoeodl........... 1,62044 1;020.W'' Marton POltcewomeu of the first wade, not oex exceed second 1,820.00 - _ whereafter, the full period of Lae...l.ns.e r.t1Gn Polira Polleedwomenoofxc the' third 1,500.00 grade,not to exceed........1,00.00 the last publication thereof Jailers, patrol driverk, motorcycle patrolmen, members of the morale quad,property clerk,detectives and detective ae s shall be graded as - dayof patrolmen of tile first, Second and being in the issue dated the third grade. ,,. SECTION 2. That Section 1513 of 2 the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake February City,Utah, 1920, as amended by an ,A.D. 193._.. ... ordinance passed by the Board.of Commissioners'on Sept. 13, 1921,be and the eanre is hereby amended t0 e� 'read as follows: SECTi 1513. ASSIGNMENTS. - - The Chief of Police may assign any ,, subordinate'officer tel the depart- ment to any duty which in his udg- requtrethe and�inayf hanger suceh as- dayof aignment from time to time when- • Worn to before me this ever is his judgment the good of the ,ervlce requires. i ed Iorr aY period Ofethirty days or Six ,A.D. 193 2 --^� _� more,the Chief of Police'shall reg- , port to the ascend-of COmnngeib At the names Of such patrolmen(Ware assigned by biro to the following services,to Wit:Detective sergeants, �[ detecttvee,morals squad policemen and-pprropertyy clerk. comae.of such Notary Public. aeelgm shall be filed with the City Auditor and Secretary of the .G"1 a asrcmisehe Commisptou," row:A{ng:capacities underns e e9 1ggnn- meate for thirty dope or more,eha11 be entitled to compensation in Fiddly . tiara to regular compensation as patrolmen,to be fixed by the Board of Commissioners,and not to exceed the following: • Advertising fee,$ Detective Sergeaate ...{25.00 per month Detectives 10.00 per month Officer and Member of Morale Squad. 5.00 per month Property Clerk 5.00 per month SECTION 3. That Section 1519 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1920,be and the eame Se; hereby amended to lead ae follows. SECTION 1519. RANKING!OFFI- CERS. Command shall be exercleed by virtue of offloe and special as- signment of officers eligible by.law ' and ordinance to command. The offioere of the department°hall rank in the following der:1st—Chief of of Police. 2nd—Inspector. 3rd—Captains 1n eenlority. 4th—First duty sergeant. 5fh-Second duty sergeant. 6th—Third duty sergeant. • 0t the absenceY shsergeant, ant.pI po- lice the performance of his datlee shall devolve upon the inspector,and in,the cage of the shames of the inspector through disability or otherwise, upon the next ranking officer. SECTION 4. That Section 1529,of thgg Revised Orainanese of Halt Lake ordinance rdl Shah,passed as amended Board of Co m issi yrs Apriby the ela of Commissioners police on rime t, and the to the police department,be and the same 1s hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1579. The inspector of Ciro and the captains shall,eaof theirers rasp enter upon the take and oubce ae the execute bond, oath le office,and th a payable to the city, in the penal sum of two thousand w.la cOnditioned to be provided bylaw. Said bond to be filedr with thet City d Cot and approved by the Heard of Oommte- EC00re. SECTION 5. In the opinion of the awry ofheah,peace Commissioners,It Se gaiety e the el the Inhabitants f Salt Late City that'title ordinance become effective 1m edietely. ECTION 6. This ordinance shall to a effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Hoard of Coeomleelon- era of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 4th day of February,A.D.I932. LOUIS, � MARCI . dr it-T MAODOSALb Citytemd er. Published February 1.1877. . , I >.. Z .C4 6 ix , 1 c) *C t, si ::1 Oh CC1 at 6 az t 0 Al IT kit •, , w vzt. 0 0 tri z - w ... ...=" 0.1 o ta rx --,......._ 4 . , ak 1 V