7 of 1936 - Amending Chapter XLV by adding 2 new Sections known as Section 1073, relating to plumbing - ROLL CALL
f-Eii 25 tn6
VOTING AYE NAY 1, Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
Goggin V ! I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser 1[.
Lee f
Mr. Chairman -
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and Lo
said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1073, relat-
ing to plumbing.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter XLV of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same is hereby amended
by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as
Section 1073, relating:to plumbing, which shall read as follows:
SEC. 1073. (a) The words and phrases used in this
section are defined as follows:
"JOURNEYMAN". A person skilled in the trade of
plumbing and whose name is duly registered with the Board
as a journeyman plumber.
r� "APPRENTICE." A person whose name is duly registered
d with the Board as an apprentice plumber and who is learning
the plumbing trade as an agent of a licensed plumber.
"BOARD." The Board of Plumbing Examiners.
"TRADE OF PLUMBING." Any mechanical work included
in plumbing as that word is defined in Section 1001, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934.
(b) There is hereby created a Board of Plumbing
Examiners consisting of the chief plumbing inspector, who
shall act as secretary to said Board; the chief sanitary
inspector of the Board of Health; the City Engineer; one
licensed plumber:and one journeyman, who is not a licensed
plumber, said plumbers to be appointed by and to hold office
at the pleasure of the Board f Commissioners of Salt Lake
City and•to serve without compensation. The Board shall meet
within three weeks after any application for a certificate
as a journeyman is received to conduct the examination and
to act upon said application. The Board shall deliver to
each journeyman found competent a certificate of competency.
A temporary permit, effective until the next meeting of the
Board, may be issued by the secretary to said Board to any
journeyman or apprentice.
f (c) We Board shall have the following powers: ff
1. To determine the qualifications and require-
ments of all journeymen to engage in the trade of plumb-
ing and it shall certify to the license assessor and col-
lector the names of all persons found to be qualified,
provided that the qualifications and requirements to
engage in the trade of plumbing as a journeyman shall
Mi be as follows: Each applicant shall have passed a satis-factory
factory examination as to his knowledge of the recognize{x
principles of plumbing; of the laws and ordinances relatl-
jing thereto; and as to his practical ability to perform
the work of the trade of plumbing. The fee for such
liexamination shall be two dollars.
li 2. To require the registration of the names of
it all journeyman and apprentices.
3. To issue and renew annual certificates to ap-
plicants who have qualified as journeymen and to all ap-
prentices who apply therefor. The fee for such certifi-
h Cate or renewal thereof shall be one dollar. All certi-
ficates shall expire on the 31st day of December of each
it 4. To recommend revocation of certificates to the
Board of Commissioners and such certificates may be m-
yoked as provided in Section 1004, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage
in the trade of plumbing, for hire, or as a service to the
II -3-
public, in Salt Lake City without first being duly registered
1 as a journeyman or apprentice with the Board.
I The foregoing provision of this section shall also
II apply to licensed plumbers who engage in the trade of plumb-
h ing. Any ordinance conflicting herewith is hereby modified
II and amended to the extent necessary to give effect to this
!` provision.
(e) It shall be unlawful for a journeymane.ao engage
i in the trade of plumbing, foOire or asa! P service:: p the
public, except as a lkqensed ,lumber or a! the age .of a
t Ti b
0licensed plumber. �.
0 (f) It shah.0e tanla a*ful for an` prenticer engage
in the trade of plumbb ng except under the tiree `isupf Ision
i of a journeyman present in the`.game buildi; g or on' ' pre-
mises thereabouts.
(g) Any person regularly employed by an owner or
0 leases of property or his agents for the sole purpose of
0 operating and maintaining such property and to make minor
! repairs thereof, and any owner or lessee of property shall be
I exempt from the provisions of this ordinance when doing work
I for which permits are not required as set forth in Section
1009 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934. E
fSECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
l{ of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately
II SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. '
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of , 1936..
() i/ Mayr'__r.
ity corde� �
Presented to the Board of Commissioner .
FEt! _ ti1� b
41tY RC:ORDER ...
First Pu _ S III
FEB.26. 1936
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake. )
AN CHAPTER XLV oC the Rellloed Orrdii-
n a of bolt Lake City,Utah,1934,
by adding in And td..em4 Chapter a
new Section to be known se Section
1973,relating to plumbing. H s P a THOMPSON
Be it ordained by the;Board•of I being first dui
Cotnmiesfoners.of Belt Lake City, g Y
Utah:-- '
vidinaosafdati R s Ordn .SieLke sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
'City,Utah,1934;be and the 9ame'le
hereby amended by,Adding In end
to-said Chapter.a new.potion to he TELEGRAM, a newspaper - general eneral circulation,
known as..Section 1673;relating to
published every day
plumbing,:which shell reed as Sol-
_SRC. le 3 (a) The•Words and at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
phrases,used in this section are de-
fined e9 fellows:
30URNcy MAN.^A person skilled
to naa trade y pgisterng.with
name is ttuly-iegfeterdd with the That the notice
Boats as 4a Journeyman plumber. s. Q.
'APP TICE." A person.whose
Hartle my registered with the
Boerd ea as apprentice plumber and SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
00.0 fe learning the0plumbing'Ueda
,j ae.'an agent of a licensed plumber. '
''s ,'The,Board of Plumbing
` Examinmin D
mechanical.weer lnchided In plumb-
ing,,as'het word is defined in SeO-
tton 1691,Reviaed'Ordinances of Belt
Joke Olty;-Utp:li;1Olid.b'
(b) There is'hereby greeted a
Board:.of theng E%aminers con-
' ..stating of oohi cmaf.plumblog Mspeo-
tbr,''}�who shall aCY:emsqelcretary to said
M he Bo¢d ofo Flea Health;thelCity 8-• of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
Finder; bile.licensed plu'inber And
• 811a Journeyman,Who Is not d'.li-
censed'➢Lumber,said'p1Umber to be
the pleaeu eyof theoBoard°of office paper in its issue dated the ..26•th day of ..rBbr.Ilary. 19. $g
ml,010.1 ra of-Balt Lake',CRY and to
serve Without 'compensation. The
`Board shill.meet,Within,three'week.
after any applioetion for,a,certlfl and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
cats as Journeyman is received.to,
conduct the examinateOn and to act
upon said.appllcatton. The Board
xne11 deliver to each Journeymen February26th
found competent a oertiflcete.of for
competency.A to 500t'y permit,ef-
fective Until the Xt'meeting of
the Board,may be issued by the meeting,
said Boer&to any Journey- One insertion thereafter, the full period of 7
man epBra Board oh
towing Thepowers:
shill.have the fol•'I
g powers:
d.requioemantee the of 011 laura'qualifications,
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 26th
to engage in the trade of plumbing;
and It shalt certify to the'license
.assessor end collector the.names`of February all persona forms'to be qualified,.
Provided.that the e lcattona and day of A. D. 19..�3.6,
quirements to-engaggage in the trade'
of'plumbing as Journeyman shall
be shall 1
hayeapassed a satisfactory exam ro-
iron as to his knowledge of the rec; •
°grazed':principles'of.plumbing;i of
the-laws and ordinances relating
thereto;and'as.to llle.praetIcal adil-
Itr to.perform.the..chef the trade 27th
of plumbing.The foe for doMet,llars.
x- Subscribed and sworn to before me this dayof
aminatton shall be two dollars.
' a. Td require the registration of
the names.of all Jdurneyinen and epprentloes.'� February A. D. 19.38.
Notary Public.
My commission expires ///'.7 3 7
Advertising fee, $
3. To Issue and renew annual cer-
tificates to applicants who have gnat-
fried as Journeymen and to.en ap-
preatices who apply therefor. The
fee for such certificate:or renewal
thereof shall be one dollar.-All cer-
tificates shall expire on the 31et day
of December of each,year.
4. e
To recommend revocation.of.
certificates to the Board of Comfits-
stoners and such certificates may-be
revoked as'.provided in Section 1004,
RevIsed Ordinances of,Salt LaAe City,
Utah, 1934.. -
(d) It shall be unlawful TOY any
person to engage inthe trade of
plumbing,-for hire,or as'a service to
the public,in Salt Lake City with-
out,fleet being duly registered as a
Journeyman Or.apprentice with the
'The foregoing provision of this sec-
lion shall also-apply to licensed
plumbers'who engage in the trade.of
plumbing.Any ordinance eonfll'ctisv
herewith-le hereby.modified '
amended to the exteht necessary to
give effect to this ,provision.
(e) t Shall be unlawful for a'jour-
neyman to engage 1n the trade of
plumbing Tor hire or as a service to
the nubile, except as a licensed
or As the agent of.a-licensed
(f)It ehall be unlawful tor,an.ap-
prentice to engage in the trade of
plumbing except Under theD direct
supervision of journeyman
In the same building or on the prem-
ises thereabouts.
(g)Any person.regularly employed
by an owner'.qr lessee'of property or
hie agents for,ther sole purpose di
operating and maintaining such
property and to'-snake-minor'repairs
therebf,and any'owner or leesee of
property Shall be exempt from the
provislone,of this rdinance-.when
doing Work,for which permits are not
required as set forth in Section 1009
of the Revised Ordinances-of Salt
Lake City, Utah 1934.
BiE IO 0Za;;. tyre opfplon•ofthe
.icy ,dot and
Sal and safety
of tat labeld Cants of Salt Late City
hot this l.—.-ordinance becbme'effective
3: to eta- lest pu V ti
tore efixt upo�1 1ts•SSrSt pu ji
asee of by Board ,. Co
stoners yf.Salt bare February,19.Utah •
25th day'of.Ii. ',
(Seal) CityFe February
Hill No.:7rPubllehed Februari%':1
Proof of Publication
The Salt. Lake Telegram
Entry No.