7 of 1941 - Amending Section 98 as amended, relating to Board of Health Salaries. ROLL CALL �QR _ t , VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, ;�� a✓dt 194 Gog�in - - - /�— I move that the ordinance be pass. K r - - - - eyee /Jf A Matheson - - - Y 0017 Murdoch - - - V Mr.chairman - - /AN INANCE Result - - - j ft' k AN ORDINANCE AME ING SECTION 98 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, UAah,p 934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners•-'`on September 8, 1937; October 5, 1937; March 29, 1938; February 15, 1939; and March 23, 1939; relating to the Board of Health. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 98 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 8, 1937; October 5, 1937; March 29, 1938; February 15, 1939; and March 23, 1939; relating to the Board of Health, be and the same is hereby amended to read as Follows: SEC. 98. APPOINTMENTS. The Board of Commissioners may appoint the following officers, assistants and employees of the Board of Health, who shall receive annual salaries, payable semi- monthly, not exceeding the amounts as follows: Health Commissioner $3300.00 First Assistant Health Commissioner 2400.00 Second Assistant Health Commissioner 2100.00 The Health Commissioner and Assistant Health Commission- ers shall each receive the sum of $35.00 per month for transporta- tion and expenses. Chief Sanitarian, who shall have charge pf division of milk, meat and food inspection and division of sanitary inspection $3000.00 Assistant Chief Sanitarian 2400.00 Bacteriologist 2400.00 Chief of Nursing Division 1920.00 Chief of Quarantine Inspector 1800.00 Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 1800.00 Chief of Restaurant and Market Inspection 1800.00 -- Chief Plant Inspector 1740.00 First Grade Inspectors, each 1620.00 Second Grade Inspectors, each 1500.00 Third Grade Inspectors, each 1380.00 Fourth Grade Inspectors, each 1260.00 -2- Chief of Venereal Clinic $1200.00 Medical Inspector . . • 900.00 First Grade Veterinary Inspector 2460.00 Second Grade Veterinary Inspector 2340.00 Third Grade Veterinary Inspector 2220.00 Fourth Grade Veterinary Inspector 2100.00 Either the Chief Sanitarian or the Assistant Chief Sani- tarian shall be a veterinarian. Veterinary inspectors shall be graduates of an approved Veterinary School and competent and qualified as veterinarian-. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board. of Commissioners, it is necessary to the .peace, health and slfety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake: 'Oity th4t this ordinance..shailtalte effect immediately. SEPT40 . This ordinance Shall 'take effect upon its first publicatlion• Passed/ the Board of Commis oners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this £ ,{jJ( day of A.__, A. O. 1941. Mayor. City Recor er." • I . , 5 . . A.. - ' ' 0- I . -- . . t7 A "a K i� W t _ram • i , Proof of 11itblitatinu taittb Otatro of 1 nterira STATE OF UTAH .ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AI' 00. 'RP TION 911 of the Revised'Ordinances of Salt Lake Cl y,Utah,1924,as amended by the Board of 1 oo rnieSl here ponbBd September 8, 1937; I, M.CONNOR October'.5. 1937; March 29, 1938; Peb- rbary.14 A 391 d March 23, 1839; IIe b1 0 r Ot., ith being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of - s ION,of B.That Section'98tof'the ,Ordin'itnees of Salt Lake City, d1984.ea amended by ordinances pasted bY,the Board of Commiesionere THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake On,September 8,1937;October 0 1937; �14(yy►�0rth.29,1938;February 19,1930;Tr' 9feHe 2n,be 8a reithe s to the eoerd of Hewn,,be and the llows l8 hereby City,State of Utah. bineS C. 08 read,as 3ITOOIla: • SEC. 8. APP10ners aya The Boarfd'of:Commfeicers,s may appoint tmployya eiof theB a assistants 3allth That the Notice AN ORDIN^NCE t0MEdDING SECTION 98 'vitto ehall receive annual salaries, payable semimonthly, not exceeding. the amounts as follows: tq Health Cbmmfeeloner $3300.00 OF THE REVISED ORDIN r.NCES OF S LT LAN'.. CITY, UT'•H 1934 rivet;'Assistant'Health Catn- a{oher1400.00 Second Ael81tahB Health Coot- Valon9l 2100.00 tent„edlth Commissioner and As- 401teat :afireth.Commissioner shah theMieafore the sum of e38.00 per Milli 19# transportation and ea- htdi,Se hftartan, who'shad `'hat's_,beat 80 of.division of • milk,meat and food inepec., aeon and Qiyteion of sent- -- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- ,k pti�-insdectton $3000.00 ,. sa a ant-Chief Sanitarian 2400.00 Olaubtteriologtet t. 2400.00 `'Chief"of uQuarantineon.in-1920.00 paper in its issue dated the 7th epector, 1800.00 uty Registrar of- Vital 4 1 „ kitties.,. ar 1800.00 MARCH w di +t w::., day of , 193 , -moose ,�Yhief Plant Ines cto 1740.00 ':;Fi qt� Grade inspectors,each 1820.00 S020r5- 044e lnnepe to •each 1500.9o, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Third'Grade.Inepeotore,each.1380.00. ?entail Grade lnepectore„each 1280.00C - Mea cal'Ine»eoyoel rinaey Clinic 9 0:0 MARCH 7TH Ptret,Grade Veterinary In- for spector 2480.00 second Mad,.Veterinary In- speotor 2340.0 Third Grade Veterinary In- Ithereafter,the full period of 1_.7TM1 specter 2220.00 Pourth Grade Veterinary.Ih- eeQtor - noo.00 Either the Chief Sanitarian or the 00,0 the last publication thereof 0tant Chief Sanitarian shall be e veterinarian. Veterinary inspectors.shall be grad- Mites of an approved- Vetermary • School end rampeteht and MAI/fled being in the issue dated the 7TH day of as v teflneslans. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the t oaitr�hid of Commissioners,it is necessary inhabite nt?peace,1 Batt Lake,Citarid y th at this -A OH ,A.D.193 41 ordinaries'shall take•'effect immedi- ately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shalt ?e sffect by the Hon ipts fleet ara of publication. eased C9Mmiee010n- eYe'pk,•,alt Lake City,,'Nish, thie 8tt1 .day of March,A.D.1941. AB JENKINS,Mayor. (Seal) ETIIBEL MACDONALD, 8th day of city Recorder. worn to before me this Bill No, 7. Published March 7th,1941. ikli.CH A. D. 193 41 i �/ Notary Public. My commission expires Nov.25, 1941 • Advertising fee$ 1 \ • \, z ..t' t 0 0 g g 0 ! .., oD '-•,....„, Z."--, ,) ,--• , ,•, (24 rg z 0 - Z 1 `cj s Pil *t ...) 0 Itt 1 P 0 ' rZ" rz. 1