7 of 1942 - Amending Section 1571 Revised Ordinance 1934, salary Smoke Engineer ROLL CALL FEB; 3 i942
VOTING e R7 Salt Lake Cite,Utah, 194
I move that the ordinance he passed.
Keyser - - - -
Matheson - - w✓ r
Mc 20,
/edosco _ _ _ ^r
Mr.Chairman - - • -AN ORDINANCE
Result - - - -
AN 0141TL' IC° ra ti 5)T ,( se(T-flN 1571 of the `nevi cod
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, es emended by an
ordinance pe^ ed by the Toard of Commissioners on May 14,
1941, relrating, to Smoke Inspector.
Be it ordained by the hear, of Commissioners oF' f"-it
Lake City, Titan:
SECTION 1. That Section 1571 of t'ae ;'evised Ordinrnces
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as arisen-led by an ordinance cc sr et
by the Toard oi Commissioners on i'r,fay 19'1, reic.tine to Smoke
In:hector, be a a tau se.ie is . erely amen.oed to I ec. l es foiaone:
oFC. 1571. CTTIT' PICMFcb. The bo• rh if commissioners
may appoint ra. chief enpi Teen c:io still ' et in the c pr,.city of
chief engineer ad hugs al tie smobe control +livi _On at a
salary of not to e,:reed 5,000.00 pei' -nnum. The c'diet en-
gineer sn.n11 be ,rn en^ineer qu ii Vied bytrainin c-,n exper-
ience in the theory and nr:-ctice or the contructtrar and
onerc+ti_on o ' steam boil 'ii' c'urn-ec ±n,- also in the
ttLeery ern. practice of` ':no' e control _r:. r,-evention.
CS'S''TOuI. In toe o a_rion of the , ocrc. of ,,onus Toners,
it is 1ece_ _'ry to the oe==ce, healt;i .an,: enrety no the inhabitants
of Colt Lake City c'n�^t this of _inr.nc shr,Ll t=be effect. immediately.
SE]CTIOd 5. This ordinance shrall tcke effect at once u?:aon
its first publication. f _
Passed by the Tor _ of Commissioners of' Snlm Lobe City,
Utah., t.his3 (,e. nay of- , f. L. .1942.
�1+ C rder.
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ENJ0 , . is.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
•igAk1 EtB hIN•a viEse8Mo a INEt S CTIOof N. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
•L0ke city,Uiah,,.1034,as amended by an
Utissmionere on May Passed y19he1 41ardelating Con,
to vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
a 1t Inspector,
rdain d'•by the• Hoard of Commis-
elopers'of Salt Lake City,Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
BECTION.1.That Section 1571 of the Re TT
hH16leea,Ordinances of,Salt.Lake City, Utah. of Utah.
yy3S, is ni tided by"an ordinance paused
1$;.'1890eelating too Smoke Inspector Ai be
and the came Is hereby'amended to read
asfeho;vs: - Ordinance relating.CSEC 1571. .CHIEF .ENGINEER, The That the advertisement
chiefof commissioners may appoint a
chief engineer who will
ofact head the the
city chief engineer.and of not
to exceed
-control trpl division e at a m.The
of net _____ tO S(!iO4{Q--.a[lspQCtQx'
to exceed hall be am T
engineer Shell be an engan m. a chief
-by,tratning•- d experience
eaDenstruc m the merry S.L.C. Corp. Bill #7
'end of steam'
of lie•s construction and opatop
Lion of theory and
and furnacem and ale.
in r the theory hd practice of smoke eod-
tAp]and ONe2,In ik
SECTION'2,Ier the us necessary
of the oBoard
.an, Safety is neot iaa to the
Deace, f a 4d, t the inhabi-
t8nta'pf Salt Lake City that this ocdi�
nan itcei`rake ''fee°immediately, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
iii�b;naa 3l4�, eaatkl�itipht3pmdfalOyno1 4th day of Febrt;ary...... A.D-19-.42-
F�,t et 4 4 rn a,.ap i{ (iret publioatton.
Mayo,' One time
-elrx aenpraer. and was published
:RUHlltlh'e9 Fell:Ir 1042..
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
day of A.D. 19
Ad rising Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this F day of
Febxuary A.D. 19. 42-
Notary P lic.
.t_ il ,2 •,'
. ,..
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