7 of 1943 - Extending limits of Salt Lake City, Beg. at Cor. on city boundary 209.08 feet North and 44.75 feet W ' ROLL CALL
A c NA Salt Lake Cite,Utah, AF'l 15 l t43 194
C- I6' - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
i i /
Keyser - - - - V
Matheson - - - )
NkConkie ,
Mr.chase.a, - _ AN ORDINANCE
Roeudt - - - -
WHEREAS, on the 19th day of January, 1943, John B. Barr
7 ii and others signed and filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake
- �,i ' City Petition No. 17, and on March 25, 1943, said John B. Barr. and
Frank J. Davies, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of the
property situate in the tract of land hereinafter described) filed
with the City Recorder Petition No. 115, supplementing Petition No.
17, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits
of said city, and also caused an accurate map to be made and certi-
` fied to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer,
to be filed with the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake
City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to
and made a part of said city; and 7
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petitions of said owners of said tract of land,
and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote
of all members of said board in favor of annexing said tract of land
to Salt Lake City, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
ordinance making and declaring said annexation;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a corner on the City boundary, 209.08 ft.
north and 44.75 ft. west of the city monument at the inter-
section of Fifth East St. and Division Lane:running thence S.
0° 111 381+ W. 344.8 ft.; thence S. 89° 48' 05" W. 232.03 ft.;
thence N. 0° 11T 38" E. 344.8 ft.; thence N. 89° 48' 05" E.
232.03 ft. to the place of beginnf.ng, containing 1.037 acres
and being )art of Lot 15, lock 42, Ten Acre Plat A, Dig Field
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map.
And be it further ordained and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
,thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City,
and ail ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per
taming to said Salt Take City are extended over and made ap)licable
6:nd pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks,
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of id city in that behalf,
iarid the monuments of the City %ier 41 thenceforth be taken
;a.therein as the standard of loclontnd, 5.stance.
SPCTIOId 2. Upon the *safe of fs ordinance the City
' 1hecorder of Galt Lake City shag fji , 46he is hereby directed
ti Into file with the County Recordd of% Sant e County a copy of the
'. .111ap and plat above mentioned, c ly,cei ed and acknowledged as
'iprovided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt make City,
Utah, this /day of �c� _, A.D. 1943.
, ^
.' .
W ,
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice
WHEREAS, „ the 19th day of Jan-' Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
signed and filed with the City Re-
corder Pon5alt Lake City Petition vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
f7. r0 March 25, 1043. d Jane.
B. Barr and Frank J. Davies, etf the
roper a Majoritytof he owe ° published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Property situate in the owners
hereinafter described) filed with the
City Recorder Petition No. 115, supple-
mentingUtah.Petition No.17,requesting that
said tract of laud be taken within the
limits of said city, and also caused an
accurate map mtotbi ma
de andaundefin-
to moved
competent n er,to be ailed That the advertisement
proved by the CityRecorder;
with the City the
and is
WHEREAS,ous ao said tract of land
contiguous to Salt Lake City and there
is no annexed
aeon why tf art of said Chdinance..Bill.i�.v,...7.BxtQndis _.the..Aimita
be a yea to and pads a part of
city:WHEREAS,the Board of Conanisaion er of B„1L.Ix3J3�..City
of Salt Lake Clty, alter examining
sai d hettiln of said owners f said
tract f land,
and considering the cir-
cumstances thereof,voted by unanimous
vote of all a members of said'boardin
favor of annexing said tract of land to
Salt LakeCity, and directed the City
Attorney to prepare n ordinance malt-
ing d declaring. iddannexatiom was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
NOW. THEREFORE. be it ordained
by the Board or Commissioners of Salt
—.Lake City, Utah,
SECTION L That the city limits of 17day April A.D..L9 43
Salt Lake City be and the, same are of
hereby extended and enlarged so an to N'�
`rde he following described tract of
s insalt Lake Cmnrty,to-wit: and was published once
Beginning at h
` P e City
boundary. 209.08 ft north and 44.75 ft.
vest f then city monument at and
west I unni e St. deg. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
cast ou Lane: running thence S. o deg.
11 hen. 48 sec,W. nee. ft.; thenceS.
th deg.N.
dean. 05 sec. W. 232.03.E. 4.;
thence 0 deg.a min.38 sec.E.344.8 day o f A.D. 19
It.:thence tN.o 89 deg.40 min. sec.beginning..
n, .0 the place f apr0f
mitaining 1.037acresand being part of /.
Lot 15, Block 2, n Acre Plat A., - )'Big Field Field Survey. _
and that the samehas been correctly .y.
stalled out upon te ground as shown AAAAAAAavertis'ag Clerk.
he p.
�ed that
t further ordained and de-
glared that when thissi ordinance takes
seffecterzbe the said tract I land above de-
the 1,
Uor sir lit is of thenceforth be within the
corporate limits of said Ssdltic Lons, City,
mid all obligations
t jurisdictions, rules
Sad obligations of or nlatded o ce said
bald Lake Calare extended over and
mace applicable lannd herstreet io tine twentieth day of
'e trat of land,of
d the
tr'actmshall blocks,
e o before me this
leys and ways said
eroledulesd ndgovernedlationathef ordi-
nances, a
i that behalf, d he mown eats A. D. 19 43
of the City Engineer shall thenceforth
be taken therein as the standard of
Iccations and distance.
SECTION 2. Upon the Passage of this
ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake
rCitY ent shall e w and she Le hereby der.
tea to file with the County
he order h... --
of Salt t above
County copy o 1 ap
and glad above mentioned. tiny "ru- Notary-1-
tied and acknowledged with
a provided in
nth is r together with a certified copy
of lCTIO dinanca.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall talc-
ltrati thirty days after its first pnb-
bleach the Board t Commission-
of Salt , A. City. Utah, this 15tb
dray of April, A.D.1943.
City Rernrder.
PILL NO. T,Published April Apri]17h,1843.
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