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7 of 1945 - Ratifying and confirming the transfer to the Utah Power and Light Company, all rights, privileges an
f ROLL CALL _ Salt Lake City, Utah, , 1945. VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed., ''1 Glade . . . . G' _ ; 1 A£fleck. Matheson . . Tedesco. . .. . / AN ORDINANCE Romney . . . . - Result . . . . An Ordinance ratifying and,e onfirming the transfer to the Utah Power & _ Light Company, its successors and asgns, all the rights, privileges and fran- chises covered by certain'On'dinances of Salt Lake City and ratifying the same. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD`,"` F GOMMISSIdNERS OF SALT`LAKE CITY, UTAH: Section 1. That 41 theok' s, privileges and franchises granted, extended, confirmed, amendeC tor'edv ' lay or under the following Ordinances of Salt Lake City, except the rights p ivileges grated or confirmed to the Utah Light and Traction Companfor the tion of a street railroad system or elec- tric bus transportation sgetem,whi e tems were sold to Salt Lake City Lines, to-wit: 1. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance ratifying and confirming the transfer to the Utah Light and Traction Company, its successors and assigns, of the rights, privileges and franchises covered by certain Ordinances of Salt Lake City, amending said Ordinances and re-ordaining the same as so amended." passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City December 21, 1914 and known as Bill No, 228. 2, "An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance ratify- ing and confirming the transfer to the Utah Light and Traction Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, of the rights, privileges and franchises covered by certain Ordinances of Salt Lake City, amending said Ordinances and re-ordaining the same as so amended,' passed December 21, 1914." passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City March 1, 1917 and known as Bill No, 21. be and the same are hereby validated to date and declared and ordained to be vested in the Utah Power &Light Company, its successors and assigns, and the conveyance by which said Utah Power &Light Company acquired said franchises and each of them from the Utah Light and Traction Company, upon filing said conveyance with the City Recorder, is hereby approved and confirmed. Section 2. That said Utah Power & Light Company shall within thirty days from the passage of this Ordinance file its acceptance thereof in writing with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City; otherwise the same shall be null and void. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be deposited in the office of the City Recorder of Salt Lake City and published at least once in a newspaper published within said City and shall go into effect at the expiration of the twentieth day after publication, or the thirtieth day after final passage, whichever of said days is most remote from the final passage of said Ordinance. , ;44, /e N ,__.<,--,--.,-,-/// .- P -sed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lak t ah, this (o(� daYC1% i • 1945. City Recorder A-7 M o� Bill No, published on the ,y of , 1945. • r —rs 2 1.1 0 w 4‘ -6 I • g: t; • • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance ratifying and eon. :Melba ste hens firming the transfer to the Utah Power Light Oomnany, "_ ° Being first duly swm^n,deposes and.says that he is the ad- eeore and line, all the ights, privileges and franchisee covered by a��u�,t aq�aoce°omeaRLake city vertisin clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper OR IT ORDAINED IIY THE BOARD 7 I OF COMMISSIONERS ON HALT LAKE CITY ',TAR. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Section1.That all thoughts,midi. legee and franebieee.era ad,extend- d, cor onfirmed, wing OrditnanceP of Utah. of Salt'Lalm City,except the ,ship and Driviloges ermted o firmed t the Vtah Light and sTtaction •of a Company for the perationlectrlc That the advertisement street railroad yeteM e bus Mammortatlon system, ayhich systems were sold to Salt Lake City Linea to.wit: Ordinance Bill No. 7 L An Ordinance titled"An Or. dinanee ratifying and confirming the transfer to ,the Utah Liht and Traction Company, , successors and assigns,of the rights privieges negardir tr!lnsfer of utah Power h Light Co. d franchises red by certain - -' of Salt Lake City, end • - lag s d re-ordaining tog is(as Or dinances an p � • the Boar as amended."rs of by Salt Lake City Corporation the Board o4 Commissioners o1 Salt ---------------------------------�-�--�----------- Lake City Docembcr 21, 1811 ano known as 13i11 No.228, - 2."An Ordinance am n ending an O mnance entitled 'An Ordinance was published in said newspaper, in its issue aced, the ratifying and confirming the Dane. r to the Utah Light and and Sth Company, e February 19 45 signs, f the rights privileges aid day of _A. D. ranchisee covered by certain or. dlnantts of Salt Lake City,emend• fog said Ordluanco re.ordain- 1 time ing the December as so amended.' passed and was published Board of 21,1814."Passed by the - - Commissioners of Salt _ Lake City. March 1, 1217 and know„ Bill No.21, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the be d the cam yn hereby van: 1 an e a and or dated to date'and declared Pained to be vested in the Utah Company, ------- bebruar Power m Light e ens ash (lay of A. D. 19 45 censors and assigns, and the con weyance by which said Utah Power& Light Company acquired said ironl>"- '-- GI�LG hisee d each f them from the Utah Light and Traction Company. neon filing said conveyance with the City Recorder,otohereby p Advertising Clerk d Droved confirmed. Section 2.That 'shall Power Light in thirty des from bl the passage Of -this Ordinance file its acceptance • thereof in writing vdth the City Recorder of Salt ise the same shall be null other-it ed deposited'v histhe Ordoffinance c:spell be to before)'roe this 19th day of ity Recorder of Salt Lake City and Mib, fished et least once in a newspaper goblfctiaeteCrai A.D.1945ino effect at o the ett eaailacsrhh1leth day after na sage,most which everof said days is moat remote from fire!foal peerage of said Ordinance.. 7 f^, Pained by•the Board of Commis. '.. -.._ - ,",• ' hdh odySant flag i9l.pdlah, EARL J. GLADE, \ Notary Publi %Mayne IRCiity Recorder.NER, (RAALI Bill No.I published on the alh day of rebruary, 1843. I it 1 , © . - , *ha I 0 . o 1 4.. .,_ C" • - _ ,::, *,• \ , , a: N 'F' i •• I C`A` 11 C Z 1 ‘Il \