7 of 1946 - Amending Section 3075 relating to flammable liquids G/ede, ti I move that the ordinance be patted. gi;77 Wet eedarc. • - ,r' AN ORDINANCE Result ,d AN 0CT)IC h(Cg. AN OR T ".'p1C G S'7CTION i3075 of the Revised Online-lees of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1C4 , reintir; to fit:nu:able liquids. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Col t Lake City, Utah.: S CTIO:'T 1. That IBetion 3075 of the Revised V Oral:eanoos of Molt La;-o City, Utah, 194:4i-, relating to flnrmvoble linui4s, be and no same is hereby atlendod to road as follows: (a) '-lection 3075. It shell he unlawful for any person to lino any type or kind or mate of heating, eosing or l:i.^hbi.n; ranplianoe usin a Class I liquid in any public building, trailer.-house, tourist-cabin, home or other piece aced Coe .livin or cooking nuraoses. (b) It shall be unlawful for the oi.mer or operator of nny tourist-cabins on trailer-camp to eerrlit the use of such -prorerty under his control to any person using any typo or Lind or ua:_e of heating, cooking or li•ghtiug raeglinnee using a Class I li.cui.d.. C iCTIOC 2. In the or)inion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to tho peace, henith and eniety of the Inhabitants of ,Sall; Lake City that this ordinance shall e effect iris edirtcly. M' ; ';CTICII 3. Ti-etc or-i _-c oca sh7,1J. the e at at once nine Itl fir;it; nuhli.e-tdon. r� Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of al.; Tint , I A—a-; (157 of . D. 1946. g14117. l'o,"7,7;7 TIVIPOP,Ai•Y ty .2()corder r 4 A • . . )11e ig147 ep r rri 0 r :C4 l‘k 1:4144 r. p g 2. ",03 1.s• 4 • . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS County of Salt Lake M Colley AN OROINANaE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- AS NDNG SECTION ORDINANCE 3070 of the RevvisedlOrs .dlnancee of Salt Lake City. Utah, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper law,relating to flesamabl aquide. a Be deadens°°t"salt"°Lake Citd y, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State u ah: BRCTION Ordinance.That SeeL10p It a kof e the. Utand, 11144,rla e1 Stilt Lo of Utah. ally, Utah, s,, relating to Item.le amble amend,be and the same hereby emeon 3 to road follows:an lawful Section IL ODekwu to Gall nee n� type or kind a make f heating That the.advertiseanent .. n king orhPhUng aPDllaa°e sloe °Claes I.liquid In any public build- -inn,. r oaer 010 teed Inn liv. err1`nance 91.11 LTO t7 ln4° °oohing purbe Bs. for Rv o r It shall .of unlawful for owner a tyaneramnp to a Salt Lake City Corporation the nee of a control to any poison of Mod 0erly under $ type or nd oreke heating, cooklne or lighting appliance Using It Clam-I liquid. SECTION 3.in the opinion of the Board of Commlul°ner. 11 L neces- sarye the beam health and safety was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the ho inhabitants of Salt Lake Citythat this t _Ordinance blyl':„ e els 'oralnlanceksheFebruary Oruar 46 take ffect at once upon Its lbst 6th day of Y A.D.19 b°buc°ai n. to eee of SalthLake My,Ui Co 1 time stoners th day of February.A.D.Iwo, and was published L.C.ROMNEY, Te nnorarY Chatrma°, 1RC y aeon d°ER• - the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the (IRAL) BILL NO. 7 Publlehed, February OMnog. 6th day of February A.D.19 46 Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February A D 19 46 Notary Public p.. 1 • I • • I I