7 of 1953 - Amending Chapter LIX, adding Sections 6180, 6182, and 6183, re: adoption of Salt Lake City Code, 195 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,R K 195' 195 VOTING Aye Nay f move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . � Christensen ` .....G'a-� Lingenfelter . . Romney . . AN ORDINANCE Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LIX OF the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to said Chapter four new sections to be known as Sections 6180, 6181, 6182 and 6183, relating to the adoption of Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1953. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter four new sections to be known as Sections 6180, 6181, 6182 and 6183, relating to the adoption of Salt Lake City Traffic Code 1953, which sections shall read as follows: 'tSEC. 6180. SALT LAKE CITY TRAFFIC CODE 1953 ADOPTED. The Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 1953 Edition, which is pre- pared as a code in pamphlet form, three copies of which code have been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the Recorder of Salt Lake City, and which code es- tablishes rules and regulations for the movement and parking of vehicles upon the streets and roadways of Salt Lake City and providing penalties for the violation thereof is hereby adopted by Salt Lake City as the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said city governing said subjects. SEC. 6181. ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT REPEALED. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of Salt Lake City now in force and ef- fect that are in conflict with any section of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 1953 Edition, adopted by Section 6180 of ' ' -2- these ordinances, are hereby repealed. SEC. 6182. VALIDITY OF CODE. Should any section, clause, provision or sentence of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 1953 Edition, as adopted by Section 6180 of these ordinances, be declared by the courts of this State to be invalid or un- constitutional for any reason, the same shall not affect the validity of any other section, clause, provision or sentence of said Code, but only that part so declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, as it is the intent of this ordinance to adopt each and every section of said Code separate and apart from each and every other section therein contained. SEC. 6183. REFERENCE TO CODE. The Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 1953 Edition, adopted by Section 6180 of these ordinances, containing nineteen (19) Articles and numbered in Sections from one (1) to one hundred sixty four (164) inclusive, is hereby adopted and published by authority of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, and may be cited and designated as the Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 1953 Edition. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of February , A.D. 1953. • - i Mayor. City Recorder. ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 7 Published February 7, 1953 FORM NO.ADM 35A Proof of lnbiliratinn ihntttb Otateg of.Amerttx COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ? ss. STATE OF UTAH + AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AM£NDINO CRAP- TER LI%OF the Revised Ordinances P. Salt Leke CatY,Uteb,1944,by ending in and to said Chapter four new sections tp e known na Sections also a a1, saiaE Huth_i;aasillg Ld"N 4e}4ttffnnqq ake it o Tined Cute 399a. m Be it o o 80ltbLakeeC tY.rUtah.Com• seeTfoN I•That Chapter LIE of De being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of Revised ordinances f Bale Lake, Clive Utah.IOU,be and the same le eroby mended by adding In and to Sa1d:. ter four new sections to lie known as Ss„eget�oatnega'aoa the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in Traffic Code 1953,which sections shelf weed ae foll°W8: 6EC 6160,SALT LARE CITY Tin die -ODE IB63 Ao Code: 18 mhe hit. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. hm,1¢ne tined eps which 53 oration aby teen fees mr use That the Notice jilt Or(iinaria — .3i1!.--Vo. 7 eh¢public 1n th office of tea Recorder !Salt Leke Cltn,aced etch node natarahes e1V1:;klg8udtt,ogfolesnoon the streets•d roadway,of Salt Lake City and providing penailes!or tea via• Le en(?!tY e o A theh01e inatlees to Ylei Sad regulations eof meld city governing said REPEALED.AR lerAfnaneea or Pla tat of ordlnallces o4 Salt take City,now to forco -and effect that in Giotto with any clot ! Wanton, Lope Cby Section Code. f t Edition adopted by Section 8180 of these oxt�lnancee, are hereby repealed. SEC.6182.VALIDITY OF CODE.Should s Fhon. plause. Provision otennce of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code, 'f5theaeltordlnancenpbe declareti Y6the of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its courts 04 this State to des anv9heoeame constltutlonal far any 'jtll Shan not etse¢t tn-ision o os any°ear issue dated the section,clause,Drovlsl tl or sentence of - - ------- eald Code, but n1Y thaE Part de- clar'td °the intent of Shia d ance to adopt eachand every aeca°ri of seata cos. day of_. F ebruary 19.j3 separate d apart from h efd every other eectlon therein contained. SEC.fi3e3.REFERRNCE TO ODE.The Salt Lake City Tr wits Cade, 3,t, Eat- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Lion, 00ea,d etntasin0S n 611l io a iron P y diclof ATticiea s d mm�besed 1n Sectlohe.Pram u(D to ne hntbnyyar id shed fa flub, for lislied ve, li uthsrij0 a toptr ted Soaznd_pub, nof. llshed by a ° Commtastonere o4 nh t Lake aced Utah, d maybe cited fI decode, 9 s the time Galt Lake City Traffic Code,1959 Hd4 thereafter,the full period of clot. SEOTIDN i Thle ordinance(hall take effeck thltkY(301 days aftor{!�Dubllca- l1on. passed by tea Hoard of Cemmfesionexe Yenruary,A.D.1953tah,this 5th day o[ the last publication thereof May S. blade Mnror II1MC1tF'BITNER (SEAL) being in the issue dated the_..._._._---7..h. day of BILL NO.T. Published FebrttarY Februah; ,A.D.19_53-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10t:'1 clay of _. Pahr.:uLtr-j ,A.D. 19 .53-_. Cti .c Le..2 Notary Public. My commission expires ilovembor 2i,19j3 Advertising fee .$-...--------.--------------