7 of 1954 - Levying a tax and for assessment of property ( Curb and Gutter Extension No. 207 ) 3rd and final est ROLL CALL 2 Z Salt Lake City,Utah, • • ' } 195
VOTING Aye Nay rre '`3-f
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . . .
Nicholes -- •
Romney . ,
Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
(curb and gutter extension #207) for the purpose of constructing curb
and gutter, roadway and private driveways.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon
the property hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing curb
and gutter, roadway and private driveways, to-wit:
Lots 22 to 27 incl_._, Indian_Village, a. subdivision of part
of the S.E.4 of Sec. 10, and part of S.E.4 Sec. 10, T.1 S.,
R.1E., S.L.B. & M.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing curb and
gutter, roadway and private driveways, as follows:
13th South - north side - from Wasatch Drive-to St. Mary's Way
13th South_ - south side - east 95 feet from.Wasatch Drive
and east from a point 170 feet east of Wasatch Drive to
St. Mary's Way
13thSouth_- south side - east 75 feet from a point 95 feet
east of Wasatch Drive
3 driveways fronting. on. the south side of 13th South between
Wasatch Drive and. St. Mary's Way.
14 driveways fronting on the north side of 13th South between
Wasatch Drive and. St. Mary's way;
upon the portions of said' streets opposite the property hereinbefore and
hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said
improvement., and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that
said property will be especially .benfited thereby to the full amount
of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at
an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon
• and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding
330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels
of land is Fifteen Thousand Ninety Eight and 76/100 Dollars; Twelve Thousand
Six Hundred Forty Three and 64/100 Dollars, or Four and 20/100 Dollars per
linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 2,954.12 feet
and paving
40 foot roadway, curb and gutter;/One Hundred Thirty One and 25/100 Dollars,
or One and 75/100 Dollars per linear or front foot of abutting property
for constructing 75 feet 40 foot roadway/and Two Thousand Three Hundred
Twenty Three and 07/100 Dollars for constructing 17 private driveways as
specifically set out hereinafter; the cost of which driveways and the
property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out and all within the
boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the
total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according
to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making
said improvements with A. P. Linnebach, dated August 27, 1953, and the
/ treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance, for the purposes herein mentioned:
Fronting on the south side of 13th South Street.
All of Lots 22 and 24 to 27 incl., Indian Village of the S.S.
Sec. 10, T1S, R1E, SLIMY'.
Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 27, Indian Village Sub.,
thence easterly 1124.56 feet, SEL Sec. 10, T1S, R1E, SLBth.
Fronting on the north side of 13th South Street.
Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Wasatch
Drive and the north line of 13th South Street and running
thence east ,434.56 feet, SEA Sec. 10, T1S, THE, SL13LIB.
Fronting on the south side of 13th South Street.
All of Lot 23, Indian Village, SE Sec. 10, T1S, R1E, SLB80 .
Fronting on the south side of 13th South Street between Wasatch Drive
and St. Marys ;`Tay.
All of Lot 26, 005.00)
All of Lot 27, ( z96.00)
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 27, thence easterly
1124.56 ft. , WO9.87); all being in Indian Village Sub., SE}
- 3 -
Sec. 10, T1S, dlE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the north side of 13th South Street between Wasatch Drive
and St. Mary's Way.
Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Wasatch
Drive and the north. line of 13th South Street and running
thence east 90 ft., ( $96.00);
Beginning 90 feet easterly from the intersection of the
east line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th
South Street end running thence easterly 70 ft., (074..00);
Beginning 150 ft. easterly from the intersection of the
east line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South
Street and running thence easterly 70 ft., (074.00);
Beginning 220 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 70 ft., ($a74.00);
Beginning 290 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line c Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 70 ft., M4..00);
Beginning 360 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 70 ft., (996.00);
Beginning 430 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and. running thence easterly 70 ft., (985.00);
Beginning 500 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running 'thence easterly 92.56 ft., (096.00);
Beginning 592.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 100 ft., (0170.00);
Beginning 692.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and tho north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 70 ft., (085.00);
Beginning 762.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 100 ft., (074..00);
Beginning 962.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 60 ft. , 085.00);
Beginning 1042.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 90 ft. , (074..00);
Beginning 1132.56 ft. easterly from the intersection of the east
line of Wasatch Drive and the north line of 13th South Street
and running thence easterly 102 ft., ($96.00);
all being the SE6 of Section 10, T1S, R1E, SLB&:Pi;
and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review
of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (curb and gutter
- 4 -
extension #207) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing curb and
gutter, roadway and private driveways upon said portions of said street, is
hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed
lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and. Review to the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in 10 equal yearly install-
ments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each installment is due;
provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable,
or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from
the date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the
order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after
said fifteen days and before the first installment becomes due by paying
the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first install-
ment is due. One or more installments in the order in which they'are payable,
or the whole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment'
due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of-peyment. Default
in the payment of any such installment of principal or interest when due
shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due
and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate of 10% per annum until paid, but at
any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the
amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of 10%
per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued
costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in
installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
4th day of February,1954.
�L.1 O._`CA-9 Tempora y Chairman
City recorder
Bill No. 7
Cv:rb and Gutter Extension #207
Third and Final Estimate
Published February $. 1954 0�
1xnnt nit lnnttrartnn
thriftD Olnatro of Amrriral
—_ —_STATE-O LTAH --.--i- ..
Mof aLot Wa20 y.
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX All of Lot 27($96.00).
and for the gutter
assessment of Prosody Beginning at the. rtheact.
curb and 0„ o extension No.o2,,, f Let 27,thence easterly 1124.56 corner
and the nurroae or .private b (5880.97); all being Indian Village
ways.d gutter, away and paivate drive- Sub.,SE+/Ser.10,TIS,R1E,SLB&M. - -
Be it ordained by the Board f' Fronting n the north side f lath ,•-I a a ''el':,
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: South th Street between Wasatch Drive
SECTION 1.That the Board of Cam- and St.Marys Way. - -
ialoners of Salt Lake City does here- Beginning et the Interseelion af.the
by-levy the tax and provide for'the cost line of Wasatch Drive and the
assessment of the cam on the north line of lath South Street end
Property hereinafter same for the running thence east eu ft.($96.00), vein, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
Purpose of constructing curb and gut- nagdnning 60 feet easterly from the
ter, roadway and private driveways, intersection of the east line of Wa-
to.wit: retch Drive and the north line of
s 22 to 27 incl.,Indian Visage, th south Street and running these WS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
a subdivision of part f the S F,ya easterly 70 ft.(S74.00):
of Sec. 10, a d part of S E +;'s of Beginning 150 ft.easterly from the
Sec. 10,T 1 s,R 1 E, SLB&M. Intersection of the east line of
This tax is levied to defray the ex- Wasatch Drive and the north line of
of constructing cub and gutter. lath South Street d running thence Lake County,State of Utah.
d ay and private driveways, easterly 70 ft.($74.0O:
follows: as a Beginning 220 ft.easterly from the
40-FOOT ROADWAY--CURB at intersection of the east line of Wa-
GUTTF,R,PAVING lath Drive and the onva line ha of
13th Smeh n St. side frmn 14g- lath South ft($7 d ranting thence -
calat Drive tooIrfarys Wayeasterly,0 i70o ft.Oft.e); !a "..i�...•r _:l.'t:'-( -(_, --.
lath m Wasatch
Beginning 290 .easterly from Gre
frot from Wasatch Drive d etch fetch-cuts of e act line f Wa-
a point 170 feet east of Wasatch arieh Drive and the aenorth line of - .) y
Drive to St.Marv's Way. 13+h South Street and running thence f ) ) ('1'' ='a' - (J -ill
40-FOOT ROADWAY PAVING • easterly 70 ft.(87400),
lath South--south side—east 75 eginning 380 ft easterly from the'
Sect frmn a "tint 05 feet cast of SnterlIl t of the east line pf at
Wasatch Drive. alch➢rive and the norm lino of lath I,()" 1,^,
17 DRIVEWAYS South Street and running thence
3 driveways fronting on the south easterly 70 ft.($06,0m,ur -
side of lath South between Wasatch Reo g 430 ft,ea'd t. from Die
Drive and St. Mary's Was. intersection of the east line of Wa-
14 driveways fronting on the north satch Drive and the north line of lath
aide of 13th South between Wasatch South Street and running thence
Drive and St.0lary'S Way: easterly 70 ft.($85.00)::u upon the the portions or said streets oppo- Beginning 500 ft,easterly from the
ite the 'property bereinbefore and Intersection of the east line of Wa-
ereinaftor iesecibed to be espcei B toh Drive andathe nr100 line of lath hereto attached, was firstpublished in said newspaper in ifs
affected and benefited by said Im- South Street d thence
provement,and It is hereby iler the
a tarty 02.36 ft-(598.00):
determined and established that the a Beginning M.5e ft. easterly from
'd property ill be especially hone- the intersection Drive f the eat line of
filed thereby will
the full amount of Wasatch and the north line of +
the tax hereby levied and said parcels lath Smith Street and runninge.thence
!of land arc hereby assessed d at a eastetiy 100,ft.(5170.00;
equal and uniform rate insaccordance Beginning 692.56 it. easterly from _
with the linear foot frontage upon and the intersection of theeast line f - - 19
h the entire depth of the sameowner. Wasatch Drive and north lme of lath
ship back therefrom not exceeding 3a0 South Street and running trance
feet.and the tax hereby levied and to easterly 70 ft.($85.00),
Fifteen Thousandon iO parents of Ninety-Eight lard theeoginning iinters intersection of theca east easterly
in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
76/100 Dollars: Twelve Thousand Six Wasatch Drive and the north line of
Hundred Fortyrhrec and 84/100 Dol. lath South Street and runrimg thence
tars, or Four and 26/100 Dollars per easterly 100 ft.(574.001;
linear or front foot of abutting Property Beginning 062.56 ft. easterly from for
for constructing 2,954.12 feet 40.foot the intersection of the east line of - - ------
!roadway,curb and gutter:and paving Wasatch Drive and the north line of
One Hundred Thirty-One and 25/106 lath South Street and rumhrg thence i--.0 i'ildn
Dollinelas,or One and 75/100 Dollars per ar or front foot of abutti g Property easterly
ft Beginning1042.50 01.easterly from period Of
for constructing 70 feet 40.foot roadway the intersection of the east line of
Paving and Two Thousand Three Run. Wasatch Drive and the north line of''
dred Twenty-Three anti 87/100 Dollars 13th South Street and running thence
for constructing 17 private driveways as easterly A0 ft.(174.00):
ecifically set out hereinafter;the cot Beginning 1132.56 ft.easterly from! the last publication thereof
of which driveways and the property the intersection of the east line of
benefited thereby Is hereinafter set out Wasatch Drive and the north line of
lod all within the boundaries of the lath South Street d running thence _
ts,.blocks and streets above men. easterly l02 ft.(900.00);s '
Honed,which is the total shutters•cost ils being the SE% of Section 10,.led the day of
and cost per front foot of said i10n give- TIS,R1E,SLB&M;
n ant according to the contract entered and to s&i.rt said tax.
I into Me the performance of said work SECTION 2,That the assessment tat ,
and making said improvements with made by the City Treasurer
A. P. linnebneh, dated August, 27 .led,approved and completed by the I ,A.D.19-..rf,...
1053 d the Treasurer I her., Board of Equalisation d Review
thorized and directed t - the petty described in Section 1 -
orddance with nance for ththe
purp oses he ein men shs rim anew( 4 i guttern- ��fi,Z /-
Hon.71 ern No, way f Salt Lake it drive the (i ((iY
£constructing curb and%ut-
t� AND purpose of
p ❑ ate driveways r�
C0„ t„„, PAVING pen said portions f he Strout, is
Fronting n the south side of 13Hr made
c"return and the assessments)
South Street n de and returned in said c myle.to.
All o[Late 22 and 24 to 20 incl., lists ants) the .port or the Board -.
Indian Village f the SEy see. in, E :1,,atien v.na Review to the Board day of
'Tl s,R1E,SLB&M. E Cnmmis.oner.s or.Salt Lake City are
Beginning at the NE c of Lot hereby ratified, approved and eon
27,Indian Village Sub.,thence easier, firmed.
, ly 1124.56 feet, SEv Sec. 10, TIS, C
R1E,SLB&M. — ,A.D. 19.'''
Prn sting on the north aide of lath
i South Street
Beginning at the intersection of the
east line of Wasatch Drive and the c /L/
north line of lath South Street rt J��' ( - ! l C r �.
running thence east 1434.56 feet,SEp -
Sec.10,TOO,R1E,SLR&M,Fronting0 on the 5,01l,PAVING lau, Notary Public.
South Shcct.
All of Lot 23,Indian Village.SE%cs
Fronting on the south ride of lath
South Street between Wasatch Drive
Advertising fee S.
SECTION 3.naid tax shall a,vable
in 10 equal',arty installment-.as pro-
vided by la,/ and ordinance with
terest on the whole sum unpaid at the
rate of 5%per annum,payable at the
lnetallment s due:erofovided,
staliments in the hatone
curable,or tine
whole tax. may be paid without in-
terest within fifteen(15)days from the
date this ordinance becomes effective.
IOne or more installments in the order
in which they are payable,or the whole
sPecial tax, may be paid after said
I fifteen days and before the first install.
rnent becomes due by paying the same
with interest from the date of levy to
the date such first installment is due.
'One or more installments in the order
in which they are payable,or the whole
special tax,may be paid on the date
any installment becomes due by paying
theinstallmenty amount thereof and interest to the
date of payment. Default in the pay-
ment of a such installment of prin-
cipal o interest when due shall cause
the whole of the unpaid principal and
interest to and the due anti Payable
immediately and the whole amount of
u'aid principal a thereafter
araw interest at the ratea of 010 per
until paid,a but at a o.the
to date of sale a foreclosure,the
may Pay the amount all un-
paid tshie rate 1 past due withnum Ia dast
at the rate of 1sh per delinquent
to date
n payment the delioqu, Install-
ments, alll
ereu and alleaccrued ore costs,and shalt
thereupon to restored ins to the right
thereafter n ep installments in the
manner as if default had not on-
e curved.an a SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take
effaot one day after its publication.
Passed by the board of Commission-
s of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 4th day
of February.1954.
TCanperary Chairman.
City Recorder,
Cur No.
Curly and Gutter Estimate
libli d Final.E;.Stima to
Published BebtuapY S.1955