7 of 1956 - Ordinance 7 of 1956, Amending Section 1-2-1 of Revised Ordinance 1955, relating to dogs registratio bait Lake City,Utah, ' 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . Christensen ' tars f� , �� Romney Mr.Chairman . . / . ` AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1-2-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1955, relating to dogs, their registration and annual tax. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1-2-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to dogs, their registration and annual tax, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 1-2-1. DOGS, REGISTRATION AND ANNUAL TAX. (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to own or keep a dog within the limits of Salt Lake City without first making applicat .on to the City. Treasurer for the purpose of paying to the City Treasurer, for the benefit of the City, an annual tax of FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($5.00) for each female and TWO AND NO/100 DOLLARS (42.00) for each male dog, provided, however, that the license tax herein required to be paid by the owner or keeper of any dog within the City shall not apply to any person conducting, operating, or maintaining a dog kennel, veterinary hospital or pet shop within the City, but any person conducting, operating, or maintaining a dog kennel shall pay to the City Treasurer, for the privilege of conducting, opera ting or maintaining such dog kennel an annual license fee of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (410.00) for each year. "t1) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep more than ten (10) dogs in any such kennel. "(2) A dog kennel shall be defined as a premise where more than two (2) dogs are raised, kept, housed or boarded." "(BY) Any person conducting operating or maintaining a veterinary , hospital in Salt Lake City shall pay to the City an annual license fee in the amount of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS (41.00) for each kennel space, for any animal provided in said hospital, but in no event shall the license fee be less than TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (410.00) per year or more than FIFTY AND NO/100 (450.00) per year. "(1) A veterinary hospital shall be defined to be an animal hospital operated under the direct supervision of a veterinarian duly licensed by the State of Utah." ",(C) Any person conducting, operating, or maintaining a pet shop for the sale of animals in Salt Lake City shall pay to the City Treasurer an annual license fee of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS (41.00) for each animal kept in said pet shop for sale, but in no event shall the license fee be less than TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (410.00) per year or more then FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS (450.00) per year." "(D) All applications for licenses to operate or maintain a kennel -2- veterinary hospital or pet shop shall first be referred to the Board of Health, who shall make an inspection of the premises where such kennel, veterinary hospital, or pet shop is to be maintained and operated and shall make recommendations to the board of City Commis- sioners on the granting or denying of such licenses." "(F) The Board of Health shall promulgate rules and regulations to be approved by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City covering the conduct and operation of all kennels, veterinary hospitals; and pet shops within the City. "(1) Whenever the Board of Health finds or discovers any infraction of any rule or regulation promulgated by the board of Health, and approved by the board of City Commissioners, they shall immediately notify the Board of City Commissioners of said infraction; and the Board of City Commissioners shall qq u receipt of such notice immediately notify the owner or keeper of/Fennel, veterinary hospital or pet shop to appear before said Commissioners at a day and time certain to show cause why his license should not be revoked for such infraction." "(F) It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to register the applicants name and description of his dog or dogs, and to give to such applicant a certificate of registry." bECT1CDI 2. in the opinion of the board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SLCTIGN 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication; Passed by the Board of commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of February, A.D., 1956. -117 2VP: /-1-271 "- x&isupix IIMA F. bITNHB, Temporary Chairman City Recorder BILLENO.L7)of 1956 x&cikxBNoEx Published: February 17t 1956 AN ORDINANCE ON ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. VON 1,2.1 OF TUE REVISED ORDI, R n' T OF SALT g v C registration Affidavit of Publication I'..lIe IC ordained h One Board of-Com- mis55;�one[[a p£Salt Lake-City,Lean: OVaTIt)N L Thal'hi gtiun L2-1 of the 1. ]^.evlsod'prdia„cet oast Lgko City,I irktto 105.relatingd-ann to axas,their coaise {at(on a d- nu 1 tax, be, and the, Sumo is;and- afnendcd t0'read as' ty;':Se • - See.I .DD(tlf IA)It salt b SS. tANDm15 ANNUALtooi�A .(A)It shalt be nep a g o ithin.the limits•of Salt pimnoSe of;thehC ty' the re[lfor the p'ueso9e 0f Paying to the City'frees. error,fat the benefit bf.the Citr,aW annual tax of FIVE AND NO/100 -DOLLARS•(S'(15,00 for each female and TT11 i li TWO r oa h•male dogoo DOLLARS 9 ovvided,hewnVe, L e IN a Doke V that the-lteense tax herein r rltyred Rto be paid',hy the owner or keeper et n ilog'whhin the{her shall not Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is adver- y.ttnn p ee a t a per- p J aline.r9 Maintaining-a dog kennel, c nr tiling clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- y ratinr:,or alntainin% doe ken- for privil In the City tin,,orcr, S the privilege (conducing,pan news- for ° maintaining last Ina(nape' paper published in Salt,Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the pph u 7 hcensc fee (rTEN A CI year. - DQLLARS (530.00) Eor ea R State of Utah. year. • 'Ill It shall be unlawful for verso n.to keep kennel.1 le„ (10) dogs r such en estag a'in e stall be than That the advertisement of which a copy is attached ,arise here c than twp (2)dogs areraised,kept,housed or boarded." hereto itin4)o main my aintaining a veterson inary hos. vital sail Lake City shall pay to Salt Lake City Bill No 7, of 1956. the:City an annual license fee In the amottlit t ONE and NO/100 DOL. • LAR.(31.00)•for each kennel space, f;z'•as animal V%tdedin,adhos An Ordinance Amending Sec 1-2-1 of the hall the license •fee he,less than TEN-AND NO/100 DOLLARS(S10.90 tuna FIFTY AND N'tiiloon('s5auoi p Revised Ordinances, relating to dogs. yo"(r. tI A veterinary hospital shall be 'Eofined to be an animal hospital o ,elated under the direct su vision Of a veterinarian duly licensed by the. State of Utah." "(C Any n 0000tatina,o Stiop for then Vale of animals n n Salt l l Color City ahali to the'pity Treasurer annual a license fee. of ONE AN➢ NO/100 DOLLARS ($1.00) for ea h• anima(kept In said ot.shop eon sale. 'but in no event hall the license fee Ife leas than TEN AND NO/100 DOL- was published in said newspaper on LARS($10.00 per year or more than FIFTY A.ND NO/100 DOLLARS 050,001 per year." IL for licenses to ope or ntain a kennel vete, nbe ary hosplle 'orrstpeshop shall 11 first r• FebY*ttary 7y e5b y hospital, eet shop hall al , who 0/loll tok the Boned 1 Health, who hall inspection veteri- nary ere I Uses t s hospital, e hen / (� maintainedarecommendations and operated and shall 1 make mm loers to the Roard f.- City a nyi g of sera i the Grant• e leaving of such Health Advertising Clerk (E)l Board of health shall to eapproved promulgate rules a Board regulations to • be »Proved by the Laked of City Co00000 tse ye00 el Salt Lake City e v, a Ise the ,veterinary and operation o alle slopcls within therC hospitals and ney hops nve the oar 20th O)Whenever the Board of Ileelth day of any or io infraction o£orn to before me this oyyrule r regulation Health. promulgated the Board of Hety n.and approves 56 the,' the Board of CdM Cly notify t.^ify the thcr shots Im ntedixissi ers of the A.D.19 Hoard of Cod the toodoncrs of.said infraction and thu Board O/ such Com. shah noticeoukennel. veterinary ( hospital or keeper r°pet such ionalp before said Commissioners ataday andt certain to show cause why his license , • / / ' should not he revoked for such in fraction." Treasurer mlhbet`i register du ty oft the Notary Public dogs,and to description io such enpldog �nt a certificate °f registry.. SECTION 2. In the ovinion of the toard of Commissioners it is to the pease,health and safety necessary sthe inhabitants f Salt Lake City that this l{IW„ ordinance become effective immedi- ately. SECTION 3.This ordinance.shall take pores effect upon its first publication. Passed Fr the Board of Commission. ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,this l,Ilh day of February.A.D.1958. JOE L.CHRISTENSEN. ,957 Temporary Chairmen, (SEAL) IRMA F.City Recorder. ' Published Februaery 17,1958. (0.01)