7 of 1959 - Amending Title 24, Chapter 2, Section 2, Items 3 and 4 of the R.O. 1955, relating to Municipal Wards 1.' Fief 1 * ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, , 195 VOTING Aye, Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. �2 Burbidge . Christensen . Geurts. . . Romney . . . Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . . URUINANCE AN/AM/ AMENDING TITLE 24, Chapter 2, Section 2, Items 3 and 4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to municipal wards. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Title 24, Chapter 2, Section 2, Items 3 and 4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to municipal wards, be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "ITEM 3. THIRD MUNICIPAL WARD. All that portion of the city lying north of the center line of South Temple Street, west of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of South Temple Street, and Main Street, thence North along center line of Main Street to center line of 2nd North Street, thence East along center line of 2nd North Street to center line of bed of City Creek Stream, thence north to a point even with center line of 14th Avenue, thence due East to a point even with center line of "A" Street, thence north to North boundary line of Salt Lake City at Davis County Line. "ITEM 4. FOURTH MUNICIPAL WARD All that portion of the city lying east of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of South Temple Street, and Main Street, thence North along center line of Main Street to center line of 2nd North Street, thence East along center line of 2nd North Street to center line of bed of City Creek Stream, thence north to a point even with center line of 14th Avenue, thence due East to a point even with center line of "AY Street, thence north to North boundary line of Salt Lake City at Davis County Line, end north of the following described line: Beginning at a point at the intersection of South Temple and Main Streets, thence east along the center line of South Temple Street to the boundary line of the United States Military Reservation, thence north, thence east, thence north, thence east, thence north, thence west, thence north, thence east, following the west and north boundary of the United States Military Reservation to the east boundary line of the city." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Boa,rd of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this llth day of February, 19)9. S Ci Recor r ( 5 E A L ) BIll NO. 7 of 1959 Published February 13, 1959 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake de -i t,..*DINANCE 1 Being / ) r ) 2,TITLE 24D�AyRCE ZA$e NDINdG ' , Being first duly sworn, deposes arid says that he is legal advertising dOr Nenaeenof¢'Salt Lakeegty= clerk of the DESF,RF,T NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELF.- Ut h,x1A65,relettns to municipal 1 GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- ed9.. ;d co rd eeoibLitthtZ Caryl,i lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in «'two hat.I Title end I Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. �]4 e•. 1 Ut h a1A55 r lab �t gtdA'tdRuWel by amend d to That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto � J7 EM a THIRD IS4 NICI)?AL jtd iLisnoti Tthnle5fh tf t! ;;sit 1,..k6 City! 'till No. 7 of l_959 .',4 Gttbe Idltol e g tdurl'ea a iAtd'', #ft seih Se °N Sir eibn:o,era ' An Orli nonce rei ati.np; to muni ci.nal 1h f Mal St et io ce'tcr.5 ' Of and North Streett,,tilegqes'$ t A et ter lane t 2nq N@eh 'Stead eo ter line of-bed'of try' rta's. pity Creeko'Stream thence.north hi pp yomt evenwith veneer line d. (14tit AVa thane ndue East W tot point evenwith center line 5' d 'A" Stree, thence rth to 1 i it'll',"tfoundery line of Salt Lake I eY tr at Davis County Lino. • till (( ITM 4. FOURTH MUNIC1-f �Nc�MhL WARD.All'tINt rtloh of I de'[fne ity 1yInB ast of the follow-I p S d lbcdgR t th lnf tl n 04l South Temple Street, d Main 'S' o ie 1_.Y` 1.959. tth'I r tf'Mei SN tht lqn t _'web rll.:T' 99�e a was published in said newspaper on ' a 2 d North St t tli41rf9 E t pee k t f '0 eSd th t t et t t r]In en find f Cltr Comte ven w hthence (e ` �� Ina a T, ten ce ter lane d�iqt to'-, Avenue,then nt F st l! ttpp Iwt t even enc eent Il e it N A Street.line tL to E ICliv, tb Devil ]Ine of S ne Lake j ,e t Cab E Devls County•L d girth. f the'iol]owin4 d Ibed' �� ._�7 t] Rile H aonalon nt Yelmtpt tnq 9 Se sneair ouh T mn78ii 13tedtoStsoM11172ynRe¢rve^ Legal Advertising Cl rk ,,,72 to ans�,ee e hhe e a thence e h n cee tn Marsh,thence west.thence north, herehtwfNaownatheInitet ttdt kTOde yR et atlb r.he a. he BoardNo2.Cmttones.t If seayy to the;peace,health nd.o f tr f the"i haMtants f Salt he Lake City that this ordinance 1.0trl Sau tak=effect lmmedlately. fore me this _ day of 6_ SECTION :i. Ton a din first sh]i t ke effect anon Its first I I a_nuhllced't 59 Passed by the Road f Cmn ' A.D. t(.�._ t<sioay of Salt Lake City,this l lth dey2af FehrunTE AR Mayor F.STEWART. Marar. I tl Y CER eMEAL)" Recorder.HOCENSEN, . r MEALI t VkNO u7a oy 113 958 (A ib I] � i %_t-7G..-,..�_ -�—�i . Notary Public L. My Commission Expires Nov. ,.;5, .19C7,.. 7