7 of 1962 - Amending Section 14-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lkae City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relatin ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, January 29 196 2
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison . .
Smart / /
Romney .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 14-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the
Organization and Salaries of Officers and Employees in the Fire Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That Section 14-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the organization
and salaries of officers and employees in the Fire Department, be, and
the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 14-1-1 . Organization and salaries. (a) The Fire Depart-
ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and
employees, and no others, who, except for the Chief of the Fire
Department, shall be appointed by the appointing power, subject to
the approval of the Board of City Commissioners, from the certified
list of the Civil Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each
such office or position to be filled, to-wit:
Chief of Fire Department, who shall be head of the
Fire Department and the appointing power.
Assistant Chiefs
Battalion Chiefs
Administrative Secretary
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Master Mechanic
Senior Mechanic
Superintendent of Communications
Senior Technician
(b) The annual salaries for each such officer and employee shall
be fixed by the Board of Commissioners from and after March 1 , 1962
at not more than the following amounts, to-wit:
Chief of Fire Department -- $10,000.00
Assistant Chiefs -- $8,070.00 to June 30, 1962, $8,235.00
from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $8,400.00
Battalion Chiefs -- $7,110.00 to June 30, 1962, $7,365.00 from
July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,620.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory service
as Battalion Chief, the annual salary shall be not more
than $7,800.00.
Captains -- $6,420.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,720.00 from
July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,920.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory
service as Captain, the annual salary shall be not more
than $7,200.00
Lieutenants -- $5,970.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,195.00 from
July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,420.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory
service as Lieutenant, the annual salary shall be not
more than $6,600.00.
Administrative Secretary -- $5,100.00, provided that after
satisfactory service as Administrative Secretary from and
after 3 years, and 4 years, and 5 years, and 10 years,
the annual salary shall not be more, respectively, than
$5,400.00 and $5,700.00 and $6,000.00 and $6,300.00 and
1st Grade -- $5,520.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,640.00 from
July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $5,760.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years, and 10 years, and
15 years, of satisfactory service, the annual salary
shall not be more, respectively, than $5,940.00 and
$6, 120.00 and $6,300.00.
2nd Grade -- $5,280.00
3rd Grade -- 4,980.00
4th Grade -- 4,620.00
5th Grade -- 4,380.00
6th Grade -- 4,200.00
Master Mechanic -- $7, 110.00 to June 30, 1962, $7,365.00
from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,620.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory
service as Master Mechanic, the annual salary shall be not
more than $7,800.00.
Senior Mechanic -- $6,210.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,405.00 from
July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,600.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years of satisfactory
service as Senior Mechanic, the annual salary shall be not
more than $6,840.00.
Mechanic -- $5,760.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,880.00 from July
1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,000.00 thereafter, pro-
vided, that from and after 5 years, and 10 years and 15
years of satisfactory service as Mechanic, the annual
salary shall be not more, respectively, than $6,180.00,
and $6,360.00 and $6,540.00.
Superintendent of Communications -- $7,110.00 to June 30, 1962,
$7,365.00 from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $7,620.00
thereafter, provided, that from and after 5 years of
satisfactory service as Superintendent of Communications,
the annual salary shall be not more than $7,800.00.
Senior Technician -- $6,210.00 to June 30, 1962, $6,405.00
from July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,600.00 there-
after, provided, that from and after 5 years of satis-
factory service as Senior Technician, the annual salary
shall be not more than $6,840.00.
Technician -- $5,760.00 to June 30, 1962, $5,880.00 from
July 1 , 1962 to June 30, 1963, and $6,000.00 thereafter,
provided, that from and after 5 years, and 10 years,
and 15 years of satisfactory service as Technician, the
annual salary shall be not more, respectively, than
$6, 180.00, and $6,360.00, and $6,540.00.
In addition to the foregoing salaries, each officer and employee
in the Fire Department, as above set forth, except any employee not
required to wear uniforms, shall be paid the sum of $15.00 per month
as a uniform allowance.
(c) All officers and employees whose employment in the Fire
Department commenced prior to March 1 , 1962, shall receive credit
for the length of service theretofore rendered in the department,
which service shall be considered satisfactory under the terms of
this ordinance, and shall automatically have the length of service
status as shall entitle them to receive the annual salary authorized
by this ordinance, based upon longevity of service, as specified
in this ordinance, provided, that all firemen who advance to 1st
Grade after March 1 , 1962, must serve 5 years thereafter before
being eligible to begin to receive the increase in annual salary
based upon longevity of service,
(d) To have rendered "satisfactory service" as used in this
ordinance, and so be entitled to receive the increase in salary
based upon longevity of service, as authorized by this ordinance,
the officer or employee shall comply with and accomplish the
requirements of the rules and regulations as to training and
conduct promulgated by the Chief of the Fire Department and
approved by the Salt Lake City Civil Service Commission, and the
Chief of Fire Department shall certify to such satisfactory service."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
29th day of January , 1962.
P� /�
(S E A L)
BILL MO. 7 of 1961
Published January 31, 1962
e 3Amen,l97365.100Dram
July 1.1969 to June 30,1063,
and 93,630.00 thereafter,Pro-
vided,of as front and
as Master Mechanic,Servicee an-
thal selery shell be not more
en 83.60n.o0.
Senior. Mechanic—U11000 to
July 13019696 to June 30,1963,
video,that°fromefand write r s
Veers of satisfactory s Ice
es Senla Mechanic,the e
uel selervsf shell be not
M�chenlch2i5.i6 OD/c June 30,
1962.to BJune 35 n19611ye d
36,00.00 thereafter,provided,
th C 10 yeah end l9 Veera of
satisfactory servke a! Me-
Shellibe not more urosOeutive
Iy. than 965.6101.00, and 96.
Su erintendonf aF�CmmunIce-
tlens,10,110.00 to June 30,
1962 to June°30,,0963,Iye d
99,a630 00 thereafter,provided.
ofsatisfeetory eerlvire BS SU-
rerInte niheent OflCo1e00.munloo-
bet marenmens f9.B00
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July 1�°1969'io Ju e630,iv6i,
end 96,000.00 thereafter,pro-
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s 9enier Tachnielen,Me e
nuel solar?.shell be not mere
than 96,B60.00.
T 30 n1962,35 B80 00 from Jule
$6,000.00en t thereafter,p1rovided,
endl 10 nar',ends lS years
o/ satisfactory service
Techician, the annual sal-
shall be net m no.
than 66.180.00,an6
5dditio00, nd 96,Sa0.00,
to addition n to the forepomp sal-
thee Fire Deyffl officer em hoveSaet
surlred bawl an unitormostashalt be
paid the rallowance er month
as lot uniformll officers and employees
whose employment In the Fire De-
Mcrnlnalr 1960,eheIf rec0lveocre01f
for the length Of service thereto.
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hallh the considered
satisfactory under the terms of
this ordinance,and shall automat].
status have
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by this Ordinance. based
longevity of s ecified
in this ordinance,provided,that en
firemen who advance to 1st Grade
alter March 1,into,'must Se e 5
Years thereafter before beine eeliol.
hle to begin to receive the in
e v annual ice. based upon toed)?Iv of s
rat ry have0 1006in thIs ral'
tore a used in this orel-
cely^'thenncreae In eslarry 1bassed
longevity,or service.
fi erraeo b Cnlnloyeedhall confeY
with and a mellshs the reOulre'
moots of rho rules and reoulatlOne
cetod 1 Dvinithe eCnlot dJc'th Fire
Sella Laken rnhde`lvll Servrfud Come
p Irtinentanshalle ne lily tto sDc
allsfn0inrvs s)vice'
Passed by the Board of Commis.
sinners d/Sall Lake City,Utah,this
09fh day St
Temporary N[nnirmen
BILL NO.7 of '61
Published Jenua. 31,1963 IC-MI
Amclavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
tmait tletke,a tt D M O cke y
lino 1J 1 1 Of the R l e 8,d na
heft rt 4j�eme 0 e Dfieti 14Th , Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
mg IE tofa6 aetllrs inea i 16`,9i�t clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
ea 1t ordamea bvihe a0arfm0Gs1's, GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper in the En -
�1:amn1leslaP•re f feu�Le a rnrl f Pprinted9
ulie-rION I.That{e<non 141.1 of lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
m Re aed DYdlnadxa f salt Lake Salt Lake City, Salt Lake y
cIR,J4en:196s,-ea.n��.cxefor. Count in the State of Utah.
mended, Irg, .1 0r0eniae-
110n 0 @alYles 1 Nnc end -
alovee In iha Fire OfOa ant,be. '
ed ins same narov t*9mmdrd m ' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
r e♦;sa f01I0we•
sec. to-vt. 4roanizbu0n .aa
ri as.(e)Th6 F 1- P oerimeni
poff r<alt•Lana officers
.hall Idr er- Salt Lake, Ci-ty bill No. 7 of 1962
.rf,'following; inters and d$f0
IT end no ofhrr no.ex[BPf for
' ma Chief f the Flue OeppNmnnn
all be eOPolnted pV sne tpp01n1-
VC,I eonrte oiil com�ngii An Ordinance relating to the
from the erlif rd Ile t 1
Clvll fervke ComrOlsslln;of $alt
pane Clio for <h a<n Weer aY organization and salaries of officers and
OS Chi to br iie ,lemon
Chief OF Flre eperlmMt wt,o
Shall be h ed Of the Fire°A
"pew enf dine eenolnlin0
Aeistent Chiefa employees in the Eire Department.
gelfalion Chiefs
mrretive Secretary Fire
1st Grada
Nd ppGrade
3rd Trade �J bin Jan 31, 1962
tit;Grade J was published in said newspaper on
senior Mechanic
' Sunerinrendent of Communise.„,
Senior Technician I
fbl The nn I la lee for h-�
pp n p l a PlOnes Oell �
ml flora}Vfio.rt rIfte C°
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C176.00000 Fire Danfi,fl6anIe u //
Aaalste t Cnlels-600b0.00 fo !Legal Advertising Clerk ,1____
June 30,1962$L935.00 from /
July 1,1962 to June 30,1963,
Red f0/00.00 fher001for.
ftellon chiefs—f7,110.00 ,0
June 30 1969,f1,366.00.from
end 1,10.0 tt June 30;1960
a d f1,610A0 fro en}t<r,Pro-
vldetl,met from nd eclat 6
Years f e,5ChI f, rvice
Battalion Chief, the e
tool selery shelf be nor meta 2nd
then S1,A00.00.
f CaPrelne—f6,69000 tpJune 30.
" 1963, 56,June from July 1 afore me this clay of
$7q,1 f0 June 30, 1prov b
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_ of satisfactory service
Captan, the annual Ie1,- \
hall he not more than$7,-
L130,it1967 t 96195 000from July 1,1969 to June 10,1963,and
f6.61o00 Inerea ter, PrOvld-
ad, shot from end aver e
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et Lleu,onent, the annual
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mr t0robld einefi'tsar sh4.
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bet0r Snn ears"coed to Years:
a u I Irrr soft! m
7v SS,000.00 era S6,300.00 and
-- Grade—,000.0.00 r1 Job'
30,1963•I3000.00 from July
1,1600 t June 30 pnov ,
ihet60 Dom ars,offer FS wears,
and satisfactory t servicnd id years,
rinse! tel:flvely0enit r S5�
9an,o0 a94 f6,190.00 d S6�
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