7 of 1972 - Amending Section 20-17-48, to allow conventions or other group meetings, using public buildings, to auuary ,VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Mr.Chairman.... v ,✓ I move that�the rdinance be palCd Barker _ Hammen �' �� / , Harrison Phillips 1! ANORDINANCE- Result ' / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 20-17-48 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to transient merchants, and adding thereto a new section to be known as Sec. 20-17-50.1, relating to group display licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sec. 20-17-48 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to transient merchants, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: Sec. 20-17-48. Transient Merchant. Definition. A "transient merchant" is any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, agent, consignee or employee or whether a resident of Salt Lake City or not, who: (A) Engages in a temporary business of selling and delivering goods, wares, health goods, drugs, vitamin tablets, vegetable juices or drinks; or who (B) Sells, offers or exhibits for sale any of the foregoing items listed in subparagraph "(A)" above during the course of or after a lecture on health or hygiene, or a demonstration thereof, from any hotel, rooming house, dwelling house, boarding house, store, store room, stall, tent, building, structure, stand, railroad car, motor vehicle, or other place in Salt Lake City. The foregoing notwithstanding, however, a "transient merchant" for the purposes of this section shall not include the following: (1) A person, firm or corporation who shall occupy any of the aforesaid places for the purpose of conducting a permanent business therein; provided however, that no person, firm or corporation shall be relieved from the provisions of this chapter by reason of a temporary assoc- iation with any local dealer, trader, merchant or auction- eer, or by conducting such temporary or-transient business in connection with or as a part of or in the name of any local dealer, trader, merchant or auctioneer; or (2) Any sales of merchandise damaged by smoke or fire, or of bankrupt concerns, where such stocks have been acquired from merchants of Salt Lake City theretofore regularly licensed and engaged in business; provided how- ever, no such stocks of merchandise shall be augumented by new goods; or (3) Commercial travelers or selling agents selling their goods to dealers or merchants, for resale purposes only, according to ordinary business practice; or (4) A person, firm or corporation exhibiting goods for sale concurrent with and as an adjunct to a group display, meeting or convention duly authorized to be held in a public owned building and authorized and licensed pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 20-17-50.1 of this chapter. 20 SECTION 2. That Chapter 17 of Title/of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be,and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new section, to be known as Sec. 20-17-50.1, relating to group display licenses, to read as follows: Sec. 20-17-50.1. Group display license. The spon- soring organization of any group meeting, display or convention using publicly owned buildings, who invites persons, corporations or firms to display goods for advertising, for sale or for any other purpose as an adjunct and concurrent with such meeting, display or convention, may purchase a "display license", which license shall entitle such persons, firms or corpor- ations who would otherwise be "transient merchants" as defined in this chapter, excluding subparagraph 4 of Sec. 20-17-48, and who operate as an adjunct and concurrent with the aforesaid group display, meeting or convention, to engage in temporary business pro- vided the following requirements are met: (A) The sponsoring organization of such group meet- ing, display or convention shall pay a total of $100 per day in advance for each day that its invitees shall have advertising boothes or goods on display in publicly owned buildings in Salt Lake City; and (B) Each such invitee shall, prior to opening any booth or any display whatsoever, be approved and issued a written authorization by the city license assessor. Such authorization shall not be given until the sponsor- ing organization of such meeting, display or convention shall supply the name and permanent address of such in- vitee, together with such other information as the asses- sor may reasonably request to establish the nature of the goods for display or sale, the duration of the dis- play, and the method of business operation of said in- vitee. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt ake City, Utah, this 20th day of January, 1972. AA����ppll May (SEAL) ity'1‘1\1?)\ r BILL NO, 7 of 1972 Published January 26, 1972 7 ADM•50A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } ea. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Bett�T PheI S AN ORDINANCE AO(s�ENDING Sec. __._ -. salt 48 a Mn Revise,m d f. to L k UN Uthrd,h 1960 red ling theretan transient ars ba k atop as ode 2e v 5etc elating to aroUPI Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- diwko licenses. Be Ir lamedfiby-lne Boars.a rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except„Sunday) Ill IA-ssl l 1. of t Seilt L204ake 48 o rising SECTION 7:ThatCSet.20-i]-d8 f newspaper printed in the English language with general CLI'' °cliyRuies l7,5 f6 1I9G 1 Salt ans�t culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Ilse1eme de1dbt0 read 86 follows:nbyi Count in the State of Utah. Dettnitlon"A "transit tr n rah tf County, ds spy p r on,11rm- p - m !Wh€fh¢r s owner, plot,cOns'inn t 'pp anipl°yei orwhetheY residegf That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto �qf Salt:Lake City or not,who: (A)Eneai and dnil.Bringygoods, nW iPrrhe8ir,Aods,dYp118rVltamdn An Ordinance gelatin..g, Q-gxnug_disglay_licenses,___ tablet p f ble lui a tl l ks% p(Q7 Sell offers exhibit for r� eelet181 y 0f-th foreu inft� manoyte B111 No 7_o 192Z. bp' Treat lec- ture the course for Tory em- onst on health or,erom or a hotel, onsiratlon thereof,from any Ina ;house, sdwollina house, boaatop'house, fare, torarand, --------- stall,ad c r,motor vehicle,¢orsother railroad car, 'Wplace in Self Lake Cdtptwahslandino, e la�egqoing however, -- -- etairpeaai t thisnt merchant"not the pdrptie8 11 this section'shall not include.' Yon,tire: 1a sh p f000b,+tram or Corporation Who)Yhail¢q uPY any �f the fore- _ ' eell•platesrm6eent nosiness thertihi ooUned ewever, than o.person, Janus 26 ovidaa �.9-7�----— fIYIDaOY OQYDoration shall be r¢ueY¢a was published in said newspaper on January � bf°met�9I511slons of this na ri y rd,edmot a tdeaw, aser,mar- .ayt or!local dealer,trader, e- -h3tj{,er'auctOn¢eY,or by tied- - Ind aV h'temporary o lydnsl¢Ilt ---- u(nbs�`i action with:or as dargd�:o[f fr ,dliothso name of aaY local §ef'eCY trdde rchant or auction. fate y lnl Oi mErchantlise da - P?`tea,b lire, fhank- UP a nCei k here such stocks ---- aayd'beds cdulreci from merchants lot S81r Lake Clly enigoetr'bUsi- � ass•ht¢need ana however, n bust- Legal Arly btiling Cler 'stoat-of:merc however, no such ;Matted by:merchandise deeds: stall b¢abp" ;Matted by newlal oRu lere r sell- S)'.CO Om Ing epents selling.their goods r- .gplee lers.orsmerchnndt§gfo inesaldei pV y ;best e d t e�rof phi)A a oa tl m or t pararlon 2Zth day of ¢x ibl'''d p i di USet 1 tgreoP :Wisp dm¢Eting or on tl n lulu to before me this gUsnlaY, fnoriz¢d ti be data fhorlzed and ed bullring rid °¢nsea aursuani to,aloe provisions A.D. .l9_]2_—• SECTION 1e Revi r Chapter es of, Title 20 of the'Revised Ordinances f ' S Thl]50.1.Groups spliaytt lit. Salt sake Clfy,Utah,1a96g6,,,, a d e s qan za n YCIaY w, dad hV f n uo me¢tpubl tlBPIow n !known thereto a c relating ela no n lion inn publersons,owned ,! Sec.20 new 0, elre rapt! b Ile gs who vitas prop display licenses,to read 8 p t firms to persons, goods 1 f tl ertpose for sale for any 4, t'�+' '/,{ follows:__ other purpose as aeeting d \✓ = `Y' t-i-�" 't�'.'y- enr venti own meeting,and Notary Public Playoff convention, license se a entitles"display h persons icfirlmsn or shall aerations such old otherwise be Transient merchants"as defined in this chapter, hidingsubparagraph 4 of Sec.20.17--48,and who operate as an adjunct and concurrent with the aforreesaid-Droop display,meeting or convention,to enearie In tempo- rrarybusdness provided the following My Commission Expires retAflne"aamneoringt'0rganization of [h moms eetlnp,display or t such shall pay a total f Sloo per tlaY in advance for each day that ifs February 12, 197 boothsthes pod Hoye ayyintisob- wned ponds on 1 Salto Lake City;and (on Each such Inviteeanyl d prior �iW opening any booth orany display nWrHfen sastheorioaaHon by the city ii Such authorization shah°not be°given until the soon. dIne oroenlzafion such meeting, isplay or convention hay supply thuchna lnvireetl esrnn here wdtdrressuen other Information as the assessor or s le,the don eepoods tfor di alley ands the method of business operation of said SECTIONl r3e-In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake iiealfhta id weleare of the the habitants of Sail Lake City that this ordinance take effect Immedlateiv, become lOffectivehl immediately upon Its first publication, I Passed by the Board of Commis-I 120thedao of Jatnuary,City,ty Utah,this E.J, G CEl3grtlrHOGENSENMSYor EAL)0mVPublished Jr26,1972 (B-6)