70 of 1902 - Ordinance 70 of 1902 – Paving Extension No. 6. 31 0 NO. 70 _or
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property abutting on
both sides of a certain alley situated hetw;cen Main and Commercial Streets
in Paving District No. 15, for the purpose of providing for the curbing
and paving thereof.
Be it ordain by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1, That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as
corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization heretofore
duly appointed by the City Council for that puepose, of the property
abutting on both sides of a certain alley situated between Main and
Commercial 'Streets in Paving district No. 15, of Salt Lake City, for the
purpose of curbing and paving said portion of said alley, is hereby
confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists
are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Paving Intention No. e.• �, c //i//1- 6
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