70 of 1912 - Regulating Automobile garages. • rf ` AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF BUILDINGS USED AS AUTOMOBILE GARAGES AND TO REGULATE AND PROVIDE FOR THE STORAGE AND USE OF GASOLINE INCIDENT TO SUCH GARAGES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS. Section 1. (a) An AUTOMOBILE is any motor vehicle using gasoline for generating motive power. (b) Chief of "FIRE DR7ARTMENT" mesas, Chief of Fire Department of Salt Lake City, Utah. (o) A PUBLIC GARAGE is a building where automobiles are kept and stored by the public, where automobiles are rented to and hired by the public, where a charge is made for the use of or for the storage or keeping of automobiles. (d) A PRIVATE GARAGE is a building where one or more automobiles are kept and stored for private use only and not rented or hired out to the public or any charge is made for storage. (e) GASOLINE shall mean any product of petroleum or any hydro-carbon liquid that will flash or emit an igflammable vapor below the temperature of one hundred and ten (110 0) degrees Fahrenheit. The Chief of Fire Department to decide the flashing point. (f)APPROVED means approved by Chief of Fire Department ARTICLE 2. GARAGES. Section 2. LOCATION. No part of any building hereafter erected or of any existing building not already so used, which is used as a hotel, apartment house, rooming house or lodging house, shall after the passage of this ordinance, be used as a public garage. Section 3. PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to conduct or maintain any building or premises to be used as an automible garage without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Chief of Fire Department, specifying the name of the permittee and the location of the premises to be used as an automobile garage and the amount of gasoline desired; provided, however, that in the granting or refusal of such permit the Chief of Fire Department shall exercise a reasonable and sound discretion, taking into consideration the character of the applicant for such permit and the intended location of such garage; and further provided, that all persona, firms or corporations now conducting a public garage shall, after the passage of this ordinance comply with the requirements hereinafter specified in this ordinance governing the storage and handling of gasoline. Section 4. APPLICATION FOR PERMITS. All applications for permits for automobile garages shall be made to the Chief of Fire Department who shall determine the conditions under which any privileges granted, shall be exercised, and shall furnish each applicant with a written or printed copy of all the requirements imposed by this ordinance for their information and guidance as to the manner in which gasoline shall be stored in the garage. !0 When application is made to conduct and maintain a Public Garage, the applicant shall immediately after the filing of the application, caused to be posted conspicuously on the premises a notice that such application has been made; said notice to be kept posted until said application is granted or denied. Section 5. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS USED AS PUBLIC GARAGES. All buildings hereafter erected and all buildings hereafter altered or changed so as to be occupied as public garages, for the purpose of storing automobiles, shall be of brick, stone, concrete, or reinforced concrete construction; the flooring of the first floor of which shall be concrete, with a system of ventilation with openings to the outer air at floor line not less than six (6) by eight (8) inches for each ventilator. Section 6. (a) PROTECTION. There shall at all times be maintained in every such building used as a Public Garage two (2) chemical fire extinguishers of not less than three (3) gallons each where the floor space is less than five hundred (500) square feet and one (1) additional chemical fire extinguisher for every additional five hundred (500) square feet of floor space used for such purpose. (b) Sand shall be kept in iron buckets in all garages. Every public garage shall also have on hand at all times at least four (4) barrels of clean sand, placed in different parts of the main floor and repair shop, eaoh barrel to contain an iron scoop, so as to throw sand on gasoline or oil fires, also for absorbing waste oils that may fall upon the floor; such sand when saturated shell be removed frim the building. The use of sawdust for absorbing oils in any garage is strictly prohibited. Section 7. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE REGULATIONS. Garages must at all times conform to the following regulations: (a) No gasoline shall be allowed to remain in any open can or open receptacle of any kind, in, upon, or about any garage. (b) No gasoline shall be put into or taken out of any automobile where there is an open light. All lamps on the automobile must be extinguished before filling. (o) No gasoline shall be used for motive power to supply any engine or machinery of any kind used or run by an auto- mobile garage. (d) No oils, gasoline or any inflammable material shall be allowed to be stored or kept in any lockers. (e) No stove, forge, torth or other furnace, flame or Sire, shall be permitted, except in the office, retiring room or repair shop. (f) All lighting shall be by incandescent electric lights with all electric switches and cut-offs pelxluanently located at least foar (4) feet above the floor. (g) All electric motors which are not actually a part of any automobile shall be located at least four (4) feet above the floor. (h) All lockers in automobile garages shall be so constructed as to permit of ready inspection. (i) No smoking shall be allowed inside of any building used as an automobile garage. A notice in large letters "NO SMOKING" shall be displayed in a conspicuous place and manner on the floor and at all entrances to the garage. =3— (0) All waste and rubbish of any kind must be kept at all times in metal reoeptablee, fitted with a tight cover. ARTICLE 3. GASOLINE. Section 8. STORAGE OF GASOLINE. Except as hereinafter provided in these regulations, all gasoline except that contained in the tanks of automobiles shall be kept and stared in underground tanks of the following specifications: (a) No single tank to have a capacity of more than three hundred (300) gallons of gasoline. (b) Not more than four (4) tanks of three hundred (300) gallons capacity each or an aggregate of twelve hun— dred (1200) gallons of gasoline shall be stored in connection with any one public garage. (o) One storage tank for gasoline of capacity not greater than three hundred (300) gallons may be installed in connection with and for a private garage. Section 9. HANDLING OF GASOLINE. Five (5) gallons of gasoline may be kept inside of a building in approved self-closing cans of a capacity not to exceed five (5) gallons. Gasoline may be kept in approved portable filling tanks inside of a public or private garage. No one approved portable filling tank shall have a capacity to exceed 50 gallons. All said approved portable filling tanks shall be *.nttted'en:.4hl,metal wheels with rubber tires, each to be equipped with an approved pump fitted at the end with a ground shut— off nozzle; the gasoline to be pumped into the reservoir of the automobile from the said approved wheel tanks. Such portable wheel tanks when not in use must be kept near the entrance of the building so that in case of fire they cam be readily removed from the building. Section 10. CONSTRUCTION OP STORAGE TANKS. All gasoline storage tanks must conform to the following specifications. (a) All gasoline storage tanks shall be constructed of at least twelve (12) gauge galvanized steel or three sixteenth (3/16) inch black open hearth steel. (b) All tanks made of galvanized steel must be carefully riveted and soldered. All tanks made of black steel must be carefully riveted and calked. (c) All tanks must be coated on the outside with asphaltum or other rust—resisting material. (d) There shall be no openings or connections on any tank except on the top thereof and no tank shall be connected either directly or indirectly with any drain, catch basin, public or private sewer. Section 11. INSTALLATION OF STORAGE TANKS. All gasoline storage tanks shall be installed in the following manner: (a) All tanks are to be installed underground outside the building, in yard, under sidewalk as near the curb line as possible, or under a public alley, top of tanks four (4) feet below the surface and entirely surrounded by earth. (b) Where more than one tank is installed, they shall be separated by at least twelve (12) inches of earth, all well tamped in place. The tops of the tanks must be below the level of the lowest pipe line in the building used in connection with the equipment. -4- (o) No storage tanks shall be covered with earth until an inspection has been made by the Chief of Fire Department. (d) All storage tanks shall be placed in a spot agreed upon with the applicant and the Chief of Fire Department. (e) All storage tanks shall be provided with one (1) inch diameter galvanized iron ventpipe, same to be connected to top of tanks, This vent pipe must ie carried up at least twelve (12) feet above the ground level and terminate in a double goose neck spark protector the openings of which must be covered with brass or copper wire screen of at least 30 mesh. This vent pipe mast be placed on a dead wall as remote from windows and doors as possible and must be attached to wall with pipe hooks, and kept firmly in place. (f) All storage tanks shall be filled from a tank wagon ill the daytime. In no case shall any tanks or drums of gasoline empty or otherwise, be allowed it, upon or about any automobile ,garage. (g) Filler pipes must be made of galvanized iron piping two inches or mote in diameter, entering in at the top of tank and extending to the bottom of the tank. Upper end of such filler pipe must terminate in screw cap securely locked. (h) When filler pipe runs to sidewalk or to alley or to other public highways, it must terminate in screw cap securely looked„ and be protected by cast iron filler box same to be flush with the sidewalk or alley; cover of said filler box to be securely locked. (i) All pipes mast head out of the tops of tanks. (j) All pipes shall be galvanized and put together with litharge and glycerine. (k) Where the space under the sidewalk is excavated for use as part of basement, tanks shall rest on or beneath the base— ment floor , shall be surrounded by a brick or concrete wall not less than twelve (12) inches thick, extending from the bottom of the tank to four (4) feet above ee the top thereof; the space between earth,top and the eaarthacoverede t with a of the leaasstlthree(3)be finchesed wofh concrete. Section 12. PUMPS. All gasoline must be drawn from storage tanks by automatic closing valve pumps and no gravity, siphon, air or water pressure system shall be permitted. Such pumps must be located above the top of the tanks and maych be locattdbiinside the building not below the first floor. an approved design, having valves to close all suction lines. Pumps arranged to lock, and having a shut-offvav on the nuzzle. In no case shall there be a return or waste pipe ARTICLE 4. DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 13, It shall be the duty of the Chidof Fire Department to see that the provisions of this ordinance are complied with and fe r that purpose shall have access to any andand all buildings, or premises, used as automobile garages. If any proprietor or manager of a public lic or private the automobile garage shall fail or refuse to comply provisions of this ordinance (which is made for the public safety) said Chief of Fire Department shall notify said proprietor of manager to appear before him and show cause why the permit w , may have been granted to store gasoline as provided in this ordinance shall no-tbe. reveked. ARTICLE _54 Section 14. Any person, persons, firm, company or corpora- tion that violates, disobeys or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aipde on conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding - or b,,irmprisonment in the City av or not more than months, or by both soca fine and imprisonment; ani-ach person, persons, firm, company or corporation shall be deemed guilty of separate offence for every day such violation, disobedience or refusal shall continue and shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this ordinance for each and every separate offence. Section 15. -All ordinances and resolutions or parts of"ordinances and resolutions in oonfliot herewith are hereby repealed. 11 3 i , t ._ z N.1 00t1...". .b"lO .:.�.. rii. .,):a].IVO r_ AY fG, i:7 O.i:: 0.t ):iQ ' fY°� .. ._. ,:;:i ^,�p9 .�U iU I,, ')i 'it.,. ac, ,•Jn, ' t4 'iJ;) to t:i.A�iJ , _ti:_ , 'Y-�j ,ti0..'t ,' L r f u f - y . .L 1C ) u, 1.7 IO ` )UC J J , - ).i C i:iV IiC:.« I 1 • ,'10 ) :.,,.r 1 ,.• 0 1-`1:1'.._ ..;in..io 0., 3ii:: o i -i at is 1. _ 4 y. J l0 i. �tY.i. 13 U._J q__:� ,u a. 1L.,.I(Y Oli .Li .,.... n011t):.YLI03 .SC .Jir..: '!,.}": i J.!1 l „"n3;MO 2, t_ t1. yo .:o _ ail. ,e:Yoet0q ,cm ciloq rfolle bne ,fne�soe.Trg13 JS13: 0nrr 00u L:tuu ,0 t) 0 ,,-",;:,-.0:; to "f tr ) r10 A S T 1 . r o 0 0J io TO 03f 0 2fli,,1%:;,...) l.f.. "0 U OD fie, C.( , 01.! .l 23 3 'oC 0 ♦ tiol" 0• „10Y3 iH" J-1 J0 I :,.. ,! 4 i i IV Iria,,..., t , t I k I t. I I I i I f W1