70 of 1922 - Vacating Streets and alleys in Industrial trackage and H.M. Scott Subdivision of Kinney and Gourley ROLL CALL
Barnes V Salt Lake City,Utah, 1Q_0.,. 27, ,1922.
Burton y I move that the ordinance be passed.
Green < �
Mr. Chairman
AN OIZDIEANCE VJ.CATIING -portions of streets and alleys in
industrial Trackage Subdivision and in h.. ; cott's subdivision
of Hinney & Gourlay's Improved Plat, all in section 26, Township
1 North, :ange 1 "est, salt Lake Case and i:eridian.
use it ordained by the hoard of Hommissioners of oalt
Lake City, Utah:
SBCTION I. That all that part of streets and alleys
located in Industrial Trackage .,ubdivision and in N. Scott's
subdivision of :Linsey C Gourlay's Improved Plat, all in ,section
26, ''Township 1 North, '_.ange 1 :fest, Salt rake Case and 'eridien,
and more particularly described as follows:
10th forth street, from the west line of 6th
:lest street to the east line of sec. 26, T. 1 IT., h. 1
.1., S. L. B. and L.
11th north :street, from the west lino of 7th
Jest street to the east line of sec. 26, T. 1 ;M., H. 1
U., a. L. B. and ...
12th forth 'street, from the.rest line of the
Industrial Trackage :iubilivision to the east line of
.sec. 26, T. 1 N., h. 1 ..., S. L. B. mid II.
Clara .:ve., from the west line of Industr'tal
Trackage Subdivision to the east line of :ec. 26, T. 1
N., H. 1 :''1., 0. L. 3. and
Goodwin :ive., from the west line of alley run-
ning north and south in .flock 44, F. 1.1. :cott's .ub, of
:annoy C Gourlay's Improved -Bat to the east line of
Sec. 26, T. 1 h., a. 1 W., a. L. 3. and
6th Jest Street, from the south line of 10th
North Street to the south line of 12th north .street.
7th 'lest Street, from the south line of llth
North street to the south line of the railroad right of
way, running east and west through the center of Blocks
7 and 8, Industrial Trackage subdivision.
lleys running through and into 3loc'vs
43., 44 and 62 of 7 B cott's -3ubdivision of 1'_innoy
8. Gourlay's Improved Plat, ,,alt bake City, Utah.
Be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no
Monger to be public alleys, streets or ways.
�;3CTIOIT 2. 'Phis ordinance shall Lake effect thirty-one
days after its first publication.
Passedse by the Board of uomnissioners of salt bake Jity,
��6 Utah, this ; day of a , -s. J. 1922.
Mayo r.
gat to s
City _:eorder.
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