70 of 1958 - Amending the whole of Title 9 of the R.O. 1955, entitled 'Dance Halls' and relating to licensing and IV
8ec.1..." 100 .6.58 Q.P. o
ROLL CALL1' / Salt Lake City,Utals.J !u , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . _
Geurts. . .
Romney . . .
Mr.Chairman f AN ORDINANCE
Result . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the whole of Title 9 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, entitled "Dance Halls" and relating
to the licensing and regulation of Dance Halls, Dances and Cabarets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the whole of Title 9 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, entitled "Dance Halls" and relating to the
licensing and regulation of Dance Halls, Dances and Cabarets, be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"Section 9-1-1 Definitions.
"(a) Dances conducted and sponsored by public or private
schools and churches for the students or members thereof, even though
an admission fee is charged, and dances conducted in private homes on
a private basis, shall not be deemed to be public dances and shall be
exempt from the licensing provisions of this chapter.
"(b) Dances conducted and sponsored by private non-profit
clubs organized pursuant to chapter six of Title Sixteen, Utah Code
Annotated 1953, for members and their guests only, shall be subject to
the club licensing provisions as hereinafter provided, but such dances
shall not be deemed to be public dances.
"(c) Duly licensed restaurants which entertain their patrons
with live performers who sign or dance, or which permit their patrons
to dance, shall be deemed to be a 'cabarets and such places shall be
subject to the cabaret licensing provisions and regulations as hereinafter
Rec. 200 658 Q.P. C' v v �; •
"(d) Any dance to which the public generally may gain ad-
mission with or without the payment of a fee shall be deemed to be a
public dance. The term tpublic dance hall' shall mean and include any
room, place, or space in which a public dance shall be held or in which
classes in dancing are held and instruction in dancing is given for
hire. Public dance halls shall be licensed and regulated as provided
"Section 9-1-2. No license shall be issued pursuant to this
chapter until it shall be found that the place for which it is issued
complies with and conforms to all laws, ordinances, health, and fire
regulations applicable thereto and is properly ventilated and has
available separate and sufficient toilet conveniences for each sex,
and is a safe and proper place for the purposes for which it shall be
used. Every person to whom a license is issued under this chapter
shall post the same in a conspicuous place on the premises covered
by such license.
"Section 9-1-3. It shall be unlawful to operate any dance within
the limits of Salt Lake City until the place in which the dance may be
held shall first have been duly licensed except as otherewise provided
"Section 9-1-4. Club License Fee. The license fee required for a
club dance license shall be $ 1.00 per day or $25.00 per year.
"Section 9-1-5. Cabaret License Fee. The license fee required
for a cararet license shall be $10.00 per day or $100.00 per year.
"Section 9-1-6. Public Dance Hall License Fee. The license fee
required for a public dance hall license shall be $10.00 per day or
$200.00 per year.
"Section 9-1-7. General Dance Regulations.
"(a) It shall be unlawful to permit any person who has not
reached the age of sixteen years to attend or remain at any public
dance or cabaret unless such person be accompanied by the parent or
legal guardian of such person. Persons who are sixteen or seventeen
years of age, whether male or female, may be admitted to public dance
halls or cabarets only when they present themselves as a couple, it
Rec.N.., 200 6-58 Q.P. `' — `,J '.r
being the purpose of this ordinance to make it unlawful for unescorted
females and malesnot acting as an escort, of the age of sixteen or
seventeen years, to attend public dances or cabarets. If any licensed
cabaret premises are also licensed for the sale of beer, no person
under the age of 21 years may enter or be permitted to remain on said
premises. It shall be unlawful for any person to misrepresent his
or her age for the purpose of gaining admission to a public dance or
cabaret or falsely to represent himself or herself to be a parent or
legal guardian of any person in order that such person may attend or
remain at any public dance or cabaret.
"(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or
maintain any dance licensed by this chapter between the hours of 1:00
o'clock A.M.,of any week day and 8:00 o'clock A.M., of the same day
or between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A.M. Sunday and 8:00 o'clock A.M.
of the following Monday; except dancing may be permitted to continue
until 2:00 o'clock A.M., on New Year's Day.
"(c) No pass out or return check shall be issued for use
by persons who leave licensed dance premises, anterooms thereof, and
such portions of the grounds immediately adjacent to such premises as
are well lighted and under the immediate control of the dance hall
management, and all persons leaving the licensed dance premises, ante-
rooms thereof and well lighted grounds immediately adjacent thereto,
shall be required to pay the regular admission fee in case of return
to such dance.
"(d) Premises licensed pursuant to this chapter shall maintain
throughout said/premises and during business hours a minimum of one
candle power light measured at a level 5 feet aboi the floor.
"(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or
maintain any walkathon, marathon, or any other exhibition of human
endurance to which the public is admitted as spectators, and it shall
be unlawful for any person to attend any walkathon, marathon or any
other exhibition of human endurance.
Rcc.' � 200 6-28 Q.P. '••-• `. v
"(f) It shall be unlawful to smoke or drink any liquid
while dancing on any licensed dance premises or to permit the same.
"(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a license
under this chapter has been issued to allow or permit on the licensed
premises any indecent act to be committed, or any disorder or conduct
of a gross, violent or vulgar character, or to permit prostitutes,
pimps or procurers to enter and remain on said premises.
"Section 9-1-8. Cabaret Regulations.
"(a) If any licensed cabaret premises are also licensed
for the sale of beer, no person under the age of 21 years may enter
or be permitted to remain on said premises.
"(b) The dance area in a licensed cabaret must be separated
from the seating area by a minimum aisle or areaway of 3 feet.
"(c) Access to rest rooms must be by an aisle or areaway of
at least 3 feet in width and in no event shall a cabaret license be
issued if it is necessary to cross directly over the dance area to have
access to rest rooms.
"(d) If the dance area is adjacent to or in front of a bar
where beer or food is served or consumed, there must be a minimum
aisle or areaway of 5 feet between the bar and the dance area.
"(e) Dancing will be permitted in a cabaret only while live
music is being furnished, and the live music must consist of not less
than two musicians paid by the management. Impromptu audience performers
or itinerant walk-in guitar players or entertainers are prohibited.
It shall be unlawful to furnish live entertainment for patrons of
restaurants or premises licensed pursuant to Title 19 herein, unless y
the premises are licensed as a cabaret.
"(f) A variety of hot food must be available to guests and
clientele of a cabaret during all hours it is open for business.
"(g) All cabaret licenses, whether original applicants
or renewal applicants must comply with all of the applicable provisions
of this chapter.
"Section 9-1-9. License Issuance, Suspension and Revocation.
R.c,': 200 6.58 Q.P.
"The Police Department shall examine and investigate all applicants
for licenses and the premises to be licensed under this chapter. Follow-
ing such examination the recommendations of the Police Department shall
be made in writing to the City Commission, who shall be the licensing
authority. The Police Department shall be permitted to have access to
all premises licensed or applying for licenses under this Chapter, and
shall make periodic inspections of said premises and report its findings
to the City Commission. Before denying any application for a license
under this chapter the applicant shall be given a hearing before the City
Commission. Any license issued pursuant to this chapter may after a
hearing be suspended or revoked for the violation of any provision of
this or any other ordinance or law relating to such places. The City
Commission shall hear and determine all suspension and revocation matters.
"If at any time a license under the provisions of this chapter is
denied or revoked, it shall thereafter be unlawful for any person to
operate, open, maintain, manage or conduct a dance at the same premises
until a new license shall be granted by the CityCommission.
"Section 9-1-10. Penalty.Clause. Any person convicted of violating
any provision of Title 9 of these ordinances shall be punished by a fine
in any sum not exceeding $299.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for
a period not longer than 6 months or by both such fine and imprisonment."
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
18th day of November 1958•
( P A L )
BILL N0. 70 0 1958
Published December 3r ,1958
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D. M. Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake city Bill No. 70 of 1958
An Ordinance relating to regulation
of Dance Halls, Dances and Cabarets.
was published in said newspaper on December 3, 1958.
Legal Advertising Clem
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of
December A.D. 19 58
Notary Public
My Commirn E'1'btr;s 1962.
Legal ? `ices _._- _ rod 11. shall he unlawfu] fr.
b maintain
• ORa1NAN(tE dance e this ha
AN ORDINANCE"AMENDING ter licensed the =.
the bole.O[Title 9 f the Re- o'clock AEI. of a r wee_ day
' v d O d f Halt Lake 8,00 ame sy o'clock An f the
t Utah, 1950 entitled"Dance. f :00 l kAAM Sunday h d rems �
F I d I t r ton th 31-as, 0 00 1 I A M. f the follow-. 1 Legal None
Ing dregulationf y d:la/1S, Monday:except 9 - -
h _ tl-I t on[i alit
CS refill lea Cabarets.lbSat La is L trf 2 00 lock A.It.. n N v Years Suspension"The1S IC d.Dep tail C hi'
My. 1 d 1 still cep IU nli
U ISECTISN i 'ghat the Wholef 1 N t t r 1 lie and the premises
t cheek sheersoes ll be eave d f licensed chines
b. lb licenser(d eg alethis
t chapter.,
pthe l
titled Slt 1[kt C Halls"tit Ordinances
1B 5 n t th I d C m p f dh P 11 tD i
_ Irelating h portions f the c d V twA A t-
' 1 h 1 d d't ladjacent t h cm . gr—pbe 'Commissionewho
I Halls.D and Cabarets, ises as e .11 1-h.d and tinder shall b thelicensing horny
and hereby rs do t. 1-l of the 9h P I e Department shall be
n amended tohrr d s followsi dance hall management, mid all Permitted'l h s to all
'liLe:9 Persons leaving the licensed dance remises lee a ea or chapter.
D l'tCAP BAGI.S noel scs. anteroomshereof and licenses This chanter. and
CfiAP•CER 1 II lighted grounds immediate!, Shall make d o insoectioes
-Section 9-11 D.f' adjacent thereto,shall brequired f 'd promises and report Its
l a d and. o v the s r d f. findings t me City Com
l ri bypublic e t t such 3 tBefored r R PDL t'ri
h 1 h i slut - 1 Ir licensed f - license d th chapter
tl l b thereof, n t thischanter shall t. thehearing beforeshall City
n i throughout said d k
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Hatt,h o during CC bcandleneSS ho 1acr t [hie h pen tithed lieense f pursue,'
shall tab 'Iiall l donned to be exempt Jam the
measured t 1 5 feet above b suspendedrevoked for
thedances violation of of
theink f this !too,It shall be unlawfulfor thish. d
env person to conduct n ma I 1 I C'n L h 1 The
inance or
I �� p• al conducted and tato env �alkathon marathon,or City Commission shall hear and
sponsored v P ,t. of it _ d t n ion and
t to chap- he.t b whir.
.h h ip human
revocation matters.
clubslei' 1. f 1111 ,t Utah admitted spectators. and it Mr at any Hine a license under
Code Ad t Annotated IB�t er shall be unlawfulfor a '-
..hall toattend alkyl �I. r.d orsi fd Cal vhhll ther0s
hers' it tho r o any
exhibition of
1 L ft the ft Pro-
after e l f I S maintain. .
hu'let td t t
tinted,but I d shall nt �a public dances: olr It dh hl I nnlawful to
dater cle s. oe conduct 'd t the
1 b whichTail entertain li n dp esta 'atrons is I r e t l 1' e
p h 11 b t d b th C[ C
1• hitA ine permit --patrons. ii I I hall h 1l1 unlawful for S It Penalty CI :..
Pei mrt Ilk A p L d Of violating
d shall b deemed t be a '1 license-
'cabaret' 1 h l h II he underthis h 1 h b- d walla be`Ip m gee by
hj t Ih 1 licensing 3 In all p.- -i Ih a floe is a
1 • d '.g 1 t- s as here Incensed _ indecent 5299.0t r by imprisonment indthe
s1-Cot yid d- act 1 re committed, o C t. Jail fora period t longer
tl towhich the d conduct f than0 months ort by both such
I ) Alent 't o t t character.
no f d imprisonment."
sioo public t„or generallywithout the d t curers 1 t d r n SECTION 2. This Ordinance
[a fee shitil be<teemed to be a said 11,erniSrs. shall take effect upon its -first
Public I 'the tci in Muhl. •'Section 91 8 Cabaret Reat h. publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis.
hall'shall - dinclude 1. r tl n
IC licensed cabaret f Salt Lake City. ah,
eilclr On nr high +I s sin rldatee promises are at hem, 1 I srd riot'the this stoners
day 1 November,.1888'
hold er in e sale ,ti n I ADIEU F.STEWAR'L
i v e IImIrl and nistrrrctiorr n age of 21 a enter' r be Mayor
dancing - for hire.Public per remain on s HERMAN J.HCGENSEN
permitted t 1I CI[ R cocdet
d regulated
ll. shall Id hose.licensed d P'
as fist Thed II• (4LAL1
1111.1 NO.70 f 19958
b S issued Ption ursuant nl ca No tch's chapter £ fh b 1 -a bb id Published December WE
ail il sh All 1 round that the at aisle
or - v f 9 feet.
1 I which 't issued r fl Access restrooms . .fiat
plies with and conforms to all be by se 1 s f at
] '1 O health, f-• least B feet dtha d '
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available sep "t d sufficient ient directly- a thedancea `a oto
toilet_c 'e.N. h re 1 l
and conveniences
and ipr 'h puce 'rdl If y the da��len� a 'd.
t-h all ibe aC a Evers'for
owhic1 ti era to ntnb bar'
Personi a undo where bee food r i or
ten a license - h. must b milli-
ngs whom
hall post place rthe same more In conspicuous
sby lath license. between aisle
the be: anti the dance
rerillSeS""Section n 9el-,l II shall be n er
lawful In o otale a dance tire
.n 1 0 Dancing-will w be miusic
cabaret So li
ve sic •
thein Molts tat of Salt C.ile dance
I b C !whither,. and the live
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duly Provided
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p d he S e t t I I'r
"Section r 911 ^I 5 1 d air_ •plasm, entertainment
r s
Th C h I. 1 h to i 1
l l dl 1 'erI be I L I a ror
patrons of IC
81.00-Section clay or 125.00
b 0.t,License
for licensed L t Title ar re
a 011111et license licens fee required
be S 0.00 1 licensed:is l cabaret.•premises the ar
Per flay or 5100.00 per veal 'rfl A ariety of hot food must
Public Dame beavailable Co guests aeil item
Section Ph 0. lis of a cabarrt Miring all flours •
requiHall red License Fee-.ublie dance hall it I r...es,.
11 shall Pbe 5or . net nay r All ;b 1'
Sllatinn 9]T. General Dance ral r the[+ scab
Regal pas_ all f the anplicablerurnvi-
"ini ra shall he who haul not ti rltis chanter. rn,,
nit a ection 91 9.License Iawuce,
reached the axe of:sixteen'ems '
to d or I
d t 1 o
n be i aied by the person.
or p s cal a median of 1 n or sevens
Persons who aresixteenwelhersO vale
enfemale.rs p arliew admitted to
"'bile hhrncenahalls me
p l�vas as thellt'n ii�ehcintn thy
t.iunlawful.afoir une.eantedafemales
and males rr t acting� °a a 'orb
air the ago of sixteen m seventeen
o attend.public dances cabarets.alit v licensed cabar't
Premises a any
licensed for the
sale age of tier. o person n cedar the
' rritI premised slashallebe ru YeRI,nos'etla wrf tl to
gaining (idm foiort the
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