70 of 1980 - Adding section 5-7-29 amending table 3A of the Uniform Building code, 1976 edition, increasing build OPlifllArrr AN OrarillANI''I? 71MENDI:Ne; C'hnptyr 7 of 'r'>.tle !t of the Pea'isod Ordinances of 1sal.t L;i>' City, "fah, 1965,. .a'> amended, by Ar7Ri'Of '0'' on 5-'7 29 amending 'Ca>,)>' 3A of the Uniform rntldlnn rode, 1775 >101 ion, to lracroa e hnil<Ilno permit fans and Pectin!, ,7-30 providing for a special discount of said fries. Po I"_ ordained ray t:l,o ' it, council of. .,a1t i.ar;s' Pitt:, rrtah. SECTION 1. That Chapter 7 of Title ; of the Revised Ordinances of colt. Late C'ii:v, nta', 1'165, as amen'i,,,a, din, and the sam,' hrzl-ehy is, amended by, APOINP Section 7-90 relatina to 'Fable 3A of tIn iini corm AIIJ I lion Code, 1976 flditi,>n, t'a 1nc'rea:'" Said schedule of building Permit fens, by adontine in lieu thereof Tahl.e 3A of the Uniform '-1101 ind rode, 147'1 I'dition, which shall read as follows: Sec. 5-7-29. 11ur.ldin(t r,earmlt fees. T'or rurc,,:as<ts of calculating re"0 required Eor Permits under Chapter :3 of the Pnitorm la,rrldin,l rode, 19711 rdaton, her-einnhove adonted in 1>4)7) I it.ie by reference,rend-, the adoption by re! ,ronc_,:, or 'fable 3A of the 19'7f Edition of ',aid <4o,1p .is hereby refaraaiIn) and 'rnl'1e :3A ,if the uniform nuildin= rode, 1'179 Edition, is heroin adopted by rr:'f<'ren<'" for slid limit2t? rrtrrr>oso. Three copies, r11 said Table 3A shall be available for inspection in the city Recorder's Office for r) 10)'' n,-n, C7)'Iof1 2. That Chapter 7 of Title 5 of the Pevise d Ordinances of !1alt !Sake City, rltah, l+rr , ;erna,rn?cA, be, and the same hereby is, amend'>c1 by A)711711(1 1erti.or, '7 7- U providing for a discount on building roes for qualified multi-rarity apartment projects, which shill read as follows: Poe. 5_7-30. 9<.'n1(lr ,'1ti>era ,apartment (Or' ,abai:r=1''Ctrt, pual1Cie0 multi-family 11'.1ri_moni r'7(1 c'e,- '(IV app1u to ,and receive Enna they building official an ohltom,,nt or the norm,11 lnrilrltn,a permit fees in order, For the building orririal to apProve the ,discount., the npralicanf roust snhmit necessary documentation in orrler for the hu11<lzncx official to certify that: the apartment project cnralifies under the following +.ri.keira: (1 ) The r'aroiect is owned and/or operated as a ±anna ride ''>a',1anr7'74 ion for pr0''i,11nd housing for senior oltr/,-"n':, (2) The projori raper 3tl.ors and/or Property owners. .stipulate that ;a11 units shall ho rented by o(>_rson> ,ver aqr, a i.xt.y-t W,) ((32) veal" „f <4Or+, '1) Operators and/car pronrrtV owners agree to verify ages or tenants as part of their annual rrppl 1 ''1(ion for .an 4 ahartmeut in lioefle, (d) Project oceratqrs and promertv owners execute an aoreement, hindino successors-in-Interest and secured by the real property, to reimburse to City the amonnt of the ahated fees plus interest from the (late of the cormit at the rate aorilicahle to indemont, should the rate of ochnnancy hv qualified senior citizens droo below ninetv-five percent (951:) 'For tot the next thirty (10) Years. This; rate shall he determined annually an of the date the anneal 13nen00 dertlIndttun in nuhmitted to the Cite, and (5) The amount of the foes ahated, plus interest at the then established rate aordioakto to ludgments from date rtr the it) it foes, shall he repaid to the Pity upon a suhserident amplieatan to coneert said orolect to condominium or oilier ownership arranuementn, involvino sale of separate miits, if suhmitted within thirty (dil) Years of said ahatomont. SPPTTON 1. In the opinion of the City council of Salt hake City, Utah, it is necessary to the health, peace, and welfare of the Inhabit-ante of nalt hake Pity that this ordinance hecome effective immediatolv. SPUTY0C A. This ordinance shalt hecomn effectiee upon the dale of its firct hv the nits Council or npit taho city, (nab, this _210_ toy of 1.Q80. • ' • ctrA ' AT'ITS'y; 711 s4) - . if CITY P.PCOPPPP Transmitted to Mayor on 21,,)960 Act inn 1: 00( 77 ITV itP(')i-aiirihir (SEA 14 1311„I.NO, 70 of 1980 I shod .11ily 8, II)Ott ir.f) Affidavit of Publication S'CA'l'it;()F I1'I'A1I, tiff. County sit Mali I.al:ae 505 Nra�ratitact Rev `a tglkara bIN M It•17. r v n tua f,tt s taian, e to e�`i�tt1ta+tiIn ti i s 1 slv4 line ai u+n�utia'utzn III')tip I e tdnly nor❑,de pose 5'ind5asnihathei.sli ii jo"4' t 3orrt' Ri*t . ,,,,f�rH adstrti itl leak e( the I)I SERi ( Nhtlw •a chill' V' to y(�v h tars Y 'fin ,a,rx �UIt m+n+e M,,�gui_itule�o6��� � t M +axcFpl Sunry) xacccc�pai,er printed in the 1✓n�,tlsh �a °rn b � u"iik.r "ww "y`,cr m- i int loge tvtIIi general c ironiauan zrl It th, nand iefr l anrolw,N halt duke (.'on ntv. in the ta1['����j"I�+�n«..„uro� ouerry�pxwz�h lei published in :salt Lake (.'r(;v. i^ I�U� 91fb l 1 1tna 6 .4r ,1�ormee l nbii: hOtP nt I't:?h at »t ,' a #rd tam' nn o�ilkitrei{ 2 n 1',+° a" �a.artnJo-it.: Iii it the le:'notice at which �a tope is ntt xhe�d hereto ,� hn rwer Ih JI '.s e,I 4x 1 ,t11 y, +nvaa l'ub n tape f . arc,Iid n vain xtnc roil Itruie to r a e ll,,e ;,t x wet rod x,i Ifi lR r �pac NM eb 1 itrrws. 1 SyArX dll feenibah+naa+I eLW ixr 1yq 14 I or »r 'I' It ,r ,,ui1lin❑ Z•,ri it �. , N Ht'ai W 1 a I' '] 6 7- nalmi1i j, i td >T e o Wb ca m 1 1 1-4 IMI 1 $ w.da�i 41 e nE .,aN p «. 1'i c.,ri ,Ir Y 6,40 YtC {�1 to n M•ha (tl�alla 014FY DIY 4Yi<a�n 1aY y kInN�a14 Tt, .r� Ii p��1Y yltriuNlA'�i .... n,<nr• eazt'En -Am.! .ttR Ilion or.an uhnmd dM/atwt xw.4e y r4 :ftrkTe . ia84N isl ire I d bY.1 In M CiY r 1 Y t, j li$:u s w tp ti r nr;puhli•hrtdnl aid n+�co.>Ienprr on. 1 'UCar' byip 1 kae f1 Ir r11w M t tI l She t(1I19 tsr M11 1 oat h I 1 tl IM W 1 i In 4 CNYtt�l orb n Y—I�le tl f i AY Itl n ( .. TCfqq mMYt falio fm` At i fe+_ i / 1 L `� t ln@fti4Sid ns di a li ti t t t it I 1 4 �:......i. �� f itta nhet .i i b t 1 18 1 Ir C+t u>n e t' .'�,.:� .v. a 1 ton.ii i 1 ocr` at� I cr is tli ..p _... ka"�ba awryry" nl ��0pnn, Inc ha 1 (egid"Adsertisin (.1i.ol O(I h t n..!r M Rk+t'Wltl i 1 1 1 (sa) i 5e..TIDN 3 I t1 anion ion oft O Carnal pt Snit t , ftXy g1 li L, ^t dN R Iq cit 1 11 ix n 4 n4 rm 1gati 1,.1 sll itgenv A it ni d.' ,c lCC?I M1N(R( t t aihi fC 00, re in t'tills _. day O( §td7, , Ir q Ieau i nu+,ocomP Mira No a14 t/I1 Otta b1;y�au�+ ,nW ts,° CIIJ C S t ripll l.uk�.i GI f,4nh 2zNii rat aea,r an RONA6o1 wS tr1IAA h.11. J,9 ti0. JJ'' aatAiRMAN ytlio oV.N a'At Mi(y1T Cat Ma ot on dux'?I.Ir. n15 itt0Atn1 MMMM a.rb Arlbn nrrrst loot:are PtthsO sANctsmco',NIr'NAM cl ry 0r'f rtt}ri{±. /it/liii.rn,+iota P'bilSl it Jul,t vaat +. 1Jr Coln it1i.aetISO Js'spire... Suns 1, 19£t1. 1i , , I-. au, — P• 1 '—1 5'1 r), (5'. 0 . i .1. , L.) ... ...... ..... . ... —, Z rn .„. — ,-, ..