71 of 1902 - Ordinance 71 of 1902 – Sidewalk Extension No. 23. = '. _ 771r_'p1r! '4 ORD I NAN C 1t . An ordinance conflrminN; tl.e SLN'r",eses;.en t upon the property on the east aide of North State Str.:et from Eir,It Strot three blocks north to Rilisido Avenue, in Sidewalk District t:o. 1:3, to construct a sidewal . no it ordained by the City Council of Salt ',sik:e city, 'Utah: R7€ITTr*1 1. That t}Je a:,.-es sr e , li:t sale by t 1 ^.i ty Trrs:eszurer l AS corr.,.eted, approved and co;41cted by the Beare of Egualizati®a.heyretro- City Council for that purpose, foredtly suppeieted bV tie, of the prop rtr al,,ittirg o the o.,,,t, ei.co of North State Street trot `ir;'t S.tr act threr bloo:.F north to 1111l- si;7e Avenue in Sidewalk District YG. 19, of Salt Ta;,;e City, f->r the vsronse of constructing a ei'ewe.lk upon :s,.lci portion of ei:.;.,t :;trr;et, is hereby confirmed, and the a.ss is ee•:nto made And r :turned in sold completed liet;s a,-e };., ',by o" ;^.+uod. SPC"'T_,c1? ' . This ort';;; ,n,,c 1.',A3.11. 1 ,',, sf" of upon _ ro;ral. Sl iewalk Trot,tn ioc .:: . ';:a. ( (/C j/(�% i nlq ,.i Ve n� / 0Ali .1 of :'}i; !-J>- _ -y, -t JGl t) 71tn, 1::;1 , r f$r_ _ ,1) !:or i o _i' 7rOV,, . `lPyrovs^ O_ y of July, 1g09. clis - 71 • I:4 I .- - i-..! •••••: • ,,e, ,• T ' -1:,, 4,',.` ;1,7,C.,:j t,T.,i4.i 30.,slife; Ek ;, 7.fll',,rf.t',4"40t) .,' 'd'1(1 .!0 C,,,,.11 ., . '?•.:. ' ':,,,'.",.' :t I.'."!? 1;$!.?q, sawn •,,,,..4..' ,, 1,.,,1 1 .••••-•1 !' ' •". "r.3 ."3. '3. , ,;:' t .0 .d,' .'tnt-rt•3;•;Vr. :,;:.73•3..P.L Yi! at it . •:,......137 , 3.;,,:' ,,' , ,: ''rf. .• 33 ClIfifOr' ''..t. ". . : '. ' -(t bi i'....4*Te. ".T \'‘. • c9 ? = t •. k ... . i,„,• ..•,, i ijkdoi. . ) • ,•i• ', 1 i.I,,' ::.:. , .-,;?/..4440.,' (•••,'ir lit, :••,:.) ch„,,,,,,)4„,, ,7:ntlots,c7601.1rF* I lir-Ylrr. ' ,,i' • Imidatittt. vttba. -1.i rI • . .•f ':-: 333. . •.t ', ' .,.,. ; 7 dfi.p,i,r);:3:7;;:,,,2-, ,i,t,"'"`k",',3` ;+ • 3.,,,.3 , ; 3- t: -i c i '..;•;"•; '')..3 .:"...r ....'' jt 'k' .i;l, E 4,.. -. +;: r ---1 ••• i-i s_! N i A i•' ' Zi• • ••• j , il , ••,' .4•1. !•, '::'?I'•', T Z.fo-.1f0.'''' t:.-;' j - , '7:,_ ,. f i i.'3 „3 3 . . . , . . •._ . . ,•. ._ .. •. . .- -1 ..'rr'Cr: '.11 1 -1 ,! -,. ii kci