71 of 1908 - Ordinance 71 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section 15 of an ordinance granting franchise to Uta r 'tr 1
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r2ay),, AN ORDINANCE . _
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-'' D mending and re-enacting Section 15 of an ordinance
grant ng xa rpzic, se to the Utah Home Telephone Company, effective 1
Deoemberp)119d /Which franchise was thereafter assived and trans
ferred to the Utah Independent Telephone Company by express consent•
oft e L 'ty;Jae cil. , ; l ,/,
�,s'1 '-Be t o tafhed by tyke I ty coune 1 o S �.t Lake p'i' , 5t (�.
l_`% `3EC (4)..' Tha S "„yim
15 of n ord hce grantin o franc. "-
F to, tie I4If md'Telep ne om (iffeot' r De mber,1 Og;J Wilk.
, franOis, wet thereaft, ti'4n.$/erred,,to thb"Utah` Tndepe n Tale %_
p*one COnpany by ex -pre t of tt'he Ciey?oui'oil, b ;�'.' e
s ,me i e"r'by amended kide»enacts&'so aslit read as ;• s:
.• ( -7 l� 8ACTION 15. I5 eonsiderati;bn of t'l ,granting .' a righ1ss.
';6, laFnd privileges hereixi iven, end by th acceptance of his fra
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'ohise, the Utah Home Telephone Company hereby agrees t give td
Salt Lake City one per Dent of the gross earnings in Salt Laker.
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City during the life of this franchise, said sum to be paid tot
the City Treasurer of said City on or before the second Monday
in January of each year. And the above considerations shall
be in lieu of all^license fees and taxes upon the business of
said Telephone Company.
SECTION 2. The Utah Independent Telephone Company must accept ',
this ordinance on or before five days after its approval by the
Mayor. ,
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
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