71 of 1920 - Section 1385X1, Chapter 61, and adding six new sections relating to sewage ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, Liay 28, , 192..Q,..
Crabbe - — I move that the ordinance be passed.
,Mr, Chairman
lin ordinance amending Section 1385x1 in Chapter 61,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, and adding six new
sections to said chapter to be knoem as Sections 1385x2 to
1385x8, inclusive.
Be i t ordained by the Board of Comni ssioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1385x1 be, and the sane is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 1385xl. It shall be unlawful for any
person to construct, use or maintain any closet, privy,
outhouse, cesspool, urinal or sewage disposal system or
any public bath house or swimming tank at any point within
three hundred feet o f any stream or water course or
tributaries thereof frcm Woich culinary or domestic water
for the inhabitants of Salt Late City is derived and
within fifteen miles above the place where said water is
taken by said city,unless such closet, privy, outhouse,
cesspool, urinal or sewage disposal plant, public bath
house or swimming tank is provided with effective germ
destroying appliances, and without first having obtained
from the Superintendent of Waterworks of Salt Lake City
a permit for the construction, use and maintenance of the
SECTION II. That six sections be added to said
1 chapter 61, Revised Ordinances of Sal t Lake City, 1913, said
sections to be known as Sections 1385x2 to 1385x8, and the same
shall read as follows:
I SECTION 1385x2. It shall be unlawful for any person
to construct, use or maintain any cesspool or septic tank for
the disposal of human waste, except when used in connection with
Ij chemical privies, within three hundred feet of any stream or
water course or the tributaries thereof from which culinary and ;'.
domestic water for the inhabitants of Salt Lake City is derived
and within fifteen miles above the place where said water is
Itaken by the city. Cesspools or septic tanks may be used for
i! the disposal of waste water from sinks, wash bowls and bath tu54
` I when the location and construction of the same have been approved
and written permit granted by the Superintendent of Waterworks. '
SECTION 1385x2. It shall be unlawful for any person
1! to construct, use or maintain any closet, privy or urinal or any
• public bath house or swimming tank within two hundred feet of
any stream or water course or tributary thereof from vkich
culinary and domestic water for the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
is derived and beyond the fifteen mile limit referred to in
Section 1385x1, unless the same shall be provided with effective
I germ destroying appliances and without first obtaining a permit
for the construction, use and maintenance of the same fran the
Superintendent of Waterworks of Salt Lake City.
SECTION 1385x4. The following types of privies may lot
y I approved by the Superintendent of Waterworks for use in the
water-shed area, to-wit: can privies, chemical privies,
SECTION 1385x5. The construction and maintenance of;
jall sewage disposal systems, cesspools, vaults and privies shale
be under the direotaan supervision of the Superintendent of
Waterworks when the same are located within three hundred feet
of any stream or water course from which culinary and domestic
water for the inhabitants of Salt Lake City is derived, or at
any point where the waste or drainage therefrom will naturally a}1.
find its wayinto said stream of water within
i mn fifteen miles
1iabove the place where such water is taken by said city or within
two hundred feet of such stream or water c curse at any other
distance from acid intake.
t1SECTION 1385x6. All garbage and human waste collection
Viand disposal for the area within three hundred feet of any stream
or water course from which culinary and domestic water for the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City is derived within fifteen miles •
above the place where such water is taken by the city, and with-
in two hundred feet of said stream or water course beyond said
j limit, shall be under the direct supervision of the Superinten-
dent of Waterworks. •
JIt shall be unlawful for any person to collect or dis-
! pose of garbage or human waste within the area described in this]
section without a permit from the Superintendent of Waterworks.
SECTION 1385x7. All existing sewage disposal systems,
Icesspools or privies within three hundred feet of any stream or
water course from which culinary or domestic water for the in-
habitants of Salt Lake City is derived within fifteen miles •
;above the place where such water is taken for the city or within
two hundred feet of any such stream or water course beyond said (
fifteen mile limit as shall be found to be unsanitary or not
within the requirements of city ordinance or regulations of the !
Superintendent of Waterworks must be remodeled and converted :
1 into a sanitary type or system within thirty days after notice
1to the owner thereof of such unsanitary or inadequate condition
�i from the Superintendent o1 Flaterworks.
I i I
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain any j
unsanitary sewage disposal system, cesspool or privy after thirty
days notice shall have been given of such unsanitary or inadequate
'condition by the Superintendent of Waterworks of Salt Lake City. ,,
SECTION 1385x8. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to maintain for the use of the public any
bath house or swimming tank within three hundred feet of any
!stream or water course or the tributaries thereof from which
culinary and domestic water for the inhabitants of•Salt Lake City
is,derived and within -fifteen miles auove the place from which
said water is taken by the City unless the water used in such
public bath house or swimming tank has been chlorinated or
otherwise treated for the purpose of destroyine germs therein,
prior to the time such water is discharged from the waste pipes
or drains of such public bath house or swimming tank.
SECTION III. In the opinion of the Board of Connnissio*-
ers, it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the health.,
peace and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, that this;
ordinance shall becQne operative at once.
SECTION IV, This ordinarne shall take effect upon itsl
first publicati on.
t �
Passed op the Board of Commi:gsioners of ;3alt Lake City,
Utah,- , 1J20.
T; ErSZSidrT6porery Chairman
i J ec or er.
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