71 of 1922 - Regulating and licensing sale of cigars and tobacco ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Barnes ' Salt Lake City,Utah,..-De comb er Burton =� I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Stewartdel 'f_� ' Mr. Chairman _ Gr_ Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REGULATING and Licensing the sale of cigars and tobacco. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. It shall be unlatriul for any person to sell, barter, peddle or offer for sale at wholesale or retail any cigars or tobaccos in any form within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City without first making application and procuring a license so to do and paying the license fees as herein provided. The application for such license together with a statement under oath showing the loca— tion of the store, stand or other place of business and setting out the value of the stock of cigars and tobaccos of applicant at the time of making the application, shall be filed with the City Recorder of ,salt Lale City and be presented to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City at its neat regular meeting. Such application shall by said board be referred to the chief of police, who shall within five days after such reference, report to said board the general reputation of said store or stand and the general reputation and. character of the person who proposes to carry on said business, and whether any law of the state or ordinance of the city is being or has been violated by the person proposing to carry on said business, and if so, in what respect or respects, and whether au.yspiritous, vinous,-'fermented or malt liquor is or has been sold or kept for sale in said store, stand or place of business, or any place connected +Ji. ill • i • therewith by the person proposing to carry on said business, and whether said store or place of business is or has been conducted in a quiet, lawful and peaceable manner, and any other matters in regard to which said board should be informed, with the recommenda- tion of said chief of police as to the granting or denying of sal application. Upon receipt of said application and report from the chief of police, said board shall act on such application in regard to granting or denying the same as it shall deem just and proper. It is also hereby made the duty of the chief of police after a license has been granted to sell cigars ortobaccos to investigate and examine any place licensed under this section, in regard to the matters hereinafter stated, and if it shall appear from such investigation and examination that the general reputation and character of the person to whom such license has been granted, or that the general reputation of the store, stand or place of business is bad, or that any law of the state or ordinance of the city has been violated since the granting of such license, or if spiritous, vinous, fermented or malt liquor has been sold or kept for sale in said store, stand or place of business or any place connected with it, by any person, since the granting of such license, or if said store, stand or place of business I'has1been conducted in a quiet, lawful and peaceable manner, the chief of police shall at once report the particular facts in regard to such matters, or any of them,or any other matter in re- gard to which said board should be advised, to the board of com- missioners with his recommendation in regard to revoking such license, which board shall take such action in regard to the revocation of such license as it may deem just and right. SECTIOII II. The yearly license fee for operating any store, stand or other place where cigars or tobaccos are sold shall be based on the total value of the stock of cigars and tobaccos carried or owned by the licensee as follows: - 2 - • • Stock not exceeding $100.00 in value, fee 2.00; Stock over $100.00 and not exceeding $1,000.00, fee $5.00; Stook over $1,000.00 in value, fee $10.00. SECTION III. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceed- ing $299.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail not longer than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. The court may, in imposing a fine, enter as part of the judgment that in default of the`:payment of the fine the defendant may be imprisoned in the city. ja.ii for a period not exceeding six months.. SECTION IV. In the opinion of the Board aC ;0ommi.ssion- Vs, it;`:snecessary to the peace, health and safety of. the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall, take ,; Effect immediately. SECTION V. =This ordinance shall becane effective upon its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this y ' day of 0?tseS A. D., \10„�. a y o r 1 0Ce er. - 3 - , J - S )) t- 1- :: , c L . i;. .,r , , - _ . r::.'' .`) ;.,)x; ,-0 J . . _..., c, „.., I.0 ,t -. . - 0. —„e3^0 ..`G: !'i. ., , .. !ice 0:1..1 ,i :n..__.. , •. _. 0 ..i. rt _:0: o _.. ;,`10 .J i - x•... J) (2 2 _j_7- ......; ,...,..: ' -z,_ ......,\'-‘: .: :.ra v . ori ' 2,:.,.”,-.,.; .,„ ,z,pc-) .t.7. • ii �t. .,r8. ,, J p Mr� =�. . ti � .�t ,t n' x -�� c.. . 1 t 0 tr4V ,a n.r Dui _..:: _.,_.a; • _ ... _. ... iiii 1 I i 1