71 of 1951 - Annexation extending limits of Salt Lake City, 3rd West - 13th South ( Petition 905 ) Jacobsen's Ann KW L.L.-t.P:aL. / '" "
VOTE,* Aye Nay
Salt Lake City,Utah(J�,I .7..Gy�.. ,195
g1f�f*ef1lk _ % I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Lingenfelter . . . / ,707
Romney . . . . i ,t''�"
Mr. Chairman . . O 1NANCE
Result /
WHEREAS, on September 21, 1951, there was filed with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 905 by Leo M. Jacobsen,
et. al.,(being a majority of the owners of the real property situated
in the tract hereinafter described) requesting that said tract of
41 land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused
an accurate map of plat to be made and certified to by a competent
ti surveyor and approved by the City Ehgineer to be filed with the City
J 0� WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake
- `- City, and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to
and made a part of the said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land
and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote
of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land
to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed
annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt
Lake City accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 33.0 feet West and 62.7 feet North
from the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 9, Five Acre Plat
tAt, Big Field Survey, running thence N. 0° 01t 05" W. 511.5
feet a,long the 'Lest side of Thi rd West Street to the South side
of Thirteenth SouthStrAQ*;• thence along the South side of said
Thirteenth South Street N. 89° 54+ 13" W. 363.0 feet; thence S.
0° 01t 05" E. 511.5 feet; thence S. 89° 54' 13" E. 363.0 feet
to the place of beginning. -
And that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above
described property be and is hereby zoned as "Industrial" District
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land shall thenceforth be
within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as
"Industrial" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordi-
nances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to
said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pert -
nent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys an•
way of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordi-
nanoss, rules and regulations of said city,ir:-that behalf and the
monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein
as fihe standards of locations and distances. ,-
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordiklande, the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereb,'ydirected t.
file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake OduribYE;a dopy.of the map
or at above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, aspr.ovid-
ed in such cases, together with a certified copy of thls ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take04e /t once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissio s o Sa t„-Lake City,
` r
Utah, this .21th day of October , ---1951;,, / '
y��e Mayor
Ci y ecor er. r
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 25, wax 1951
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City s:L .$th day of November, 1951
(SEAL? •
BILL NOS. 71 Depu rity Recorder.
. - Published...QCt.obsr..27, 111..1951
r l
fr..:,.x I
1 a
AN ORDINANCE nlace of that the saline has been correct-
; AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING lyn staked out upon the ground as
1,� J THE LIMITH OF SALT LAKE CITY. shown upon the map or plot.
( N th derE of ASala Lakee City CPeti Ren Lh jt DhBn Pole of Tea he O above
QtD t No. 905 by Leo M. Jacobsen et K. nod as"Industrial,,District
X r , /being a majority of the owners ap AND HE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
Jf0 of the real property situated In tithe
J tract hereinafter described) request- and declared that when this di-
`A Ing that said 'act of land be taken a takes effect the said tract f
lanQw� ` Ma sotLake also caused an accurate nap t corporate Ilmfl.susof said Salt Lake
'Y plat to be made and certified to by City and zoned "Industrial"DI,
competent surveyor and approved t as In the ordinance provl dad,
�N _O by the City Engineer to be flied with aid r', o dfnance, jurtadletions,
G�� the City Recorder_ nd bugs dons of r pertn}n_
4 WHEREAS,the said tract of land Ing to said Salt Lake City re a
O Is c tigu0u5 to Salt Lake City, ten'ed over and made applicable and
a, d there„son pertinent
1 the streets,s,the sblocksaid ractlley.c of aand
d Imadse a be ran sexed reason
and wv''s 'il saldo verve shell be con-
_ par: of the said Co• and trolled nd o d by the "'.
.� r WHEREAS,the Lake
City.of Cter ex- •nee
d n 5ilea and 6nlatlohs 01 sold
m slonorx a!Halt Leke c4aftar ea- M1
cite ry that behalf and tho m
Nr Si V `_ 0 said 5 tract oltlland nand Iconsider- trots of the C_tv Engineer sha;i
Rl Inc the circumstances thereof.voted thenceforth be taken therein s the
V y by unanimous vote of all members standards of locations and distances,
C p of said Board In favor of annexing SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
LA 8 said tract of land to Salt Lake City this ordinance, the City Recorder
Y k (yj and directed that n v ordinance of e Salt Lake City .hall file and
N should be passed annexing said tor- 5 s hereby directed to file ate
4 I— 'Rory and the extension cf the city rbe is
Recorder of Salt Lake
limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. Coady a ropy of the map or plat
NOW.THEREFORE,be it ordained one mentioned duly certified and
by the Hoard Commissioners of acknowledged, as provided In such
u Salt Lake City,Utah: ' s,together with a certified copy
= {1 s SECTION 1. That the city the l of EFls ordinance.
Its of Salt Lake City be and the SECTION 3. In the opinion of
N ame are hereby extended and en- the Asrnd of Commissioners It is
V 4 t4 0 • Inrged so to lnclude the fellow- e<.sa v In the peace, health and
- Ing described tract of land In Salt safety of 'he inhabitants of Salt
Luke County. to-wit: Lake City that this ordinance shall
,�` Commencing at point 33,0 feet be.rums er'reelive immediately.
in West and 62.7 feet North from the SECT*ON 4. This ordinance shall
Southeast corner
of Lot 10, Block 'ek^ p act .at once upon Its first
9,Fdve-AcrePlat'A',131g Field Sur- pu b'feotion.
vey, running l`g thence N. 0 deg. 01 Posted by thr Hoard of mmis-
'5- 69 in. 05 sec. W. 511,5 feet along clnn rs of Salt Lake City.Utah,this
the Wes:side of Third West Street '25th day of October,A.D.1951.
:G7 to the South side of Thirteenth EARL J.GLADE,
3) South Street;thence along the South Mayor.
side Of sold Thirteenth South Street IRMA F.ErTNER,
;T lid89 deg.59 min. 13 sec.W.363.0 City Recorder.
to m e• $ feet; thence S. 0 deg. 01 in. 05 (SEAL)
e se E.511,5 feet;thence S.89 deg. Rill No al.
LL 54 min.13 sec,E.363.0 feet to the Published October 27th,1951.
N it
Y a m
Affidavit of Publication
} ss
County off Salt Lake J
LISIrrs or WHEREAS,on Septembe K 21,1951,
there was tiled with the City Re- l�vi...�..
order' of Salt Lake City Petition
(b,903 by eon M, of h'e" ` Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
(be�he majority f :he owners
of the real property situated In t-
inht hereinafter described),e taken vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
ing that said tract o1 lend be taken
wn a the usedc of Ears Lake p of
And also eana d•gn map bY published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
plat Eo be made and accurate
to ed
competent survey-or veyor hod approved
by theC14y.Englpte[to be[leap wltri
the City Recorder:.
Is contiguoustltoraki Haire[act LakefCity Utah.
A`there is Reaer nelson why
Itoshould not be:annexed to and
made a'part tof-he Heard o Co: end That the advertisement
stoners of Salt LakeCty,t f ter
El said afd paetlilon of Idnn er _
of a he eact f¢Lnd er n slow `.,.1 ('1•I'9 ^TtCc -� l 71
by the unanimous
- - '�
nlmarS vote of al annexing
of said Heard inn floor of annexing
said tract of lft to Salt Lae ance
and tl treated thatordinance
shoulriloryd 6d passed
extenalon ofnnexing r the city
limits of Salt Lake City anCordinaly.
NOW,THERBPORE,8e It'ordained
by the Board of fornmissloners of
Soil Lake Clay,Utah:
SECTION 1. Tha the ally l
1 Sit Lake City bthe
acme and the
ppk d e
] ged xee hha ereby to InglUde the I.low-
1 g des IL eel f land In Salt
L g'Qpp�y{ " lk l..33 0 feet
C°(t{mpphli .,t [th t the
h west nNtt 3
SontheeA QQt�r Lot la Sur-
vey, -
rUnnrA�lurid Bra]Reid
min non She de N.f0 des. 01 was published in said newspaper on
In. A3'afWe NW..311.3 teat long
to°outh'Stree etc, Ntit`-efde lrat Thirteenth
s South
ide at said t:thence along e Thirteenth South Street
N.89 deg..54 min,13 sec.W.363.0
rec.E.riS11.5 feel:Dime S.89 dent
34 min.13 sec E.363.0 feet to the
1 of beginning.,n
place tes to as Oren GG correct-
ly staked out ones grit as
hewn upon the map ar ORDAINED
AND a TT le of the
that the whale f the above Advertising Clerk t
scribed proberty be. and o-. hereby
'tined as'Industrial.Dtrtrlct.
Tieye -
ann declared lent when this c dl-
minc<takes Oleos the said cob of
land shall limits thenceforth be within the
corporate coned
old Salttrial Lake
y end dented as•`Indus tr fwl•'Die- s, {; day of
Windt ralllnordinan ordinance
lnrisatctions, 'afore me this
and obligations of r ex-
tended AA
to sak Salt Lake City are ex- A.D.IJI-'
tended over on d made applicable and
pertinent t the raid tract of land,
andways the Strad tstract blocks.shall alleys cand
trolledoend gverned shall
les and City
regulations f said
rItysC in that behalf and .she mono- JJy'lltl/\/lfyA/`
of the take EhereinY ahhe
thenceforth be Lakin therein x:he
at SECTIONt2 locations thedPalssage of --- -
this ordinance, the City Recorder Notary P --
ofSalt Lake City shall file and
she fs hereby directed to Die with
the County Recorder of Salt Lain
County a ropy of the map o slat'
above mentioned duly certifiednd
acknowledged, as provided In such
cases,together with a certified copy
of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of
the Board of Commissioners. it is
necessary to the peace,health and
safety of the Snhabftents of Salt.
Lake City that this ordinance shalt
become effective Immediately.
SP,C effect at This ordinance
take o
Its first
Passed by then Board of Commris-
foners of Salt Lake City.Utah,this
25Lif day of October.EARL J.GLADE,
Mayor. I
" P,B1City Recorder. .q
8111 No. Al.
Published October 23ile.1951. __ _