71 of 1953 - Vacating a portion of a public way at 21st South and 23rd East Street. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utali,L 2i 0)3 195
I move that the ordinance he passed.
Burbidge . . . . t-
Christensen . . . a
Lingenfelter . `v,.
Romney . . . . i
Mr.Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDIIQANCE VACATING a portion of a public way at 21st South and
23rd East Street.
Be it ordained by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
• tah:
o SECTION 1. That a portion of a public way in Salt Lake City,
dltah, more particularly described as follows:
• m Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot 1, Laurelhurst,
c ttn a subdivision of Block 5, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey,
y M g and part of Section 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., 53.11
too,. feet East along said South line of Lot 1 from the Southwest
iro corner of said Lot 1; thence East 123.37 feet along said South
_ line of Lot 1; thence westerly 84.52 feet on the arc of a
o-o0 192.98-foot radius curve to the left, said curve being tangent
at its point of beginning to a line bearing N. 89° 45' W.;
thence continuing Westerly 47.98 feet on the arc of a 30-foot
•0 radius curve to the right, said curve being tangent at its
a point of beginning to a line bearing S. 65° 09' 24" W.;
thence Northwesterly 3.25 feet on the arc of a 533.69-foot
mg) radius curve to the right, said curve being tangent at its point
of beginningto a line bearing N. 22° 1' 16" to the
5 W.; point
of beginning.
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public
property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-of-
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property
and, also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of ins-
pecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting
said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
- 2 -
.22n.d day of December, 1953.
_uty City(, cox .
BILL N0. 71
Published December 2L , 1953
Recordea:Dte-2-8-1953 tit 7-2-_-,73-±Lbl.
- Request of .94C Cor
Pao Paid,. Hozoll Tac'gra.rt Chaso,
Reco.,, , Lai .1 County 130112
0,PO By_ _Dera)y_
141, 1,11iSVis;
AL 0 r, otuloo of L. 11n at oLv.1
23re = ast
t: e of ,;o oin.dtoTe,n, of
1. I At kl ;,or,t on of Cl Nal;a ko in tI s
.1sh, mo:o parttcolsrij described as follows:
Z;( Bel-toLiLy, kt a 1:01nt on the , )Iiti lioe of ..ot 1, 1sorciLrat,
e ;1.f-div. in of 1oOI , c-Acre flat G, fl,, ri ld ootve%,
nnd Part of ' oction it, T. 1 ., R. 1
feet last alonl- said ooth line of , 00 1 iron, the, ootwost
dorne, of osi6 of 1; thcono .out 1'3.37 foot cinf, oold oott
line of Lot 1; thence westerly 044.c-2 f, at a the ore or e
192.G,6-foot motifs curve to the left, ssio ctvve her ta -un
et its point of ba.7,torin,-, to a line beerin ;' oG°
t onno c ant i nolo: 0 1 11or: t,rc o ;cot
radius curve to thd nnld ootvo be TOL tafrvent ot tto
Point of beainf'n. to n line bearincr, C.J.C° 2i;" ,
thenco 1.27 foot on the soc o i33. C-loot
radios co,ve to tress rLht sad oorve belfw rat
of he .inviov; to a line Issarilov v . 22° !'.1! 10" .; to 'ha oolot
of oovinn'no-.
be n,el gam le Lenaby vnoote.1 o'0_3 .::10(11.>"
trrOpel,t'.r or nn,, en - str.tat, 1•,lIo' 0 • ';;Q : edolt •-r1.:,,•, .
;?eu;.-;;;.n- IL Ix:n:3 ofa2;ct to -11 o/tetto ot - ts-of-
wof arL; easc0;oos co all :";odlio ottlities ol Ldi t1oo
ineritOd to, on, onner or 0 ,0 sonfinen of 1.Ho o1 , rtV
and, almu soljnot to ,,he rivhie oi ef,tr:v 11-croon for tre 7loonona of In ...
pentir , risinistolos, f000vina, al:-.cair, la -e-ootir.s.,
said otilit'es And ell oi
.'nTT ,'.P, 2. n t"e colfloo of the L0nrd of lory,rs, it io
nacos:Inn: to the pokes, health and akfet of t-,e ;LI
City that tLin oreinahca shell beconso affective tel-,,;;itatalT.
3. Thin ordtnanoo 'n -e offect ono, to rirat rool1nay.-
liesare1 if, the . na ai of .0.,.,i,.4*tnn vs of Rlt li!,o 17 t' Ile
. _
`I- _ 2e
day of December, 1`a23,
Herman J. Hogensen,
Deputy City
( S E 4 L )
Published December 24, 1953
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bess Judges,
--- --------- ----------- ---- - City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating a portion of a public way at 21st South and
23rd East Street, "
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 22, we( 1953
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
. 28th December, 1953 9 of said City,'-ihis day of ) (3‹
BILL NO. 71 '4/4
D,iputy u City Recorder.
Published December 24th, 4)93 1953
'7 I
Proof of rnhlirttiinn
United Otero of Amnia! )
tion of Public.way at 21st South and
23,d East Stlet. �I
He it ordained by Lhe Board F Com�
-°nets of Salt Lake City,Uteh�
m SFCTION L Tbat a nortron nF a ub-
artmaiy a�a°�1 {°a _ being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
Heesm,in! at n�t°n the sou,,,,,
line f Lot 1.Laurelburst,a subdivi-
f Bey,an ..-sere vint e, Hs j•
the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
sion Field of Blec and -Ae f.Section 15.
T.1 S,R.1 E.,S,l..H.&&M.,.,3-il
felt East along said South u,e o
Lot 1 from the Southwestcorner f
said Lot 1: thence East 123.3'i feel
along said South line of Lot 1;thent'e Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
nYesterly 84.52 feet on the
182.98.foot radius curve to the left.
said curve befog Tana laic its point
N. beginning to .v Ilnc 6¢arin8
N.MD 45'w.:thence cnwn,dng wean That the Notice Ordinance C t
art of a 3ofnnt Va...a_.a.n,g.a_gartion
%lv 4].9u reef l ?e s;Id curve
dins a to the 'i4htn
»sing enaant t to t r Hemel, of ublic way InX s°aline bea�;na z.d5°99 24., p at 21st South and 23rd East
W.; teencn North w¢stcri.1 :t26 dies
the ark
alhe aEign1.said c a being�
curve nt its t e'r D �'an,"" Street, Bill No, 71, Salt Lake City Corporation
litre bem'{nC N. ni 51'Id" W.; to
ib° hot of is heinK.
be and Ll,e same-r Ito rchy v ..lied and
declared,n 11s a street,
PuLhavenue ile,
erty for u avenue,
orSh'¢ssnt ,ninee ode.expressly soh.
ye.et to all ex'.slinm nights-of-way andasem
ents of sit n hli¢ulildmk of a y
and every de.eerintion nu rw located in,
,Under n r the confines of the
above described n and. also
w rate rights°x cry thereon
of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
for the mnposc of in pectins.maltam-
ma, reP airing, replacing, removing.
aueld: rerouting id ntIticsand
ell F them. of the Issue dated the 2�Fth
SES ci 2. to the opinion
Board of Commissioners. iti nc
_ to the eeeee, health tsl sofety
eft City
the inhabitants f Salt Lake fee. 19
that this ordinance shall become effeo day of December 53
- Immediately.
SECTION 3. 'Phis' ordinance shalt
tape Passed yu"the'lloarcd,t°f°cot�;;°is„•
and was published in each dailyissue of said newspaper, on
110a an,°r°fsDrevsoace.i�9s:i.OteD, mis P
Heyman a.anoresen, ..."....................... ..."..--...-....--....-....for
Deputy City Recorder.
SL N De eembee 24tb,1853.
- thereafter,the full period of one__ time
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the.. 245th day of
December ,A.D.19 53• ( -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th- day of
December ,A.D.19 53
Notary Public.
My commission expires_..NWT.-25-, 195- ._...___....
Advertising fee $