71 of 1955 - Repealing Bill No. 69 of 1955, published November 18, 1955, relating to the adoption of the volume e Jalt Lake t:ity,Utah, 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . -- Christensen . . . Nicholes r Aa . . Romney . . . . RDINANCE Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE REPEALIr"AN pthINANCE OF SALT LAKE CITY KNOWN AS BILL t NO. 69, passed November 16, 1955, and published November 18, 1955, relating to the adoption of the volume entitled REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1955. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That that certain ordinance ,known as Bill No. 69, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 16, 1955, consisting of three sections and relating to the adoption by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, of the volume entitled REVISED ORDI- NANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, 1955, containing 51 titles and the various chapters and sections contained in said titles, be, and 'Vie 'same hereby is, repealed. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is t. necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately; therefore, this or dinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of November, 1955. IKa O IAkk n RANRR h"of D p,uty City Recorder ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 71 Published. November 29, 1955 71. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF U%TAH, ss. Co.i,nty of Salt Lake D) )1.� fb i / ) .4'19 o DI NANCE 1)eing first d(lly sworn. f�IPlTOS1C—S(10(1 SC/VS i1101�1(l iTC/TAXI: e(](/,T Orb COgi,ilnl] �ND NANULN OF SAII LT LACE CIING TY (1('.I I: of th('. 1/1 1 PT 1 IV \V-S. TM) .�11 f f 1_.L X I I 1 1! I}NOWN AS BILE No fig passed No. n�nlie,i�sa�;elating'ICo the. a (`k/111(I. (1.(lily )(f N:.11 t r I e,1 n.rees mper piiftle(I iii the i'1ry NAM,Ys I1 SAtl,rnVT . NI, IIs11 If[Ilfi(1(10(0 u,i1�17 ).T17:'1-(il/l fft•f4fCl.(011 [1f1 I fialt C11TT(l (1 )!ISIJ('(I ivi 19E I Incd L tI CEmscd f Coin .ba I1 1,tlle Cit11 Salt 1�(1I:i' C011 tits', ill //le Scale Of litall. of Sal Elk C ty, 1t I SECTION I. T l 111 t'Ti't li °ke°ur t N 'un dFsln`lo ° io That the legal noti(a of which a copy is atiocbe(I hereto ti l I itd n lin 61tl` of Salt )all l T ah, =ril Z �i' n�7'1 , l li, T.11 _, I of(Srth Inmc eat tled lIEV1 siao:Y Oltnl, -- ' NANCES OE SAI,T LACE CITY,alas, Ana I. zosoattl ls1 .a'- li.l fi�.':v 1 liil 6 d to spurn he r Is, - �IOSECIfON 2. In lhk?foglninn of 611 r. • Board of(to11 e me Caaii,n ixs lanacis iat ds Llet>,ac S _ ' , Inhabitants of Salt Lake Ciy thn� - - --�-- l tNalle el.. c h 4 irfm ci take effect uil first nub. 1 Oe rfl.o aaWon. • of S I v the tCity, of h,this 29th narof Salo Lake City,Utah,this 20Lh of November,Ines. Earl .I_wado mtar�r Neiman C en Chief Deputy y City neco.eer yeluhcAl November 29Ih,I95S., i[f(l it�;.bltified[(1 Said 0000sfiapet' IIt Oil.. ','o{(-.,:;,.�..1.. .�.% �n/)J !C� --'r�� Le(al Adnerlising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,, i,1l day of rill ,a .;r A.D. 19 Notary Public My Cornrnissioa 13.c4kires ,,.,