71 of 1957 - Levying a tax for assessment of property, Curb & Gutter Extension No. 148-2, 9th and final estimate, RCI�! ;,ALL • Salt Lake City,Utah, 195
f / 7
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I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . de"
Christce (`f
�,11 �� �w _
Romney . . . -•
Mr.Chairman ) AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
(Curb and Gutter Extension No. 148-2) for the purpose of defraying the
cost of constructing curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, miscellaneous
and private driveways.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does
hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the
property hereinafter described for the purpose of defraying the cost
of constructing curb and gutter, sidewalkt/paving, miscellaneous and
private driveways, to-wit:
21st South St. south side only between 17th East
and 21st East Sts. Wilmington Avenue between
Hannibal St. and Wellington Street. Wilmington
Avenue between 19th East St. and 21st East Street
Parleys Canyon Boulevard between 17th East St.
and 2050 East St. Parkway Avenue between 2050
East Street and 21st East Street. Hannibal St.
between 21st South St. and Ashton Avenue. 18th
East Street between 21st South and Ashton Avenue
Wellington Street between 21st South St. and
Ashton Avenue. Yuma Street between 21st South
and Wilmington Avenue.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing curb and gutter,
sidewalk, paving, miscellaneous and private driveways, as follows:
Fronting on the South Side of 21st South Street.
All of Lots 28-38 incl., Block 4, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
All of Lots 20-24 incl., Block 1, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Fronting on the South Side of.Parleys Canyon Boulevard.
Commencing 651.9 ft. southeasterly from the N.E. Corner of
Lot 14, Blk. 8 of Idlewild Addition, thence southeasterly
1003.59 ft., Sec. 21 & 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
2 -
Fronting on the South.Side of 21st South Street
The West 10 ft. of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Lots 7 & 8, Blk.
4, Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
The North 70 ft. of Lot 5 and the North 70 ft. of the West
25.5 ft. of Lot 6, Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 5, Rosslyn Heights, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
The north 58.69 ft. of Lot 7, Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Commencing 82.75 ft. East of the S.E. Cor. of 21st South
and Yuma Street, thence East 74 ft., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M.
Commencing 100 ft. West of the S. W. Cor. of 21st South and
21st East Street, thence west 100 ft., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M.
Fronting on the North Side of Parleys Canyon.Boulevard.
All of Lots 1-9 incl., Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 1-9 incl., Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 1-5 incl., Blk. 7, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All except the north 115 feet of Lot 1, Blk. 4, Rooslyn
Heights, Sec. 21, T18, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N. E. Cor. of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
and 19th East Street; thence Southeasterly 174 feet, Lots
1 & 2, Blk. 3, Roeslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 60 feet of Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 2, Roeslyn Heights,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the S. E. Cor. of Lot 18 Country Club Park;
thence southeasterly 112.77 feet, Sec. 22,T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the North Side of Parkway Avenue
Commencing 195 feet west of the N. W. Cor. of Parkway Ave.
and 21st East St.; thence west 133.35 ft., Sec. 22, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the S. W. Cor. of Parkway Avenue and Parley
Terrace; thence west 325.51 feet; thence southwesterly 41.26
feet along an arc to the left with a radius of 69.39 feet.
Lots 14 & 15, Blk. 19, Amended Country Club Acres, Sec. 22
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the.North.Side of Parkway Avenue
Commencing at the N. W. Cor. of Parkway Avenue and 21st East
St., thence West 195 feet, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
- 3 -
Fronting on the North Side of Parleys Canyon.Boulevard
All of Lots 1-11 incl., Blk. 4 Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the South Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
All of Lots 25-33, Blk. 11, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 28-36, Blk. 10, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 21, 22 & 23, Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 26 & 27, Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the North Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
All of Lots 1-A and 1-6 incl., Country Club Park, Secs. 21 & 22,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lot 18, Country Club Park, Sec. 21 & 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the.South Side of Parley's Canyon Boulevard
Commencing at the N. E. Cor. of Lot 14, Blk. 8 of Idlewild Add.
of Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M; thence southeasterly 651.9,feet,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting,on the North Sfe of Wilmington Avenue
All of Lots 1, 2, 47 & 48 and vacated alley between said
Lots 1 & 48, Lots 1,2,47 & 48, Blk. 3, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 1 & 2 and West z of adjacent alley, Lots 1 & 2,
Blk. 2, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the South Side of Wilmington Avenue
All of Lots 13 to 16 incl. and vacated alley between Lots
14 & 15, Lots 13 to 16 incl., Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, RhE, SLB & M
All of Lots 22 & 23 and West 1/2 of vacated alley between
Lots 23 & 24, Lots 22 & 23, Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, RILE, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
All of Lot 1 and the South 9 ft. of vacated alley between
Lots 1 and 40, Lot 1, Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, ]Rlj, SLB & M
All of Lot 42, Blk. 9 Idlewild Add. and the vacated alley
adjacent to said Lot 42, Lot 42, Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the E. Side of.Wellington.St.
All of Lot 1, Blk 8, Idlewild Add. & the vacated alley adjacent
cis ?o 1, Lot 1,B1k. 8, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S
Fronting on the South Side of Wilmington Avenue
Lot 24
All of Lot 24 and Eat 1/2 of adjacent alley/Elk. 6,
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of Yuma.St.
Commencing at the S.W. Cor. of Yuma Street and 21st South
St., Thence South 138.1/Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N.W.Cor. of Yuma Street and Wilmington
Ave., thence North 179.1 feet, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East side.of Yuma Street
Commencing at the S.E. Cor. of Yuma St. and 21st South St.,
thence South 165.05 feet, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Commencing 254.1 feet north of the N.E. Cor. of Yuma St.
and Wilmington, Thence North 97.65 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E
Commencing at the N.E. Cor. of Yuma Street and Wilmington
Avenue, thence North 179.1 feet, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E SLB & M
Commencing 179.1 feet North of the N.E, Corner of Yuma
Street and Wilmington Avenue, thence North 75 ft., See. 22,
T1S, R1E SLB & M
Fronting on the west side of Wellington Street
The South 53 feet of Lot 29 and the North 9 feet of the
vacated alley adjacent on the south to Lot 29, Lot 29, Blk.
2, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 10 feet of Lot 33 and all of Lots 34 and 35 and
the North 17 feet of Lot 36, Lots 33 to 36 incl, Blk. 2
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 37 to 39 incl., Blk. 2, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 61 feet of Lot 27, Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 19 feet of Lot 27, Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 15 feet of Lot 29 and all of Lots 30 to 42 incl.,
Lots 29-42 incl., Blk. 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the east side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 11 to 14 incl. and the North 12.5 feet of Lot
10, Lots 10-14 incl., Blk. 1, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 2 & 3 and the North 10 feet of Lot 1, Lots 1,2 and
3, Blk. 1, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 13 feet of Lot 27, Blk. 7, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 2 to 10 incl. and the vacated alley between
Lots 9 & 10 and the North 6 ft, of Lot 1, Lots 1-10 incl.,
Block 8, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the North.Side.of Wilmington Avenue
The South 66 ft. of Lot 1, Bik. 5, Rosalyn Heights, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, 8LB & M
The west 104.92 ft. of the south 81 ft. and the east 50
ft. of the South 160 feet of Lot 2, Blk. 6, Rosalyn Heights,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 72 feet of Lot 1, Bik. 7, Rosalyn Heights, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing 206.25 feet East of the N.E. Cor. of Wilmington
Avenue and Yuma St., thence Eat 104 feet, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E,
Fronting on the South Side of Wilmington Avenue
The North 67.5 feet of Lot 4 and the North 50 feet of Lot
5, Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 3, Rosalyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N. W. Cor. of Lot 5, thence East 73.6 feet,
thence S 770 17' 39" E. 90.5 ft., Lot 5, Blk. 1, Rosalyn
Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing 318.5 ft. West of the S.W. Cor. of 21st East and
Wilmington Avenue, thence West 47.5 ft., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
Fronting on.the West Side of Wellington Street
All of Lot 29, Blk. 2, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
All of Lots 30 to 32 incl and the north 15 ft. of Lot 33
and the South 9 ft. of a vacated alley adjacent to Lot 30,
on the north, Lots -30-33 incl., Blk 2, Idlewild Add., Sec. 21, T18, R1E,
The South 8 ft. of Lot 36, Blk. 2, Idlewild Add., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB &
All of Lots 40-46 incl., Blk. 2; being in Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 22 ft. of Lot 33 and Lots 34 to 40 incl,
and the north 9 ft. of a vacated alley between Lots 1 & 40,
Lots 33-40 incl., Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
The North 20 feet of the South 39 feet of Lot 27, Blk. 9,
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of a vacated alley between Lots 27 & 28, all of Lot 28
on the North 10 ft. of Lot 29,/B1k. 9, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M Lots 27-29 incl.
Fronting on the East Side_of Wellington Street
The South 45.9 feet of Lot 20, the vacated alley between
Lots 19 & 20 and Lots 15 to 19 incl., Lets-I5-20-1nel, Blk. 1,
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 15 ft. of Lot 1, Blk 1 and Commencing at the S.W.
Cor. of said Lot 1, thence South 66 ft., all of Lot 28 and
the South 12 ft. of Lot 27 of Blk. 7, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 5 to 20 incl. and the vacated alley between Lots
5 & 6, Blk. 7, Idlewild Adltion, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 19 feet of Lot 1, Blk. 8, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, TIS, R1E, SBL & M
Fronting on the North Side of Wilmington Avenue
A11 of Lots 47 & 48 and the East 1/2 of adjacent alley,
Blk. 2, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 66 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 5, Rosalyn Heights, Sec.SLB &M 21, T1S, R1E,
The South 66 ft. of Lot 1, Blk. 5; being in Rosalyn Heights,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 60 ft. of Lot 1, Blk. 6, Rosalyn Heights, Sec. 21
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the NoW. Cor. of Yuma Street and Wilmington Ave.,
thence West 81.38 ft., thence North 77° 17' 39" W. 83.31 ft.,
Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N. E. Cor. of Yuma Street and Wilmington
Avenue, thence East 206.25 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing 116 ft. west of the N.W. Cor. of Wilmington Avenue
and 21st Eat St., thence West 110 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E,
Fronting on the South Side.of Wilmington Avenue
The North 65 ft. of Lots 5 & 0, Blk. 2, Roselyn Heights,
Sec. 21, T1S, RILE, SLB & M
Commencing 366 ft. west of the S.W. Cor. of 21st Eat St.
and Wilmington Avenue, thence West 393 ft., Sec. 22, T1S,
Commencing 120 ft. west of the S.W. Cor. of 21st East and
Wilmington Avenue, thence west 186.5', Sec. 22, T1S, RILE
Fronting on the West Side of Yuma St.
Commencing at the S.W. Cor. of Yuma Street and 21st South
St., thence South 138.1 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, RILE SLB & M
Commencing 138.1 ft. south of the /S.W. Cor. of Yuma St.
and 21st South St., thence South 506.6 ft., Sec. 22, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N.W. Cor. of Yuma St. and Wilmington Ave.,
thence North 179.1 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, RILE, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of Yiima Street
Commencing at the S.E. Cor. of Yuma St. and 21st South
St., thence South 165.05 ft, ,Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB& M.
Commencing 165.05 ft. south of the S.E. Cor. of Yuma
St. and 21st South St., thence south 307 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, RILE, SLB& M.
Commencing 254.1 ft. North of the N.E. Cor. of Yuma St.
and Wilmington Avenue, thence North 97.65 ft.,Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Commencing at the N.E. Cor. of Yuma Street and Wilmington
Avenue, thence North 179.1 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West.Side of Wellington. Street
The North 67.95 ft. of Lot 29, Blk. 2,Idlewild Add. Sec. 21, T1S, RILE,
All of Lots 47 & 48, Blk. 2, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Lots 24 to 33 incl.
A11 of 24 to 32 & the North 3 ft. of Lot 33,/Blk. 6, Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
The South 12.5 ft. of Lot 10 and Lots 4 to 9 incl., Blk. 1,
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 21-26 incl., Block 7, Idlewild Addition; being
in Sec. 21, T13, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of Hannibal Street
All of Lots 37 & 38, Blk. 11, Idlewild Addition,Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of 18th East Street
The North 10 ft. of Lot 17, Blk. 6,
The South 13 ft. of the North 46 ft. of Lot 9 and the
North 12 ft. of the South 54 ft. of Lot 9, Blk. 6, Idlewild
Addition, being Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB & M
Fronting on the West side of Hannibal St.
The North 19 ft. of the South 25 ft., Lot 33, Elk. 11,
The South 27.48 ft. of Lot 34 and all of Lots 35 & 36,
Blk. 11,
All of Lots 39 to 49 incl and the North 16 ft. of Lot 50,
Blk. 11,
The South 23 ft. of Lot 52, Blk. 11,
Commencing 307 ft. South of the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54, Blk. 11,
Idlewild Add., thence South 23 feet; all being in Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of Hannibal St.
The North 96.72 ft. of Lot 28, Blk. 10
All of Lots 1 to 27 incl. and the vacated alley adjacent
on the north to Lot 27, Blk. 10; being Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West side of 18th East Street
The North 50 ft. of Lot 36, Blk. 10
The South 25 ft. of Lot 36, Blk, 10
The South 22.76 ft. of Lot 37 and the North 9.24 ft. of
Lot 38, Blk. 10,
All of Lot 39 and the North 12 ft. of Lot 40, Blk. 10
All of Lot 41 and the North 4 ft. of Lot 42, Blk. 10
The South 11 ft. of Lot 42, all of Lots 43 to 46 incl.,
and the North 13 ft. of Lot 47, Blk. 10,
All of Lots 49 to 54 incl and the North 11 ft. of Lot 55,
Blk. 10
The South 7 ft. of Lot 56 and the North 13 ft. of Lot 57,
Blk. 10
The South 18 ft. of Lot 58, Blk. 10
The South 19 ft. of Lot 60, Blk. 10; all being in Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of 18th East Street
The South 9 ft. of a vacated alley between Lots 19 & 20,
Blk. 2,
The North 17 ft. of Lot 11, Blk. 2
The South 16 ft. of Lot 7, Blk. 2
The South 8 ft. of Lot 5, Blk. 2; being in Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 18-23 incl., Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 10 to 15 incl. and the North 9 ft. of a vacated
alley between Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 96 ft. of the South 121.72 ft. of Lot 19,
The South 9 ft. of a vacated alley between Lots 18 and 19
and all of Lot 18 and the North 2 ft. of Lot 17,
The South 16 ft. of Lot 15, all of Lots 13 & 14 and the
North 10 ft. of Lot 12
The South 16 ft. of Lot 11, all of Lots 9 & 10 and the North
17 ft. of Lot 8
The South 11 ft. of Lot 7 and the North 19 ft. of Lot 6
All of Lot 4
All of Lots 1 & 2, Being in Block 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of Hannibal Street
The South 46.04 ft. of Lot 38 and the North 9 ft. of
vacated alley adjacent on the South to lot 38, Blk.4, Idlewild Add., Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
All of Lot 51; being in Bbck 4, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M The South 6 ft. of Lot 33, the North 3 ft. of Lot 341a dididd., Sec. 21,
the vacated alley between said Lots, B1kRlE,'SLB & M T1S,
The South 9 ft. of Lot 50 and all of Lot 51 and the North
2 ft. of Lot 52, Blk. 11, Idlewild Add., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 53 & 54; being in Block 11, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54, Blk. 11, Idlewild Add.
thence south 330 ft., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB &M
Fronting_ on the East Side of Hannibal Street
The South 46.03 ft. of Lot 20 and the North 9 ft. of
vacated alley between Lots 19 & 20,
All of Lots 14 & 15
All of Lots 1 & 2; being in Block 3, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
The North 45 ft. of Lot 9 and all of the vacated alley adja-
cent on the North to Lot 9, Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 100 ft. of Lot 28, Blk. 10, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of 18th East Street
The South 45.98 ft. of Lot 29, and the vacated alley
between Lots 29 & 30 and all of Lots 30 to 48 incl.,
Block 3, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 25 ft. of the South 50 ft. of Lot 36,
All of vacated alley between Lots 36 and 37 and the North
5 ft. of Lot 37
The South 15.76 ft. of Lot 38
The South 13 ft. of Lot 4s
The North 10 ft. of the South 21 ft. of Lot 42
The South 12 ft. of Lot 47 and all of Lot 48
The South 14 ft. of Lot 55 and the North 18 ft. of Lot 56
The South 12 ft. of Lot 57 and the North 7 ft. of Lot 58
N11 of Lot 59 and the north 6 ft. of Lot 60; all being in Blk.
10, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on.the East Side of 18th East Street
The South 45.96 ft. of Lot 20 and the North 9 ft. of
vacated alley between Lots 19 & 20
All of Lots 12-19 incl.,
The South 8 ft. of Lot 11 and all of Lots 8 to 10 incl.
and the North 9 ft. of Lot 7,
All of Lot 6 and the North 17 ft. of Lot 5
All of Lots 1-4 incl; all being in Block 2, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 25.72 ft. of Lot 19 and the North 9 ft. of vacated
alley between Lots 18 & 19
The South 23 ft. of Lot 17, all of Lot 16 and the North 9
ft. of Lot 15
The South 15 ft. of Lot 12 and the North 9 ft. of Lot 11,
The South 8 ft. of Lot 8 and the North 14 ft. of Lot 7,
The South 6 ft. of Lot 6 and all of Lot 5,
All of Lot 3; all being in Block 9, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the.West Side of Hannibal Street
All of Lots 39 to 50 incl. and the South 1/2 of vacated
alley adjacent on the North to said Lot 39,
All of Lots 1 and 52 to 58 incl., and all of vacated alley
between said Lots 1 and 53; being in Blk. 4, Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of.Hannibal Street
The North 75 ft. of Lot 20
All of Lots 16 to 19 incl. and the South 9 ft. of vacated
alley adjacent on the North to lot 19
All of Lots 3-13 incl.; being in Block 3, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 10-14 incl.,
The South 55 ft. of Lot 9; being in Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of 18th East Street
The North 75 ft. of Lot 29, Block 3, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 45 ft. of Lot 1 and the South 9 ft. of a vacated
alley between Lots 1 & 22, Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition, Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of.18th East Street
The North 75 ft. of Lot 20, Elk. 2, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 15 ft. of Lot 17 and all of Lot 16, Blk. 6
The South 9 ft. of a vacated alley between Lots 9 and 10
and the North 33 ft. of Lot 9,
The South 42 ft. of Lot 9; all being in Blk. 6, Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of Hannibal Street
The North 75 ft. of Lot 38, Blk. 4, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
The North 75 ft. of Lot 20, Blk. 1, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB & M
Fronting on the South Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
All except the South 100 ft. of Lots 10-14 incl., Blk. 8,
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Fronting on the South Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
All of Lots 19 & 20
All of Lots 24 & 25; being in Block 9, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the East Side of Hannibal Street
All of Lot 1, Blk. 10, Idlewild Addition and the vacated
alley adjacent to said Lot 1, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of 18th East Street
All of Lots 15 to 22 incl. and the North 9 ft. of the
vacated alley between Lots 1 & 22, Blk. 5, Idlewild Addition
Commencing 45 ft. South of the N. E. Cor. of Lot 1,
Blk 5, Idlewild Addition; thence South 151.72 ft.
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lot 60, Blk 10, Idlewild Add. and the vacated alley
adjacent to said Lot 60, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the.East Side of 18th East Street
All of Lot 1, Blk 9, Idlewild Add and the vacated alley
adjacent to said Lot 1, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the North Side of Wilmington Avenue
All of Lots 1 & 2 - $20.75
All of Lots 47 & 48 -$16.18 - all in Blk. 3, Idlewild Addi-
tion, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The South 81 ft. and the west 104.92 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 6,
Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21CQ@C, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $92.11
The South 72 ft. of Lot 1, Blk. 7, Rosslyn Heights, Sec.
21 & 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $49.53
Commencing 280 ft. West of the intersection of the North
line of Wilmington Avenue and theWest line of 21st Eat Street
thence West 50 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $49.53
Commencing 226 ft. West of the intersection of the North
line of Wilmington Avenue and the West line of 21st East
Street, thence West 54 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $49.53
Fronting on the South Side of Wilmington.Avenue
All of Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 5 - $16.18
All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 5 - $16.18; being in Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 22 & 23, Blk. 6, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, •
R1E, SLB & M - $20.75
The North 67.5 ft. of Lot 4, Blk. 3, Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $92.11
The North 50 ft. of Lot 5, Blk. 3, Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $49.53
Fronting on the East Side of Yuma Street
Commencing at the S.E. Cor. of 21st South Street and Yuma Street,
thence South 165.05 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $45.99
Commencing 179.1 ft. North of the N.E. Cor. of Wilmington
Avenue & Yuma Street thence North 75 ft., Sec. 22, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M - $39.77
Fronting on the South Side of 21st South Street
All of Lots 22 & 23, Blk. 1, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M - $24.28
&fMLot 7$ 11{28 4, Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
Commencing at the S.E. Cor. of 21st South Street
and 19th East Street, thence East 103 ft., Elk. 5,
Lots 5 and 6, Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M - $28.55
The North 63 ft. of Lot 7, Blk. 6, Rosslyn Heights,
Sec. 21,T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $24.28
Commencing 100 ft. West of the S.W. Cor. of 21st
South Street and 21st East Street; thence West 100 ft.
Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $86.70
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
The South 53 ft. of Lots 27-29 incl., Blk. 2, - $103.86
All of Lots 30 & 31, Blk. 2 - $55.31
All of Lots 32 & 33, Blk. 2, $55.31
All of Lots 34-26-incl., Blk. 2 - $55.33
All of Lots 37-39 incl., Blk. 2 - $55.26
All of Lots 40 & 41, Blk. 2 - $55.31
All of Lots 42 & 43 and the North 15 ft. of
Lot 44, Blk. 2 - $55.31
All of Lots 45 & 46, Blk. 2 - $55.31; all being in
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 33 & 34, Blk. 6 - $55.31
All of Lots 35 & 36, Blk. 6 - $55.31
All of Lots 37 & 38, Blk. 6 - $55.31
All of Lots 39 & 40, Blk. 6 - $71.54
All of Lots 1,2 & 3, Blk. 6 - $175.36; allbeing
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 26 & 27, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lots 28 & 29, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lots 30 & 31, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lots 32 & 33, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lot 36 & the North 21 ft. of Lot 37, Blk. 9 - $55.31
All of Lots 38 & 39 and the South 4 ft. of Lot 37, - $55.31
All of Lots 40, 41 & 42, Blk. 9 - $55.31; all being in
Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the.East Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 20 & 21, Blk. 1 $87.68
All of Lot 19 and the North 8 ft. of Lot 18, Elk. 1 $55.31
All of Lot 17 and the South 17 ft. of Lot 18, Blk. 1 $55.31
All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 1, - $55.31
All of Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 1 - $55.31
All of Lots 11 & 12 and the North 12.5 ft. of Lot 10,
Blk. 1 - $55.31
All of Lots 2 & 3 and the North 10 ft. of Lot 1, Blk,
1 - $55.31
The South 15 ft. of Lot 1, Blk, 1, Idlewild Add, and
comm. at the S.W. Cor. of said Lot 1, thence South
25.5 ft., - $55.31; all being in Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
All of Lots 27 & 28, Blk. 7 - $55.31
All of Lots 18 & 19, Blk. 7 - $55.31
All of Lots 16 & 17, Blk. 7, - $55.31
All of Lots 13, 14 & 15, Blk. 7. $55.31
All of Lots 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 7 $55.31
All of Lot 8 & 9 and the North 5 ft. of Lot
7, Blk. 7 - $55.31
All of Lot 6 and the South 20 ft. of Lot 7, Blk,
7 - $55.31
The North 51 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl. Blk 7 - $55.31
All except the North 51 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl.,
Blk, 7 - $55.31; all being in Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing 90.32 ft. South of the N.W. Cor. of
Lot 10, Blk. 8, of Idlewild Add. of Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M, thence South 50 ft., Lots 10-14 incl.
The South 50 ft. of Lots 10-14 incl„ Blk. 8 $55.31
The North 33.b2 ft. of Lot 9, Blk 8, Idlewild Add.
and Comm. at the N.W. Cor. of Lot 9, Blk, 8, Idlewild
Add., thence North 18 ft., $55.31
All of Lot 8 add the South 4 ft. of Lot 9 and the N
22.5' of Lot 7, Blk. 8 $55.31
All of Lots 5 & 6 and the south 2.5 ft. of Lot 7,
Blk, 8 - $60.02
All of Lots 1-4 incl., Blk. 8 - $60.03; all being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the North side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
All of Lots 9, 10 & 11, Blk. 4 $71.54
All of Lots 7 & 8, Blk, 4 $71.54
All of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk. 4 $71.54; All being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N.E. Cor. of Hannibal St.
and Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence southeasterly
144.37 ft., Lots 6-9 incl., Blk. 5 $77.92
Commencing at the N.W. Cor. of 18th East Street and
Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence northwesterly
166,43 ft., Lots 1-5 incl, Blk. 5 $49.53; all being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Commencing at the N.E.Cor. of 18th East Street and
Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence southeasterly
82.99 ft., Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 6 - $63.73
Commencing 82.99 ft. southeasterly from the N.E.
Cor. of 18th East St, and Parleys Canyon Boulevard,
thence Southeasterly 61.38 ft., Lots 6 & 7, Blk. 6 -
Commencing 144.37 ft. southeasterly from the N.E.
Cor. of 18th East St. and Parleys Canyon Boulevard,
thence southeasterly 74.36 ft., Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 6
$106.31; all being in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the north side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
Comm. at the N.W. Cor. of 19th East Street and
Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence northwesterly 170.81
ft., Lot 1, Blk. 4 - $16.18
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of 19th East Street and
Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence southeasterly
87.0 ft., Lot 2, Blk. 3 - $12.65
Comm. at the N.W.Cor. of Preston Street and
Parleys Canyon Boulevard, thence northwesterly
87.0 ft., Lot 1, Blk. 3 - $12.66; all being in
Rosslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of Preston St. and Parleys
Canyon Blvd., thence southeasterly 84.37 ft., Lot
2, Blk. 2 - $16.18
Comm. at the N. W. Cor. of 20th East St. and Parleys
Canyon Blvd., thence northwesterly 84.37 ft., Lot
1 Blk. 2 $23.03; beineRosslyn Heights, Sec. 21, T1S,
R1E, SLB & M
Comm. at the S. W. Cor. of Lot 6 of Parleys Circle
Sub, of Sec. 22, T1S, R1E, SLB &M, thence northwesterly
112.77 ft., - $55.31
Fronting on the North Side of Parkway Avenue
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of Parleys Circle and Parkway
Avenue, thence east 11.4 Rods, Sec. 22, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M - $111.92
Fronting on the South Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard
Comm. at the N.W. Cor. of Blk 11 of Idlewild Add.,
thence southeasterly 92.07 ft., Lots 25, 26 & 27,
Blk. 11 - $32.43
All of Lots 28 & 29, Blk. 11 $25.61
All of Lots 30 & 31, Blk. 11 $25.61
All of Lots 32 & 33, Blk. 11 $38.69; being in
Idlewild Adition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Comm. at the N.W. Cor. of Blk 10 of Idlewild Add.,
thence southeasterly 166.43 ft., Lots 28-32 incl.,
Blk. 10 - $32.43
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of Blk 10 Idlewid Addition,
thence Northwesterly 144.37 ft., Lots 33-36 incl,
Blk. 10 $44.96; all being in Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SIB a m
All of Lots 21, 22,23, Blk. 9 $64.86
All of Lots 24 & 25, Blk. 9 $32.43
Comm. at the N.W. Cor. of Blk 8 Idlewild Add.,
thence southeasterly 155.39 ft., Lots 10-14 incl.
Blk. 8, Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
SLB & M - $51.22
Fronting on the South Side of Parkway Avenue
Comm. 64.7 ft. west of the N.E. Cor. of Lot 15,
Blk 19 of Amended Country Club Acres, thence west
80.81 ft. thence southwesterly 41.26 ft. along an
arc with radius 69.39 ft., Lot 15, Blk. 19 - $55.96
Comm. 130 ft. west of the N.E. Cor. of Lot 14,
Blk. 19 of Amended Country Club Acres thence West
114.7 ft., Lots 14 & 15, Bik. 19 - $136.32
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of Lot 14, Blk. 19 of All being in Sec.22
Amended Country Club Acres, thence West 130 ft,/- $43.76 T1S,R1E
Fronting on the West Side of Hannibal Street SLB&M
All of Lots 28-38 incl., Blk. 4, Idlewild Addition,
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $43.76
All of Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 39 & 40, Bik. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 41 & 42, Blk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 43 & 44, Blk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 45, 46, & 47, Blk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 48 & 49, Blk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 50, 51 & 52, Elk. 11 $37.98
All of Lots 53 & 54, Elk. 11 $37.98; all being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Comm. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54 Blk. 11, Idlewild
Add., thence South 55 ft. $37.98
Comm. 55 ft. South of the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54,
Blk. 11, Idlewild Add., thence south 55 ft. $37.98
Comm. 110 ft. South of the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54, Blk.
11, Idlewild Add., thence South 55 ft. $37.98
Comm. 165 ft. south of the S.E. Cor. of Lot 54
Blk. 11, Idlewild Add., thence South 55 ft. $37.98
Commencing 220' ft. South of the S.E. Cor. of Lot
54, Blk. 11, Idlewild Add., thence South 55 ft. $37.98;
being in Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Comm. 275 ft. South of the S.E. Cor, of Lot 54, Blk,
11, of Idlewild Add., thence South 55 ft., Sec.
21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $21.98
Fronting on the East.Side of Hannibal Street
All of Lots 20 & 21, Blk. 3 $80.37
All of Lots 14 & 15, Blk. 3 $43.76; being in Idlewild
Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
The North 45 ft. of Lots 6 to 9 inclusive of Blk.
5 of Idlewild Add, and comm. at the N.W. Cor. of
Lot 9 of said Blk 5, thence North 9 ft., Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E, SLB & M - $43.76
Comm. 96.72 ft. south of the N.W. Cor. of Lot 28,
Blk. 10 of Idlewild Add., thence South 50 ft., Lots
28-32 incl., Blk. 10 - $37.98
Comm. 146.72 ft. south of the N.W. Cor. of Lot 28
- 16 -
Blk. 10 of Idlewild Add., thence south 50 ft., Lots
28-32 incl. $37.98
All of Lot 27, Blk. 10 - $37.98
All of Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 21 & 22, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots13 & 14, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 10 $78.96; all being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
Fronting on the West Side of 18th East Stret
All of Lots 28 & 29, Blk 3 of Idlewild Add.
and comm. at the S.E. Cor. of Lot 29 of said
Blk. 3, thence South 9 ft. - $62.06
All of Lots 30 & 31 of Blk 3 of Idlewild Add, and
Comm. at the N.E. Cor. of Lot 30 of said Blk. 3,
thence North 9 ft., being Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 32 & 33, Blk. 3 $37.98
All of Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 3 $37.98
All of Lots 36 & 37, Blk. 3 $37.98
All of Lots 38 & 39, Blk. 3 $39.48
All of Lots 40 & 41, Blk. 3 $39.48
All of Lots 42 & 43, Blk. 3 $39.48
All of Lots 44, 45 & 46, Blk. 3 $39.48; all being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M
All of Lots 17, 18 and the North 1/2 of Lot 19, Blk.. 5
All of Lot 20 and the south 1/2 of Lot 19 and the
north 1/2 of Lot 21, Blk. 5 $37.98
All of Lot 22 and the South 1/2 of Lot 21, Blk. 5 $37.98
The South 50 ft. of the North 95 ft. of Lots 1-5
incl., $37.98; being in Idlewild addition, Sec. 21,
T1S, R1E,SLB & M
The South 50 ft. of Lots 33-36 incl., Blk. 10 - $37.98
All of Lots 37 & 38, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 39 & 40, Blk. 10 $37.98
All of Lots 41 & 42, Blk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 43 & 44, Blk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 45 & 46, Blk. 10 44.60 4
All of Lots 47 & 48, Blk. 10 44.61 -r
All of Lots 49 & 50, Blk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 51 & 52, Elk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 53 & 54, Blk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 55 & 56, Blk, 10 37.98
All of Lots 57 & 58, Blk. 10 37.98
All of Lots 59 & 60, Blk. 10 16.97; being
in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, RME, SLB & M
Fronting on the East. Side.of 18th East Street
All of Lots 20 & 21 of Blk 2, Idlewild Add., and
comm. at the S. W. Cor. of Lot 20 of said Blk. 2,
thence south 9 feet, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M -
All of Lots 17, 18 & 19 of Blk 2 of Idlewild Add.
and comm at the N. W. Cor. of Lot 19 of said Elk.
2, thence North 9 ft., Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M -
All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 5 & 6, Elk. 2 - 37.98
All of Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 2 - 837.87
All of Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 2 - 342.41;
All being in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E.
All of Lots 20 & 21, Blk. 6 - 37.98
All of Lots 18 & 19, Blk. 6 - 37.98
All of Lots 14 & 15, Blk. 6 - 37.98
All of Lots 12 & 13, Blk. 6 - 37.98; all
being in Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E,
All of Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 9, - 68.72
All of Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lots 15 & 16, Elk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lots 7 & 8 , Blk. 9, - 44.60
All of Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 9, - '44.61
All of Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 9, - 37.98
All of Lotsl & 2, Blk. 9, - 32.41
All being in Idlewild Addition,Sec.21, T1S,R1E, SLB & M
upon the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore des-
cribed to be especially benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby
adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially
benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said
parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in
accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of
the same ownership back therefrom, not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax
hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land 1-.4
$7,747.43 or $5.47 per linear or front foot of abutting property for
constructing 1,416.35 feet of curb and gutter and miscellaneous; $756.62
or $2.37 per linear or frontfbot of abutting property for constructing
319.25 feet of curb and gutter; $10,481.40 or $8.31 per linear or front
foot of abutting property for constructing 1,261.30 feet of 4' Walk,
Curb and Gutter, 8' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $712.80 or $5.94 per
linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 120.00 feet
of 4' Walk, 8' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $6,521.33 or $7.59 per linear
or front foot of abutting property for constructing 859.20 feet of
Walk (2 rate), curb & gutter 8' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $5,342.13 or
$4.48 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
1,192.44 feet of 8' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $4,266.26 or $9.21 per
linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 463.22 feet
of 4' Walk, Curb & Gutter, 16' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $3,666.79 or
$6.84 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
536.08 feet of 4' Walk, 16' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $3,666.79 or $6.84
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 536.08 feet
of 4' Walk, 16' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $9,902.65 or $8.49 per linear
or front foot of abutting property for constructing 1,166.39 feet of walk
(I rate), curb and gutter, 16' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $15,806.44 or
$7.75 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
2,039.54 feet of Curb and Gutter, 16' Pavement and Miscellaneous; $16,779.79
or $5.38 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
3,118.92 feet of 16' pavement, miscellaneous; $544.00 or $6.40 per linear
or frontcbot of abutting property for constructing 85.00 feet of walk
(Z rate) 18' pavement and miscellaneous; $22,110.22 or $8.77 per linear
or front foot of abutting property for constructing 2,521.12 feet of 18'
pavement and miscellaneous, curb and gutter, walk (- rate); $18,055.37
or $8.03 per linear or front foot of abutting property for consbructing
2,248.49 feet of curb and gutter, 18' pavement and miscellaneous;
$9,605.53 or $5.66 per linear or front foot of abutting property for
constructing 1,697.09 feet of 18' pavement and miscellaneous; $192.00
or $2.56 per linear or frontfbot of abutting property for constructing
75.00 feet of 18' Pavement; $171.00 or $2.28 per linear or front foot of
abutting property for constructing 75.00 feet of 16' Pavement; $1,348.79
or $8.68 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
155.39 feet of 5' Walk, Curb and Gutter, 8' Pavement and miscellaneous;
$840.91 or $6.85 per linear or front foot of abutting property for con-
structing 122.76 feet of Curb & Gutter, 8' Pavement and Miscellaneous;
$3,166.91 or $9.49 per linear or front foot of abutting property for
constructing 333.71 feet of 4' Walk, Curb and Gutter, 18' Pavement and
Miscellaneous; and $8,226.80 for constructing 173 private driveways, as
specifically set out hereinabove; the cost of which driveways and the
property benefited thereby is hereinabove set out and all within the
boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the
total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvanent according
to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making
said improvements with Inland Concrete Construction Company, dated June 27,
1956, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein
mentioned and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as
corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review,
of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb and Gutter
Extension No. 148-2) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing
curb and gutter, sidewalk,/paving, miscellaneous and private driveways
upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments
made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of
Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in/firs equal yearly installments
as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each installment is due;
provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the atkax order
payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen
(15) days from the date this ordnance becomes effective. One or more
installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special
tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment
becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the
date such first installment is due. One or more installments in the order
in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid on the
date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest
to the date of payment. Default in the payment of any such installment of
principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid
principal and interest to become due and payable immediately and the
whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at
the rate of 10% per annum until paid, but/anytime prior to the date of
sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of'all unpaid install-
ments past due with interest at the rate of 10% per annum, to date of
payment on the delinquent installments, >and all accrued costs, and shall
thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in
the same manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
19th . day of November , 1957.
( S g A L
BILL NO. 71 of 1957
9t4i and Final Estimate
Published November 21st, 1957
Forst Publication in
%t4 1 tlyWOJ
.. k. - .
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D. M. Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City notice of An Ordinance
levying a tax and for the assessment
of property for Curb & Gutter Ext.
No. 148-2, 9th and final Estimate.
was published in said newspaper on
November 21, 1957
Ilgal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this - 27th
f clay of
November A.D. 1957.
Notary Public
My> Commission Expires
-Ta-n. 16, 1960.
Legal Notices ILearl Na xs • Legal Notices Legal Plotless legal Nstices Ile Notices ILe,ai F ice 1,.
w AN ORDINANCE 2 Idl ',Id At-'t- Sec.21,TIS f Lo 3 t 45 1 d the,W,I A nd th.lY t 2 T S 211F SIB C 5I 124,b V d Adf'tia t',s
TAX OH I\ LEVYING A E SLB&Of \ li 13 ft f L t 4' ti k G 121st Ezst Street h n the South Slue o S R E LB&-1 2 J"' t C G'
e North I t f L t 2 Ali of Lots to a4 incl.and the II/lost 4 £t., Sec 22, T13 R1E,Parkway Avenue- 1 5 utn 0_ of Lot 6.o,.e.l C b d L - Otto 9, Icl ov d Addition, Sec. _All
11 ft.of Lot 55,Elk.10 SLB &51-54 et of the N.E o
n ( ) E 2 S G21E,SLB&\1 r The South f. £Lot-6 a 9'3 C-n 6 ' Blk.30 S.98 •SIOG'R'9 9
f tl kr g Tb S th 19 f f Tot e0, the hot"h 13 ft. f Lot aR,e,a 10 Front�nQ h South Side f�C of L BLl 19 A d', Al f Lots , & 33, Elk, 0 .• L t f
Wflnirzton A L ,t R.38 31 6 _
' t d lk gl 9 ldl id Addition,Sec.25. he South 8 Lt. of Lot 58, A.l of Lot,13v&i4,Bk.a—SL Slt ft - t 1 0£ Lots 39 & 40, Elk. 9 S6 0 5 -0cf i21
D yen - I T1S-F The So SL5& I 1 B31..10 516.18. 41.e6 ff [h d s S
B d b B d f S [h i f f Lot 29 he South 9 it Lot 60 Blk. I69 39 S L1 B Elk.]9 5 96 4S8 Lots 4: & 92, EIk f tt S CG f furl
1] f Lots 30 t 42 1 Lot 9-42 10 -1 b I' d Addition, All is 15& 16,B]. 8
C or L ' - £ 1 L k C 1 Bll. 9, d- -]d Add'- ,Sec.21 T15 RIE SLB&Al 4 E 8.b- - I lewi d.ioi 'borne.,::,1895 ft vet h \ A:-ot Lots 43 &44. 31 L - d
L.ah- t 15 R—.SLB&51 Fror - theEast Side of S 2 1S.R SLB& i d Co t Con of Lot 1 CIEJk Acres.9 f A thence
98 .l i f.1 y I
O SECTION 1 T' h Board f On the east side of 18 h East Street, A, Of L t 22 & 23 B lt 6 1\. 119 f. Lots 44 & 15. Ai of Lots 45 & 46, Elk. G e
wet ,Street: The 5. F 9 Irk of vacated IIdl S1 Addt S 21 TS E 1g $16.32aef
2 lk os 19 & 29, R SLB&11 p'it..
h t '=I f Lo.-1]t 19 1 d the El 2 Th '[h 6of L q C mh \.E.C I of61 ..
h S 1 _[ t L t 10 L The North ]l £t of Lot 11 Blk 3 R 1 H ht 21 9 11'` A d d ..-v tt 0 2 p 03 -
IG t4 ]' 1 &d BIN 2 T S R1E SLB& 23 'Cl b A i l 130 t— '\ Lots 99 & ..0, Elk. 0 1. f h
5 2 i1S R1E 5 B&\ The South Ib it. of Lot i,. TheN 0 f f t E k , i C- Sec «,T-- R1E, t- e-
3 &
>r An Lots 2&3 h North B1 2 SL &^I 1.9 o£ Lo:c 51 & .,0 31k 10 t f ] F -
'1 - 10 Lot 1 L 2 d The South e ft.of Lot O B,k R1E 5 B&S hS4953 2 Tl5 S F on.'s the \4 S'ce Att
of Lots 53 & 55. 311. - d 1 Lora 't 3 B: 1 Idl Addition,S 2 b-n n Id' ld Addition,- Sec t T st <d f of ib 1 S °'S T5&of Lots a> & 5f Blt 30 I
rats d I 2] 1S R S B&-I. 21 Ti R] SLH Sr 1 Y St t: A l L -28.6 t 0. Blk 4 c 129 9
b - - TheNandi 1 t Al f L t 1823 1. Elk E; C at the 5E C f.Idl {tl Ad'" 5 c 21 Tis .A?, - 01
S' \v ,'B p,:pr ] Ad i i 5 .1 1 w--il Ad't on, S 21 35S,'. south S and Y R SLB&lI 548.i6 ' of Lots 57 & 58, Elk. 30 per kt \V ll' 21 T_S lE SLH&M B1P,S B&l Street. .hence South 15505 ft., An o Los �•. & 3c, Elk. 11 8 b - tor t
S- o W 4 b All of Lots 2 1 0 l a d the Al f Lots 10 to 1 1 d 5 22 T1S, R1E, SLB & Al 3R 53 ' t All f Lot 58 & 60 D l 0 18 p
t 19t 1 t d alleybetween Lots 9&10 .,,Ail_
9 St f a t d '1 1S45 9. All of Lots 39 & 40, Elk. 11 169 b I ld A ti 1 1.00 6 f i.
S' - C d le North 6-ft.of Lot i Lis;L Lots 9&]0 E A 6 I le Co nmercm 9.., t \ th f'.S3i 98 T15.PI L3&n' t g 1,
be e 17211 E S 2- 0 _ 0 Inch,Bock 8 Itllewild Add SLSe,0-4.1on,Sec 3:,eIS,F2E, the NE.Cor. f W t° A ql, f Lots 41 & 42, 61k. it F t he East 5-d £ f 1 P -
1:n St P 1 e b t t' •
Sec 21 T1S R1E LN&11.. The\orfh 96 it.o£the South R f&S cn 225 TIS,R1ESLB& "�98'° 18A11E f Lo se20&21 of Bl 2 t 513 3.9 abutting.8 8 ]
2U 0 t S f 1 - t CLR3 d GL*PTEF. 15' Al E 121.02 ft.of Lot 19, Aki df Lots 43 & 44, Bl't. 11 S. L 5 b -t 1\E\ AND 1311SCELLANEOUS The South 9 fl f a \1 S39 ldl- 'ld Add,ar3 ce h I t' t ] 9
F inth East Stree.A]bt eA 21. rV
t- , n,th,e North cod f alley between Lots 18 andvl9 aid I2 t S inn h Sirve,1e Scutn Sid' of 1S.All of Lots 45.46,&47,Elk.11 31k lh2 C vn E ,,t a-feet.
f 'f0 'I -t i h s. ° t 8 ' i ._
r Lot le and the Nottn 2 ft All f t 22&23 B':.1 itl `3;aj18 of Lots 48 &49, Bub. 11 2 TIS R1_ _LB&M tf2 f b E 1 f 5 h h o \! Ot 5 th o ft. f Lot] Elk. L t 1R.
S 2 S h 15 R He g t c.2] T S h South 15 ft. f Lot`a.all of Ad"' Sec.21,TIS R L'S3 3 • A. Lott 1 13&19 P
S. a A A Y B] L Cl 0 13&lr env.the Noah]0 St SLB&Ll 52428 Ali of Lots 50,51&52,Elk,11 2 f 1 Ot Add d -8 t C b nTd G.,-i.
5 I S Th t 04, t the Lot 1 A' f L R Bik 4. no„,,, S3 Al k. tl. C t 9 3 6 91 9 9
'Sl t fort
t t Y f the T South 0 it. t L 1 I1.Heights.S 2i,the All, SLB A. f L 3 & Elk 11 BIk 2., . \ .h 9 fc t h t tl d i h South l 2.HI S Lots 9 U aria \ -n:r l 5 4 C ._6 11 n I l d 2l, e Rl 5..E I
s h.. Sec...l T15 p 21 er Sovlhcis ot th L 19t0Cer.E f boil.n5 Zl LB& 1 8 C b C 4 P34-
1 s private driveways,„41 SLB&lI. T'North
e 11.t 1 [l and Sheet.thence sabre',10 . Sl , theS.E C [Lot All of Lots IS& A. F 2 d 1 d
h South 2 feet o`Lot I P.\, [n Ne-- 19 f:.of L G 4 t 1 I .,]d A' .hence 531.08 f - s O F H ht Sec.21 T S Al1 f L 1 9 Lots 5.rd E.R 1 ;gosh S to t 7.98 1, of Lots 13& 14.Elk. 2 e, RO 1 t
CLr'II AND GUTTER AND 5 3&PI >1 f L I & 2 B-g .n 2L TIS rtE 5 t S v1 a23 . Com 5 11 S h f the S3R.E h b In f h'^n!15 LLe O�5 C �„206.2 t 1 E t!21..T ,. Idlewild A _AI . Sec. The He 63 ft. S L , B1k E I E. Cor f t _W. 31k +I, All of Lots 11 Ec 12, Elk. 2— d: d h: b
Fronting Side of th NE C V' e A -.2-,TIS GUT SLB \3 R1,E..S Heights, 5.2 21 TIS, Itllewild Add,thence s°u[h 5a ft.53A96 :filede b h 1.
2 Sio' St t' d.22, St,thrn,.S t 104 CURB,EN&GUTTER,18 FT PAVE RIE.SLB&Iu S242E. 53098 All of Lots 9 and 30.Elk i 1 1 '1'. h b
A..o l t 8 Bl°cY.4, t 1 Sec 22,T15.P1E SL3 s&bi htENT AND MISCELLA:YEOUS Commencing 120 iv Iest of Comm 110£t.South E the S E.83i 98
Idlewild Ad' , S 21. Tl S.; Fronton% •the South Side of Frontons on the West Side of the S 25 Cor. tred;South S,rest Aot of Lot 5S .55
l,Id$37.98 All of Lots 7 & 8, Blk 2— t°re but blil.l IY pc,
Rib,S B&NE . \'l TheN rt Aven ve' Hennibal Street' 300 flss East25 T15 thence
c3LBe&ACom the 18>{Louth.h f1 he JSE 53A98 of Lots 5 & 6, Elk. 2 [art f f -lj r
All of Lots 2U 24 incl.,Block The Nnrth 6i 5 feet of Lot 4 and The South 46 04 ft. f Lot 38 1 St.Seord t. tF t d
Id ewild A d L Sec. 21, T1S, the North 50 feet of Lot 5,Lots and the,North 9 ft. of vacated Cot of lot 54.H�k 11,ld ewild S3i 98 •y 1 d f 'd
Bl^c.SLB&hl 4 & ,33k 3 Roslyn Heights, le the South F tins the West Side of Add. thence South 5 St 53R.93 A 1 of Lots 3 & 4, B
5° h south Site f ]°i 38 agues^,Itllewild Add,Sec..i Wellinaton on
Coimencing 220 ft. South f S'si Pi ent h 1 d C C -
Parlcys B le d. ° Sec 21,T15.Rlz SLB&M. 21 T15 R1E,SLB&ni The South 53 St of Lcts 2R 29 the S.E Cor f Lot 54,Blk 11 Al of Lots 1 &'2, Elk. 2—
(:omi g 5519 1 th t CotninencinF t the N W Pt, All o L t 51 being m Block 4,rrncl,Elx.2 9103.86. Commencing
Add.,thence South 55 IA!,$A2.41. 11 5' d th T a h ;I'iv f-o the NE C f Lot f Lot 5,the E 1 3.6 feet, Idlewiltl Addition, Sec. 2.1, TIS, A•t en Lots 30 &31,Elk.2—$3i98. being m Sec 21, T15 All being ldtewtld Add t
le, Hlk. S f Idlew d Add['n. 'hence S RR°1 3 E 90.5 it,Lot AI E. SLB A M SSO..1. � [h°'. I'
hence h teriy 10 3-9 ft, Btk 1 4d 4 shta, Sec The South 5 ft f Lot 33,the All of Lots 32 &33,Bl'. 2—R Co.SmB25^t.South of the S.E.$eA.12 of Lots 20E&S 21i,&Bll 6 d h h
Sec 21 O. 1 ToS,B1E SLB&h1. 21 to A,, SL. .0,, \rth 3 ft 'Lot 34 and the 555 31, hf,?h nt oned f d collect
CJRIs A\il GU C ,3135E \V fth kited alley bcty.een said Lots Bllt. All of Lots 34-38 Incl.Blk 2—wi1,i Addot t54nBtk5outh°f sldS1e, A!1 of Lots 13 & 19,Bl Co'$38 ,i
Fron. th S h S Otto'\ tC P 21.th c 1•t cd AR 5 RI 1 S Bti Ft.kAldd.. Sec.21, TIE, S5 Sec. 21 T1S R1E, SLB&M RS 8' SECT CV •Th. ih t .211 he W t 1i1 f 1 LOE 8 d 11 ft S 21 TIS BE,eSCR&YI The South 9 St of Lot 50 and all $526 of Lots 3139 incl.,91k 2 S2t.96 All of Lots 14& 15, EI ;6 8,I' m e' b o T
bf °& L 4 T tt' West Stde of f Lot 51 .d the North 2 ft. f All of Lots 40&41,Blk 2 Hannibal Street:the Past Side of - f t 1 & i. H11 E etl b L n. d 1 d 1'.. li 1 tie t Sec. _1 IS L'. \ 1 - b Lot 52 "Ik 21, ld.ewtld Adel, 25>4. Ali of Lots 20 & 21, Blk. 3 S. 93: 11 _ I weld Add t bdlP of f prop,,,,,1,S & Al f L 2.. Bile,2 Idlewild Sec 2.1' A:E SLBdN'. All f Letc g2 & ?' d the'SE0.3i [ 2ot 15.RL SLB& I
the Sot j0]0 it.tof LotW5 L _Addition,Sec - T15 R1E,SLB All of Lots 53& 4 b 4 n Noah la ft of Lot 44,AT,','.2-1 All f Lots 14 & 5 /3, 3 .Ai.°f Lots 19 & _b. Bl .s
1,Idlewild Ad--tion,Sec -1Alen-Ad
(C C 1 L
' le iR6 b ldle-'] Add t' 53 2
f. f L 0 L- 5 6 1 aa, AI f Lots t. v and 2i°m RiE SLB.3 Al All f Lots 45& 46.ilk > S ..1 T35 RIE,SL5&'•^ n All of Lots 1'! & 18, B k tension N 1 2 f censtiupt-
5 n
h h i ft. f L t 33 d C m s 1 the 0 E.Cor f 3 5.i 1 be n,t. Idlewild A d The N b 4 ft - 6 t°1 3l 81 h t 1 H tSL3 j S 1 ♦15 tM1 S h 9!t red .I L t c4 H k 1L Idlewild Add. Lion.Sec.21.T15 S. SLR�.,:T�9 elusive of 31.. 5 Id ']d Alt of Lots 15 & if..Hl 9 dw Il
-he -369 it. f Lot 0 d ..Y Co G the north, th h 3 0 ft.,Sec 21,T1S, All of Lots 33&34,Elk f Add.and cernm t h 1' 1 C°r.' R98' t '.d
Blk 5 5 2L L t 033 c B 2. Idi d A E SLB&:1 Sa5'1 t Lot9 f said Elk :t All of Lots 13 & 14,Bl 9 - t { h.T 1`,R1 5 B& Adt - 2.. 15 *t1E SLR&,k Font he East Side f All of Lots 35&45,Elk. _ SOrth 9 ft Sec 21, T3 S, R1E, 0O3 fin d h&20 t t of T S Lh F ft L[36 Bll. H nnib L St ° SS 31 SLB& i S' T6 All of Lots 11 & 12,13\ 9 S
th rm. C [ 2 I 1' Add. S 21, T15, The h 46 f+3 ft E Lot 20 and'. All of Lots 37 &38,Elk E Com 96 i2 f[ c h of the 3 3 1 t tl 1 d dh t f
Y� - St th 4[. R1 . E&\S the No h 9 ft cared alley De S55 31.
5 R Sf All f 1 40-E 1 Slk 2 f ots 19&20. A, IN.vt. C f L 28 B k 15 f All of Lots 9 & 1, 1311. 9 Yh E, 1 f ai -
�Alncf Lots 14&15 1 of Lots 39& 40. Elk
E II lew:ld Adtl h c-5 F 0 tt.i Of w 1 h�9 C' l0U .Y [ -f the Idle ]d A orlon, Seco S t I. C I
5 d f 21 t So 2' l'SICIS P ..SLB A 1. All df Lots 1&2,bcins m Block $1l'3' .Lots 28 32 1, i tg 10 S3i.S8 All of Lots 7 & 6, B 9 9 0 1
L:st 5�: t ih 0 .t Th. 5 uth 2 t of Lot 33 nod 3 Itllewlln Addition,Sec 2" TiS, All i Lots i.2&3,Elk fi C m 146c02 ft. o h of the 'fi d d d f � i1
F.lE SLB&I,I altion5, l beins Ida ev,lad Ad N\N. C £L t 28 BII. 10 S All of Lots 5 & 6, BY$49 Sabi OV S l 11
4 21\Jars S C R L& M GUTTER, 9afL.4f to 40 alley bPt north 'he North 45 fir.,of Lot 9 nd g`iy°:'' Sec. 21, TIS, R1L SLBItllewild Ad th. south:>0 ft, •
ill-I'of the vacated it ey adiacent on ILols 2b 32 1 95 All of Lots 3 & 4, Ell S t In d b
P {1 YT- 19 SC L 1Lots to&a40.aL t 3 0 1_ Hl the Ncnh to Lot 9.Hlk Idle Ai of Lots 26 &27,Elk. 9— 4tt f Lot 20_BA.10 SeR.98 8 ortitnonce F t h V n S of 6 III ] A 't S ..1 T15 SLG 3 kilt Sec.21,TIS,El E, SSglll:of Lots 28 &29.Elk 9. 1$3'1980. Lots _a & 26 Elk'
10 All of Lots 1 & 2, Ek5329 h wit, t bi t hf
P'all of L 19 1 _Bike-, Rl h NH h f f the 5 h The 5 th 100 ft.of Lot 28,Blk. $ 1' Al` of Lots 23 & 24. Blk, 10 Al 6 n inletvild Ad t e. hh 1...tt d
1 "n A 5 1 T15, 9 f f I t 2 F.1. 9 Id1 -'1d 0 Id 'Id A 'iton, Sec 21,' All of Lots 30&31,Elk. 2 123R 96 5 R3 SLB&I e
1c B >7 0, Sec.2 T 5 5IE SLB S R1E SLB&,1f S 531 All of Lots 21 & 22, Elk'
]01 F f d t_ t h 1 th
Al' f 19 1 Elk. 6,1.&T All of Lots 32&33,BA, 9-123i 98 't. 1 rt h F 1 ]
1 1 '1C A t' Sec.n2 T15, All f �a 1 b t 18
h at Street ire West Side of $ 3i iTt ee d 1 t t t t1 dFe
h L ll 1 L t 2R&2E. 1 f t 2S tt T South 4.,S8 it of Lot 29 A11 Of LE'
19 & 20, BOO.
10 b h t 1- t
All E Lots 34& 3°.Blk.9—S3R 98 e, b
A I o1 L 1 5 ±, S!North 1 ft., ;Lot 29 L t. 2 9 d the vacated alley o beats 30 S 3 All of Lots .R & 18. Elk 101 here),d d 2 d d t d I iic A 't Sec. 21 Elk.
1k Atl1't' L 9& 0 and. 11 F Lots 30 A' t Lot 35&the Vei tR 21 i 227 98 t bl O h t 1 O II 'e 1
R'" L & 5 21 TI R SLB&M. 48�ncl.,Hlock 3,I51ev.old Addi f L t-3 it'''
9 S5o3. All of Lats 15 & 16, Elk.
30 b -11 F f b h h thee,1 e> t h 11 f f F th E S d f t- Sec 21,T15,RIE,SLB&:.f Ail f L is 33 & "s9 d Ih '$CR 93 h Il t f 1 h] _ 1 I be
L B `-1 h-,\ 1 t The North 25 A.of the South South ft.of Lot 37-85531 All of Lots 13 & 14, BIk. 10 herein levied d d t before
1 d
S 2L S c'.IE. -'LE& Th. t -9 feet f Lot 20 50 t.of Lot 36, Al f Lots 40 41&42 91k 9 ,227.08 I1 h b b f- t I_ ]l t b
th E C 1'th t b t L t A of -a red Iles between 31: 11 b Ina Idlewild Ad All o£Lots 11 & 12' Elk. 10 ] .d f d h
P le C '3 119& 0 d L t i lA 1 L 's6 and�]and cFe North a ft. 5 21, TIS, R1E S H 53.9C h 1 - t 'th t L f -i d I
B k _ ld A i' Sec.21 of 3R &1'I. Ali of Lots 9 & 10, BIk. lC -.d t t t h t5 O h f 1 :s 1
1 ., South _
T1 R SLH&: 1 The Soutii 1006 ff. IC 38 F e East Sid f,3 8 h h" h -e1
B e,i1% 1 f h t S &21 Tr S h 1 t f Lot 1 Bll. The South 112 ft ft. e0 W 1 Street A]] of :rots i & E. Elk. ]0 1'. t g 33L f 4 d b th y,h h h
1' Rl d& 'I T e North 10 E he South A] 02 Lots'20&YL Bik 1 S3 SS h t h b 1 d _ b b _ u
h S O -L 1& , C 2.d L e Y t Sav h`,6 21 f Lot 4120
2 <8,68. 1 4 of :rots 5 & 6, Blk. 30 d d 3 I .l b b
B33.l- 2.IR LB height, S 21 £ 1 28 e' .he ie lT e Lori 4812 St of Lot 47 and ft.�f ll Lot Lot 19
Elll.and 3t.
North 2 S Ali;of Lots 3 & 4, BIk. 10 S R t3 bSt l £ h. 2 1 f in i
bonamencing or.of Alift, f L 2R f F lal 1
L lb r rk Cihe e 8l1 t' Sec.21 T35,R- SLE hT\oreth le 14£Lot 6t 5 a,d f.Alf Let 18 lEll:1 S a3 too 1 h 1 IS3Aa8 Of kV:
1 & 2 Buk 1C S tC2 t 3 1-.A.",1 - l t;tl.e n f 1 ca _ ]n e.to t_n1
2 feet,Sec.22, Al f : s 5 t 20 a d -7 S h 12 ft 1 L t 5'] d A' f Lots .a&36,B.1, 1 ''S fl.96: 11 h I.1 Sdd'
T S SLB K Sl th \c fL' 8 S 31 1 -
h \o h Sid f' -t tl b;t t All o8_Lot 9 ti. th 6 Ai f Lots 13 and 14,Elk. I1t'F OS E2 1S West SSi3d of f tf g 1C983 0 f S2.3 P L A. s&11 T S RI 5 H&A'.f t I t of 60 I BI' 0, __Ali,
I18 E t t'lle h ] F ] b f 1
g 19 S t t f th-5 t L 1 4 Ida old Add' S 2t T-S, Ali °t Lis 11 & 12 d th AR f L t &29 Elk 3 of. - t f b S {' -1
h -rymti C f P 4 A RIE SLB &♦I t d b L
d 21s E - 8 'd Ad Sec.2. T15 ^on g i .he E Side °£IS�rsl r2a ft,or Lo:10.Bk 1 S Co c£a o:�29 of -'d Bk*e't - ft £\4 C b - C 0
l _3o t 3 'XIS,R ,SL3 R E B 9, _ 184 E t Street. Ail of Lots 2&3 and the„North th e South 9 ft 56 O6 1 8 I 80 SO
& ]5 1SGEL I4` A\D Tne S h 4�:96 ft. f Lot ed e' O f Lot v,Buk 41735E31, A'I of Lats 30& 1 Elk 1E. b s t
_ F ti t,..C the.\Ot S Side d ,he North 9 tt f vacated'. TId wsld to fit t 1 B k 1 l E. C Add. d C 120 90 e I :
C A ;h 5 d\yP Cer of alley,between Lots 19&20 Idlewi'o Atld rd c he N.E Cor. of Lot.. °(..aid 8 d ]
T a t 32 1'1,!,'. tti A` All of Lots 1219 CO], the 5 W Cor ofa> do L 1'.B k '2.th=OS i ^`h 't,being 6 52 9 f 0
A.I f t 0&4E the t 1 T^e SCOL-8 t. o " t 1] a d iheace S°utn 2a 5`t. 31; �ll Sec , T15, AIE SLH & M1f— .t f b P n t t _ t 2 a 0 -1 11 -t a y f di t 11 B k Ida Il f Lots 8 to 30 in"'
and irate to Sec 21 T15,R13 S B:',,,,N.', _ .s S 9 2C of t4 t 1] I -
69.33 c t 1 & d 5 21 T S R \ 4 9 it f Lot i. &'Y1s o Lots 32 & 33, Elk. 3 b d- 't 3 d 1 _.
SLE 3 Al.O`Lot 6 and theNorth 1 Alt of Lots 27&28,Elk.7-63198. F- t i1' 1
3A 19 A 22 T15' RtP bL5 _ i't c S 4 f f L $ca.31All of Lots 34 & 35. Elk. 3 5 342.1 S4 8 ti a zs tf d E21
&l_ O lio 3 ahts 5 All f Lis 19 1 11 b All of Lots 18&19,Buk s—!83R 98 t t b f
4 siDL\VA B S ASEIv E\ 5 R He.-ht Sec.21,T15 ...Ail
2 lewild A dit.on,Sec. -d.
A\ 1S LLAN 0uE Rl I B& 1 21 .3 uth SLB&'vI 1 Saa 31. Au] of Lots 36 & 09 Elk, 3 t I 92 94 E SECTION one
_ e C-
g •h Stde of Th h 6 - of± B'k e i South 25.i2 ft of-Let 19 and All of Lots 16& 1'],Blk 0 E3R 93 1' d 'L l d ,s'.
P k ao A 5 l�n Y-.-t Sec 21- tit \orth 9s to C 9 d lley 530 31. !a],;,I] o`. Lots 38 & 39. Blk. 3 2CS.5 S 21
th N.W.C riS N-. ,'LS&S, ee Aii of Lots 13,14&15,BOO.
1k R—S3.48 £ t f t p. d l C -l1
P e 9_ 21 East h 0'th 6 £L + B'k.1 e S th 23 fe f Co[IR all 55.,31 All of Lots 40 & Sa. Elk. 3 9632 f 9 It j\L Y (' L..h
_ lest_.9.0 beet.Sec 22, 6 A ,i Yei�1.,_.c.21,T S .f of_6 and the� °f Ldts 30.11&12.BIk 0 'S3e.ag ib do C c 16 P ,tis [h '.ge,,
'•,RAl' 4 511,'A'ALK.CLRB �aCn.�tootthe N4 C .I t north09 tt0oftLct 1Lot 12 and 0[ 8&9^.n5a531.'orth'S3Ail of Lots 44,L45&s46,B1k 5 52 t {eet of 4 w ,c�]0 P.▪ 'Pe'(5E 4L) Her` -J
t &G 1 R PAVING& £ S 51 t d 1V: [ fi I L ].IIlk , 5,....C8 ne n
UI35 ILANLOLS o m 8 "3 It'It
_h he South 8 f[ a Lot 8 and the All i Lot 6 d the South„120.18'all bet^.a in Idlewild Add: _ - .i{�
Fra t - J: h th c:de f N ]1'l39V l 8331 It...ec Nomth 14 ft of Lot' ft•
£Lot ,,11 7 5-,531 It"on.5ec 2l•
T15 H1E. a No III g_A4 P 1 {5 S SILL 1`O. 7 f 1 Curb e&
F.rleys Canyon Be 1 d' 0 2 T35•R,E S HATS all o{i otush 6 ft. of Lot 6 and Elk
N5a-r311 •
ft of Lot 1 a fact.Ito 1f Lot ol9,iElk.5 S3�93]vo Ih b ag n for _ G n 44
Alr f L I la -ol., Hlk 4 C c g th N.E C S3 8 f e walk.10 P 9th& " Ef.,rrate,Pub'i�h=3 i[9t
1-ea['d Add Sec. 21, T15 c t,i] :r tan AlA]1 L t 3 1]b i Block A 1 e th N th 51 ft f' All £Lot 20 e 1• ou'h 349 d'Yr 1r c tt t toot u1 \ Toe .1,1_,7 fC-59t
9.Idl -]d A -'tio S c 21,T1S L, 1 Anil
ASS 3 ,f, f .t 19 d t th F S B&k he•
A - th E t 2GG.2 ft, g1E•
SLB &11 b n 1C' Addi' S Loy SIf t5 S R.9S S- t UTAH egV'\CS&TRUST
5 th id of S 22 S RtF 5 B d - IB"T PEVEw']T OT p.\D 1 'fl Rct SLB&lI. A: f L t 2 h ..oath 116639 1 1 COl ,'
P C- c I C c I6 f t f the 'NISC LLA SOUS C g 90.32{ Southof 3"L t l B14 S S 8 d P t. d -II
11 L -3 1 k 11•
IC e \{ C of f- 4 F e \Nest Side f t \•
tt a Lot=C,HII. , Th uth 5C ft h North I I 1 E0- t` 1
Sl } t g
AGd S T R_r, d 1 t ▪ St.•
h 1R t 19I Fr 'L 1 t t I:u wild Add f 5 .2] T15.95 ft. of Lots 15 c., _7.98, per linear or front foot (abut- o • d that,
n ft S 2 T S R LB& i 411 f Lo 39 to 50 incl.and R1E SEE& { } South a0 `
EL,Ali&f IL t 2A 36 ek 19 Inle F the5 h S h f :tea ]ley e ft 1. 1U 1 A S 21 T Rl:, t l A [ tl \ h -d L t 39 t S h
5 3&1. Th \-Y 6 { L`. 5&6 All 1 52 58- 1 Th u 0_t of acts 3014' 016I'I Y yS \HV3'I oy I OURS 2H J77J 1GVCCSO Int i M1- ,^"'✓ I"
1: f t 2 &23 S11T 9 g H 1 Y got. 2 a 1 vacated 1 b t 1 B .8 Sa031 j\t 1\`J\ Cn - dX E}dy0 .,im lS 0'P'-
]tl e:. A - Sec, 21, a•5 T15 E �L 9. I -d L d 8,being" Blk S h North 33.62 ft f Lot 9,1"T \t �G
Elk 8 dlewild Add of
Comm. I VIZ 1 0 3 ,, a,p8i stolatp_ 1
g H & -I C 36 ft. - t f Zd] "Id Add , Sec•
23, T1S t h •
lv.Coc f Lot 9•
S] E " E 1 1'Vla 1= 2 F Q .t - .
AI! L 2 A 2R,Bak P,Id. S C.. f t. d R SLB & 1 I I 11d 4Cd., thence \ th 8 ] I - K q d E P, `33405 0,-SIC[ 1 4�F i 1 \ ' f
5 2 TlS gfe, \ 7 A- t- \ t" r trrg E t 5'd f 'I ':1P • P u i a ;4 Z 3 B \ I10 I
S'-B&\ D 923 t. she 22 T S Ri S B,H n tb Street. All f3L t 8 and the South 4 ft. �' F • 'et O S 3t c1 I. P-
An t r} ft. f L t 20. _
P Flo 1 C -, \.ttd S de of S\ C nct7. 120E t west ditthl thet5outh 99£to f t d Ile gAl18 of Lots &Fond the th!' ,Z •a1 i5 .„do,,,„„."l 4 I A.I y OOF 0. OSIN le_• I I r
Fr L. e c o I A . ,.c d,a Gssu on Lhe N e'h t 19.in 12 f f L t 7 Bl d 002 s:�d • 5 qmou "52P I CijINb�1 N�'t^S ��5 n
LC] P 1,..`les 2_&2't 11E Sec.22.T S S E SLH&M EoP f Ld] 3'Iv Add"tbn,5ec� Al, o£L 1'A s ., B 6 ^1 N'\S ICJ 3DN 7Ilc3d f P R j `[ C a
h \\ st S-oe 0f 560.03.all b mg m lulew Eta.
0 uya p 1:te:]o jlam C yyF:t1 I p n `Tn 1=rya,"
23,T S RI. SLB&M. S r,T15.R1E,SLB& I a� a e0,58 o`,'„s All L 8 Count, Club 41 f L G 1 2 1 Z q 9c t 15 "=y tt 0 0 ..a
P S 21 & 22 15 h1E C - t S•W Cor. f Tl, S h 2 f L t 9 brag F th North d f" ` u q I olnb VE'tl i6'O Iti3 'rid I\ "S _"S 1•x a[I£, a "p
g& 21 South t Elk. Idl Id Arldt' ,Se. Parleys s Ca B 1 d III • l -eats 1 ;IxS ''3 sraY ro.�,y na:taal;
Fro theSouth S- cf thence15 R OuSLE 1&8 K f S 2 r21 Tl R] LH A M 8 A1l4 of Lo.s 9,♦C&lit Ilk.4— ] ] 01 NC)C3�b V� V G�Gd I_
F Lot g r t 'v to Cor 1 C n .g 8.L ft t f F g on the 39 eel Side of 1 All of Lots R&8 Blk.4-571.59. n , IV35 �c. ., c..„ EO`�d'I�3Y'Ioxy� COI N
f Lc 4 Hi:.8 t _1 'ld Atld Th., S\V. cos. f a St d.lA S L t S^eet AI of Lo[5 4:a&6.Blk. ' 0 S S I. J'Zb III aroyd
Of Se 2 15 R1E SLH&11 North 7$ ft. of Lot 29 8 O d F 1 u.,Z"1aa:.t `3Ed0 EO N ' I'. 9' L Y S
'it.t 5 2,STrSh R]E SL-.&♦S•91 c 3 Idlewild Addition, 5e �iti0t4r. Selo b21g 115IdR1Eld SLH 0C, a Pir•yS NOS J33 4'h'Iddtl ZI P' Oi "a ay
tlr='rr▪ h ) 9 ft Sec '8lo Tt .,,y SLB& it
"1 SL3& I. S St t lh N.W.pC_ The North 4a£. L t 1-and &C 1 - t-f P 3 6 y'r ido EO 1'AV-1�COOD I 0) 1 .rt I PD"i,._ 4
4 SrC t7 hL.0 CL tB&GUTTEP. _ theSouth 9 ft E ated alleyat Ute N E. C I \ o qt[ 2 - - SNOIYI([4 p0`lls d031 y533 FI ya 3 - c
15 YA G I LLA OUS h \art 3 t it. .'re'
e er:I bea\een Lots 1 &a i Elk. I f' er, St C Parley Can yl'S3f J 3 111 NVE3wou dOHS y ;'pu• p ,ieaq
th i. 'th S 1 of 5 R E SLB& I. ,. Ic1er""d Ad t Sec. 21, T1S, .]`B_ nv^d,thence so th eaet I} G3H5*^,SN 'I'NS E03 a.w 121 0
`4411 L A 1 a 47&48 d YF S et the East Side o_ lik SLB&M 5 ]R.923e1 Ft Loss 69 ia;cl.,B;k Il P.3 P p p I 11 OS nd✓�� b��I\13j aNb tiQ08 "Si 0 ms.:.ty 'aS 41y 13 I::LB
alley'b.t id Lot C c £ the S•F C lE h EastgSt the East B,de of Commencing at the W. Co:.I S �' 35 17 _ 4 -� n
1 E 48 1 4]c&18 Elk.3, f u,n St d 2at So tl- Stf 18�h East Street no Parleys i I 3 �1'��v�S V �nvd✓y110J Z3,M.Od
h V h ft. Lot 20, Canyon Boulevard, thence north- B DOS o'1 utu I a3`'�JIVu]dX� �1211"'31�3 d�a Oj IdJ
I ew e Sec 21, T15,I therce South 1& ft. Sec. 22, ,22, Idlewild Add't"on, Sec. westerly 1664 f L..1>,nci, G III 1•auui ated JOPllnt'1IMI Oil_ 1 �OI3:10 ']3.\NOSh.d
S.11 £L L i&.2 and
V& 2, The o5 me C , 10.0 fta 5
k t1t odf The South]n ft. f Lot 17 and Siii i gitiO d.Sec.21,n T15,R3➢,15 •let`01INrd E1 O'IPL.'Id\OI I. !m 1 V eu pun tuatuaatan
1 of Lot 1G.Bik 6. 1 a..>( ) a
T35,R E SLI'• d A1d't' Sec.21, ft ito-nut?.Tt- 141E SLHtd hf The South 9 h f vacated SLCommencing at the NE Cor,IR 3ECSaC11 Ifi62-6'12'm,s IIPo
• on 1 S h 5'de of C 2 .1 (t N 81 f lley between Lc Ls 9 and 10c and f 18th East Street ntl Part,.s 5 , PP 4rre3 E,„eut p. PF F 5 „. "d
the North 33 ft f Lot 9. rag mnu:avo 2,,,, :pue au u P[ Y 1.1 ' n
Whin A the \.E C f t' St d The South 42 St t Lot 9,all easterly 8999v Boulevard
8&9,IS t.rnys a.•Or Pus uors..lur d OP1QV N0 aw ray,i/a rot rl 14
Ali L Y beta 16L l 14 d 15 6a ft..otgl Ay22,r T15,eR3E\SLB[being Blk. 6, Idlewild Adi- Blk G S63 R3. 'H 8, yu(ID Ndtly 4, 0 e ,i 3a o i',I6uac ta,gmd Yo patl d I'ae yJy uc 0E uDV va ui,yj;
lu I. de 16 incl., s 5 &}S ton.Sec%2P TPAVESE\TS&N• Commenc" 82.99 ft south-,' I PLOZ3 aEb" P �1 [,./
15, Lo Addition, Sec 2B T15 C ^ing at the N.E. C ' - forty fr th N.E. C f J a po 5 Vi.' un 1N]`J V R1E SLB&it £ VolrTneet ,.nd W il. "gt0n Fronting on the West Side of 12th East St.,.
eParleys Canyon •
40:51:\H.LLM I:V1US19,-„, may sr is It1EeaUaC pue ntt• leuo}
Btn "b 1 t t H 1 .rod Xocs an0. .cc rsssaaau aou aqua I \1
onA..of Lots 1, &23 and West 2 A h N . 9,, f0 Th N F 7d itio, Lot 21,Elk. 6 38 [ Ents 6 & R, Bt" 6— _ a {'SyN31KsHIRtl3H , /\dM �Q 1N91a
+ 1 b 3 3 1,moots 23 S 22 TiS Rl LB M. 4 31 yd Add-t'on Sec.2i,T15 $63 7. 1i H A 't'I •69CY-fi 1151 [ u a s Ie_d 24 L 22 A 3.Blk 6.l t th Rest Side of glc SLB&M. Commencing I44.37 ft try
'Id Add t S 21.TIS,R1B Wel:in gton St 16 FT PAVING 1 tc •m to \'E C ''F' ZdO.d pt P i}any f0 amini r�. r�
S aE& I The North 6 9 ft of Lot 29, Frontine n the East Side of east East,52. theP NE. C 5' 5 31 31' 33 Sd3N l V ,c. \ ay; ur soles pc, Y 3t 9 o West Side of Wel Blk 2 Irll c Add.. Sec. 2L W'e'lington S.ee:. Boulevard, thencesoutheasterly Sr'— sreth Ind •IA a tv eFitapu:l 19045u 4rets eyaow O•TS IMS.S 109
Aljlr Street TIS R1E,SLH&M The N Yh RS ft of Lat 20,Blk Boul `t, Lots 4 & ' 6— .. 1es 4P AOEd'31as oay-not 3 y s P peejs y;to ea.t stilt ,
t'Lot 1 and the South 9 ft I A�] f Lots 47 & 48 E c, 2, ],IG i d Addition,Sec.21,T15, 51.343 all bring m IdlewB19.ild 6•
TCC I sul.ota yflo -sues al our \. r l n a 3 aige aq}mat ua 'i JapuaJ EUIm93 s014\
of v ted alley between Lots I Idlewild Addition, Sec. 21, T15, AlE.SLB&ni cll.-1, Sec. 2r, T1S, .A.. SLH St,+ net sdtay aau.as:.se o.ta9et,C,
anti 40, Lot Blk 6, Idlewild I RIE.SLR&M. 5 FT SIDEWALK.CURB&GUT-
Audition,Sec.2t,T1S.AlE,SLB Ai]of 24 to 32&the North 3 &M. �� 53^.b'S i,43NO1ti 3i301V 3NV'1N 'snuoq said.ireles 3,80d',PI 833
N:. t of Lot 33.Lois 4 to 33 in 1., MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the north side of 15[ �eales 3utsoia Put,/Pang tilvow lad kvz9• stood uort-sad •u01tl aca',uz filar's ucG'u
oli of Lot 42 Bk 9, Idlewild I Slk.6 dl 'ld Ad n,Sec 21, Frontmg on the South Side of.Eset`m zt tBe NHVi,"Corrd f 19th'C r c_.
vacated 1 y aura Tl R E SLB&M. P NWvS31HS 31b153 �b:a `[ 'I pC o,au'aavo,n a Aoo IaocL,
be.[t - L t 42 L t 42 Blk F t n .I:e•East Side of Parleys Canyon Boulevard. East'Street d Parlays Canyon '-- ---""'
,Idl 'ld A d'on Sec•21,TiS \M1 Il gt Street Ali er cept the South ICO{t f Boulevard, thence h forty RI 1 S�IIas�(t6200aiDs—wIL le i^aP IF=I IIi a1 pclir'tnc= $31ys P°O zlvdaa 's M1lo uJ3nc
g1L'.SLB Chi
f h 125 ft of Lot 10 and Lo'r 1014 Ter Blk.8,Idlewild 17081 f[ Lot L Bl,o 4—�.16.E Li' 4 7d as pert peamp'IV SIIPed1 • 34V211 N�b3l 01
Fro -g n the E.Sid f W l t. 1 B.k Id.ewild Add't S 21,T1S FIE,SLS omm.at the NE Cet f 39th "I '9S1£L 0 Iua"•3 f�I`��/[I �}t�'(-t 1
I is S - Ad' r,Se 21 T9S PIE,SLB CUfi6&GUTTER,8 FT PAVE B tl 5f d t lb d P ]ev the rly I£I 1999 Vas IeOua](nor q=nr gia1in31L 66'IZ N 314 'y y y y J!.tl O,As
All L t 3 Blk 8 Idl ld &M NE T AND VISCELLANEOUS 8R o it Lot 2 Blk 3-512.6a - a
Add &Lot
d alley adjacent All f Lot 21 26 I. g1 L c, ontng on the South Srde of Comm. t the N.W C f L �./V•,.//�[� I
w card L t l Lot l Hlk B Idle- 21, S, A , being Sec.
p ]eys Canyon E 1 dParleysS Q�]1N V Cl V I IJ JJJ
''Id Addition,S 21 IS RIB, 21 T1S Ali SLB&PI. P Street d C
SLB&NI. RATE SID\AL 18 FT Al of Lots124&&0 IB 1 d. th or h t anyon 5 NOISSIIti1400 S'I>I33M SZ35
4'SID' ALK 16 PAVE}EN PA\1NG&MZSCL LANLOUS B,,C2j 9 ldlewtld Add t'on.Sec beii .. Lao 1•B1Hei3his12 21 t— �$�-b W3 Q�d440� $Sil'�
ANil RISC)LA\ OL t W.t S f T15,he,
SLB&PI Fro▪t 4 Srde of H b 1 t t TIS•
R1E LH & M ^utstaaalPI M,',
WA 4 e 1 f L 3 & 3 H'k 1,'die_ 4 FT. 51DEWALK CURB& C 2aagy oy aura styl oa t-ol: Ewald U2WlU IOO`N.� N\o1A14,1 JO
AJl L t 19 E t fad 1d Ad C 5 2..-. R1E GUTTER and.8 I,PAVEMENT t S o PF 11.E Canyon
fBl d.,I pi daaka tv arodas F1Pr IX - - 11d y b
ascent 11 L t 4 B]L. dle SLB 5,n'. Front:MISCELLANEOO tSSide of thence 2u S 618 1 84 R ft.,Lot•/�Pre, 14 e1
ld _ S 21,a15,g1E E F 5. o the East Side of ISth Ha „7,t, St:net dx ono xvtrted a.roy
r.H&5. TI N ith 10 f[ S t 3R,Bl'c 6, Comm at t N W C r f 20th ]d -ao t0jl q l53v4I,S�HDRO '1j'a L,u S4 D
Frc t g h 4t t Sidet All f t B:k 10 Idlewild F t t.ant P 1 C Bl d. -'
Yuma 5.: Tlr S 'h 13{ k e NortF ACdit d it va fed alto or SOHl '9 I I 4 P 9 4 ea "
Commencingt theS•W.C x 96 f Lat 9 d h \o th 12 d;a t t 'C Lot 1, Sec 21 1 Blk .. 523.03 betnB4 n Rt. J t fa a _ d. >( I, I r '
Yuma S 1 21' t St Lilk f6thld e ld Ad fttron, bm 4 T1F RSE on S the 69 West Side of &hf d t I a 9 p :atur� T
Heights, Se 23 T15 R E SLS I'
Thence South 1"81 ft S 22 5 2,T15 1E SLH&Mnrn 18,East Street S 1oad0 ssautsng„ qa ur spy pa�11iNI�Jad Xa_poau 3o}bJ1,dtJi aa�$ULli�.lC}tll
T,S.Al SLB&N - Comm,at the e S Cor f Lot , LM
CTtnencrng at:he N.\1 Cor.of I AN➢GUTTP.R lE PAVEOSe1'=SH North o9 It.:ofa the 2 a_catednol!ey T1S.RIIESSLt9c-15v115tb_ence north V1oS "al 0 as$ bJ n�>na S $aGa v' S b Yuma Street and 3V:Imm[ton Are., &MISCELLANEOUS bet-,veen Lots 1&22,B1k,a,Idle- w ter�y 112.7't ft.S55.31. tssfu woo 0 e I,t s ;o u' 1 I -�1 1
thenc n th 91 feet,Sec.22 F - on the West side o{ todd Ado tPn Fronting on tha Booth Slat of,'"1 m.ol xyl ABC ay;,4r UES
T1S Rl SL3&M. I B 1 5t' Co g 4a Et South of the P k A 777 Gp q of PCIAI S
Fro • he East tl E T \ it 19. f the South 20 N E. d f Lc[1 Hl4 Z C at th .F Con f Par- ysOnrri spay`paave*Iydial{Olsaj 5`
Yuma 5 t L 3 2 1 ft. c.21 ,hence:south 151.72 ) Circle d Parkway Avenue.
Commencing t theS.E.0 T] South 8 ft P L t 34 ft.S 2 t15 S B&}S thenceeast 114 Rods. 22, 4 �, �..J�1A//�'1
Yuma 5 1 5 _h d 11 f L 5&3G of
All Lt 80 Bl. 10 d1 Id Tl R _ S B Rc 4 ]1 92. \/ V V`f./
Z cPl L.i6 0 If 5 2 tt�n fh 5 t OL2L x}90�H1 11 jAdd d U L t 60 S cr21,aT33 PFI.. Ca th. 51 ty d.d f YOR3xs Pe'P iuewy¢a4 IiddS
Cam 241 t f h 23 f of L 2 P IR& 6, C. . tth V. Coe fBk 1]]1S N111S]/l1
V. N n. h f 1'North .6 S C I g OR ft 5 } _ 18, East
o f g Street,h East Srde of 1 f y d Add. then Ch 4 suolaq InPeautt'''..s'1.0ja
easterly 92 C f[ Lots2o s26r&I. rlld 3o s-alto apt}'auoq nluo
St Se 2 T1S PIE.SLB£.M. theCora L 5 B A 1, Al, £L Elk. 9 Idlewild 27 Elk.1 i-53�.}3 v
Aveof nue.
thence treet hWillm feet, tteeth
S 1.21r 3Sy,1E SLS ence lettrla &1a1 T ent P.1E said
FLot vacated 2,3 Aad. and the , Sec 21 S2All
11 f Lots 30&31,BOO Il At I uotltscda ee atee 0ia1 nth ut
5 22 T S ReF LH& A Fronting the Last ,1 f_ _oR1E,STE DRIVEWAYS
SSde of $2All of L 32&51 Elk.1] @4 -add ON Paw oa Veaaoty `1/�t\�(S^.
Com g 1 91 f t North of H 'b 1 St V \111 J1���Th ▪96 2 f
on J 111
the N [, £ �u-ua Sheet o{L•t 28 n .a aazP P 3 a�e�ens.la
u tIi1 A thence H] 10 I\4 All f Lets Avenue:
S2070 Sfi62 bT15 FEl SL3&d I i as Oy SI IS
0 th ft. S 22 T1S PlE, 4'd 1 d. 2]. 1th the h An L 41&4A <36.18—all C t th TrC.C-r f E' . C SlAV85M3N SIBS Iojr'Dn�4s
S'.R&1 3Ik 3 Id].v 1 Add t S SO F 14d ih ,h. I
A 1=]f \TgAND Id 4d tlo 5 21 T35 R1E I21T1T15 Pth SL3&d t st E t 0 1.,3j f[ L 2832 b3Qb3a 3H1 01
}i SCEL A\EC S 5 H&- 10 9 t S L t 2 Blt 6 g - C t
Fro t d f F on the Rest d t Y:sh 2 T1S•
T21E• SSE I I. t P A r th 03 Blk. ILf�-I
W Tt�e S h 3
t L t 29 gESt 1 5ih ero it• of 36 &h 5921h R2 f L 1 BSc. \ h -.t- 1 9 t[ ,L 6 5 ua a ue LI a -'I
Li', W—P i M I H—U ua0Y—Pa4uuM dlaH—L',LI LIM peplum dlaii—L
urea\d 1 9 f Y I l L L 1 105 th 25 ft of t 36 T1S R1E LB-&hI5S4953&22 IR + sec.,' 21. S,ii
2_.Lc 25 E I 9 d S 1 02•7E 0'a. 'A'v f \ f the A Lo 22.2.Elk.9—1 l •
5 1. 15 2 Lana - \ - 9 2 L 33 - , 1 t- North-line f Sas (�/q/ ."p���] (epGi4is .36 inf h 30 L d ..: LAI I t 3 \ hth. 21 A dh t J t l 3 f L t 24 R 5 1 I,®A GaOJ,90 spl •
rtS1 f. Lat 3 L 31 40 H .I O t C 22 T S t t r 13 JJJ
i t Elk 2 Idle d A n, p]] Lo 4 d the North 5 3 & \I 49 3
5 Z1 T15 R1 S B }I g Lo-42 H k.1C C m e L1 \ t the too,Idlewt ti -e tt ,�
Au of♦,ots 3]to 39 ancl,alk.� The South 11 St.of Lot 42,all intersection of the\0.th line orIBlk 6, Iellewrld LAdditiom Sec,L