71 of 1973 - Amending Title 20, by adding Chapter 34, providing for the licensing of professional dancers. VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 11 19 73
I move that the Ordinance be passed.; 2
� c'r'1 1 �i�' ( �/i'L
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to professional dancers, by adding thereto a
new chapter to be known as Chapter 34, providing for the licensing of
professional dancers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, relating to professional dancers, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding thereto a chapter known as Chapter 34, providing
for the licensing of professional dancers; said chapter to read as follows:
20-34-1. License required.
20-34-2. Fees.
20-34-3. License requirements.
20-34-4. Duty to display license on request.
20-34-5. Place of performance.
20-34-6. Costume requirements.
20-34-7. Violations.
Sec. 20-34-1. License required.. It is unlawful for:
(a) Any person to perform as a dancer on a premises licensed
under the provisions of Title 19 or 20 of these Revised Ordinances,
either gratuitously or for compensation, without first obtaining
a license therefor;
(b) Any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish, book
or otherwise engage the services of a dancer for compensation for
or to any tavern, bar, cabaret, private club or association,
whether such performer is to be compensated by wages, salary,
fees or other compensation, without having first obtained an Agency
License; provided, however, a person, firm or corporation who
employs a dancer required to be licensed under this chapter, solely
for the entertainment of its patrons, shall not be deemed an
"AGENCY" requiring the purchase of an Agency License;
(c) Any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish, book
or otherwise engage or permit any person to dance, either gratui-
tously or for compensation, in, or for any tavern, bar, cabaret,
private club, association or premises licensed under Title 19 or
20 of these Revised Ordinances, which dancer at the time or such
booking, employment or performance, was not licensed in accordance
with subsection (a) hereof.
Sec. 20-34-2. Fees. The annual fee for a license for an
individual performer shall be $10.00 to be paid upon application.
The annual fee for an Agency License shall be $50.00 and $1.00
per dance performer represented by such agency during the calendar
year next preceding the license period.
Sec. 20-34-3. License requirements. The applicant shall
appear in person before the City license Assessor and shall
complete the application form in writing. The application shall
include the name and address of the applicant, any stage name
or names used, the name of the agent or agency if the performer
uses an agent, the criminal record, if any, and such other infor-
mation as may be reasonably required by the license assessor
pertaining to verifying personal identification and criminal
history of the applicant, including its officers and employees.
Upon receipt of the fee and application, the license assessor
shall transmit said application to the police department, who
shall make inquiry concerning the applicant's character and
background and report whether or not in its opinion a license
should be granted. If the police recomend denial of the applica-
tion, the license assessor shall not issue the license. If the
applicant desires a hearing the applicant shall apply to the City
Commission for a public hearing within ten days after denial of a
Sec. 20-34-4. Duty to display license on request. Should a
license be granted the performer when entertaining shall carry
the license in his or her possession, and a peace officer shall
have the right to inspect the license during intermission or after
the performance. The license shall contain its number, the name,
address and stage names of the performer, a physical description and
photograph of the pefformer; the name of the agent or agency, if
applicable; the expiration date of the license and such other infor-
mation as the license assessor may require.
Sec. 20-34-5. Place of performance. The licensee shall perform
only on a stage, platform or dance floor, and shall not dance in
aisles or upon tables, used by patrons or members of the audience,
or other places, except those designated by the Police Chief upon
request of the owner or operator of a licensed establishment,
tavern, cabaret or private club as may be in harmony with city
Sec. 20-34-6. Costume requirements. The dancer shall at all
times be costumed during performances in a manner not to violate
any city ordinance concerning indecent exposure, lewd or obscene
dress or exposure, and said dancers shall not perform or conduct
themselves in such a manner as to violate the provisions of any
city ordinance. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance
of Salt Lake City, a dancer shall at all times during a performance
or appearance, be so clothed with opaque clothing as to cover and
conceal the buttocks, genitals, pubic area, and the female breast
of said performer. Each agency, person, firm, or corporation employ-
ing, booking or using the services of a dancer required to be licensed
under the provisions of this chapter shall require that said dancers
comply with the provisions of this chapter, and any person, firm,
corporation or business that knowingly permits a violation of this
chapter, either personally or through its agents, employees, officers
or assigns shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the license
revocation sanctions hereinafter provided.
Sec. 20-34-7. Violations. Any person, performer, agency, firm,
corporation or business violating the provisions of this chapter
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person, performer, firm,
agency, corporation or business who violates the provisions of this
chapter shall be subject to the revocation or suspension by the Board
of Salt Lake City Commissioners of all licenses held by them, after
notice and hearing, consistent with due process of law.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 11th day of July, 1973.
TY RE8001\t'd
BILL NO. 71 of 1973
Published-July 18, 1973
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
ANORDINANCE'AMENDINO.0TITLLE NCE 20 Ot the Revised Ordinances Betsy Eble
f MO Lake City.IttOli,.1965 relating to professiodol dancers,be acid, --:----- '
B thereto° .h.ter to be known as Chapter 34,providing foe
he liceoSing'of p f dO atdO vcyys
Be it ordained be.the'B and Of Commissioners Of Salt-Lake Cliv.
Jtoic SECTION 1 That Tfle'20 of theRevised Ordinances•ot SOIL Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
3itre Utah. 1965, toting too professional dancers,.be,and the. me using clerk of the DESERE'1'NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)_
bV amend.by riding thereto a n chapter,.knownChap
er 34 providing t eft tl e i g t professional dancers;said chapter
o read a.,folio ;;;''CHAPTER 34 - newspaper printed in the
English language with generalT cir-
culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
20.34-i.License.required. County,in the State of Utah.
> Fees.
20.34-3:.License requirements.
20.34-4.Duty to display license On request.
2024-b.Place of performance. That the legal notice of which a copy is attache hereto •
20.34.6.Costume requirements.
•Sec.20-34.1.License required.It is unlawful for:
MI An/person to perform a o dancer. O l premises license®' Published an ordinance re.lgti.n_g._t9-..p.rafe_s.sional
ntler the ip of Title 19 ors20 of'ihese Revised Ordinances,e
r'gratuitauslyl or for compensation,without first obtaining a license,
efe'°r' cy, dancers, by adding thereto a new chapter to
n ew Any'Person, service firm mcorporationfrco to furnish,for book to
to c claimer for cpmpewhether tor or r.
voer tavern,'bar,compensated
private wag or saki,associ)feesn. or whether such per.
e be haying first° by waons,Agency fees e; tiler pam be known as Chapter 34, providing for the
ye, person,r having first rporatio an Agency License:er:requi,hour
0 sundr th° ration y f employs a gin en ref itetl -----------"
ee licensed under th eeme on solely for the requiring
of its pe-
ens,shall not.be deemed on"AGENCY"retluiring the purchase at licensing of professional dancers.
AgentY yicenrs:
ICI Any p ,firm,o corporation it ruoeolu bask o — --"
JrecOmee engage laity a n to donee, rot, ivatei club, a
snern,• or "v lder�n,bar,cabaret,private club,a d
gnomic o,which d0 eratlicensed under Title ch or ul Of these Revisedr
?rormarce, 0dancer l r1 ilia timellOf such ba with
employment or _
.rformance; vas not licensed in accordance with sube<tlOn (a)
:dormSec.r shall Tees. The annual fee for o license for n tnual le, was published in said newspaper on
:wormer shall he ns0.00 a0 be Said pan application.The annual fee
n Agency License a shall be S50 and 51do q dunce pee0(mec,
.presented ri such agency during the calendar year next pre<etlinrs
¢See.2134.3. July 18, 1973
Sec. efore 3. License Requirements.Asses.The app011c shall a
(son before the City application
icstono{all sM10d complete the a-•
than form in writing.The stone
shall lames then and ao-
'ass a theo agency If any tetnt er u r.names used,thelname t.
agent or agency If iM1¢performer Uses an genic the criminal i -
r1,'fay,and such other information minat ae may reasonably egation 1 nma r —
r ilia license assessor pertaining to verifying personal officers
'• l/',J///,J//
o criminal history of the fee omit Including Its .officers and �,'I"
npshall to Upon receipt of the fee omit application,the license asses- 7 Advertising/�r shall transmit said application to the police deportment,who shall -- �- Legal (.lark
ake Inquiry concerning the applicant's character and background e
port whether or"not in Its opinion a license should ns granted.If the
,lice recommend denial of.the application,the license assessorshall
1 issued the license.If the applicant desires a hearing the ipplicanl
all apply to me City Commission for a public hearing within ten
vs after denial of a license.
her,20-34-4.Duty to display license on re uesf.Should a license be
anted,the performer when entert0lning shall carry the license In his
e ilice�sesao.ine in intermission or officer
lUfiers the have the Inspect
Nineteenth day of
di contain its number;the n address and stage n Of.the e, me this
dormer.,a physical description and photograph Of the performer;the
e of the agent or agency,If applicable;the expiration date of the
ense and.such other information as the license assessormay A.D. 19 7 3
(Sec.2a34.s.Place Of performance.The licensee shah perform only
U stage,platform°r dance floor,and shag not.dance in aisles ,�
n tables d by patrons members of the.audience, other G�
ices,except used
designated by the Police Chief.upon request of the J/lq//
net eratbe of a licensed city osrmencesoversh augural or psi- / /
ie club Us may be in me harmony withells ordinances. /4``l /Sec. (,�t�i��•+ £.`max, ,
,cost t3.34.6.dduring pert r a noes Inis.The dancer shall of 011 times
,costumed ceriing"indecent1Ceposu e,manner
ob not sceviolate
eela PSannr city
ena concerning
shale not perform,o obscene
themselves ex., Notary Public
-It a s to violate the provisions,or
a city ordinance.
iwitnstmldingr the provisions of any other Ordino ce of Salt Lake
U dancer shall at all times during a performance or appearance, •
u Clothed with Opaque clothing Us to coverand conceal thf but;
genitals,pubic area,and the female breast of said performer..
nil agency,person;firm,or corporation employing,booking or using
s Of a dancer required to be licensed under he.p ovcr00,...
isis chatter shall require Mot sold dancers c mply with the u
ns of this chapter,nand any person,firm,c rolioa or business
f_knowingly permits a violation the chapterfpeither, personally or
ugh its agents,employees,officers or assigns shall be guilty of
;demeanor and sdbiect to the license revocation sanctions hereinafter
ec.20-34..Violations.Ans.person.performer, ge0cy,firm, acr.)7 4
ion or busin7ess violating the gull isians of this chapter shall be - ---
Of a misdemeanor.Any person,performer,firm,agency.Corporation' •
business who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be subiect
the revocation or suspension by the f Salt Lake City Cori-
'stoners t all licenses held by them,alter
after notice and hearing,co
eel with due.process Of low.
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board at Commissioners of Sall
re City It Is necessary to the peace,health and welfare of the inhab-
its of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective Immediate-
SECTION 3.This Ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publica..,
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah',
itth day at July,1973.
Temporary Chairman
V Recorder
.L NO.Ti of1923 '
off shed—July 18,1973 • (8.99)