71 of 1980 - Amending sections 51-3-4, 51-30-3, adding section 51-30-2 and chapter 34 establishing fees for vario ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to zoning, by AMENDING Sections 51-3-4, 51-30-3, and by ADDING new Section 51-30-2 and a new Chapter 34 relating to fees- for various planning and zoning activities. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-3-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to fees for appeals to the board of adjustment, be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED to read as follows: Sec. 51-3-4. Appeal to board. Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or any officer, department, board or bureau of the municipality affected by any decision of the administrative officer. Such appeal shall be taken within a reasonable time as provided by the rules of the board by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and paying to the city treasurer a fee as specified in Section 51-34-1(1) with each notice of appeal where the relief sought is a variance from the terms of the ordinance. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall thenceforth transmit to the board of adjustment all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. SECTION 2. That Section 51-30-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to filing fee and publication charge for changes in zoning, be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED to read as follows: Sec. 51-30-3. Filing fee and publication charge. At the time the petition is filed requesting change with respect to zoning or building or uses of land as contemplated by this chapter, there shall be paid to the city treasurer a filing fee as specified in Section 51-34-1(2). Should a public hearing be required by law or otherwise upon the change so petitioned for, the party petitioning shall pay to the city treasurer the additional fee as specified in Section 51-34-1(2) for the purpose of defraying the cost of advertising such public hearing. The city recorder shall notify such petitioner of such charge for advertising and shall not proceed with the advertising until such charge has been paid. SECTION 3. That Chapter 32 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to Historic r 1. Districts and Landmark Sites be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED by ADDING Section 51-32-14 for permits imposing fees upon applications upon specified permits which shall read as follows: Sec. 51-32-14. Fees. All applications for new construction or demolition permits required within historic districts or upon landmark sites, shall be accompanied by a fee submitted to the Planning Director in the amounts as specified on the Fee Schedule as set forth in Section 51-34-1(2) (c) . SECTION 4. That Title 51—of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to zoning, be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED by ADDING new Chapter 34 relating to a fee schedule which reads as follows: CHAPTER 34 FEE SCHEDULE Sec. 51-34-1. Fee Schedule. To reimburse the City for plan- ning services, reviews and inspections, and to defray the City's expenses involved with preparation, mailing and publication of notices, etc. , fees are hereby imposed on the following activi- ties which shall be charged by the City as specified in these ordinances and collected by the City Treasurer: (1) Application to the board of adjustment (Section 51-3-4) . (a) Request for variance $ 25.00 (b) Applications involving special exceptions or conditional uses: 1) Parking lots in residential districts 50.00 2) Group homes 50.00 3) Private recreational facilities 75.00 4) Public utilities in residential districts 75.00 5) Planned unit development 100.00 6) Mobile home parks 100.00 7) Office in buildings on City, State 100.00 or National registry 8) Other conditional uses 50.00 (2) Applications to the Planning Commission (a) Change of zoning (Section 51-30-3) . 50.00 (b) Public hearing scheduled before City Council 50.00 (due before date is set) (Section 51-30-3) . (c) Requiring Landmarks approval (Section 51-32-14) . 1) New Construction plans in historic district or upon Landmark site. a) Single family dwelling 10.00 b) Multiple units and non-residential 10.00 +5.00 buildings per unit 2) Remodeling N/A 3) Demolition permit per primary building 50.00 (d) Subdivision review (Section 42-10-5) . /_ 1) Subdivisions not located in Overlay Zones a) Preliminary approval (based on number of proposed lots in original or approved preliminary plat, whichever is higher) . $30.00 for project of 1-10 lots plus 3.00 per lot 11-25 plus 2.00 per lot 26-50 plus 1.00 per lot over 50 lots. b) Final approval Plat check fee against approved 10.00 preliminary plat 2) Subdivision located in Overlay Zones a) Preliminary approval (based upon number of proposed lots in original or approved preliminary plat, whichever is higher) . $80.00 for project of 1-10 lots plus 4.00 per lot 11-25 plus 3.00 per lot 16-50 plus 2.00 per lot over 50 lots. b) Final approval Plat check fee against approved 10.00 preliminary plat (e) Site development permit. (Section 47-5-6). Review for permit not included in subdivision approval or a part of a building permit application. $20.00 plus 10.00 for each acre or part thereof over one acre (f) Condominium projects. (Section 51-33-4). Based upon number of units proposed in preliminary plat map. $25.00 per project plan plus 5.00 per units 1-10 plus 2.00 per unit over ten SECTION 5. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall become effective upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of June , 1980. C IRMAN ATTEST: a CITY RECORDER ?c.dS 71 -3- Transmitted to Mayor on June 24. 1980 Mayor's Action ATTEST: ITY RECORDER1111L (SEAL) BILL NO. 71 of 1980 Published July 8, 1980 714- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ORDINANCE Shona D. Conaty N s nf l,Lake AMENDING 965,asr f Revised too AD- zoning, ey o SectionD5N330-G 2 and s n1 3 Chaeler334 relating to fees fornva tolls planning and and ng newtivities e Be it ordained by the CITY Council of San Lake City.Utah: SECTION 1.That Section 51.3.4 of the Revised ordinances Bein first dulysworn deposes and of Sall Lake City,Utah,1965,as amended.relating to fees for g p says that he is legal Is to the hoard of adjustmonr,pa,and the same hereby advertisingclerk I is,an AMENDED tore.]as follows- of the DESERET NEWS, a Sec.51-3-4.Appeal to hoard.Appeeals to the board of ad- (except daily imam mast be taken by any .rsen aggrieved env p Sunday) newspaper printed in the English officer department, anynndecsone or tier adminisratiive'oofffice'r language with g general circulation in Utah,sgcn pear nail be taken within a reasonable time asand videdb,,therulesnftheboardbyfilingwithtMofficer published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the from whom Me appeal is taken and with the board of ad lustmem a notice of anneal speciying Me Grounds mereot State of Utah. Sd paying to the city treasurer a fee w specified-n ection 511,1(1) with each notice of appeal where the relief hit a variancefrom the terms f the di- ence sought. mIn am the appeal taken ordi- nance. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto nance.o he transmit to the board of al ii taken all the papers constituting the record upon which the action ap pealed from was taken. SECTION 2 That Section 51-30-3 of the Revised°seinenc- es of fro and p Lake City,ublication blcaton charge fo65changes i as n zoning, and Inc Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to same hereby is,AMENDED to read as lallows. Sec.51.30d.•Filing fee and publication charge.At the time me petition n tiled uses of la change with respect m Il. fees for various planning & zoning activities I g r building. uses f Imo y treasurer by fins fheates,there shall M paid 34 the city uldaPsur c heir. fee as specifiedreg inSection 5 niberali weer a public hear pet be rdgfor,/by law or otherwise Upon the change so treasured far,the additional se spec Shall past tithe city t -34- 1121 for ee urpose of fee aso elsethe <Oh shall 011ty iucg tit Public hsuc The<tel rew sga ll notify such petitionerrdof suchcharge tel advertising such and shall not cod wih the advertising until such charge has been SC. SUCTION S.That Chapter 32 of Title 51 Revised to Historic Salt Lake City,Utah,19S as amended,relating sme h Historic DistrictEN and A k Sites 1- and the s hereby g AMENDED by ADDING cite.51321E mr permits q Ines u applications 1,00 specified permits which snail:end as follows: Sec.51a2.14.Fees All aPPrcarions Mr new C.r."cflon of waspublished in said newspaper on 1980 demolition permits required within historic districts I July 8 r min landmark sites,sall he accompanied by a fee sub- hM In the Planning Director- the amounts spec, fled on the Fee Schedule as set forth in Section 51-34. • SECTION 4 That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965 as amended,relatl to zoning, Jndelating thesalneheebnIMAMuleyENDEDhich b ADDING Chapter - CHAPTER 34 FFE SCHEDULE Legal Advertising Clerk i Se 5-34 1 Fee Schedule T be the defrayCity for planning —reviewsinspections, t 1h C' ./-- expenses involved withpreparation, II d publication f notices,etc..f.es are hereby thefollowing ac- tivities which shall be charged by the City specified i ,, thesed and collected by theCity Treasurer. n le me this 10,tt day of in A, tic ohoatp Ifo Martl of ed islmenl(Se.chnn 51341. O Arplicrfor varlanr.e sn tog (la uses.allons Into Winq 5001-h al exceptions or condi- tional Park: ..A.D. 19 80 ]Parking lotsm In residotial districts 50.00 21 Groupae homes 50.00 3)Private facilities 25.00 47 Public utilities districts 00 00 // Si Planned Il e development 100.00 6)Mobile h k 00.00 T)Of flee in buildings City,State , , or N tiq 1 registry 100.00 el Otherconditional asg.m (2)A t tob PlanningCommission 1,../?,i..if e (a)ChChange of (Section 51-3031). 50.00 (b)P blicn g scheduledb( City Council Notary Public In Requiring e date is Landmarks a prolon val(15ection 51.32-141.50.00 I)New Construction plans in historic district or upon Landmark site. al Single family dwelling 10.00 b)Multiple units and non-residential 10.00 i 5.00 buildings per Unit 3)Demolitiongpermit per primary building WOO 1)Subdivisions not located inlOvern lay Zones Preliminary approval (based 0 number of pro. SECTION 5 n the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake eOsedslots in t iginal or approved preliminary plat.whic City.Utah, is necessary 19 the hleaffh,peace and welfare of vet 530011 for protect of I-10 less plus he i habilanls of Sall Lake City that this ordinance become 3.00 per 10111.25 plusimmediately • effectiveSECTION 6 This Ordinance shall become effective U Zen per lot 26-50 Plus the date of Its first publication- non Passed 1.00 per lot over 501nts. I day Council of Sall Lake City,Utah,this bal Plainal t check fee against approved RONALD J.WH!TEHEAD 2)Sr liminary plat I0.00 ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ubdivision located In Overlay Zones a)Preliminary approval(based pen number of pro MILDREDV HIGHAM posed lots in originl or approved preliminary plat,which- CITY RECORDER ever Is higher) Transmitted to Mayor on June 24,1980 • $80 00 for project of 1.10 lots plus Mayor's Action 4.00 per lot 11-25 plus 3.00 per(of 16.50 plus TED L.W AYOR b)Filial approya2.00 per lot over 50 lots. i ATTEST:l MA VOR Plat check fee against approved MILDREDV HIGHAM Preliminary plat 1000 CITY RECORDER (e)Site development permit(Section 41-5.6).Review for I permit not included in subdivision approval or a part of a (SEAL) building Permit application. 1 BILL NO 7,of 1930 S20.00 Pius I Published Jut'8-loon 10.0o for each acre or part thereof 0-d6 (fit Condominium n os.nerfion 51.33'4).Based upon number of units proposed d (S in preliminary Plat map. 525 O0 per Prniecl plan plus 5.00 per units I-I0 plus 2.00 per unit over ton {