72 of 1911 - Ordinance 72 of 1911 – Paving Extension No. 43, Second & Final Estimate. A P 0 E D I ii A C E
pn ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property
on Fourth Last Street between South Temple and. Fourth South Street-
in Paving District No. 27, for the purpose of providing for the
grading, guttering and curbing, and paving thereof.
Be it ordttned by the City Council of Salt Leke City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council dons hereby levy the tax an.
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinaft=r
described in Paving District Do. 27, for the purpose of providing
for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving of a portion of
said district, to-wit:
In Lots 1, 6 and 7, Block 36; and 4 and 5, Block 37, Plat "B"
abutting on both sides of Fourth East Street between Third South
and Fourth South Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expenee of grading, gutterin.
and curbing with cement, and paving with asphalt (said asphalt paw -
ment to be sixty (60) feet wide between curbs, and nine and 1/2
(9-1/2) inches thick) , the portion of said Fourth EF;st Street here
inbefore and hereinafter described to he especially affected and
benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby. adjudged., deterain, d
and established that said property will be especially benefited
thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and seid pars=ls
of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accord
ance with the linear foot feonta.g•e upon Bald .portion of said stree
fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25 feet back therefr
and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said porce7,.n of
land is thirteen thousand one hundred thirty-three and 11/lao
(v13,133.11) dollars, or eleven and 370659j1,0 0,uco (0d1.370659)
dollars per front or linear foot o.f abutting property fe .oedway
6O felt wide, t eoc being 11.5 feet of abutting property within th
bounderio„ of the lots, bleci:a and atreo : o;e ...,";";i.rind in e ..d
district, witch is the total post and coot per front foot o_' timid
pavement, according to the cent caut entered into ::See the performaa.
of st+.id work and making said. improvement, with 2. J. Moron, dated
the 22nd day of 1911, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized
.:and directed to assess, in accordance with the erov-icione of this
ordinance, for the eurpoea herein mentioned:
Sigh Foot Roadway.
The east side of Lots 1, 6 end 7, Block 36; the west side of
Lots 4 and 5, Block 37, flat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, as the cam
are shown upon the official plats of said city, to a depth of twent -
five (25) feet back from said street, and to collect said tax.
S::CTIO? 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at
the rate of six per cent per annum, pa-ynble at the tine each install -
ment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year ater the aeeroval
of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for
such improvement; one-tenth thereof in two years after ouch approv'J ;
one-tenth thereof in three years after suede aeeroval; one:-tenth
thereof in four years after such aporovel; one-tenth thereof in fi e
year:: after such ap_roval; one-tenth thereof in six years after sue
approval; ore-tenth thereof in coven years after such aeeroval; one
tenth thereof in eight yours after ,seen oyiroval; one-tenth thereof
in nine years after such approval; and one.-tenth thereof in ton
years after such approval. One or more or said inetellm«sate, in the
order in which they are e yable, or the whole seecial to; ::.aj ee
peid at any tine within thirty days after the aercovel of the ordi-
nance confircrtag the levy u" the. tax, without interest. In the eve t
of any installment or the intcreet aforesaid,. not being paid on the
date the care becomes due, the o.:ol. ,.. :u wt o the r- i:'i. L unpa d
at the tine said installment and ietereet ere tee, ehell e aee due
and payable, and :hall draw interest at. the rete 07 sde-ht eee cent
per annum until. the Joule 0;' the p.'o)erty asoossed; preti id ed, he of
more ine ellme , , in thr,. er der in :hitch they are eayell , or the
whole tax aheeeld, m y he euid on the fiery any leetelhient
bee rc; L p .yin h aioount thereof and interest to said data.
SECTIC1; 3. This ordinunoe sh .11 take e!sect upon approval.
Paving Extension No. 43.
Second and Final 'stimato.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Ci- Utah 1st
7th, 1911, and re:ieircd to t'he asyor fv h'- ova
'- der.
Approve& this y'of Vagna , ]911,
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