72 of 1916 - Amending Section 912 - 916 Chapter 36, municipal wards ROLL CALL „,00,.L. VOTING AYE J NAY Salt Lake City, Utah,____July 191.6 Green . I move that the ordinance he passed. Scheid__- . Shearman__ ._ Wells % � Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE 1n ordinance amending Sections 912, 915 and 916 in Chapter 36 Revised Ordinances of Balt ;ake City of 1913, relating to muni- cipal yards. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Solt :.yl.e City, Uteh: SECTION 1. That Sections 912, 915 and 916 in Chapter 36 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, relating to muni- cipal wards, be and the same are hereby amended so ss to read as follows: SECTION 912. _I�ST MUNICIPAL `AhI. All that portion of the city.lying east of the center line of Lain Street and south of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of 6th South Street with Main Street and running thence east along the center line of 6th South Street to Lt.. Olivet Cemetery, thence south along the ices boundary of Mt. Olivet Cemetery to the center line of Sunnyside /,venue, thence east along the center line of Sunnyside i.venue to the eastern lim- its of the city. SECTION 915. FOURTH MNNiCI'AL t'ARf. All that portion of the city lying east of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of South Temple and Main Streets, thence north along the center line of Main Street to the intersection of 2d North Street, thence east on a line through -;he center of 2a North Street to the center of the bed of C:ity creek, thence north to the northern boundary of the city, and north of the following described line; Beginning at a point at the intersection of South Temple Lid Main Streets,thence east along the center line of South Temple Street to the center line of Virginia Street, thence north along the center line of Virginia Street to the southern boundary line of .9opperton Place, thence east, north, east,north and vest along the boundary line of T'opp€rto.n ?lace to the northwest corner of ??opperton Place, thence north to the northwest corner of the United. States Military' Reservation, thence 'ast to the city limits, the said Fourth Municipal Ward to include Popperton lace, but not to include any part of the united States Military Reservation. SECTION 916. PIP'PF HUNICIP.LL T ARD. In that portion of the city lying east of the center line of Main Stree , south of the following described line: Be- ginning at the intersection of Main Street with South Temple Street and running thence east along the center line of South Temple Street to the center line of Virginia Street, running thence north along the center 'line of Virginia Street to the southern boundary line of Popperton Place, thence east, north, east, north and. rest along the boundary line of Popperton Place to the northwest corner of Popperton Place, thence north to the northwest corner of the United States Military Reservation, thence east • to the city limits, and north of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of Main Street end 6th South Street end. running thence east along the center 2. line of 6th South Street to the var,st boundary of Mt. Olivet Cemetery, thence south to the center line of Sunnyside Avenue, thence east to the city limits, said Fifth Municipal WPrd to include the Yhole of the United States'Military Reservation. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passes. by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, . „ August 2nd, 1916. Mayo r. City Recorder. 3. ,\1i . • I ai LI1 m oIp1 o Cc,--• '. (ZI-1 • IC t...I ;idF ik y , I-