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72 of 1920 - Curb and Gutter Extension No. 38, Second Partial V ROLL CALL --- VOTING AYE NAY June 24 • Salt Lake City,Utah, a , 192.Q..... urton rabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Teen eslen Ir. Chairman llesnit -• AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property on Seventh West between First South and Second North in E a v i ng District No. 29, (Curb & Gutter Extension No. 38) for the purpose of providing for the grading and guttering and curbing thereof, constructing waterways to carry water along and across streets and intersections, Constructing storm sewers and private driveways. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COOv1ISSIONERS of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the sane upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No. 29, (Curb & Gutter Extension+.No.. 8), for the pur- pose 1 of providing for the grading and guttering and curbing thereof, constructing waterways to carry water along and across streets and intersections, and oonstructing storm sewers and private driveways, to-wit: In Lots 2,3,4, & 5, of Block 50, lots 1 & 8 of Block 51, lots 1, 6 & 7 of Block 58, lot 8 of Block 58, iota 4 and 5 / of Block 59, lots 2,3,4 & 5 of Block 62, lots 1 & 8 of Block 63, lots 1,6,7 & 8 of Block 70 and lots 4 & 5 of Block 71, Plat 0, Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of Seventh West between First South and Second North, Salt Lake City, Utah. w 72 I it I Ci, • This tax is levied to defray the expense oi'. grading guttering and curbing thereof withaonarQte„ constructing water- ways ( to carry water along and across streets and intersections, land constructing storm sewers and private driveways (said grading to be 92 feet between curbs with park forty-four (44) feet Wide in the center of said street) the portions of said street opposi e the property hereinbefore and. hereinafter described to be espeeiily affected and benefited by improvement, and it is hereby ad- 11judged, determined and established that said property mill be 1,1espeoially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax here-11 !iby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said street, fronting upon and to a depth !le fifty (50) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and Ito be assessed upon said parcels of land is Thirty-four Thousand. (232,731.25) Six Hundred Ninety-one and 25/100 ( 34,691.25) dollars;/or Six and 25/100 ( 6.25) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for ninety-two foot roadway with 44 foot park, there being 5237 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of th lots, blocks and street above mentioned in said district, and One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty ($1960.00) dollars for private 1 driveways, or forty ( 40.00) dollars for each private driveway, there being forty-nine private driveways, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and mekin said improvement, with Strange& Vallandingham, Contractors, date the 22d day of March, 1920, and the Treasurer is hereby authoria d and directed to assess, in accordance with the provisions of thils ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned.: NI1:STY-TWO FOOT ROADWAY,,FORTY-FOUR_FOOT PARK The west side of Lots 2, 3, 4, & 5 of Block 50; the east side of Lots 1 & 8 of Block 51; the east side of Lots 2. ii I I ' tl 1 ! f 1, 6 &7; the east side of the north sixty-six feet of Lot 8 and the east side of the south seventy-two and 5/10 feet of Lot 8, Block 58; the west side of Lots 4 & 5 of Block 59; the west Iside of Lots 2 & 5, the west side of the south 156.75 feet of !Lot 3 and the west side of the north 156.75 feet of Lot 4 of Block 62; the east side of-Lots 1 & 8 of Block 63; the east side of Lots 1, 6, 7 & 8 of Block 70 and the west side of Lots 5 & 4 of Block 71, Plat C, all in Salt Lake City Survey: h I PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDI- TI ON,TO THE REGULAR ASSESSPJIEET. II The west side of the south 12 feet of the north 66 (feet of Lot 2; the west side of the south 41.25 feet of Lot 3, the west aide of the north 41.25 feet of the south 82.5 feet and the west side of the north 82.5 feet of Lot 3; the west side Hof the north 41.25 feet of the south 49.5 feet of Lot 5 of Block �50; the east side of the north 33 feet of the south 132 feet, the east side of the north 49.5 feet of the south 181.5 feet, the east side of the north 21.5 feet of the south 203 feet, the least side of the north 21.25 feet of the south 231 feet, the east side of the north 49.5 feet of the south 280.5 feet and they east side of the north 49.5 feet of Lot 1, Block 51; the east side of the north 82.5 feet of the south 148.5 feet and the east side of the north 82.5 feet of the south 231 feet of Lot 8, of Block 51; the east side of the south 82.5 feet and the east side of the north 33 feet of the south 115.5 feet of Lot 1, the east side of the south 53.625 feet and the east side of the nort• ki 10 feet of the south 83.625 feet of Lot 6, the east side of the north 41.25 feet and the east side of the south 41.25 feet of the north 82.5 feet of Lot 7 of Block 58; the west side of 1 I the north 16.5 feet of the south 123.75 feet and the west side of the north 41.25 feet of the south 165 feet, the west side of 3 ' I I ! i :the north 41.25 feet of the south 239.25 feet and the west side lof the north 90.75 feet of Lot 4; the west side of the south i 9.5 feet, the west side of the north 82.5 feet of the south 65 feet, and the west side of the north 41.25 feet of the .south 206.25 feet, and the west side of the north 82.5 feet of of 5 of Block 59; the west side of the south 99 feet of Lot 2, I lthe west side of the south 16.5 feet of Lot 3; the west side of • �Ithe north 82.5 feet of Lot 4, the west side of the south 49.5 Meet and the west side of the north 49.5 feet of the south 99 feet of Lot 5 of Block 62; the east side of the south 141.43 !feet, the east side of the north 47.14 feet of the south 188.57 Meet, the east side of the north 47.14 feet of the south 235.71 !feet and the east side of the north 94.29 feet of Lot 1, of Bloch , I l63; the east side of the south 16.5 feet, the east side of the forth 79.5 feet of the south 165.feet, the east side of the nor ' j,8 feet of the south 288.75 feet of Lot 8, Block 63; the east side of the north 41.25 feet of the south 128.04 feet, the east side of the north 36.96 feet of Lot 1, the east side of the nor 66.12 feet of the south 105.28 feet, the east side of the north I ;35.56 feet of the south 140.84 feet and the east side of the ° I north 24.16 feet of Lot 8, the east side of the north 53.34 feet I Iof the s auth 82.5 feet of Lot 7, the east side of the north 39.25 feet of the south 82.5 feet and the east side of the north 41.25 feet of the scuth 123.75 feet of Lot 6, Block 70; the west side of the south 115.5 feet, the west side of the north 49.5 .feet of the south 165 feet and the west side of the north 165 feet of Lot 4, the west side of the south 82.5 feet, the west ! ,'side of the north 41.25 feet of the south 165 feet and the. west 1 side of the north 37 feet of the south 213 feet of Lot 5 of Blocp� 71, Plat C, all in Salt Lake City Survey, as the sans are shows ie upon the official plats of the city to a depth of fifty (50) 1 4. I I • Il . M I C feet back from said street and to collect said. tax. SECTION II. Said tax shall become and be delinquent Iin five equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole 1sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at i ! the time each installment is due, to-wit; One-fifth thereof one year after the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such improvement becomes effective; one-fifth thereo in two years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in three years after said ordinance becomes effective; • one-fifth thereof in four years.after said ordinance becomes f effective; and one-fifth thereof in five years after said ordinaxioe becomes effective. One or more o : said installments, in the Iorder in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may !be paid at any time within thirty days after the ordinance con- vifirming the levy of the tax becomes effective, withou.t interest. I 'In the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not !being paid on the date the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest !are due, shall bee ace due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed.; provided, one or more installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on the day any installment become due, by paying the amount thereof and interest to said date. -- SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect one day , after its first publication. �� . Curb & GutteiEx. No.38 2d Partial Estimate Dist. - Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cite, Utah, this 29th day of June A. D. , 1920. M a y o r City , ciorde - 5. i I i I 3. n x %. 0 sq _ -. it 1)' ti 04 -