72 of 1947 - Vacating portion of Everett Avenue formerly Austin Avenue; portion of 8th West Street formerly Super ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . .
Romney . . . .
Tedesco ..
Mr.Chairman . .
formerly Austin Avenue; a portion of 8th West Street, formerly
Superior Street; and e portion of alley in Block 5, of Superior
ya Subdivision; all of which streets, avenues and alley are situated
within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
` Lake City, Utah:
C� t7
SECTION 1. That a portion of Everett Avenue, formerly
s Austin Avenue; a portion of 8th ''lest Street, formerly Superior
Street; and a portion of alley in Block 5 of Superior Subdivision;
all of which streets, avenues and alley are situated within the
corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot Two (2),
Block Six (6), Superior Subdivision of Salt Lake City,
Utah; thence west along the north line of said Block
(6) to the north-easterly line of the right of way of
the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, leased to the
Union Pacific Railroad Company; thence northwesterly
along said northeasterly right of way line to a point
on the south line of Block Three (3), said Superior
Subdivision; thence east along the south line of said
Block Three (3), to the southeast corner of Lot Twenty-
four (24) in said block; thence south along the east
line of said Lot Twenty-four (24) produded, across
Everett Avenue, formerly Austin Avenue, a distance of
sixty-six (66) feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning et the northwest corner of Lot Fifteen
(15) in said Block Five (5); thence north sixty-two
degrees, three minutes and forty-six second west
(N. 62 degrees 03'46" W.) along the northeasterly line
of that portion of 8th 'hest Street vacated under Ordi-
nance of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Bill No. 43, dated September 1, 1942, a distance of
seventy-four and seventy-one hundredths (74.71) feet
to a point on the east line of Block Six (6) of said
SuperiorSubdivision; thence north along the east line
of said Block Six (6) a distance of twenty-four and
four-tenths (24.4) feet, more or less; thence southeast-
erly along a straight line e distance of seventy-one and
nine hundredths (71.09) feet, more or less, to a point
on the west line of said Block Five (5), Superior Sub-
division which is nineteen (19) feet distant north from
the southwest corner of Lot Fourteen (14) in said block
measured. along said west line; thence south along the
west line of said Block Five (5) a distance of nineteen
(19) feet to the southwest corner of said Lot Fourteen
(14); thence east along the south line of Lots Thirteen
(13) and Fourteen (14) in Said Block Five (5) a distance
of forty-seven and five-tenths (47.5) feet to a point
in the south line of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Five (5);
thence southeasterly along a straight line thirty-seven
and sixty-seven hundredths (37.67) feet to a point in
the north line of Lot Eighteen (18) in said Block Five
(5)• thence west along the north line of Lots Eighteen
(18), Seventeen (17), Sixteen (16) and Fifteen (15) in
said Block Five (5) a distance of eighty-two and forty-
seven hundredths (82.47) feet, to the point of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared. no longer to be
public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to a perpetual
easement in Salt Lake City for the maintenance, repair or replace-
ment of any drainage channels, water or• sewer mains that may exist,
or extensions thereof, and to any rights of way or easements here-
tofore granted by Salt Lake City or acquired from Salt Lake City by
franchise for maintaining, repairing, altering or replacing any and
all gas mains, gasoline pipe lines, water pipe lines, or extensions
thereof, or any public utilities now existing in any of said streets,
avenues or alleys to be closed herein; also expressly subject to
the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Com-
pany and the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired
under franchises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and
replace transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone cir-
cuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the
necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed
thereto for the support of said electric telephone end telegraph
lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and main-
tained upon or across the portions of said streets to be closed,
during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any
extensions thereof.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
.j ;Z.2f
2assed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /'d!/1tday of a-7)
c. _, A. D. L947.
).,, ; ---/ /-</-7-- . --'
City Recorder
Presented to the Board of CommiSsiOners
AUG 1 3 1947
AN ORDINANCE along the south line of Lots Thir-
AN ORDINANCE VACATING A teen(13)and Fourteen(14)in Said
BlocPORTION OF EVERETT AVENUE, srnon Five(5)fia distance of to feet
formerly Austin Avenue; a portion `oven andt five-tenths the southu linen47.5) feet
of 8th West Street, formerly Su- Thirteen (13),
3), ck line
Five f(5);
ceder Street;and a portion of alley thence southeasterly along
1n Block 5,of Superior Subdivision; straight line thirty-seven and sixty-
all of which streets, avenues and seven hundredths (37.67) feet to
alley ateor situated within the c - point in the north line of Lot Eigh-
coyote limits of Salt Lake City. teen (18) in said Block Five (5),
Be it ordained by the Board Of thence west along the north line of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Lots Eighteen(18),Seventeen(17).
Utah: Sixteen (16) and Fifteen (15) in
SECTION 1. That a portion of said Block Five (5) a distance of
Everett Avenue, formerly Austin eighty-two and forty-seven him-
Avenue; a portion of 8th West dredths (82.47) feet, to the point
Street,formerly Superior street;and of beginning.
a portion of alley in Block 5 of Su- be and the a are hereby vacated
Subdivision;avenues d all le}ofn which a- nd declared mno e longer to be pub-
streets,nted within the corporate limitsre s of avenues,
for usestreets,
Salt Lake City, and n alatio or pedestrian meexpressly
more particu- subject
vacation isde exe in
lady described as follows: suljeLt a perpetual easement r
1 Beginning g,at the northwest - Salt Lake Cy for theainyedrain-
ner u yeas or replacements,water
of seer mains
f Lot d Block It Lake
age say channels,
City, Ut Subdivision; thc esof Slot Lake thatanddy xis[,or tensions way
north, Utah; said
west along the of, to any rights of yy or
Iasiine of s n Block(6)r to the easements heretofore granted by Salt
north-easterly goe of the right of Lake City or on hie from Salt
of the ee Short Lie-Rion Lane City by franchise for main-
road re-
PacificCompany,leasedC to the Union acing, ny and, l gas o
th Railroad along
Company; north- placingasoi any and all was sins
rig It along said north- ines,l or pipe lines, term pine
erutht of way line to point ubs,or extensions thereof, r any
on tM1e south line of Block Th[t public utilitiesoo , existing in any
eaidst Superior Subdivision; thence said streets,nowi ;avenues alleysessl
east along the south line u saidst to be closed herein; of way and
Three fT to the southeast in subject to the rights of and
of Lot thence
Twenty-four a(24) Inthe
said¢block; thence south along the Traction easements
the Utah Light &
east line of said Lot Twenty-fourCompany and(24) produced, across Everett Ave- Lain States Telephone&Telegraph
c,formerly Austin Avenue,a dis- Company acquired under franchise.
tans- f sixty-six (66) feet to the from alterSalt Lake replacepy to maintain,on.
point of beginning. distr, i and transmission,
distribution of telegraphin , and Land
phone circuits, lines, and
TRACTei "B" wises af said companies,stop ro together
Beginning at the northwest c wish the necessary stop cross-arms
of Lot Fthenc(15)th esid Block and other sLti oh or a so
deg- s, ; thence north sixty-two affixed said hereto for the support
degrees, three minutes and forty- of graph electric telephone and tele-
six west (N.al 62 dethe no 03 graph lines,ts and tedtr and
min second 46 sec.W.) along the of 8th tier circuits asacted the
easterly line of that portion of etc maintained upon nowor the
West ofr the
vacated under Ordi-lon closed. of said streets across
ofo be
e nonce f Lhe Board of Commission- lased, s h thei life of the
a ors f Salt Lake 1,City,94 Bill isi 43, franchises heldsi s saki companies,
datof seventy-four
nty-fourer d 1even a e run-nce or any extensions thereof.
f seventy71 and to to ay-poi tun- SECTION 2. In the opinion is
the thscoo (74.71)00feet topoint necessary
Board of a health,peace
it d
the east line di Block ion Six tl(lc of said -es cry tocthe health,space and
Superior Subdivision;line; thence Block
Leek Cl the this i Salt
long the t line f said Block City that this ordinance
Six (o) distance f twenty-four become ffective immediately.
and four-tenths 24.4)Feet,more or SECTION e3.ffect
This ordinance
lass; thence southeasterlyistco seve a shell take effect upon its flat
straight line a distance f seventy-
one 9) pubassed .
and nine hundredths (n the passed by the Board Com-
weest, are o ]seas,to a point on the riilssioners of Salt Lake City, •
Superiore of 6ubdivisao Block
lwtrich lice nine-
A.O.Utah, this 13th day of August,
teen (191 feet distant north from A.O. 1947.
the southwest corner of Lot Four- EARL J.GLADE,
teen (14) t a id measured
me rtl F. BITyor.
along said west so line: thence south - tR14A Clip Reco
rderNER, Ma.
along the west line of said Block
Five(5)a distance of nineteen(19) (SEALI
feet to the en st of HILL NO. 72
said Lot Fourteen(14);thencareast Publlsl ust 14. 1947.
Keoorded at Request of_ �__-_---
ifiti;�J7 M ee paid$ 10C! Hazel Taggart Chase,Rat ordr r lair Lai a u+„sty,
at 'J�7'Mr�,Fee �I`
Delp. Book 55?9'a�e/741 Reg
43/l-•/C3-.Y ///--/63-3�
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Franit .Q. Shields-,_Deguty, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating a .poxtion__of-Everett--Avenue--formarl-y--Austin--Avenue;
a portion of 8th West Street formerly Superior Street; and a portion of
alley--Ian--Block-5-of-Su eri-ar--Subdivision;-all of-whtOfl streets,
avenues and alley are situated within the corporate limits of Salt Lake
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, _August 13, 1947 _
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
27th August 1947
of said City, this day of
CC iety City Recorder.
13TtL^^NO. 72
1' Published August 14a 1947.M
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
4q ORflI iMrWE
formerly Austin Avenue: portion
of 8th West Street, formed Su-
perior Street;and a portion of Bey. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
in Bieck 5. f Superior Subdivision; "• p y
are fwhich
i h tsreets. avenues
porete limits of Salt Lake
hm City.c vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Be it ordained by the Board of
Uttahrnlaelonera of Belt Lake Clty, published in Salt Lake City,Salt,Lake County,in the State
SECTION 1. That a portion of
Everett Avenue, formerly Austin
Avenue; portion of 8th West of Utah.
Street,formerly Superior Street:and
a portion of alley in Block 5 of Su-
perior Subdivision; all of are
greets, and alley it- .
Stad within the corporate limit` f That the advertisement
alt Lake City, and novaeu-
.tarty described as follows: .
Beginning at the northwest - Ordinance Bill Bo 72
Sr f Lot Two(2),81ock Sir(6),
uperior Subdivision of Salt Lake
Cnorth line thence
Block(6 alongest the
north lineof the right of Salt Lake City C01,3oration
roadway of the Oregon Company,tease`d to Line the Union
Pacific Railroad Company; thence
northwesterly long said north-
easterly rigght ofaway lone tp a point
sa the south 1h,e o1 wick Thrthnor
said Superior Subdivision; thane
east along the south'line of said
Block Tree,(of Lot TWeto t�u southea24) st
was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
aid`block; thence south long the
-..ISet lone of Said Lot Twenty four
t!btrglueai aereea EveraE Ave+.. day ofA:D. 19
tantefuof sixty-six tl(66)feet to the
point of beginning.
TRACT•,R„ and was published AuclAst 14 1S47
Beginning at the northwest cor-
ner r of Lot Fifteen(15
in said Block
three thence north the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
46n ec.W.)(alone the n`rth-
easterly line of that portion f 8th
°Went Street vacated der Oral- day of %(F; • A.D. 19
name of the Board f Commission-
ers 1 Salt Lake City,Bill No.43, /
dated September 1,1942.a distance / /fC y
1 seventy-four and seventy-one pun- i_/`�/L" ` C (.. 7 �'-1
tlredthe (74.71)Block
to point. L !!i/// �v 'f..
the east line of Block Six(6)of said Advertising Clerk
Superior Subdivision;thence north •
Six ((6)ng h` distast nce of twenty-four
-fouid urr
and four-tenths(24.4)feet, e
ess; thence eo theaeterly alon °a
atraigaht line a dletance of seventy-
one nd nine fiundredta 1.09)
eet,more or less,to a point on the
sll`uinihIfsi l`tnuperuSbdivsiiowhc ne- n,to before me this day of
teen (19) feet distant north from
the southwest eorner of Lot Four-
teen (14)(said in
thenceasou`th A.D.19 47
Flong the west line of said Block
ive(5)a distance of nineteen(19)
feet to the southwest cornerof
said Lot Fourteen(14);thence east st
along the south line of Lots Thir-
teen(13)and Fourteen(14)in.Said
Block Five(5)a distance of forty- �/
seven and flue-tenths Y47.6) feet n �to a point 1n the south line of Lot ----------------------- --
Thirteen (13), Block Five (5);
thencesoutheasterly along lino thiry-sevenraig a j Notary Public
sevenht hundredths(37.67)and feet iOny `
V point
in said
Block Five (
hn i If Lot EI);then
otsoe Eighteenwestl on(18).Se e e nt nthe northl of
•L ne
Sixteen (16) and Fifteen (15) In
e ld Block Five (8) a distance of
eighty-two and forty-seven hun-
dredth (82.47) feet, to the point
of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be pub-
he property for use as streets,
avenues,alleys or pedestrian ways.
Said vacation is made expressly
subject to a perpetual easement In
BeltLake City for the maintenance,
repair or replacement of soy drain-
age channels,water orr mains
that may exist,orextensions there-
ef, and'to any rights of or
as easements heretoforeway granted by Salt
Lake City or acquired S Salt
Lake City bySUM franchise for main-
taining, repairing, altering o
placing any and all gas mains,
11nes,i ur entensionse the eoff,,ro any
public id blicutilities
etsno6 existing in aalleys
to be closed herein; alsoexpressly
subject to the rights of way d
easements of the Utah Light As
Traction Company and the Moun-
tain CompanyStates Telacquired
dho Telegraph
under francchise
from Salt Lake Cityuto maMiafn,re-
distributio andof rtelegephannddlsstele-
phone circuits, lines, wires and
poles of said companies, together
with the.aecessary-stop e
. and other attachments thereon o
affixed thereto for the support
of said electric telephone and tele-
graphion as now erected
and t rlsod
maintained upon or on the
portion-of said streets to be
dosed. during the life of the
franchises held by said companies,
or y tensions thereof.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of
the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the health,peace and
safety of the Inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance
become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance
shall take effect upon its first
Passed nby the'Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City,
Dash, this 13th day of August,
A,D. 1947.
City Recorder.
Published August 19, 1947.