72 of 1951 - Ordinance 72 of 1951 – Amending Chapter LXIV, re: sales of ice cream, & frozen products, adding Se 6 Salt Lake City,Utah,N O V -6 N51 ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Burbidge fjeXlg _ I move that the ordinance be passel. Christensen . . . . ,/ Lingenfelter . . . �/ 1 � Romney . . Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LXIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 6638, relating to the sales of ice cream. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter'LXIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, '1944, be_and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said',Chapter. a new section to be known as Sec- tion 6638, relating to-the sale of'ice cream, which shall read as follows: "SECTION 663$: ICE CREAK AND RELATED FROZEN PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD BY WEIGHT. 1. Definitions. (a) 'Related frozen products' shall be deemed to mean and include custard ice cream, french custard ice cream, french custard, frozen cus- tard, sherbet, and fruit ice. (b) 'Fancy form' shall be deemed to mean an indivi- dual portion or container which simulates a special form or design to be sold for special occasions. (c) 'Molded form' shall be deemed to mean a special form or design which does not conform to the container in which it is packed. • 72 _ i 2. All ice cream, ice milk, ices, and related frozen products shall be sold or offered for sale by avoirdupois net weight only. 3. All persons selling, offering for sale, delivering, dis- tributing, or having in possession with intent to distribute or sell ice cream, ice milk, ices, and related frozen products in bulk quantities, in cans, cartons, or other containers, shall mark in terms of avoirdupois net weight on the outside of each such can carton, or other container, or by tag affixed thereto, the net quantity of contents of such can, carton, or other container, pro- vided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not ap- ply where the ice cream, ice milk, ices, and related frozen pro- ducts are packed and weighed in the presence of the purchaser, and shall also not apply to ice cream, ice milk, ices, and related frozen products sold to the consumer in an edible container. 4. The provisions of this act shall not apply to ice cream, ice milk, ices, and related frozen products sold or offered for sale in plates, cones, sundaes, sodas, or fancy forms at hotels, restaurants, ice cream parlors, soda fountains, refreshment stand and similar retail establishments; nor to ice cream, ice milk, ices and related frozen products sold in fancy or molded forms; provide., the said fancy or molded forms are sold or offered for sale on the basis of the unit or numerical count. 5. The Sealer of Weights and Measures of the Salt Lake City Public Safety Department and his deputies are hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordin- ance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as is provided by these ordinances for such violation." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect May 1, 1952. -2- . . Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this PI' day of November, A.D. 1951. , — 9r „--- o City ecorder ( 4 „ ,„.,.. . . .,„ .., ,.„ • . :.,„,, ,,,,, ,, .• ,.,. ,, .. . • •/„4 ,.: 6 ( -3- — • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } ss Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING- CHAPTER LXIV of the Revised Or- dinances of Salt Lake City. Utah, ' 19., by adding in and to .said chapter a a.rtlpn °he kn°«n 0. r.n OCKEY 6ectl Ice cream. 3g, rcRting to file seise or fore cream He It e °" "' t"` R°"'° °` Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- Utah:Commie.... f Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapterof Salt LXIY [ the Revised Ordinancescesvertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper Lake lu It rebyha mend,be and the same Is hereby aster a by adding to and °said Chapter a^ °^ published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State to be toO the as Section°ti(i]H, m, re- hating h the sale f Icews cream, which shall read follows: E CREAM AND RELATED"SECTI ERO,Ele CPRODU PRODUCTS TO of Utah. BE SOLD BY WEIORT. 1. Definitions. pp' 'Relatedfrozenors ai e me eee mean and That the advertisement 'tatd Inc cream. lreneh custard Ice tr<nchra vrd. r ev`e" cue- Li`'J�°ah l'blt,ands fruit Ire. b1 hey foJm hall be°arned An_.Or inane_ i�.l_11Q. 72 r,,:}%�- leyalvlrlua'. portion or t5. Wu,t h elmulaeoeil a ap 4clel jcfM1n>`ti1x°RiYan to be td fog . e- `tieM"diaen:torm hell be deemed to m xpeclal form o- design which does n conform to the con- tainer in which.it.packed. 3. All Ice cream, Ice milk, lore, and related frozent"products,shall be t sold,or offered for sale by avelydu- °3s Ail ners t net g ht°onslehlng,offering for sale.delivering.distributing.or hav- ing In possession with Intent to dls- trlbute. a: " sell Ice a milk, Ice and related frozen products 1 bulk Quantities. in cans. cartons, or oeh r containers. snail mark In terms.of avoirdupois n welahl. the outside°' "`b such :"b car- ton, was published in said newspaper on r` 7 19'1 ton. o tar re tamer, ° P ova n ier * -_ affixed:thereto.the net Quantity of contents of such can, arteq ther tamer. ovided. however. Chat :heaprovisions of this se,ino shell not apply where the ice ezenrn, lee milk, Ices, and related (Wall prodocts are pack.aled WPI(Oted I the presence of the purchaser,anti shall also not ppfy t lecream,lcs ilk Res end a related frozen mode sold to 1 en ad nets otan. ! , e.The provisions of this act+hall _ Inot ces.apply to Ice ° ae ice milk, - - soli offered fort sale"In plates, Advertising Clk lol or sundaes, soda restaurants,ants, Ic or e m parlors, a fountains,cream blonde and similar retail establishments:nor to Ice cream, m,Me milk, Icrs and related frozen prod- uct,provided,m fancy r molded Ipe; before me this �3th day o f fs'rms art a, the mmold o fancy or f for molded n the basis of the unit or numeri- cal count. Sealer f weights a t d A.D.19 51 Measures of the snit Lake city Pub- lic surety Department and his dep- uties ere hereby charged with the enforcement of the movlsfons of this a AM' person violating any of' Y! / ! the pi ovl.slune ot this mdin..shell l • be guilty of a misdemeanor and • / tshall hese b`r punishesd as is provided o lby 1 .y/UALf Ron. ° Notary Pagblie- sEC•rrON g.This mmnance shah V take RH.Afey 1,1959.. Passed by the Board of Coo- ' Issionmw of Salt Lake City,Utah, this tith day of November, A. D. lebl. EARL J. GLADE Mayor IR Ait P. Sr'NER er City Recorder (SEAL) BILE. NO. 7 Published November 9LIt, 1951.