72 of 1953 - Amending Section 6714, relating to zoning. Adding Item Numbers 116, 117 and 118. Property on both s ROLL CALL _ Salt Lake City,Utah, f -J'� ._ 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed.J Burbidge . . . Christensen . . Lingenfelter Romney 4• Mr.Chairman ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SF,CTIOIY 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating to Zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1: That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 19, 1945, March 28, 1946, April 5, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, 1946, October 8, 1946, November 5, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, March 25, 1947, April 16, 1947, May 27, 1947, June 5, 1947, July 22, 1947, October 14, 1947, December 2, 1947, December 18, 1947, April 26, 1948, May 26, 1948, September 22, 1948, September 28, 1948, October 23, 1948, known as Bills Nos. 60 and 61, March 9, 1949, August 3, 1949, November 15, 1949, February 23, 1950, March 30, 1950, May 4, 1950, May 31, 1950, September 19, 1950, November 21, 1950, January 15, 1951, February 15, 1951, April 12, 1951, June 19, 1951, October 2, 1951, November 6, 1951, December 20, 1951, February 7, 1952, June 12, 1952, November 15, 1952, February 5, 1953, May 28, 1953, July 3, 1953, October 8, 1953 and December 3, 1953 relating to Zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said Section three new paragraphs to be known as Items 116, 117 and 118, which shall read as follows: "ITEM NO. 116. The following described real property located in Residential B-2 District as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed. to Residential B-3 classification and said map is hereby amended and changed accordingly. - 2 - That property on the North side of 4th South Street, commencing 165 feet east of 3rd East Street and continuing East 45 feet, more part- icularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 165 ft. east of the southwest corner of Block 36, Plat 'B', Salt Lake City Survey; thence north 165 ft., thence east 45 ft., thence south 165 ft., thence west 45 ft. to the same place of beginning. "ITEM NO. 117. The following described real property located in Business "A" District as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Commercial classification and said map is hereby amended and changed accordingly. That property on both sides of Edison Street from 9th South to Belmont Avenue, more particularly described as follows: Both sides of Edison St. from a point 106 ft. south of 9th. South St. ;to Belmont Ave., being Lots 12 to 18 inclusive, Blk. `1; and Lots" 5 to 11 inclusive, Blk. 2, Linden Park Amended Plat, and Lots 11 to 20 inclusive, 51k. 1; and Lots:1 to 10 inclusive, Blk. 2, Linden Park No. 2, in Blk. 21, SHAcre Plat A, Big Field Survey. "ITEM NO. 118. The following described real property located in Residential 4-2 district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Residential B-3and saida pla`p is hereby amended and changed accordingly: Commencing at a point 100 ft. south of the northwest corner of Blk. 10, Viet Tel, Salt Lake City Survey, said block being located on the southeast corner of the intersection of 8th ",test and 7th South Sts., thence east 165 feet along the south boundary of the existing Residential 'B-3' zone; thence south 26 feet; thence west 165 feet; thence north 26 ft. to the place of beg- inning. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately; there- fore, this ordinance shall become effective upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 1/ day of December, A.D., 1953. 2 C, ,/ i fly Mayor �— --- \p 1e Df,tty A c dr. BAL NO. 72 Published December 28, 1953, ilrnnf of ruhliratinn gaited Otntre of Antrrira COUNTY OF SALT LAKE , ss. STATE OF UTAH AN ORDINANCE AN Oi0UINANCE 1n117N111NO 813' T1ON 6714 of the lfrvine,l Or'dHa ifaa' Salt take ty. litah, 1544, as amended by 't 01 by fbc inBoard f U - -tat e to n, l ordained bY the r d of 1a Cn D. M. OC, y 'sslonera a.'000 i I c(,t,Utah: I M Slif"1'ION 1:'1'h nt 5 e 6714 nr the. Revi0ed Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utall,1944,as amended by ordinances • on passed 2;1045°nu.^u�st,17S110,, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of December 19, 1995, March 25, 1946,' April 5, 1946,.luau 4, 1946, Almost 6, 1096, Septe,nbcr 16, 1956, October 2,I 1,,46, November 5, 1946. January 7. the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in 1,47,February 11,1947,'March 5.1,47, klatch 25,1017,Anil 16,1157. 27, .1947,.hint 6 1917,.lnl,v 22, 1947, Or. 97, tuber 14,1947,1leecmher 2,1997,iJe cumber.19, 1997, April 26, 1917, May Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. • 26.1948, September 22, 1142.Septem- ber 28, 1949. Octabcr 2'9,1948,known s Bills Nos.60 and 6l.March 9,1947, August 3, 1949, November 15, 1040, _.sebrmatY 2s,logo,Moon 80,1950,May That the Notice _.An Ord inence. s�iRel7.Cl].II� 4, 1950. May JI, 1950, September 111, 1950, November 21, 1350, LinuarY 15, 1.1,Ecbrucry 15,1951.Anfl 12,11151,,June 19,1951,Orlobcr 2,1951.Novrm-I Section 6714 of Revised Ordinances of Ivy 6,1951.December 20,1951,Pobru- Y 7, 1052. dune 12, 1952. November I - T JJ.. ��,,19. ,.Inl February '1'J.r:f, Max Lake City, Utah, 1 / O December .Illy 2,1laaa October 8,t95.M1 and Colt 9 cy . Bill 1 1V o. 72 Dc cc d the some '.1 t' l0 2 nmc, e i3 beret,' furthcr amended by adding arid to said• '--'-"-'- knowSection three 1 aph.s to be ran' known c Items new J1s and 119, which shall read as fnllow.sl ITEM eat 116. 'tilt_ following de. coshed real property y loc:lted Gn lithe 11,0 l R-2 P;sa in as .shown n the Use Residential Map is herby channel to ttemanluan is h11.5 erelylas.bieaton Wil Ana of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its ohat C d accordindly. That properly on the North 1 of 4th Soulh Stinct. I 15, 28th ,et east or aril Last vtt nt and -1 ISSuc dated the_ tlnulnd Last 45 fart.moo:nnrLculaely steer rtbed:cs follows, comnenelcc at a point 165 ft.oat Dace;!ltler 19 53 nE the southwest moest corner u Block 96,f day of Plot '13', Solt Lake Cits, Survey;- 5 thence north 165 it.,ear are cos:a` FL,theme.south 165 ft.,then,weal 45 fl to the some place or beginning. and waspublished in each dailyissue of said newspaper, on ITEM No. 117. The mnnwlnti de- erih<d re•,nrnnerty located, unsl-I ness 'A'•District as shown on the Use 1 District Man is hereby channel to for Col is 1 rla1.11locaticn and.said m .__ is hereby amended and changed ral o tin l0i e That crlyboth sides r run on il Edison street from gut South to Wil. thereafter,the full period of mnnt Ayennll more particularly de P -one---- - time --Both side, of point y'des o! Edison St. from Potent,vo E. p alb of oth Smith lb o lusiven t Ahc,balks Loll 12 to 76 inclusive, Bde 1: and '.ors r, to 1.11 the.d5t publi cation thereof inclusive, iotie. E, Linde t Lail, Amended rent.and Loh;a to 20 in elusive, 2 and Ln'.s 1 to 10 in- clusive. Bltliic 2,Linden Park No. E, ink.21,s Acre Plal A.Bic Field being in the issue dated the• 28th .___..._...__.-day of P,tuba NO. 116_ 'rile lnllow[nP, le- ,scribed l nroporty 1 ',t I 4- de ti l R Dis,iet chown on the Use District M 11C15/1155 chanced to .._.__. .__. ..-.. .- ____ _. _-December ,A.D.19 r)••. R.;i t B-a anti si.id mai,is hereby. 4111,1(1,1 and chanced necordin41, �� ✓L Comineneind at a point 100 flsouth of the northwest nl'Ii k lo_ Plc. ( l Solt L, City Suioey.said block being lncalvtrd of thr southeast Lila o , t,,to tllh West And 7ri Soot, smith theme east of fret exist,. efi ,th -L lone; n e<south,:ltesuler;Ua1•B-6 , 29th 165 feet: south a met; honer lye c to before me this. dayof Ma Ccnl' erincc ninth T.li rh to the Place of h2,IPti SECTION, 101 2, 1n the , of the n Board C It is nece7sary to inhabitants I ith t - -tt [the an of Lake City that the................ �.... A.D.]�. 3. ordinance shall l become IS 1/35 nye r • liatel..: Lup shall bcoamen effective anon its l7 rs[ publication, by the Board of Com fission. erg I Salt r 't Utah this 24[h r - r da of December,A.D (95:.,J. GLADE - Notary Pub', Nov. 25, 1957 1N/.{t11Y C y Itciad N_s l,N I?emly City ltecmdcr. (SEAL, 111 Published No.72 ' Pabllxhcl December%St,lmi'I, Advertising fee 4 -