72 of 1956 - Ordinance 72 of 1956, Amending Schedule 14-i and 14-g of Traffic Code, relating to providing two ho OCT 21b6
/ ROLL CALL /} Salt Lake City,Utah, 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge .
Christensen . . .
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
AN OZIJINANCE Ai' kiJIVG SCiikDULE 14-i, referred to in Sections 149
and 151 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to Two Your Parking
Meter Zones, and ASICNSING SC2bDOL 14-g, referred to in Section 147 of
the Traffic Code of salt Lake City, relating to Parking Time Limit on Streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of .tilt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Schedule 14-i, referred to in Sections ].49 and 151
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to two hour parking meter
zones, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto the following:
"State Street from 7th South to 8th South."
SECTION 2. That that part of Schedule 14-g, referred to in Section
147 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to parking, time limit
on streets which now reads "State Street from 5th to 9th South Streets",
be, and the same hereby is, amended to read:
"State Street from 5th to 7th South Streets, and
State Street from Fth to 9th South Streets."
And to further amend said Schedule 14-g by adding thereto the following to
the end of said schedule:
"Yale Avenue, coats side, from State Street to 2nd Ease Street."
SECTIoh 3. In the opinion of the board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, nealth and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this or dinance stall become effective immediately.
SECTiub 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first puollcati_on.
Passed oy the board of Comf,iissioners of Salt Lake City, Uton, -Lain
2d toy of October, 1956.
Ci< a S L
BILL Nu. 72 of 195
Published Oct. 4, 1956 '72
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN O1tDINANCEAN R AME NDiNC D. N. Ockey ---_..--.
SOIIF.DDLhI 14' referred to hi 'NO i99 and lhr of me Trafflr Coda of 5:at' Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is aclver-
I�ake Citr.r lobos Ln Two Bone Park
4CI;EDULD 1 s' f d d tMENDIN6
I, 4, r,n T fc t 90;, using clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, a daily news-
Limit on Streets. a t0 P k g Tlmc
n t d by the R ,d of cam paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the
StiCTiON f1 That Lake
Schedule 19Utahi, re-
ferred m ;t seraans ins d I61 pf State of Utah.
ttbo Teatfic Code of Sa1C Lake Ci ,
.iotins to two horn' parking note ro endedehyaaddin6 thereto he Sollow-.Ine:
State street from vm sawn to s,h. That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
SECTION 2.That that aatt,of Schell• hereto
lc 14s.referred to h,Seaton 14T ot.rel Tratfic Code f It j.Ake rot'r netts to rends"time-tin-titat Street
of streets'mien new a, stow steeei from at Salt Lake City Bill Mo. 72 of 1956.
to 9tlt Sonth Street,"be, ntl the sa
hereby,s, ended to,cad: n e
Sere ate Street from sth to 7th South
d°taro sheet£tarn sth to An Ordinance Amending Schedule 11t—i2 referred to in
Andh too fulithurcts."
148 by addins theretothrafollow ne Lo
the,.Yale f Aven uchedvleh 'de, from Statestreet to 2nd'Ea.st St'reet." Sec 149 of the Traffic Code, relating to two hour
➢o Ed'ot Cominlit ther9 pof'szlt Lahe,a stetyccts`iri�to the esa° parking meter zones.
lake City That.ble o n - shall he.
affc LT i iati��ccc
co3rC tICN n m shall take f
et-rG t r its flrct pnbhrn'm,
1 eraof,.Sally Lel,ECity.Otall,th^s_ndi
Say of October.1956
AM EL F. RS021. T,mayor, was published in said newspaper on
(SEAL) ty Recorder. [
Published Octo 72 ber 4,4954 October 4, 1956.
-- _
`dd2lerli.einy Clerk 2
Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of
October A.D.1.95.6...
liC, t za -f.`: 1_�
Notary Public
My Commission Expires