72 of 1966 - Annexation, Annexing certain property at 2719 Connor Street, in the vicinity of 2140 East Street and Ju3y 28, 1966
Mr. Homer Holmgren
City Attorney
414 City and County Building
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Sir:
The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, passed
an ordinance, BILL NO. 84 of 1966, annexing to Salt Lake City
Corporation property at 2719 Connor Street in the vicinity of
2140 East Street.
This ordinance repeals BILL NO. 72 of 1966, for said annexation,
to correct an error in the description.
Yours truly,
City Recorder
Planning & Zon.
Bill 72 of 1966
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 23 196 6
Barker. . . . i
I move that the Ordinance be passel,
Catmull . . . �_ �✓
Harrison . . . (�
Holley. . . % / ��' :: "(
Mr. Chairman •-
Result .
WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City,
Petition No. 629 , by Leon Peterson, requesting that the tract of land here-
inafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and,
WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by the owner of the real property
and the owner in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assess-
ment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and,
WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries
of Salt Lake City; and,
WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate map or plat to be
made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City En-
gineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining
said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering the cir-
cumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in
favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an
ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the
city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly.
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same
hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described
tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the east line of 2140 East St.,
said point also being N 89° 59' 06" E 1295.89 feet and
N 0° 06' 48" W 262.2 feet from the S.W. corner, Section
22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., and running thence
N 89° 59' 06" E 122.0 feet; thence N 0° 06` 48" W 58.4
feet to the present city limit line; thence S 89° 59` 06"
W along said city limit line 171.5 feet to the west line
of said 2140 East Street; thence S 0° 06` 48" E along said
street line 58.4 feet; thence N 89° 592 06" N 49.5 feet to
the point of beginning, Containing 0.230 Acres.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above
described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Residential R-2
Classification District.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes
effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential R-2 District,
as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and
obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made
applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land and the streets, blocks,
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordi-
nances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments
of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of
locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the
County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above men-
tioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together
with a certified copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Padse3 by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
23rd day of June, 1966. y
yy^^ MAYOR
) 1h\ANnl�. YAUI4 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 7-11-66
CITY '12� t).21DER for recording in the County R,corder's Office, also to the
(S E A L) County Surveyor, County Clerk, State Tax Commission and
BILL NO. 72 of 1966 Salt Lake City Postmaster.)
Published June 28, 1966 '72
AN ORDINANCE to the west line of said 2140 East
AN ORDINANCE EXTEND,NG Street, thence S 0 des. O6' 48" E
THE LIMITS OF SALT KE i ITV long Id street line 58.4 feet;
WHEREAS, there has been fded thence N 89 des.59'06"W 49.5 feet
Cih the City Recorder f' II Lake tit the point of beginning,containing
ity, Petition No.629,ble Leon pet 0.231
tendon, reduesling that the act of ANDc BE IT FURTHER OR-
land hereinafter tlescribl ben Cily, whole
within the limits of Sall Lake City; whole of the above described proper-
and, y be, and the same hereby is,
WHEREAS, the said petition is e9L.ential R-2 Classifica-
signed by the owner of the real Non District.
property and the owner
all the real p erlv. as shown by DAeNED AND DECLARED that
the last assessment rolls,situated in when this ordinance takes effect the
the tract sherein described; end. Jad tract of land above described
WHEREAS, said tract of land is shall thenceforth be within the eo-
ntiguous to the existing boundarie.; pera'e limits of Salt Lake City and
of Salt Lake City;and, Loi.ed as Res'dantlal R-2 Distract,
WHEREAS,the said petitioner has ^ the ordinance provided, and all
accurate o r plat en ordinances, jurisdictions, rules d
b0umade sed nand certified to by c hops f or tpertainingov to Salt
Lalke City extended d
CelvntEnaieeeror andand
to approved
r vfeiledy the made applicable d pertinent to the
the City Recorder;and, with
said tract Of land and th streets,
ocks,alleys and ways of said tract
WHEREAS,Oners Of Salt the Board
Ciity,aleer of oexam- the lordinaems,runes and
saidsaid petition of said o of said city in that behalf, and the
tract of land, and Considering, monuments of the City Engineer
the circumstances thereof, "oted ba -hal, thenceforth be taken therein
saidn iBoaus iritfavor Ott
am mi versa i0 tits'theesstandard's of locations and
Iracl f nit an Sf11 Lakee Cily a d SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
passdd tnnet a aida nee aeyltl nd this ordinance.the l City Recorder f
passed annexingsaid territory and Salt ake City shall file,and he Is
the tension f e city limits of hereby directed to file, with the
Salt Lake City accordingly. County Recorder of Salt Lake County,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR ccpy of the p or plat above
DAINED BY THE BOARD or CCM. mentioned, duly certified and a
dged, asovidd jn such
CITY, UTAH: s,together with a certified copy
SECTION .That the city limits of efdMis oreinance.
Salt hereby a` Ci in be, antl tee Bard ofSECTIOConmmln the isssionerspinion of the
of Salt Lake
oase, le the
and tended City it necessary to he peace,
10 include utle the in following doe health d safety t the inhabitants
tined trawl of land Salt Lake of Salt Lake City that this ordinance
County,to-wit; become effective Immediately.
Beginning at a point an the east SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
line of 2140 East St.,said point also take effect upon Its first publication.
being N 89 deg. 59' 06" E 1295.59 Pars a by the Board of Commis
feet and N 0 deg.06'68"W 262.2 of Salf Lake Clfy,Ufah,this
feet rom the SIW c Section 23rtle day of June,1966.
22, T.1 S., he 1 E.,5 dna.& M,. J BRACKEN LEE,
and running thenCe N 89 deg.59'06"
E 122.0 feet;thence N 0 deg,C6'40" HERMAN J.HOGENSEN,
W 50.4 feet to the present city limit (SEAL.1 City RPCOrder
line; thence S 89 deg. S9' 06" W BILL NO.72 of 1966
along said city limit line 171.5 feet Published June 28.1966 (A-90)
;L1634�rJ COON24Il1 FAcf211 RecordedOUL 12 1966 at 11S-(-j._--A--m.
Rccces't of SALT_-LA(E_1LTY
Recorder, Salt L. ounty, Utah
STATE OF UTAH, $ NQFEE. By. _ .Deputy
ss. Ref. ,d__ t:.'/•/:? !atrds6 .Atrtr� ,/_sG 4//f'
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
property at 2719 Connor Street - the portion located in Salt Lake County).
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23 196 6
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 11 t h N day?of( July 196 6
(SEAL) ` 1;
City Recorder
dished..,� •June 2$ 196 6
BILL NO. 72 of 1966
Legrnt et01kkes I--1
±'N 0 DINANC6 gN
AN LI0E101:St m7ticraN61 NG1 r.
T hH ie Cliv ORRec wise ofnJ It:LON I T.
CItY Petit N 629,by Lech P
7 dci q,,r Affidavit of Publication
I s h¢e o tl tl steeled be i k
Within the limits of Salt Lake CITY! V
WHEREAS, the tRr-ofp Petition:
real C
property0ned by dl
allth d thee real prayer; a yslsyt�valuen f'
ttthe last
cf h -,16.yllt , mild bit q.ty,
WHEREAS,said tract'amend Is
con119uous to the exlettnb hou0derles Ii SS.
of Salt Lake City;and;.i� 0.
WHEREAS,the said petitioner has s e
caused an accurate map r tl tt to ft
be surveyor and certified to by
peteni and provedabyothe ° D M Ockey
fha CEY aneordera and,h0 flied with
WHEREAS,the Board of Commis-ki
biting said petition Citvid Howe ra of N
Id trace f land°and considering n Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
thecircumstances ihereor,v tad by e
m¢g, to . II members pt al clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
aie earl�n+ayer m annexing laid GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
d�iedtea t�a+ o ainan ee snofmaed ri
passed annexing id territory L lisp la u e with genera/ circulation in Utah, and published in
the�akke C y ac'eoordIngi P C +�< Salt Lake City, Salt LakeCounty, in the State o}t Utah.
OITY,UTAH: That the of legal notice which a copyis attached hereto
SECTION 1.That the city Emits of g
Salt Lake Clt be, and the same
hereby are,enlarged and extende
sort as tifalncludet of lot a i°°oowiingL e.'- Salt Lake Oity Lill No 72 of 1966
County,town: g T
Beginning at a point van the east NI
line of N 89 deg.St.,said06"of t also d, An Ordinance Extending the Limits of
beErg• feet and N 0 deg.06' to"W 262.2 pi
tent iron the s.w. co,Pt, s ti D Salt Lake Lit
and Trunlnln0 thence NABS deg.Sy', y
E 722.0 feel;thence N 0 deg Cc',va'N
W ; tfecetoS 89'des. 59c106"gtW L
tang sae 't limit Ilse 171.5 fees
to the st line f 'aid SteP East
Stenet: inoncsfree}0 M. ape feet,ru.
thence N 89 deg.59'06"W 49.S feet S
to the point of beginning,containing K
0.230 acres. -
DAeDa BhEe T e`FURTHE R rOR v June 28, 1966.e t abovedescribed poper was published in said newspaper on
t, he, a the s hereby Is,F
zoned Residential R-2 Classd,ce e
Eon Dist
pah n rocs o dlnance lakes teed-too ti
Ward"tract M lhnd alp tlt a cor-
phra limitso of
be within the cor-
porate limits of Salt -e City and G Ja
d as Resitlential vid Dlstarict,a v
erlh¢ordinance Provldea nd ail '7
ordinances, urir camas ewes d Cr, _ ' (._k
oaeetCity of or d o eb andl ,{ ('� I
are extended. n and N s'hlegal Advertising Cleriz
de Ilcable d pertinent to the Id I', 11 t land a tl fhs beets.F
_blocks, Ileons e d warts of old tract- j
hallo PaC trolled a d oVerrt by ,
loos dlnance^that d ,cldll the a
• of said city behalf,Engineer N
nn or the City
sauce thenceforth he tacan therein.it
, the slendards f locations and In
tli SECTION 2.Upon the passage of P.
salt t na2iiv snal&'nleRk�d°ne Yt m 29th
hereby directed to file, with "G,before me this day of
amW�Yed, efceaicled endlboc--MI
t, denyWId5E. nide.an° o`hph. A.D, 19 66
s,r«,etnerswt�i a bfied coat/ Tit
of SMis dlnance.
BEdT IOC 3.Ih the opinion 0 the- \
City I of Commissioners f Salt Lake
hITY II I Y i thepeace, ' _�
of health and safety atM h li i t Is W .'
of Salt Lake City that this rd me We -
Nff cl ve Im d t 1or 7' �t _• y r.( ('_-C
SECTION 4 Thordinance shall mt (ice
takeeH et up Its lint publication. }o /
signers onbSaltnLakoaCity etlm is gr Notary Public
23rd day of June,BR 19AC66.KEN LM ,� to
J a 1
(SEAL) City eerotder Th
PILL hen P2 of 8.1 tua
Published Jun/wslon cxptresl ma
V1 L1 Nov 2l 1959