72 of 1968 - Amending Section 7-1-1, 7-1-4(b), 7-1-5, 7-1-8, 7-1-9, 7-1-11, 7-1-14, 7-1-16 and REPEALING Section J RVLL ..MLL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 15 ,196_$... Barker . Catmull I move that the Ordinance be passed/ Garn 7 C , Harrison . . . rC GJ,`� �' Mr. Chairman . , AN ORDINANCE Result . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 7-1-1, 7-1-4(b) , 7-1-5, 7-1-8, 7-1-9, 7-1-11, 7-1-14, 7-1-16, and REPEALING Section 7-1-12 of Title 7, Chapter 1, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to City Courts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 7-1-1, 7-1-4(b) , 7-1-5, 7-1-8, 7-1-9, 7-1-11, 7-1-14, and 7-1-16, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to City Courts, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 7-1-1. Establishment. Supervision. There is hereby created within the government of Salt Lake City a division entitled Salt Lake City Probation Department. This department is attached to and shall be under the direction of the Department of Public Safety, who shall establish guidelines for its operation. "Sec. 7-1-4. * * * * (b) The personnel of the department shall be appointed or discharged by the board of city commissioners upon recom- mendation of the commissioner of public safety. The salaries of appointees to position in the probation department shall begin with the lowest figure in the salary range above stated and step increases shall occur as provided for other city officers and employees under Sec. 25-4-6 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended. "Sec. 7-1-5. Chief probation officer. The chief probation officer shall have the authority and responsibility to direct and oversee the activities of other staff members of the pro- bation department within the general guidelines laid down by the commissioner of public safety. He will personally supervise the activities of the social worker, the probation counselors and the secretary. He will assign staff members their respective duties, assign cases to the appropriate workers, determine the frequency of supervisory visits and reports, establish methods and goals of treatment to be used in individual cases, and pro- vide for training for his staff. He will be the liaison between the department and the city court, and will maintain liaison between the department and the various other city departments and community agencies. Without further authorization the chief probation officer may act as the chief executive officer of 72 -2- facilities, excluding the city jail, which may be estab- lished by the city for the care and treatment of individuals processed through the city courts. He may, as complainant pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6, Title 19, of these ordinances, bring actions in the city court for the approprbte diagnoois,confinement, and care of incompetent, mentally ill, or addicted individuals who are under the jurisdiction of the city court, without incurring personal liability for such actions provided he acts in good faith and in his official capacity. The chief probation officer shall have the authority to suspend, for cause, members of the department staff from duty for periods up to 2 weeks, without pay. The chief pro- bation officer shall also serve as probation commissioner. Under the direction of the judge having jurisdiction in the case, he shall establish for each person committed to the care of the department the terms and conditions of his probation or parole; he shall cause each individual placed on probation or parole to the department to be given a written document specifying these terms and conditions. Under the direction of the judge having jurisdiction over the case, he may issue orders to show cause why probation or parole should not be revoked and the defendant committed to jail, and may issue warrants or orders of commitment for the detention of individuals committed to the care of the department and orders changing the place or condi- tions of detention. "In cases where the defendant gives written waiver of notice and court hearing in the event of an alleged parole or probation violation, the probation commissioner may, under the direction of the judge having jurisdiction over the case, conduct an informal probation or parole revocation hearing. The chief probation officer must possess the degree of Master of Social Work from an accredited school of social work, or an equivalent degree in the field of social work. He must be a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers, Incorporated, and should be qualified to serve as a field work instructor to social workers in training. "Sec. 7-1-8. Staff members--general expectations. Under the guidance of the commissioner of public safety the chief probation officer will establish standards of performance and standards of competency for each position under his direction which conform to accepted professional standards at each level of skill. It shall be the philosophy of the department that its primary purpose is to be helpful to the individuals pro- cessed by the city court, and staff members' use of authority shall reflect this spirit. Malfeasance in office, moral turpi- tude affecting performance on the job, oppression, or conviction of a felony shall, among others, be cause for discharge. All staff members must be willing to accept direction and must be accessible tostaff training efforts. Before entering upon their duties, staff members of the department shall take an oath that they will faithfully and impartially discharge their duties. 72 -3- "Sec. 7-1-9. Records and accounts. The chief probation officer shall make such periodic financial and statistical reports to the commissioner of public safety as he may require. Copies of these reports of department activity will be furnished to the members of the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners. The chief probation officer shall cause statistical records and individual case records to be kept to meet legal requirements and the highest professional standards. He will account daily to the city treasurer for fees received for probation services, and faithfully deposit all such fees with the city treasurer. He will maintain adequate records of money received on behalf of clients for whom the department acts as guardian. These funds will be deposited to a special escrow bank account set up in such a way that disbursements from it may be made on the signature of chief probation officer or the secretary for the purpose of care, maintenance and treatment of the client. All of the records of the city probation department shall be open to inspection at all times by the commissioner of public safety, the city auditor or his designee, and the board of city commissioners or its designee. Otherwise the individual case records of the department are not public records or documents and are not open to public inspec- tion. Upon application of the attorney of any person under the jurisdiction of the department, the court may, in its discretion, cause the chief probation officer to forward to the attorney copies of written reports made about that person to the court, under such conditions as the court may impose. "Sec. 7-1-11. Registry of volunteer probation counselors. The commissioner of public safety may from time to time appoint persons to act as unpaid volunteer probation counselors to the court. The chief probation officer shall maintain a registry of persons so appointed, including the purpose for which they are appointed, the scope of the case load to which they may be assigned, the duration of the appointment, the portion of the general and special powers of staff members conferred upon each individual so appointed, and the arrangements made for his super- vision and the coordination of his activities. "Sec. 7-1-14. Prohibited activity. No member of the proba- tion department or volunteer probation officer shall receive, directly or indirectly, any gift, present, fee, or emolument for his services from any individual who is the client of the depart- ment, or on behalf of any client of the department. This pro- vision, however, shall not preclude the collection of fees for probation service which shall be charged according to a regular schedule approved by the judges of the city court; any such fees shall be deposited with the city treasurer. Staff members may be required by the commissioner of public safety to disclose to him the full details of any private practice they conduct. There shall be no conflict of interest between any such private prac- tice and the staff member's duties to the department. No staff member or volunteer probation officer shall use his authority to coerce or influence the political action of any person, whether a client or staff member of the department. Nor shall any staff member of the department engage in partisan political activity in any form, or be required to contribute funds or services to any partisan political activity or any political cause. Any violation of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor. 7 -4- "Sec. 7-1-16. Termination of department. The probation department created under this Title 7 shall be in existence and operative until December 31, 1968, the end of the present year whereupon it shall terminate and cease and the services of all personnel shall terminate, provided, however, in the event the State of Utah through its proper agencies, or Salt Lake County, assume the probation duties and activities con- templated by this Title 7 before December 31, 1968, then the probation department created hereby shall tereupon terminate and cease to exist and the services of all personnel shall also terminate." SECTION 2. That Section 7-1-12 of Title 7, Chapter 1, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, repealed. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on this 15th day of August, 1968. /I/ 1' G// XNAIDEXTEMPORARY CHAIRMAN -ArACIS% tARVER (SEAL) BILL NO. 72 of 1968 Published August 21, 1968 ADM•a0A Legal Notices [Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE 'charge.All staff members met be AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec, I!Iing le accept dlrectlon end not ,flops 7-1.1,.7-1-4(0),1-I-A,7.1-A,9-1-9,•be accessible to staff training efforts. . .7-1-11, 7.1.14, 7.1-16) And REPEAL Before Centering eon their. duties, -.IN a Seeflo rolee 7 Of Fear]i.cha Seer faithfully 'ire°nears imps the eltl thdyemrge of Publication -T, f the ftevisetl O1963anrea or Sell theft. a and imo rfIaIIY dld<0erga' .•Lake CCity,ourts. Uta O;1966, relating to Malt duties: •eify courts. i "Sec,'7.1.9.'Records land accounts. Be 11 ordalhed by the Board Of The chief,probation Officer char Commissioners of Self Lake City, make sorb periodic financial and Utah: statistical reports to the co ission-i SECTION 1. That Sections 7-1d, er f public safety as he 71.4(b), 7.1.5, 7-1-A, 7-1-9, 7-1S11, quire. Copies of these reports pof 7-I-14, and 1-1 b f the Revised department activity ill be furnished Ordinances of Sallolt Lake City,Utah,to members of the Salt Lake City leo,relating to CITY c, am,be,and Board of Commissioners. The.chief the samehereby are, amended to Probation officer shall causestatistl, read as ollows; al records and Individua ase rec- 'Sec,7-1-1,Establishmen.Supervls ords Cto be ken! to meet all sicn.There is herebycreated Willisi requirements and the highest proles-I ° the government f Salt Lake ity a s anaIl standards, 1 will ac unt 1 division entitled Salt Lake city Prmldalav tO me my t'eaeurer for fees D. M. Ockey bat ton Department.TM1I,department l received for probation s and, is attached to and shalt he under Me I faithfully deposit al: suchservices, wit direction of the Department of Pub.,the city treasurer. He wll maintain tic Safely.who'haan establish guide-;adequate records°f money received linessafor)Its so a lion, on behalf of clients far whom the tie. nit The o.rsonnel f <depart-part-unds old acts de s guardian. rd'ian. These rot du y sit ,deposes and says that he is legal adver- cnt hen be ppoI r des-escrow to a spsoc �nargen by Ina board°1 li om. ro bank account set up m " rk of the DESERE�'NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) c y c that disbors¢mails from 11 M''''over' open ee°mme pals°" e'a a be ode ° 1":'gnat°se°I er tinted in the English language with general Cu- e issi°nerr of public ,lely,rchief pooh,.officer or the re P o etneaoeabailon¢'deaden t°a;.,'alt''''nan'e"'he purp°s< f`are'mab'e, in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake b<gin wlln the!oweq floor.'n lha II of and' rtreatment dads nl If°e the Y client. Increases shallaoccu fated provided lion lion atle ll stroll be pen f° to the,State of Utah. other '1 officers ancur astl employees ^issioner al all limes by the c cry amp yens sinner of public safety,the cite oder Sec. f Sk6 f the Revised lhauditor his mmission and the minas amen sail Lake City,Utah, hearof city eem t° r Baat the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 19"S amended. case Otherwise dike department art 'Sec.751-5.Chief probationoffce ell icer. ca records o'the tleeumenfl a • The<in'b°tdl°orbi�lla�d°°s responsibility a°n p„elie°peg°records°re<msaeelontll1 Lake City Bill No 72 of 1968 to''reel and o e le°acVr Les upon a canon e,f public e 1',V v°I_ ol°•her stall nt pl the poll prOba�'ary person under fh¢ iurldtll°li°n of PioCbfi depart laid within the generalcoin-lilt¢ department,cause the purl may, in 0 oiderines laid down by the c - i,discretion,c use the chief paoba-rdinance relating to City Courts of eubdc tea`. He will its copier to forward a the ma • soda supervise safely. 'tonnes of n o copies person on to reports made,- the cou sal worker, the probation lion shoal that p n s the c art,under counselors f the secretary r e will such conditions°as the court may, toff menders their span.,impec. five• °aeduties,a cases to the re. "Sac.Jicou Registry he v commis. ..."__ .neonate workers, visits the ire-sinnerProbation counselors. The C • i,y of supervisory valid and r of public appoint safety may from treatment bodnbe used In°1tndivbdual astime unpaid time volunteeri probation coon- to act nd n ov'tle. for era in inn ¢tors to the rt.TM1e chiefr roba- hrndai1alf.Ha.will be ihn 1'al.son net too offic eY shall maintain a egidlry tween the department and the city of persons s° appointed, Include cc purl, d III maintain liaison be-Me purpose for which they are }wean the department and the v need,the scope of the case load mother city departments and corn.to which they may be assigned,the oray¢agencies.without further au- oration f the appointment,the P r- Au tide 21 1968 n;as live the chief probation o'flcer felon of the 9mI one special pow .I a,lie cheat el,bee pHb. !individual embers ointed,ad gth hushed in said newspaper on Aufust 'all,of hica'fdl may be established clay°eat ge i eats maade for hC,and me the sly for they care and treatment Larrangements on n andenthe coordination sof hs of individuals processed through melectivities. city c Vris.He m complainant "Sec. 7.1-14, Prohibited activity, Pursuant to the n of Chaplet No member of the probation depart 6,Title 19,al these¢ordinances.bring men,or volunteer probation ¢flicer e aons In the oily coact for the apal shell receive,directly indirectly, p p I t dl confinement, y e f•f >/ --- care f incompetent,mentally-II for h o y,ndividuaf addicted - f-tl ho are undor who is the f the department, the 'c1' f Me cily b:h If f client f the de• —`-� withoutincurring personal I'ab ityr load tent. This pre'seen h° ever C -for such acllons pr idea he acts l ,shell not Pre htle the collection f----�'"- prod faith and In his official capac.'lee° ter probation ''tyro 'which l.l:g(Il fldllert.t.Stng Clerk Ily.The chief probation officer shall snail be charged according to a reg- /have the authority to suspend, for uiar schedule approved by the < members of the department -udaes t he oily curl, an such. slats,¢,rehire!duly l.r period,up to 2'fees shall be deposited with tie scityl }°eks,without ay.The chief pmba- Ireasuer. Stall members may be Lan officer,shell also se roe as Prot re nod by Iha cemm ssioner el i 'lotion o 'seer°r. Under inn h,,,s.,.r,to':saes¢to him the elecll°n`1 Ce fudge having rr5-tall 'Coal is I ny private pia-fine rs., diction in thF�asC,1 shah a 1a01islr 'hey f n into There w to o en- 22nd day of for each r,. committed to the 'Oct I rnteresf between r itch$ - o,a of the deoartment the teems ee nee rac11'oe r he stall ¢N- and con„itisons of his acoba!lea r staffs member or'voludnteer"!imPiaaltNm penal¢; Shan cause e h lndlvid..pfl leer shall use volunteer authority 68 placed by probation or parole*,i coerce o influence the political ao) the department In he given wrrtlt lion of anyrso whether a client document specifying these terms and or saff embrer n f the deoartment. loddrtionavl hayinger the Jurisdiction rection of over the tier shall n an staff member of.the case,he may orderston Utica,.activity a form,lOOgo in 'isan he c wy, probation or parole! u d to contributefunds or 1 should no b revoked d thede- t 1 f' / ' fondant committed 1' I l d y v'olal on of these or any politico! ens shall be /,, ,. ��,—•'/„„tie err Is der,0, ..1 pion of these / Notary Public n,for the'detention 1 LlvIduals l a„sec.7-1 fed.iern,lnat°n of¢¢part-I i committed to the of the depart- en!. probation denartmenl eon end orders care the place l created under this Tilte) hall be in • or nditlons f delenbon• existence and operative until Decem- "In c so,.•whaere-,},lee 'e'en".her 31µ MB,the'end of the present gives Hite" w'vane'n ,'°e rxl year 'hereupon it shall terminate near,hoer',le the event.' n al- leged parole or pmmobatio" viofellon, personnel shall shaalll termiraservices p did d, bid erfhe orhe°dlcocl ion et fhg°i tlee hav�however, in the•event Ina provided, eofI urisdielier.ever ITe c q SaltUta through its oroPer od Oomie Sant Luke L and calcines assumegontomoba ,eet an formal .The n I lion ru lies d lie 00 c leer ate • canon h ring,The chief debe-gree l, 1Or9 hlseTill e]bCioat IIecem bers }Ion° Nlee- f•tr possess the dap ire'o t'lo then theere yrshallon depart- al Mader-s me,of Work from a rime an hereby shell(hand the credited dolt opt e social work,pit services and cease to exist and the an el work. e.mud It the field of services of all personnel shall also) etclthe Academy of must iCertified Social"¢SFCTIO" Workers. Incorporetod, and should SECTION I.That et Section Rev o be qualified to se a field work Orldtreb el of Selr l 1°e,i,,,Uran°, Instructor I°social workers In train-1965, be, and the same hereby is, n"Sec.7-1-a,Staff ambers repealed epel CION].Ir the opinion of the'. oral expectations. UoMer the 9uid-Beard nl Commioo,oners f call'- of the commlosi°ner r noElrr l Lake City, t ,vary°t the safety the hie'prnbap°n°Iticer wrl peace,trey t l' fed wellaee of the Late and• scan standards ne p°rlerr each habitants o Salt Cake City tna, elM ore,co'dsr01 his'n Letet Loiter bacn tnisdl ordinance become effective im- on'0rm'foe ccepted professional r°SECTION 4.This ordmenc¢ shall ,standards at each level of kill. It lake effect upon Its first publication. shall be the phll^sophf of the de-I Passed by the Board of Commissron.I pertinent titer 'S primary y purpose Is. f Salt Lake City,Utah,on this es cod dv to the curt, anld staff 15ih day al August,EOO 7E68. de s the oily c and staff GE cm o R.CEO Im L Members'ct is spirit.m lfeasaanice I,,or- HERMAN J.HOGENSENy Chairman reflfloe, moral turpitude affecting City Recorder performance on the lob,oppression, (SEAL/ conviction Pb a felony shall, BILL NO.12 of 1968 ',among others, because for ells. Published Aueudl It.If4$ (C_6A1I Y'/y(,�I . . .. 9 N