72 of 1971 - Vacating a portion of Blair Street, which runs 330 feet north from 8th South Street, between 3rd and V 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah July 29 , 197 1
Barker . . . .
Catmull . . • a g I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison . . . / `
Mr. Chairman .
Result AN ORDINANCE (,/f
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Blair Street which runs
330 feet north from 8th South Street between 3rd and 4th East Streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That that portion of Blair Street which runs
330 feet north from 8th South Street between 3rd and 4th East Streets,
more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is,
vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a
street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Beginning at a point which is 16.5 feet east of
the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 8, Plat "B",
Salt Lake City Survey and running thence North
330.0 feet; thence West 33.0 feet; thence South
330.0 feet; thence East 33.0 feet to the point
of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights
of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located on, in, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose
of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or rerouting
said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 29th day of July , 1971.
4.°1\4CIAIATIA&e2-114N jSEAL BILL NO. 72 of 1971
Published August 4, 1971 (A certified copy t to the City Auditor's Office 8/12/71 for recording in
the office of the my Recorder.)
portion et Blair Street which runs
between 3rdh and 4lyh h EastthStreeets.
Commissioners Bit
n eof by
eLake Board,
Blair SIOeet 1. That that portion
pogo nfent
orth from 0thwSouth Street between
3rd and 4th East Streets,m
Ncularly tlescribed as follows,pbe,
nd the 5 hereby Is,vacated a d
declared no longer to bee blicero-
alleAyi on pedestrian wayrper, avenue,
f nt east on the Soothwesf c lner
L keot C,tBI Sur vey Pfuld'B unnaa
thence North 33e,b (eet;ethence
West 33.0 feel; thence South 3300
feet; thenceqe.East 33.0 teen to the
o ationlnis made expressly
sublecl to all existing rights-of-way
and easements of all public utilities
of any s and every description n
located on, under orr the
J fines the above desribed prop-
and also sublect to the rights
of m intaientry ninthereo altering r the
reeelacing9 rerouting
s id t1(31f 2.I vt ll of them.
Board Toff Commissioners i lain of the
nary to the peace, health and eWel-
e f the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become f-
tecfive Immediate)v.
SECTION 3. rhls ordinance hall
take effect upon its first publication.
stoners en by
thLake City,of this
29th day of July,1971.
BNO.Tt of 1991 Ca,Published August d,19t1 lB-WI
recorded AUG 121971 ea/,/�• ,../,,/�/��}.�n
Request of ..t.�-L:e' �r (.
Fee Paid JEh r-AN MARTIN 1
STATE OF UTAH, 2103i 45 /�. kupd(��r�1er,s u ke County t h
SS. $.!c!,L,.f.Y1L8 Deputy
Cityand Countyof Salt Lake, /�po 11 4�� /r i / /�
Ref...li A 3—�T �--k'�' .... I...K7
I, , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Blair Street which runs 330 feet north from
t N 8th South Street between 3rd and 4th East Streets,
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 29 lye 71
as appears of record in my office. as.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here t my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
`j 196i City,this 12th day of e'A 71
(SEAL) / t.........1.. � m
qI .t rl
pl/,I T'. , Ut,VU�w .�! V.W" coD
11 �,. � '� City Recorder 09
Publishere`A�agust'4 _cs.' • ? 196._71
pn �' 2.
BILL NO, 72 of 1971 u t' j
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
_ Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
AN ORDINANCE �1 tising clerk of the DE.SERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
portion of Blair 1 which n newspaperprinted in the English language withgeneral en-
3o reel none aomre+il sawn srveoifi �' r,4elween 3rU `41h East Sir¢Ois.
B¢ a Xneltsea py mQ BDartl of cttlation in Utah, and published in. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Coni CTiO ners f sell 4aka CIIY.�
ulan:- County,in the State of Utah.
SECTION 1.That that pollen of�l
Blair S001 SKh ne 330 feet'
I nosh Irom Olh SOwh Slreet bhlween
3r`a tl bin East Streets, oar_I
uQla"rlr A¢t¢r�be` at fo0'��, ne. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
dntl the s hereby Is, a fe`antli
eclared no lower at0 be Loblm true
eiiey ohrpeecslrien wsireel v n
BQolno inR ar a point whleh Is COI. A_nOrdinance vacating a norti.on of Blair Street
feel a i I lk $0Rihwest 'o e
Lf Lol I,block 8.Vla^ B",Snit
ake CItV Survey tl lunnlnn
WhQnep Ner zoo ;¢Qt: Rene¢ which runs 30 feet north from 8th South Street
est She feel thence tot t J3 ho
feet:Of bnOI f Ih l 33.0 Icel to iho
pot of bupinnln.
55yyQ` glen r mode aDr¢SSY
and'eO eo II a ISIin9 nit oI I
of°anvtandmeveely descrrptionhnles _hetm*een.3r_cl_anti.nth I�:aGt.S.treets._J1iL1�n._"Z2_of_
lore+¢` o In.Untlar or r the
0 ones 01+n0 ahoy¢tleserlLedrpefV _1911_a
¢n an`also suDlect fo the his
.of try Ihor¢on erl the Der0ose of —
ma'a1a191nR, Ol+ei`e"' repalrin p,
r¢md alll Or r ou
soma TI Nes.I of them.
Bertre Commissrlonen'T fCCes
fav+o the D healotn I=
re of the is Dorman f Salt Lake
CifY that this rtlinan<e become ef-
fectiye Immema�ely. was published in said newspaper on _9ngust,_ ,_197�___
SECTION 3. this ir`I Rance hall —
We l°oc `cb the its
e(lt publication.
]loners of t fi Lake CItY.Dien,this
91h "of July,191I.
I1Cy1bSEALI or`er
PIUt„�.Pueulsleft 1911__. IB-4611
Legal AAdvertisingClerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th_ day of
August A.D. 19_.7_1_ .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 1-2, 1978