73 of 1954 - Amending Section 5705 relating to streets, permits, applications, bonds, fees, ( excavations ) ROLL CALL I" Salt Lake City,Utah,UL I r I1D 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Bhhurrrbidge . . .
zapixautrac . v
Romney . . . . V
�----'^ N' ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5705 of the Revised Ordinance$of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 5705 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets, be and the same is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(Al No permit for any street excavation shall be issued until written
application therefor has been made to the City Engineer, signed by the
applicant or his agent, nor until the applicant has filed with the City
Engineer a bond of indemnity to the City, with sureties to be approved by
the Board of Commissioners. The bond shall contain the following conditions:
That the person responsible for making the excavation will,
1. Verify with the City or the utility companies concerned the
location of all underground facilities which might be located within
the limits of said excavation and will be responsible for, and will
repair or pay for, any damage to such underground facilities.
2. Erect and maintain about said installation during the excava-
tion and until the street is restored to its normal condition, suf-
ficient guards, signals, barricades and lights to prevent accident.
3. As soon as reasonably possible after the completion of said
work, restore the street to the same condition in which it existed
prior to said excavation, including the removal of rocks, dirt,
rubbish and all other materials from the street which exist as a result
of excavation.
4. In case the excavation is through asphalt or cement or beneath
stone blocks, make the cut perpendicular at the sides and ends from
the surface for the full length and width of all excavations to the
necessary depth.
5. In case the excavation is through concrete or stone blocks,
place on top of the back filling a base of concrete or stone, as t e
case may be, uniform in construction and depth with the base of th=
pavement and place on top thereof a sand joint 1/2 inch in thickne-s
and fill the balance of said excavation with cement mortar in the
proportion of one part cement to two parts sand, flush with the su face
of the pavement as a temporary surface, all of such construction i
character of materials and workmanship to be according to the City►s
specifications for street paving.
6. Notify the City Engineer at least 4 hours prior to back fil ng,
indicating the time the trench is to be back filled.
7. Nct permit any excavation to remain open in any street in the
City for a period longer than 10 days.
$. Be responsible for maintaining and guarding the excavated ar-a a
for a period of 15 days after completion of the back filling, or un i1
necessary pavement has been replaced.
9. In all cases, whether the excavation is made through asphalt
or otherwise, back fill according to standard specifications and us
material for that purpose which shall be properly tamped or a suffi ient
quantity of water used to properly settle the materials to the sati.-
faction of the City Engineer.
10. In case the excavating is done by machine, do such excavati g
with either a trenching machine or pull shovel which does not have
cleats, spikes or other protuding parts which will come in contact ith
the street surface when such machine is in motion, such machine to
have a bucket with a cutting width not to exceed 30 inches.
11. Pay to Salt Lake City the fees provided for in Paragraph B •f
this section.
I 12. Hold the City harmless from any and all claims, liability,
emends or damages for any and all injury to persons or property ar sing
n any manner out of or by reason of such excavation.
13. Respond to the City in damages for failure to conform to an or
all of the requirements set forth in this section.
Such bond shall be in the sum of $5,000.00 for excavating in al
streets, providing that any person operating in or using any of th
streets under a franchise, or any person who in the pursuit of his
regular calling has frequent occasion to open or make excavations i'
,the public streets, shall file a corporate surety bond in the sum ..
$10,000.00, conditioned as above provided, to cover all excavation-
made for a period of one year from the date of filing. Whenever
paving, macadam, oil mat or gravel rock is removed in the process o
any street excavation, such paving, macadam, oil mat or gravel rock
must be replaced by the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvem>nts,
except as hereinafter provided, or under his direction and to his
satisfaction and at the expense of the party making excavation at t e
rate as set out in Paragraph B of this ordinance, if the work is do e
by the City.
Permits for all excavations, except for the replacement of stree
railway rails and ties in unpaved streets must be applied for and
issued before it shall be lawful to make any such excavations. Fai ure
on the part of any person to comply with any of the conditions of t e
•ond or the provisions of this chapter shall be a sufficient reason
or the City Engineer to refuse or revoke a permit to excavate in t e
treets of the City. If any of the provisions of this ordinance ar=
iolated, the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements may
ill in any such excavations or do anything else necessary or prope
o repair such street at the expense of the person making same;.
(B)) The City Engineer shall charge and the City Treasurer shall co lect
upon `` ssuing a permit under Sections 5704 and 5705, the following fees a d
chargla, to-wit: For excavating across or at any angle in any public st eet
alle•(ay or thoroughfare, permit fee Two ($2.00) Dollars per one hundred
(100)11ineal feet or fraction thereof. Upon completion of the back-filli :
of an excavation the City Engineer shall charge and the City Treasurer s all
colle t the following fees, based upon measurements made by the City: For
each �quare foot or part thereof of concrete paving or sidewalk to be replaced
by th? City, One ($1.00) Dollar; for each square foot or part thereof of
asph- t, macadam or oil mat to be replaced 4-
by the City, Fifty ($0.50) Ce ts;
for - ch square foot or part thereof of gravel, rock or Unimproved stree,
or p. king, Twenty-five -($0.25) Cents.
• failure upon the part of the applicant to pay the above fees within
a re: onable time after being billed shall be sufficient reason for deni-1
of f ther permits by the City Treasurer.
e City Engineer may, at his discretion, in lieu of collecting abo e
fees . or replacement of pavement or other material, permit public servic
corp. ,ations or those normally engaged in paving and street work, to re-
placI ckriOrete, asphalt or other meter o er r excavations under t,e
dire• ionof the City Engineer in acco act with, tandard City specific.-
tioxi.I for:that type of work.':
3 ;1 H
;; (0,) The exaction and payment of o the £4s and charges mentio ed
in P-,,agraph (B) ;pf this ordinance sha no e� +ev the person granted .
perm, from his liailility1 to the City f•` •a da 4done to the street,
elle ay or thoroughfare o4o any City pro• erty w i ising from his operat'on
in p Z suance of such permit, other than providing and placing a permanen.
stre=E surface topping over the cut made in the surface of the street,
elle iay, or thoroughfare in making such excavation."
ECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect December 1, 1954.
'assed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
the 2(th day of October 1954.
/I! 44. .
0 lid " "r'
Irma F. Bitner 11 -mporary C - ,rman
ity recorder
L a.r 111 1 1 to ♦, I 110.41
Ch}'- 1-I. ty aVty `l' order
( , E A L ) gp
Published October 29, 1954
Proof of 1uhfiration
ttifrd tIafto of utrrira"}
TION 5705tdf the Revised Ordinance of
Salt,Lake,CRY,Utah.1094,reletjng to
Be it ordained by the Board pf COM-
inissioners of Salt Lake City,Ut9111
Revised f oidina That,
sof snit$'Lake°City. D. M. Ockey
Utah,1044,relatjns'to,sfteett,be and ---
the me.is bcrebir intended to read
as follows:
TiANoui'Se t d ally street canava• being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
lion shall be issued until written appli-
cation th b ce L the
City'Ena elMi n d by the apt:Meant er a the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a news published in
h tpQsWp�tt�(tF�y�,f�ttir rl.tin t brp nern newspaper
I OF hdaShMtyufn 11 City, tfii Coss
by Yh II
tno be t?Es�W'�
r na:ddiino'-6Ktui ofle rehat'the person
• the'- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
Oesr?ttR ie for mekl5ig.ttl0 qxc=attinn
,.vni sY with the City h elnea ututr of An Ordinance Afnending Section 5705
tl oil under concerned ics I her E That the Notice
all aerarnun ¢naioa w�rfen of-
bc l<kcl lthi [ } t,of said
F t d 1,d ks�tip�atal r�o of the Revised Ordinance of Salt Lake City, Utah.
-.and will,repair t 2 E 4 t drld.9Y>akRf•$UH-G: d l:'• '
r a 1944 relating to streets.
barricades 0S�t0. f�t4 PrevCl)t arch
dent a as /reasontChly
-.. -..
ry .Ipn�10
actor As soon
runlet i -E awns C tdi.
cgatn htniet t tl rlor..bfaud Bill No. 73 Salt Iake City Corporation
e1c ti lncloainx the mM,, qq- f _.
ocks,Sli rubbish a d llr atlfe'tttha-"
te:'lals tree the street eekithfehitt''ea
{ f excavation.
I�a mQ5infkaae th¢n.-aavatmnta through of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
aspic999e nr ne n¢nt n, benMtLR ntoae
tl,o s"tf t,ei makd ends f t'tkIhthe r SatiuNrFene far
29th h
/1h m r M.c. issue dated the.
• throukh
e,ff, ee blocks, lace n t D October 19 54
p'A tbk A E IAtiR b e to
d depth ewIt if the day of
1Jt; ntkh Ilion an
the pavement/a i ck i en con'
�t,xyRgcadarilintdne noiance'ooeneaiid°exc. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
yeron with cement)homer nt the Dro-
vb'tiolt E e Part c ee surface
fa of
F 0 an et
} sand.flush with the sursurf of
'Ole,of such a ctiono,inryoharac ter
tt of such construction - _ _ ____ for
yy cdlsts cis d t'knsn„sr,i at
1-jOcordfng to-tnc Gity's sneciflCations
sgVta tl a fCi5Y Ehelneer t 1Ca3t
4 ironin prior to back twins,indicating thereafter,the full period of one time
i the lithe the trench,is to be back
7.Not Hermit.pnr'excavation to City
main open any street in the City
{Eoa..period in
than to dais. .__._._. the last publication thereof
for excavated
• exrav, area
n gua oonmienan
a period ck]6 darn after necessary
o� then ll ",enla'e d. -
nuve 'cases,, ethos ma exeayd• being in the issue dated the --_29th__ .._. day of
�A:'ia'at1 g�ltti -
tl s )aced fill
or nmg ]t orth
Purposeof ie the I water
ruS d�c October
Wise, back Il
ity ol
specifications1�Trse path I f that's
asufficient ten s need _ ... _._ ` ,A.D.19 54
or to p Settlethe ..550 tp,
the.satisfactionr theCityE g -
10 [ excavating i done h machine, do such oseava tine with
either trenching f' ❑
shovel which does not Isaac Orbit,
spikes or otherprotruding t In I
11 come in contact with the street
sktrface whensuch mnnine is
hu ket
I t-in .tt rn.��h :,ae to lc= ore She thiss. __. .....__...let day of
I011�CP:1y to Salt Lake City the ices
provided for in Paragraph B of this
section. wovember
,A.D. r9 •
.54 ..
Notary Public.
My commission expires Nov.27.,--19-557
Advertising fee .`,
12.Itold thy City harmless from an,
and o claims, liability, demands or
damages for any and all injury to per-
sons 0 r property arising in manlier
• out es o of, yh excavation.
r13.failure ilur to ego the Cityo i oanIlRof
the 000 m tsset r a kn of
the r rwnements set forth in tills sue
'orb mood shall be in the e m of
$5,000.00 for excavating tin all treets,
providing that ant"person operating in
or sing a of the streets¢under a
franchise, or any person who in the
pursuit of his regular calling has too.
fluent occasion to open o rake exca-
-vations in the public streets,shall file
lane corporate surety
conaitior�Id asnabo`e pro
owpa,to corer all excavations made tar
i0d of one year from the date
Mind. Whenever a casing,macadam,
oil mat o gravel lock i removed in
' the process of a street excavation,
such paying, da , oil mat or
'.gravel cock must m
st be replaced by the
Commissioner of Streets and Public
.improvements, except as hereinafter
.provided,orunde his direction and to
the satisfaction and at the expense of
the party making excavation at Abe
rate a set out inParagraph B of tChe
ordinance,if the work is done by the
Permits th for all excavations except
for the replacement 000v stye railwaynot
'ails and ties issued
streets a it
be applied for ood unpaved
before it
shall rben lawful to mate anysuch a
vations 001a01'e on the part e any person to c up lv with a of the con-
of the bond or the provisions
of this chanter that' be a sufficientfse
reason for the City to excav to refuse
or revoke a permit to excavate r the
visions of th City.If any aof the violated,
of this erd ordinance e its Pub-
he Improvements of Streets and Pub-
exIm rots may filln i such
excavations Pr me do anything else.n
sary r to r such street
sat ame.rexpense of the repair
ea(B)The City Engineer Shall charge
and the City Treasmor shall collect
issuing a under Sections
5104t and 5705,the permit
.' and
charges, to.wh: For excavating ea
or at anyangle i public street.
alleyway 00 thoroughfare, permit fee
Two ($2.00)Dollar's per one hundred
(100) lineal feet or fraction thereof.
Upon completion of the bank-filling of
ton excav Uon(J10 Clfy Engineer shall
charge nd the City Terse, rrr shale
nulled the following fees,based open
I. cots made by the City; For
each us a foot oret th 0001 e
retestarc g or sidewalk to he
replaced by 1tOo (hey,stor 101.001 Dol-
lar;for each square foot or part thereof
of asphalt,macadam t ail mat to be
placed by athe nitre Fifty ($pa
Conte: for each square foot o part
thereof of gravel,rock or ive d
street or parkins, Twenty.flve unimproved
Failure upon the part o,it theinapplicant
top y the ahem fins within a
able timeafter being ntoed shalt he
sufficient reason for dean. of further
Ve The Cbity
the Cvier Treamay,ater.
Then lieu
Engineer a at bis e discre-
tion, r lieu of collecting pavement
above fees
for real,permit public p vir a oohs-
maler:ar phoset legn
tions those normally ak, to engaged r
Paving asphalt street ark, to aterial
fete, ex0 other materialover
their excavations Engineer
the. r
rection of the ot004 Engineer i
cordance with type
of city epea'ifi�a
ii for that of parm
(Cl(C)The exaction eand payment of any
of the fees and
c ncation¢S I n
Paragraph ( of this ordinanceparl
not relieve the person raoted a pe
mit loom his liability to the City for
y damage do
ti for street,alley-
way Cty
orrt thoroughfare from
or e anti City
osuanv arising from s operation in
oaf such permit,gaother than
and placing cut
street tn' ee topping permanent
alleyway the thoroughfare e the making
such excavation."vatim"
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall
take effect December 1,1959.
Passed by the Board of Commission.
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the
27t'h day of October,1959.
Temporary Chairman.
City Rtcor .rllnl,dnr,
Chief Deputy City Record er.
(S E A L,
Pub.October 29,1951, (B•11)