73 of 1957 - Annexation, Extending the limits of Salt Lake City, Annexing Arcadia Heights Annex No. 4, ( R ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,...r\;.1..9 19 57 195 7 VOTING Aye Nay / I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . 1. Christensen . . . Ellis ".. r` 71_kM 44tek . . . Romney . . . . / Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 26thday of August , 1957, there was filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 594 , of 1957, by Richard R. Hoyt, et al. , being a majority of the owners of real pro- perty situated in the tract herein described, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of the said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owner of said tract of land and considering the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the present City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City, said point being South $9° 41' 10" East 2079.81 feet along the Section Line from the North- west Corner of Section 23, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, and running thence North 160.00 feet along said present City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City; thence South 89° 411 10" East 1.25 feet; thence North 66° 30' East 191.72 feet; thence North 13° East 74.23 feet; thence North 82° 391 20" East 84.09 feet; thence South 18° East 241.74 feet; thence South 6° West 92.00 feet to said Section Line (said point being North 89° 41' 10" West 205.03 feet from the North 1/4 Corner of Section 23, T1S, R1E); thence North 89° 41.1 10" West 342.26 feetalong said Section Line to point of beginning. 3 ( - envit� $�� -2- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT the whole of the above described property be and the same is hereby zoned as Residential "R-2" District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential "R-2" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and mate applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence- forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and he is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 1 . This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of November, 1957. ayo Ci Record ( S E A L ) BILL, NO. 73 of 1957 Published November 23, 1957 Certified copy given to County Recorder, Post Office Utah State Road Commission November 29, 1957 B. Judges STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Bessie N. Judges, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, nAn ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City," passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 19, x 1957 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 29th day of November,. 1957 xXut.x. (SEAL) BILL NO. 73 of 1957 /3 ...h.._ �. 3.110 Deputy ity Recorder November 23d Published 1It9>p: 1957 \\> 73 ileaordetlat rs 156 I�G25 Aequeet of SALT 144E CITY Foe Paid, hazel Taggart Chase, R000r er, Sal Lak C y Utah 0 : �eputy ao '� oK1464 FAsc326 Roc, ry,• • ra • 54 • 6°West 92.00 feet to sold Sectio AN ORDINANCE Line(said point being Non rth 89' AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING 41'10"West 205.03 feet from the THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE North % Corner £ Section 23, CITY. T35,West); thence oat 01 89' 41' WHEREAS,on the 201h tlay,of 10" 342.26 feet long said August. ICo7, there wasfild Section Line to point R HER Ina. wan the i Recorder f Salt AND BE IT FURTHER OR• Lake City, Petition Na. S89 t DAINED THAT the whole of the 19a1,by rticnaru H. Hoyt,et al. above described property be and b ranee ma.,ty of atheownersthe sa hereby zoned as Resi- Y 1 D.'uperty situated n he dental "A-2"District. tract herein uesc ibea.requesting AND BE IT FURTHER hOR- e that s tract of land be taken DAINED and declared that when 'within the hmlts f haft Lake this ordinance takes effect w the Llay,a also caused o rate s 1d tract of land above described map or plat[o be madena [tl- shall thenceforth be within the m DIke ur nae�end corporate limits of said Lake so novetl by the Clty viingineer tyand zoned asResidential fi.ed ith he C,1 Recorder, revs 'strict 1n he ordinance l WHIs 0AS, the d tract of Provided,and as ordinances,Mils] land i contiguous to Salt Lakea dictions, rules and obligations Lak and thereis proper Y r pertaining to said 5 LILY, it should t be eO to City a extended o over and made and m o a par[of the said city: applicable and ertinent to the and HEREAS, the board of Cam- blocks acall of andanw the streets, of Salt Lake City, tract shall be controlled and 8ov- aflerioe mn g id p tition er d by the ordinances, rules sa-d ow el said tract of land d regulations f said city In thid consider].te the circumstances that ehalf and themonuments of ereo voted by unanimous vote the City Engineer salence- all members of said Brac /xiof forth be taken therein the ofavorof annexing said tract f standards of locations and dis- land o l Lake City and ances. directed that an ordinance should SECTION 2. Upon the passage be na ssed annexing said tee city of this ordinance the City Re- nd the xtension f therc citd- en der at Salt Lake City hall file limits of Salt Lake City a anrd he s hereby directed to file dales with the County Recorder of Salt NOW. THEREFORE, be 1t ake County a COPY f the m dalned by the Board f Commis- plator above mentioned dully cap stoners S Salt Lake City. Utah; tifid and acknowledged, a ro- SECTION 1,That the city liimts vided such cases,together with of Salt Lake City be d the tffie c y ofs this ordinance eea hereby extended and a SECTION 3.In the opinion of lnlareed o to Include the ie the Board of Commissioners,it owing described tract f land 1n necessary to the peace,health hid Salt Lake Count,to-wlt: tY f the inhabitants of Salt Beginning t point n the Lake City that this ordinance shall Se][ t e C Limit Bodnddry f become effective immediately. Lake City, said t being SECTION 4. This ordinance feetthlong the Section aLine0Icon� shall take effect upon Its rst pub- the Northwest Corner of Section lleatlon. 23, Township 1 South, Range 1 Passed by the Board of Com- East,Salt Lake Base&Meridian, is s F Salt Lake Ciy,Utah. and r nning thence North 160.00 this i19th day f November, 1957. feet long said •present City Limit ADIEL F,STE WART Boundary f Salt Lake City: Mayor thence South 89°9l'10"East 1.25 HERMAN J.HOGENSEN feet; thence North 66° 30' East City Recorder 191.72 feet;thence North 13°East (SEAL) 79.23 feet; thence North 82' 39' BILL Red 73 of 1957 20"East 84.09 feet; thence South Published November 23,1957 18°East 291.79 feet;thence South C-89 73 6"West 62.00 feet to said Section AN ORDINANCE Line (said point being North 89" AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING 91'10"West 205.03 feet from the THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE North V.E Corner f Section 423, 1' CITY. IS"S.West 342.26c feet aloth ng 41d WHEREAS,on the 26th day.of Section Line to point of beginning. Lane the l 1L>7, there ter was filed fSaldt AND BE IT FURTHER OR- with Cty,City No.594 f A oveEdescribed the whole be the lbol,by &ion..H.Hoyt, et al., the samehereby property zoned as Rest being majority f the own s dential R-2"District ot 1 gropers situated in the AND BE IT FURTHER OR tract herein tr a an requesting etak DAINED and declared that when that t of land e Laken this ordinance takes effect the p'within plo tract f naac Lake id tract of land above described City. or platbe made a rii- shall thenceforth e within the Hoeg and corporate limits of said Salt Lake approved by phen City Recorder. City d zoned asResidential abed with he City Recorder. R-2"and in he ordinance to WHURCA&, the id tract £ provided.and asl ordinances.Rids- land r contiguoussaid Salt Lke d ions. rues and obligations f City, ndhere proper reasonor pertaining t said Salt Lake who it should not beannexed to City a extended o and made and m Dart of the said city; applicable and pertinent to the a WHEREAS, the board of Com- blocks eCalleysa andanwayse of said mlesioners of Salt Lake City, tract shall b controlled and dov- after examining said petition of er d by the ordinances. rules a d m of said tract f lad G regulations of said city in said thtd considering the circumstances that ehalf and them is of eeof voted by unanimous vote the City Egineer shall monuments f all members of said Boar in forth be taken therein nana the favor f annexing said tract 4 land to al Lake City and lances. directed that an ordinance hould SECTION 2, Upon the passage be passed annexing said territory of this ordinance the Cite Re- nd the extension f the city corder of Salt Lake City hall file Re- and of alt Lake City accord- a d he is hereby directed to file NOW. THEREFORE, be it o with the County Recorder of Salt dallied by the Board f Commis- ake County a COPY f th map t f Salt Lake City, Utah: or plat above mentioned duly rat. s SECTION 1.That[he city lfimte detl and k`ases,toget as pro- vided of Salt Lake City be d the 1n such ,together with seine a hereby extended and a certified copy n thethie ordinance. enlarged so to include the fol- SECTION 3 In the opinion a of lowing described tract f land in the Hoard of Commissioners,it Salt Lake County.to-wit: necessary to the peace,healthand Beginningat a point on the afetY f the Inhabitants of alt e t City imn. point of Lake City that this ordinance shall Salt Lake City, said point being become effective immediately. South 8r 41' 10" East 2079.81 shallCTION 4.sake effect neonis ordinance its first aube allon. feet long the Section Line from lie the Northwest Corner of Section passer by the Board f Com Ea Township 1 South, Range 1 Issioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, East.Salt Lake Base&Meridian, this 19th doe of November, 1957. fand r nnlna thence North I60.00ADEL F.STEWART eet along said m'esent City Limit Mayor Boundary f Sa]t L"ke City: HERMAN J.HOCENSEN thence South 89'41'10"East 1.25 City Recorder feet; thence North 88° 30' East (SEAL) 101.72 feet;thence North 13°East BILL NO.73 of 1957 79.23 feet; thence North 82° 39' published November 23,1957 20"East 84.09 feet;thence South C-64 18°East 241.74 feet;thence South (eadvertised Nov. 23, 1957, error in first publication Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake te0i1 f 1ices • ]N ORDINANCE AN O llINIU 'li X PING t� T 1,1 1 L t Y S OL SALt S A-r'. Being first dilly'sworn, and says that he k Ii gal a(I oct'(GSlrlg y-, It, t 29th }I1 f.'7 NL 'S ANT)At a clerk of the ])F.SCR_, -1 SALT Lj11<T' I ELF- wan kh l 1 'I f .It 1.3I c., t et No. 50 at CA/\i 1, a daily (cacapt Sunllas) newspaper glinted in the Eng- ll h .f lti t ot t of trout ': f inscribed.�etluaatine ' Iish Iangaage with general rirculattan irl Utah and published in f d he hk nn Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Coant S of Clink. m r t s u rxe �', in the State le to ftto ht tootle - e` a '�lASith ll f Ii Jr er 7'hat the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto l l3 k.Iit ll t 1 o is n t rod Tact '.s Yo i )) r) �:(1 ,. ,!1'C. ?Ct; r ''I-Ir. gel v r'Vt O AS l 1 -t I of Cnln- , to J 1, City, 1,-i -I! 't I. o[ r - et of tang .�. ns r o " '�Ir��untsLanc es tllltcof'voted"hY na c of all i tnIte, of weld Boarrl vote frn n v n'njd tract <f Inefl to S!:txl I,.ikev (,It2 dir octet^that an should be nus'.cl antic',intt"n�aidr LerrilnnY ]d °7 tlta`on1l- ._ iinlLe L SAIL�rl�..ii<c(�ltv � l )t b it of db or Salt he ol !,, ,a:l Clt. Ut III h - 51f.110N11. C 1e. th d the ] -1. exlenrieul u 1 1 1 i t - tc th^ !land wa.c published in said newspaper on ;nr nt t� nf e l C'ILv Lnnit,llonnd,rr f nnli�I'.altc laity. Enid noint being Snil(h .2 he. le" 11lu<k ct,ttptll B1 feet OLthntel Catite�t'fl'aSection L E , Ch ;LOU,. i _ 1 II I: t runt,. I..11t D &M U o d th North,i Oi th 1 S t tf6'IS 41'Iltl lti llhl 23 m f then. Nohtli W. +n' eia I9 ]2 f t thence Thoth"2 t Legal AdL'ertLSir1L,� Clerk2 2 foot:. lhci North 025 :'h 2 1 t 94.00 feet, thonce 13 ho.21.79 Coot,1hunce South G West 92.e11 he [ ' Sc. Jane. [.:Lid + bcinr�Nm111 203 j$1 e"We.1n*4)..i lees fl'o�n the oi, Chuenr (n. Wl t» 11. 41 12" 1'e3l 342,23, foal l lolol v:nd i SeAND Lno tln'�uvcll'n�lfitry�nilit- DAIN012 IAf the lute.of the ' nlRene. oloit.t2 he and ,�, Ttesi Jol'e me this__..___ day of AN I I l Ult7that Ott D II c fi and d l that when r tr th co lt lt.�(;,oe effect A.n. 19 etiho lhe tnI' itsin the -ts.3a4c4Eholt. _kP o,ct' na eiion,of s:,is fi,lt o o t, ' t t f 1 tl ( lto -. - - .cot=h.11lt11 c 'allot N Notary Public erneti I:v the norgin,uees. 'u e Sul :ula(inns ),tld ctiv Ie ih.tt �chalF ni J the a •nl�of the Cite tolc33 con � tnthencee tenth 'be of tla<uA..tiro and the tanecl:-'rt n Sly:t"PION 2. Upon the ha s.. bflu- hold, of lb i_. oShituLac the City$all (10 t C'tyent ll 11 Chc nt IA County ccorfrd In file _ Lake till caem.n`<Mrfet of s'a¢ Lake Cnonty n tr 'of m li+Inm 3",tlmge tenaZ VIIlect we;irt trr MIN, ihis oraimnce- .SRC'210N iIn the opinion n the Rfieldtof Chtnhe(�tuAsi neIth it A 0i fcl0"r[thn i I1ahitnuts of Sait lint:e['itve that this o dhtaore 21a11 tool'to 'fcc live edi ntol.v. 9E:C'1'ION 4. Thl.s ordinance; shell tal<v effect tr ion its'_n'_t nnh- IIc'ation. d hYi Suit,1<e City.U itah, th�ivail9th srlAr ltf FOVS'lo}WAILI;I, M3vor tfl:I:YAN J_ll(IGPNSEN 1'El. 'a 12e2 • Nn,:.a�nnd No.e cam,,:'sz,ID