73 of 1970 - Amending Section 32-2-10, regarding obscene literature to incorporate those provisions included in t ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay July 14 0
Salt Lake City,Utah_.__... , 197
Barker . . . . '
Catmull . . . I move that the Ordinance-
b�p sSed�
Harrison t` //`/ � l/cy AAA_AAA_ 2—iC
Ma Chairman . //
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 20-20-11 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to obscene films prohibited.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 20-20-11 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to obscene films prohibited, be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
Sec. 20-20-11. Obscene films prohibited. It shall be
unlawful for any person to hold, conduct, or carry on, or permit
to be held, conducted, or carried on, any motion picture, exhibi-
tion, or entertainment of any sort which violates Chapter 2,
Section 10, or Chapter 7, Section 7, of Title 32 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended. Upon
conviction of any person of any of the aforesaid violations
occurring in or on premises licensed under Chapter 20 of this
Title, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City may revoke
the license of such premises, regardless of the license owner-
ship thereof.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah-,
this 14th day of July, 1970. ) /
- ' ef
BILL NO. 73 of 1970
Published July 17, 1970
,"9 3
Affidavit Of Publication
County of Salt Lake
E. K. Carr
she is
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that Vois legal adver-
tising clerk of the DESERET;NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
AN ORDINANCE rotation, in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
NO11ACteRed0nntar of the Revised
County,it the State of Utal.dances of Salt Lake City,Utah,,1965,
✓ltng to obscene films prohibited.
Bit!1 ordalneod by the ke 1J or
CO:nmissleners r Jelt LaKe City:
yr That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
SECTION 1 That Section 20.I01
r ih Re I tl Ydl 5'Il
t k Clty,G1 h 96s Intl 1 a- Pub Ordinance Amending Sect 20-20-11 of the Revised
rllm p 'It d be d fl
neaby s ta ded{ d ---Ordinancesof SL-'Ciry, Utah, 1965, Relating to Obscene
follows:§0a0-1 gbuene films prod b-
leed. a shall Ee unlawful for ,v films prohibited, Bill No, 73 of .1970
or permit
to hold,bhnlucl,
or permit to be hold,conducted,°I-
ied on,any motion picture,exhh
bltion,on entertelnment of any sort
t•:hich vlolefen CnaDter Y,Secfioh 10.I
of flhe 7>,Section 1,or Tills J>
seised O:45,aa a SY.I
Lake citnV,ilteh,1965,ar.amended.
Coy o ere f y ens occur.
Any f.titeorrforo Bald Woises licensed cur•
under(Chapter]0 of prenilhls TIPIe, ail
oArd f Con:an�sslone[a oP Sall
_eke City ,rr.v0 RdB license of
such premis es,-c9al(I;nsn of the I!-'
``✓EC110N Z.In 1hP opil lan o!the ---
sBaryytotiCie Commice,ssioners, is sve1.1
Tnre of and weh1
,hat inisfnp inhammnla sat Lake'. was published in said newspaper an
erdrnancr h errecnve
fake effeccttauponT ts4fl sf-oubllcathon� .July 17, 1.970
Passed by the Board of Commi
5 of Sult eke CIIV.Utah,this
1 x'h°JxY of luJ. OA
Pt5'AL) r 1/
ublished July 17,1 tr (B-dn'i
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and swarm to before me this _---- _ -_-- --- day of
July A.D. 19._7D
Notary Public
My Commission.Expires
Feb 12, 1974