73 of 1972 - Amending Sections 274 and 275, Article 18, deleting the word 'metal' from the regulations for bicycl 4OTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 6 19 72
I move that the Ordinar)Ee be passed. /
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 274 and 275, referred to in Article 18, of
the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to regulations for bicycles.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 274 and 275, referred to in Article 18 of the
Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to regulations for bicycles, be, and the
same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 274. Licenses required. It shall be unlawful for any person
to operate or ride a bicycle upon any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks,
or public ways of this city unless said bicycle has been registered
and licensed as hereinafter provided or after the license has been duly
suspended or revoked. Every bicycle before being so registered and
licensed must be inspected with relation to its frame number, operating
condition, lights, warning device, reflector and handle bars. The
chief of polio is hereby authorized and directed, subject to the
approval of the board of city commissioners, to prepare and issue regu-
lations governing the inspection and licensing of bicycles, provided
that any such license so issued or heretofore issued by the police
department of Salt Lake City shall be valid for the life of such bicycle
or until the transfer of ownership thereof, or the bicycle license so
issued is destroyed, lost or mutilated, at which time, such bicycle shall
again be inspected, registered and licensed as herein provided. The fee
to be paid for each bicycle registered, transferred, or re-registered
because of transfer of title or the destruction, loss or mutilation of
the license or for any other reason shall be fifty cents payable in
"Sec. 275. Mutilation, alteration, removal of license, etc. No person
shall wilfully or maliciously destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any
bicycle frame licensed pursuant to this code or remove, destroy or mutilate
any license while the same is valid, or operate any vehicle without having
attached thereto a license issued as provided herein."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary that
to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordi-
nance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th
day of July, 1972.
Ailt4,0ell,rOrt — '
BILL NO. 73 of 1972
Published July 13, 1972
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
BBt±T Phelps-
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
AN bicycles.
1 ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 274 and 275,refertetl to in culattr newspaper in Utah, and publishedyh language with in Salt Lake City,eneral cir-
Salt Lake
Article 1e of tfe Traffic Cade of Salt Lake City,relating to regulations
for Be it
7 County,in the State of Utah.
Be IT ori,,fy 1d by the Board of Commissioners t Salt Lake Ci1v.
the T Traffic code of Sat Lhat ake Cltp ons 274 re relating tond 275, freguMons for erred to In �bicycles,
be,and the �fl hens required.It shall beadasfulfor That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Seat e a bicycle required.on s amended
ti be unlawful for any Person ton
publ ctwo lit this city unless said bicycl of the e has been registered and li-
censed as Biked. provided bicycle
after the license hog been duly sus- All 4rdirtanoo_r.o1at;n&_to red)Lat1.Sms_frlr a c ram«
censed.e r be
Inspected Every with
h vela ionbef to
being so s frame umber,operating and h- -
ond,ti.,,condition,lights,warning deviice,reflector tand handle bars.T chif
yt police Is hereb,autherized and directed,subiect to the approval of -m•-1.1_N9. ry..., f_.1-9.7
:the board oiYff.city CCon and toners,to prepare and issue regulation gov-
license the
so Issued or
heretofore IIssued by th of e pal provided
deportment cow
of Sat
Lake Clfy shaft be valid for the life of such bicycle or until the transfer -_
of ownership thereat,or the bicycle license so issued is destroyed,lost or mutilated,at which time,such bicycle shall again be Inspected,reg-
istered and licensed as herein provided.The fee to be paid for each
ibicycle registered,transferred,or re-registered because of transfer of
-title or the destruction,loss or mutilation of the license or for any other
reason shalt b fifty cents payable In advance.
'Sec.BMMutilation,alteration,removal of license,etc.No person
`shall wilfully ortnaliclously destroy,mutilate or alter the number of
any bicycle frame licensed pursuant to this code or remove,destroy or
+mutilate any Raise While the some is valid,or operate any vehicle
.without having attached thereto a license Issued as provided herein."
'es'Ary 1h ON the the
opinion h health theand Boafaro of Commissioners
rs i of Salt t is nec- ways published in saidnewspaper on
Lake City
t Ms dordinance shall take effect upon iIts first publics.I
SECT July 13, 1922
dih due at dalY 1972. EN _ _
BoardPassed by the of Commissioners of Salt LnkeECiJ'GM Yor
Oh 2----
city Recorder,iSF ---
BILL) Legal Alwrtising Cl rk.
BILL Ne_ci of 73,1 t&33)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
lAth. - day of
A.D. 19__72_.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974