73 of 1980 - Amending section 25-4-3 reclassifying various positions in the Salt Lake City Police Department. ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-4-3 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and the "Wage and
Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation
Employees," adopted by Bill No. 183 of 1978, amending Section 25-
4-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
relating to position titles and classifications and salary
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-4-3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and the "Wage and Salary
Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees,"
adopted by Bill No. 183 of 1978, amending Section 25-4-2 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
position titles and classifications and salary ranges, be, and
the same hereby is, amended as follows:
ADD the position of Police Clerk Trainee, Pay Class 210,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Police Clerk, Pay Class 212, under
the title covering Clerical. and Technical.
ADD the position of Police Secretary, Pay Class 214,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Senior Police Clerk, Pay Class 236,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Records Unit Supervisor, Pay Class
308, under the title covering Professional and
ADD the position of Director-Police Records Management,
Level 315 under the title covering Professional and
ADD the position of Evidence Room Technician, Pay Class
313, under the title covering Professional and
ADD the position of Switchboard Operator, Pay Class 209,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Telephone Systems Coordinator, Pyy
Class 211, under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Complaint Taker, Pay Class 214, under
the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Crime Lab Technician, Pay Class 212,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Crime Lab Analyst Trainee, Pay Class
310, under the title covering Professional and
ADD the position of Crime Lab Analyst, Pay Class .314,
under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional.
ADD the position of Senior Crime Lab Analyst, Pay Class
317, under the title covering Professional and
ADD the position of Printing Technician, Pay Class 214,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
ADD the position of Police Personnel Records Technician,
Pay Class 218, under the title covering Clerical and
DELETE the position of Police Clerk I, Pay Class 211,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Police Clerk II, Pay Class 212,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Police Clerk III, Pay Class 214,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Director-Personnel Records
Management, Level 006 of the Executive Salary Schedule.
DELETE the position of Machine Records Unit Assistant
Supervisor, Pay Class 216, under the title covering Clerical
and Technical.
DELETE the position of Records Certification Supervisor,
Pay Class 216, under the title covering Clerical and
DELETE the position of Complaint Taker, Pay Class 215,
under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Evidence Room Technician I, Pay
Class 501 - 503, under the title covering the Police
DELETE the position of Evidence Room Technician II, Level
006 of the Executive Salary Schedule.
DELETE the position of Crime Lab Technician I - Police
Department, Pay Class 501 - 504, under the title covering
the Police Department.
DELETE the position of Crime Lab Technician II, Level 006
of the Executive Salary Schedule.
DELETE the position of Crime Lab Technician III, Level
005 of the Executive Salary Schedule.
DELETE the position of Switchboard Operator I, Pay Class
207, under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Switchboard Operator II, Pay Class
209, under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Printing Technician, Pay Class
213, under the title covering Clerical and Technical.
DELETE the position of Machine Records Coordinator, Pay
Class 308, under the title covering Professional and
DELETE the position of Records Bureau Supervisor, Pay
Class 308, under the title covering Professional and
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on July 1,
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 1st day of July , 1980.
7t� , ' Acytet
Transmitted to Mayor on July 1, 1980
Mayor`s Action
BILL NO. 73 of 1980
Published July 10, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
ORDINANCE Shana D. Con aty
AN ORDINANCE AMC POINO Sec...25a3 of the PnwIne
d Ordinatires of Salt L ako City,Utah,1965 d tha"Wan+
d Ma Ad I Irat k n Salt L akc(dy Corp°
anon Employees,"a°°t I Ov Bill No 183 of PPR,antendteg
5 t 2 A f the R d-d Ordinate, f hall L k City,
Utah, rant r °°" Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal
ry Panne, P Y b
Be itaeainrd by l"=City Council°'Sall`„ke"'y,Utah' advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
SECTION I That Section Dal of the Revised Ode/ark-Pt
.,all Lake ctro Utah, r Sall
'Lake"°the W"°° and Salary (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
of Sall
Program for Sall f 19,Clfr L:oron 5ctli Em
devise by BIII No s aof olt6,amending Atth,n 25
relatin' language with general circulation in Utah, and
6.9 }the aRevimd Ordinances of Salt-Loki Pity.Utah.19G5,
ring d position Mlles and amended
/a and.salary rnrlg
Colton ofn olicef lock Trainee,nee,P published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
ADD the`i,Rion rig let(.leak Tl outeq Pay Class ale, Y Y
der the Position
n of P aerial and Tedrni"'1 State of Utah.
title Aoo the tiro CIr Ic Police Cle,k,Pay class 11z,udder the
[IOU 000 pon ti nri`al and Tr-rho It de
ADD the covering Clerical
Policeand rI o lee,rav CIasS Jla,under
the dlaco9mtionof e,r"dalie Cie That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
• ADD the ,con'of Senor Poll( cork,Pay CIoSs zI6.
,•the title cove of nerd, it Ttllhll lraL
ADD 1M a title
°I Records Unit Sent ands,ray Class
30n.under the tills coverann Panlesslonar and Pnranrorn3
n1,l Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to the
Level'31.5 hr under the DIdler tore reatP Oleeh nel 01111 Pords mrnno-
DD Ihr n itioo of Folder/Peg rkooln Tor:lorician. Pay
clo35 313,/odor the onerover/no Professional and Pardo- Wage & Salary Administration Program for Salt
ADD the.vtrinn of Swilelrbbard Operator ay Class 9.,
,odes the npoo covering lePhIol and tech Nrnl.
nog i.r,w•+son m remonr,e sy.vms COO!
mnarna,n:ry Lake'City Corp. Employees
ADss 2h,ender theof
coven Clef kla and0 COOS 1.
Ado!the late position
ng Complaint
l rival'nine echni ly Cgass 21,
Al)D the position of Chirne Lab Technician,Pay Mass 212,
under the title covet Inn Clerical and 1 ecllnllcal.
31I Pay dino
3100 punder Ilse Bile Cflrnnye;laLab Analvsl Trainee,d .r./profn�5
ADD the pir,111011fFrt.1 Lob 1 (1 514,
tooter the tine rove,Ina Penton,neat and Parent ofe to
ADD the eon or Sentor Crime Lnh Analyst,Pay CIO,
p,dodos t�lei;ifln rover/no nieten;inn,rl and f'arnnrn,e• was published in said newspaper on July 10, 1980
ADD the 'sal on of P'fling Tea nnirlarr,P I:rs.21a,
rlSr the Bile coro'f'"Clerical and l hhrnleal�y
Payf10 r 1,u f P°lire Persann^I kecore Technician.
Pay C'.lass 218,under Inu tins novrring Clrricnl and Trrlr-
> I-Tr 1 - f r k I P f ,.41 I.
1 1 PcovefItto dlureal o el I t - )5 ,\\ a`. a(hl V\.J� /� 1
uDI ndo the the e k I v C ss 919, r li \_-(��- _
ode fl t Ins I r Y- - - /�
code E IF e I1 sill r Pole a.c k III al
ass 214, Legal Advertising filer
coder thetitletfl gal and o 1 -al.
OCnage Ihr covet
n 1 Oil,.tot-n SRnnnul Pcaceelute r.
Management,Ole Level 005 0l of
I xi r f don rSaldh v 5<lrneele.
Serfervo the v I Ma.Jffor the Idle
eve ing t:rnl
eial and
Pay notation
�16.,rder the title revering fnr'-
1 and set h posit./ 23 rd
sod Pay me ).,hen r event rover
srl>L ,fol•e me this ay of
Pay gas;216,under ore tiPc cover rag ClorICel doll
and E to t ttor 'coral
lai rake',Pay .la.o 215,
r')rLE°f'the o:�l `f F inmdTet Rleo'icch,tan , A.D. 19 80
Pay Gas 5 Jn3 hr /the covering the vol c
Lev FIC fh t fr1 R T 11,
VL r t the r yecutlytt
Ird M1 .-il f Co
me i lab To loot Ian I Palo,
De t Pay CI 01 PVC noloete tale -In
he Pollee 006 F t the
tl f I b r ch f'r.an viol �1 -
DE C h F -1v 5 J Ode
DE ^
L LT t- .it < T b rya-1 Notary Public
DE I the F, - v Salary Schott/le-
ClfossE29J,rimer the titlenuv,!Nn.,1(for l III ard nd t olineal
1 rjtinn rI Switchboard O"cratnf II.I':n
CIS 'r lititle r nvo P11,1, and'r cal
and h.•ht.t 1 Pr 110,1111), it .1r141hPav T 1/nlc�al. r`I:r s
DUl-F1E the re5it'nn of Marlhnn Rcro4l5 Conrdit,5rrr.
Pay Class 3w.'under lip non revenng snevint,.and
Pal nerofooto lol.
Dfi1 the
r °1 t 11, 1°
ac308 u e na4, ri1'0,1rnr,01eu�O;rn'rratan
SilCTsIgNal9 v,has Orcllnonr.•sh,rll lake rNer I era loin
1930 t
rfJuly h the(iry Cnuro it It mall eke City.Walt,the vv 11 `
day of July,I'lall. RONAL D.I.WI IITFH,'AD
CHIEl-D1 d UPU IM.ayo'a oIll nv 001 10
Mayor's Aclivn fC-D .+N LSON
Bill_NO 73 of 198' I,99
ublished July 10,1980